April 2015 National Day of Mourning On April 28, people across Canada stop to remember the workers killed, injured or disabled at work. In 2014, Alberta lost 169 men and women to workplace injury or illness. To honour them, we have developed a memorial poster in recognition of the day. This poster will appear in workplaces and in ceremonies across the province as a remembrance and a tribute to workers killed or injured on the job. Also included is a small vinyl sticker to provide a tangible reminder of the significance of April 28. We would be happy to provide you with a supply if you’re interested in distributing them to visitors. We ask that you display the poster and use it in any events to mark this Day of Mourning. If you have any questions, need stickers or additional posters, please contact Dina DaSilva, WCB corporate communications at 780.498.8616 or at [email protected]. Save the Date MCA Provincial conference – Register before April 9 to save Alberta’s winter has been warm compared to the long and cold winter of 2014. Now that’s it’s spring, Alberta has a month head start on summer this year! So… Plan your first summer excursion early! Invermere, B.C., the Columbia Valley, Alberta’s Gold Coast, Copper Point Resort, the first weekend of May and a business trip to boot. All in a place where chances are pretty good it’ll feel like summer. If you’ve been to the Invermere, you know. If you haven’t been, you need to experience it. It just can’t get any better! Check out the MCA Alberta 65th Annual Provincial Conference registration package and all of the other activities that are available in and around the conference centre. This is a great place to bring your family, meet your friends and colleagues, and network with your business associates. Check out the great speakers and the incredible entertainment that are in queue for the MCA Alberta membership at the 65th Annual Provincial Conference. Plan to bring your family and reward your staff with savings by registering before April 9! Plus, don’t forget to book your accommodations at the Copper Point Resort (reservations also before April 9). Industry News September 17-19: 2015 Construction Industry Fishing Derby May 27: LOBSTERFEST - Tickets on sale soon! New MCA Members Beverley Bell Hyatt Auto Gallery Mercedes Benz 909 – 15 Street SW Calgary, A.B. T3C 1E5 Phone: 403-232-6400 Fax: 403-232-6565 Email: [email protected] Bob Suitor Weber Mercedes-Benz 5611 – 104 Street Edmonton, A.B. T6H 2K1 Phone: 780-431-5100 Fax: 780-431-5144 Email: [email protected] Draft MCA by-laws for review Over the past year, the MCA Alberta board has undertaken a major review of the association’s governing by-laws. The last time that modest changes were adopted was in 1998, and the current by-laws under which the MCA operates date back to a time when the association was heavily involved in negotiations with unions on behalf of the members. MCA Alberta is no longer involved in union negotiations and now represents both union and non-union business on a broad range of industry issues. The MCA board of directors invites members to review the proposed draft by-laws, and if you would like to compare them to the existing by-laws, they can be found here. A motion to rescind the current by-laws and adopt the draft by-laws will be presented at the MCA Alberta annual general meeting which is scheduled for Saturday, May 2 at 9:00 a.m. in the Quartz room at Copper Point Resort, Invermere, B.C. Please plan to attend and participate in this important renewal process. Board of director positions open for Edmonton region The MCA Alberta is seeking nominations of one, or possibly two contractor members for the position of contractor director on the MCA board. These positions will represent mechanical and/or service contractor sectors throughout the northern region, Red Deer north, of the province. The board of directors usually meet four times per year in Red Deer. Plus, directors may be required to participate in various committees through in-person meetings, conference calls, and attend various member functions as a representative of the association. Events April 30 to May 3: MCA 65th annual provincial conference and annual general meeting at Copper Point Resort - Invermere, B.C. Events May 20: MCA Canada western region managers meeting, Winnipeg June 12 to 13: MCA strategic planning meeting, Kananaskis Lodge As a member of the board of directors, you will bring forward your insight and help find solutions to issues that directly impact the mechanical contracting industry. You will meet with industry leaders from other sectors, liaise with government officials and network with business leaders throughout the industry. If you are interested in joining the ranks of industry leaders who have provided guidance to the association for over 100 years, please forward your expression of interest to the MCA Alberta office, care of [email protected], or contact one of your current board of director representatives. Member charge-out survey results Periodically, MCA Alberta updates its service contractor rate card. This rate card provides a detailed breakdown of the average labour and overhead costs that our service contactor members are using to determine their charge-out rates. The survey is useful for members to compare their costs to industry averages and has been used to provide assurance to customers that the billing rates they are being charged are competitive with industry averages. The results of our March 2015 survey are available on the MCA website at www.mca-ab.com. A special thank you to the individuals and companies that took time to respond to the survey. Your input and participation is greatly appreciated. Introduction to Mechanical Service webinar - now open for registration The Mechanical Service Contractors of Canada, in partnership with the Construction Education Council (CEC), is pleased to present an exclusive webinar series called Introduction to Mechanical Service. The program is a series of four webinars of approximately 45 minutes each that are specifically designed for anyone new to the mechanical field. It covers everything from service terminology to why contractors charge the rates they do. Activities to do in the Columbia Valley April 30 – May 3 Check out what the Columbia Valley has to offer: Golf Each course is only $75 plus tax, but if you buy three, CEC will give you the fourth one free! Hot-springs To find out more or to register, click here. Or visit www.servicecontractor.ca, email [email protected] or call 613-232-0492. Mountain biking Hiking Rafting Spotting Module one: April 6 (12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. EDT) More hiking Module two: April 20 (12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. EDT) More hot-springs Module three: May 4 (12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. EDT) Trail rides Module four: June 1 (12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. EDT) Soaring Fishing Environment and Safety Geocaching Art stops Safety code changes will strengthen protection for Albertans Bill 21, the Safety Codes Amendment Act, 2015, brings forward proposed changes in four key areas. If passed, the legislation: • • • • Will ensure that Alberta is able to adopt the most up-to-date building and safety codes available in a timely manner. Will improve accountability mechanisms with third-party safety inspectors by moving to an improved fee-for-service model. Will improve compliance by establishing administrative penalties. Will assist municipalities with planning initiatives by allowing them to establish bylaws for private sewage disposal systems. “The Alberta Safety Codes Act provides critical protection for Albertans so they are safe. The proposed changes build on these protections by ensuring that the most up-to-date safety standards are in place.”- Diana McQueen, minister of municipal affairs. Municipal affairs completed stakeholder consultations on the Safety Codes Act in 2009 and 2014. The proposed changes have been supported by industry stakeholders, municipalities and safety codes stakeholders. The Safety Codes Act came into effect in 1994, establishing Alberta’s safety codes system. Since then, the government and its key partners and stakeholders have identified ways to enhance the act to provide a better framework for the safety codes system in Alberta. Kids funtasia Bowling Dining Health and Benefits Did you know….. That in today’s competitive labour market, having a competitive employee benefit program is more important than ever to attract and retain quality employees. The MCA benefit program provides buying power, resulting in lower rates and flexible plan design options. Call Russ or Vicky at 1-800-251-0620 to set up a time to discuss. 21 ways to boost your well-being Maybe you can’t change your health overnight but you can get a head start. WHIMIS 2015 update The Canadian government has introduced new Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR) which came into effect in February. Click here to learn more. Click here to read more about the WHIMIS 2015 update. Aon Risk Solutions Aon is an industry-leading solutions advisor in risk and human resources. Our proven ability to integrate risk management and insurance solutions across many diverse industries enables our clients to better anticipate and manage change in their organizations. Aon Construction Services Group – made up of 150 colleagues – has the knowledge, skills, talent and expertise to tailor risk management strategies for your complex risk exposures. Aon offers a breadth of experience, servicing large global and regionally located contractors in the construction industry. As an MCA member, Aon is committed to providing you with a personalized service and customized solutions. Talk to us today about: Contact your local broker to arrange a meeting: Northern Alberta: Barrie Latter 1.780.423.9838 - Risk management - Insurance and performance security - Loss prevention - Contract review - In-house claims advocacy Southern Alberta: Nick Bencivenga 1.403.267.7061 About the MCAA Since the early 1900s, Alberta’s plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters, gasfitters and mechanical contractors have utilized the united voice, programs, information, service and social network of the Mechanical Contractors Association of Alberta (MCAA). Today, the MCAA strives to create value for its members by identifying and mitigating issues that affect the industry, the development and delivery of high-quality education programs, providing a competitive group health insurance benefits plan, facilitating member benefit programs and services, and providing opportunity for social and professional networking.
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