to READ our CURRENT Newsletter

June 7, 2015
Inside this issue:
Seeking Wholeness in Christ;
Sharing God’s love.
McDougall’s group and program details, schedules,
contacts are listed on pages 6&7.
Wed, June 10
9 AM: Heritage Time Out
Thu, June 11
10 AM: Alzheimer's’ Support Group
Sat, June 13
8:30 AM: Men’s Club Breakfast—after breakfast
Antonina will lead the men in singing practice for the
June 21 (Father’s Day) service. All men welcome.
Sun, June 14
10 AM Worship: Celebrating McDougall’s 54th
Anniversary and the United Church of Canada’s 90th
Anniversary and new memberships.
Stampede Breakfast on Sunday,
July 5 at 8:30 a.m.
Free will offering!
Watch for notices to be posted on the
wall just outside the Sanctuary.
Ya’all be welcome to wear western
attire. YA-HOO! We’ll be serving up
eggs, sausages, pancakes, gluten free
pancakes and fancy toppings. Breakfast will be followed by our western
themed worship service led by Bob
Mutlow at 10:00 a.m. If you would be
able to help with the breakfast,
please contact John Naylor
[email protected] or 403-259-2196.
Farewell Luncheon
Mark Sunday June 28th on your calendar as the farewell luncheon
for our beloved ministers, Dave and Karen Holmes, who will be
leaving McDougall at the end of the month after seven and eight
years of service. They will be greatly missed.
Please sign up in the Narthex for numbers attending and for each
family to bring a salad or dessert. Cold cuts & buns will be provided.
Please contact Linda Dyck (403-271-3780) or Catherine Marlin (403-271-6073) if you
would like to assist with the luncheon or have any questions.
Donations for congregational gifts of appreciation will be collected by the church administrators in the office. Please indicate “for ministers’ farewell gifts” on any cheques. If you prefer to
offer an individual/particular group gift please contact Janet Hansen to help us avoid
duplication. [email protected] Please send any great photos you have representing Dave
and Karen’s work at McDougall to Lori at [email protected]
Hellos & Goodbyes
Offering Thanks &
- Dave & Karen Holmes
Upcoming Worship
Youth Summer Event
From the Chair
—Dave Taylor
Faith Friends
- children news & goodbye to Rev Karen event
Groups & Programs
6, 7
- BBQ’s notices for
Multifokals & Friendship
- Food Bank Sunday
- Acadia Block Party
- McDougall Memorial
church and museum
- Where are the skills
- Summer office hours
Help Required:
- Feed the Hungry
- Communion Server
- Helpers for Decorating
- Pastoral Phone Out
- Showcase your skills
Music and art at the
Acadia Garden
8, 9
Library News
Thank you notes
VBS United Church—
kids summer program
Office Hours, Contact
Staff Contact
Our SEPTEMBER newsletter
will be available on August 31
Submissions deadline: Aug 24.
From the pen of the McDougall Seniors’ Pastoral Care Minister Rev. Bob Mutlow
Hellos and Goodbyes
Life is all about “Hellos & Goodbyes” – all along life’s passages we have special rites and ceremonies to mark these
changing, vulnerable times in our lives. A new baby is born into the family and we celebrate together as we live out the
festivals of the Church Year – Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, Pentecost and summer camps. This is the
season of graduations – grade twelve graduation is an important rite of passage, and in rural areas a leaving home
ceremony. Families come together to celebrate career choices and to join in the most joyous of the rites of passage –
marriage and finally the rites of death. Each age brings its own challenges whether it is youth and coming-of-age, middle
age with its changing realities or retirement with its wonderful opportunities but also the reality of aging and health
concerns. As the teacher in Ecclesiastes reminds us, “There is a time to be born and a time to die,” and he calls us to
affirm life at every step of the way, in good times or bad, “It is God’s gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in
all their toil.”
Summer time in Canada is a treasured season as we connect with family and friends at weddings and family
reunions, picnics on the beach or hiking in the mountains. A group of us from McDougall and beyond are privileged to
join in a river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest, leaving on June 6th and returning on June 21st. On Sunday, June 14
when we sail into Nuremburg, which holds so many World War Two memories, we plan to offer a “Check-In time and
Communion Service and we can hold each other up in prayer.
We have a number of special events happening at McDougall in June including:
Friendship Group Barbecue - Thursday, 6 PM, June 25th (Note change of date) - This is a seniors’ get together
for singles and couples to meet for friendship, fun and support. Small groups are the way we get to know people in
the church – pick up a ticket and join us for this annual wrap up event.
90th Anniversary of Church Union – Wednesday, June 10th – Go on line to the United Church of Canada website
for ways to celebrate this milestone. On June 10, 1925 the Congregationalists, Methodists and two thirds of the
Presbyterians marched through three separate gates in the Mutual Street Arena in Toronto singing “The Church’s
One Foundation.”
Goodbye to David & Karen Holmes - Sunday June 28 worship followed by a “Potluck Luncheon”– a day to celebrate the many gifts that Karen with her passion for Faith Friends and Dave with his sermon, “God loves you and God
loves through you,” have brought to this community.
Stampede Sunday – July 5th – Men’s Group Pancake Breakfast and Cowboy Church – Calling Singers: come
and join the “Country-Western Song Leaders.” Do you have a favorite gospel song – send me an Email to:
[email protected] and we’ll try and include it in the service, which I will be leading that day.
Next Steps – I will be leading the summer services until the new Supply Minister arrives, which could be at any time. I
am moving to fifteen hours a week for the coming year and will take on much of the Pastoral Care with the Pastoral Care
Committee. The church will need everyone to step up and take their place on the Joint Needs Assessment Committee
and in the on-going work of the church as move into this “Goodbye & Hello” time. In the meanwhile, let’s rejoice in
summer in the city and enjoy the wonders of this great land!
Shalom, Rev. Bob
OFFERING THANKS AND BLESSINGS ~ Rev. Dr. Dave and Rev. Karen Holmes
For our final newsletter page,
we’d like to offer thanks and
blessing to you, the congregation
of McDougall United Church.
Thanks for welcoming us, and
hanging in with us for these past
8 years – from challenging beginnings to our current state of wellbeing.
Thanks for your particular
spiritual gifts and strengths.
Thanks for the friendships that
have grown here, the depth of
care you show for one another
(and for your neighbors). Thanks
for being a group of people that
we have come to love. Thanks
for the ways you demonstrate
God’s love for the marginalized
people, those that have been, for
whatever reason, pushed out of
the prosperous main-stream of
Calgary life – in the hamper
project, the Inn from the Cold,
Feed the Hungry dinner, Habitat,
sandwiches for the Drop In
Centre, the new school lunch
project, and so many more.
Thanks for this building you
have built (and paid for!), and the
way you provide sacred space for
and in this neighborhood.
Thanks for your diversity of
theological and political opinions
and perspectives, and the way
you learn, challenge, and even
argue with curiosity, care, and
respect. Thanks for your
attention to all ages, your
passionate care and sensitivity.
Thanks for your leadership and
community. We have been
through some things that could
have been quite difficult and
divisive, and you have turned
them into steps forward – our
possible partnership with St.
Andrew’s, the cell tower
controversy, and the sabbatical.
There are tremendous gifts of
leadership that have been
exercised quite widely in this
congregation; you need to know
what a blessing this has been
and will continue to be.
As our path moves away from
yours, we also want to bless you
as you move into this new
chapter in your life and ministry.
Our hopes for you include these:
That you may move into the
future with a strong shared
vision – to carry your
particular McDougall
strengths into the future:
friendship, curiosity, practical
care, sacred space for others,
and a welcome to all
generations. May you always
know that God loves you –
and that God loves through
That you may be particularly
open to and support and encourage what God is doing in
and with younger generations, and the people
surrounding this church. We
are convinced that the future
of the church lies in building
relationships with people and
organizations outside the
church. We pray that you will
continue to be a church in
That you may continue to find
joy, energy, growth and
purpose in the mission
projects: the Christmas
hampers, the Inn from the
Cold, Habitat for Humanity,
Feed the Hungry, and the new
project in food security and
table fellowship in Acadia and
beyond. These projects seem
to “tick all the boxes:” they
draw in new people, they
appeal to all ages, they put the
gospel into action, they build
partnerships with our
communities, they cause us to
Grace, blessings and love to you
all. We will be trying to enjoy this
month with you, and we will try to
make connections with as many of
you as we can. As we have tried to
say as often as possible, after
seven and eight years here this
congregation is full of people we
love and appreciate. We have
learned and grown much in our
time here. We will continue to
pray for you, to celebrate your
faithful growth, and remember and
give thanks that we were able to
walk with you through these years.
May God’s Spirit
bring you to ever greater heights
and depths!
Karen and Dave
Upcoming Worship Schedule
June 14: This will be a celebration of the 90th anniversary of the United Church of Canada, of
McDougall’s 54th Anniversary and a celebration of new membership here at McDougall.
Scripture: Mark 4: 26-34 and Psalm 16.
June 21: Fathers' Day! The Men's Chorus will be singing on this day, and there will be a number of
celebrations... After worship there will be a brief congregational meeting to update us on the progress of
the congregational mission project (Acadia Feeds Itself—this title will change at the meeting).
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17 -- the David and Goliath story!
June 28: This will be Karen and Dave's last Sunday here as ministers. There will be a pot-luck lunch
after worship. Come celebrate as we bless each other on our way!
July 5: Stampede Sunday – Men’s Group Pancake Breakfast and Cowboy Church – Calling Singers:
come and join the “Country-Western Song Leaders.” Do you have a favorite gospel song – send Rev. Bob
an Email to [email protected] and we’ll try and include it in the service, which Bob will be leading. The
breakfast starts at 8:30 AM and worship begins at 10:00 AM.
Hello McDougall Crew!
Myself and other youth leaders have been working on our
camp for this summer! Revolution Camp is a 5 day urban
volunteer project that launched last year and is getting
ready for another great year of fellowship. Based at
Southwood United Church, we will be volunteering at
agencies like the Mustard Seed, Grow Calgary and the
Drop In Center. Teens must be going into grade 8 in order
to participate. The BIG NEWS is that there are 2 weeks this
year. August 3-7 will be DAY CAMPS from 8-4pm each day
with the cost being $175 or bring a friend from $150 each.
Costs include snacks for the week and transportation costs.
Week 2 is August 17-21 and will be an OVERNIGHT camp
at Southwood United Church for the cost of $225. Week 2 includes all three meals and stay overnight at
Southwood and transportation. For forms and for more details please contact Alina at 403-464-8250.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!
Alina Cox
Youth Leader
McDougall United Church
from the Chair of Executive Council - Dave Taylor
Sunday, May 24 – what an amazing day that was! A multi-faceted worship
service, a lunch, a concert, and a mortgage burning ceremony, all in one
I was so impressed by the variety and the quality of all the performers at
the Spring Concert. Especially the Celebration Singers – I have to go back
to the days of the combined Christmas choir concerts at St-Cecilia’s (and
that’s many years ago) to think of the last time our main choir equaled this performance. I loved that
everyone got to take part in the mortgage burning. Lunch was terrific. The worship service was
memorable with the incorporation of the Grade 3 bibles, the scholarships, and the lighting of candles.
When I think of everything we had going on – and the work behind the scenes to get it all set up (and
knocked down afterwards, with a 4:30 deadline from Inn From the Cold staring us in the face) – and to
watch it all go off without a hitch, well, what can I say except that you all knocked my socks off!!!
So, specific thanks – to Antonina Cox, for pulling all the different people and elements together for that
awesome concert; Barrie Clayton, for running the technical and logistical side of it; Brian Dowse and
Bill Paynter, for building us a church – and for everything you did right up to and including the final
push to get the mortgage paid off; Mike Smith, for your leadership in this, not limited to but certainly
including that part where you deposited the last $88,075 into the RBC loan account; Judy Smith, for
your leadership in this, and for pulling together lunch for a small army; Beatrice Musambu, for your
help in getting the word out about the event; and Karen and Dave Holmes, for your leadership through
a very challenging time to a time of great gratitude and blessing.
And on behalf of Council and the entire McDougall family to the full roster of volunteers you had helping you in putting this wonderful day together, I offer thanks and congratulations for a job superbly
done! God bless you all.
One more thing…a reminder to please stick around after worship on Father’s Day, June 21, for a brief
town hall meeting at which the Congregational Project Committee will update you on plans for the
“Acadia Feeds Itself” mission project. I think you’ll be excited by what you hear.
Dave Taylor
The “Faith Friends” children have rented a garden plot at Acadia community garden (340 94th Ave S.E ) this
past Sunday the kids and I planted seeds ( carrots, beets, 2 types of lettuce, peas onions, radishes). We had so
much fun planting. We are looking for volunteers throughout the summer to help water and weed our small
garden, if this is something you are interested in please E-mail:
[email protected]
FAITH FRIENDS are having our farewell for Rev Karen on Sunday 14th of June
11:30 am - til about 1:30 pm. We are having a potluck lunch, and have a guest
speaker !!
If you are interested in attending please E-mail: [email protected]
Groups for Adults
55+ will not be returning in the Fall, but we have enjoyed The Group for many years.
Thur, Jun 25
1:00 PM—3:30 PM
Monthly Group—Sept to Jun
M&M Room
Title choosing for 2015/16. Choosing books to read.
Contact: Heather Smith 403-278-3358
email: [email protected]
Sat, Jun 20
8:30 AM to 3 PM
Monthly Group—Sep to Jun
Planning, preparing and cooking with a group. Take home 10-14
meals and soups.
Save some money and have a lot of fun.
Contact/Register: Catherine Marlin 403-271-6073
Fri, Jun 5
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Monthly Group—Sep to Jun
Community Kitchen is a self-supporting program and members
pay according to how many servings they take. Taking home 67 meals. Newcomers are always welcome.
Contact/Register: Margaret Holden-Scott.
[email protected] 403-252-9436
Session will resume in Sept
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Monthly Group—Sep to May
Holy Grounds The first meeting in autumn will be on Tuesday September 28.
Coffee Lounge Contact: Brian Dowse 403-201-3091
6:00 PM—10: 00 PM
Monthly Group—Sep to Jun
Tue, Jun 9, Early Evening outing to a local theatre
Monthly Group—Oct to Jun
Details TBA . See our web page.
Contact: Gordon or Mary Stevens 403-271-1884
Session runs weekly: Wednesdays
9:00 AM—11:00 AM
Drop-ins welcome.
June 10. Twinkle Toes nail painting
$10. All welcome.
June 17 Last day, pot luck brunch.
This group is for women of all ages and stages of life.
It is meant to be a break for women
to socialize and have some time for themselves.
We offer a morning of crafts, lively conversation and coffee.
Babysitting is provided. Nominal fee.
Contact: Lorraine Rohs 403-278-6266.
Will resume in Oct
9:00 AM—11:30 AM
Monthly Group—Oct to May
M&M Room
9 AM Sandwich making.
Final fun meeting with ice cream, strawberries and coffee.
Contact: Marilyn Bily 403-271-2931
Mon, June 15
7:15 PM—8:45 PM
Monthly Group—Sep to Jun
M&M Room
We’ll be choosing book titles for 2015/16 year.
Contact: Ruth Dunsire 403-271-2846.
Sat, Jun 13
8:15 AM. Breakfast 8:30 AM.
Monthly Group—Sep to Jun
We will be practicing singing in preparation for the Father's Day
June 21st worship service. All men are welcome. If you would
like to join us and are not on our regular phone call list, please
contact John Naylor so we can be sure to have enough food.
Contact : John Naylor 403-259-2196 or email
[email protected]
June wind—up Barbeque will be held Thursday June 25. Please
Note changed date.
Healing and Care Programs
Will resume in Sept
9:00 AM—12 Noon
Meets twice a month Sep to May
We work with the body’s energy systems using
techniques which promote deep relaxation.
Appointments must be booked.
Contact: Paula Sangster (403-281-1692) or Dorothy Burton
Host the homeless the 4th Sunday
of each month
Hospitality Hall
McDougall is honoured to host homeless guests for dinner,
overnight stay and breakfast. Volunteers are required for
several shifts and laundry.
Contact: Mary Lee Block (403-253-8976).
Ruth Hall
If you like to knit or crochet you would be welcome to join us
in creating shawls for this ministry. Each shawl is blessed
with prayer and given to people in need of spiritual comfort.
If you know someone who requires a shawl do let us or the
office know.
Contact: Carol Clayton 403-279-4767.
Will resume in the Sept
Meets a few times per year
Music Programs
Ladies Ensemble
6:10 PM to 6:55 PM
Will resume in Sept
Weekly practices Sep to Jun
M&M Room
This dynamic chorus sings both a cappella and
accompanied. The Bel Cantos regularly present
music for worship services and also participate in concerts.
Contact: Antonina Cox (403-252-1620).
7:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Will resume in Sept
Weekly practices Sep to Jun
M&M Room
Full of singers and musicians who like to sing upbeat songs
and music with more challenges such as gospel, jazz and
slightly pop.
Contact: Antonina Cox (403-252-1620).
7:35 PM—8:55 PM
Will resume in Sept
Weekly practices Sep to June
The choir sings a variety of choral literature. In all anthem
selections, we seek to present songs which praise our Lord
and lead His church to worship Him. Please come and add
your voice to ours.
Contact: Antonina Cox (403-252-1620).
7:00 PM—8:30 PM
Will resume in Sept
Weekly practices Sep to Jun
Come and learn to play the Mano Bells (handbells). Fun and
simple … no musical experience necessary.
Contact: Andreas Cordsen (403-457-6492).
Support Groups
Thu, Jun 11 & 25
10:00 AM—11:30 AM
Meets twice a month
M&M Room
A support group for caregivers of those suffering from
Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.
Information/to attend please contact:
Clara Fluker (403-271-9570).
Every Saturday
10:30 AM—12:00 PM
GA is a non-profit, self—supporting fellowship of recovering
compulsive gamblers who meet regularly to help each other
recover. Website:
Every Saturday
9:15 AM—10:30 AM
M&M Room
OA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared
experience, strength and hope, are recovering from
compulsive eating. No dues. Website:
TOPS, Take off
9:00—10:30 AM
Meets weekly Sep to Jun
M&M Room
Is your weight posing a risk of health problems for
you? TOPS is dedicated to providing encouragement and
information for a healthy lifestyle. Minimal cost.
Please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 4th, 2015 as McDougall co-sponsors the Feed the Hungry Dinner at St.
Mary’s Hall. For this event we will need a financial donation of $5,000.00 and approximately 55 volunteers working four
different shifts between 9:30 am - 6:30 pm. So how can YOU help out?
Mark your calendar now for October 4th and then sign up for a shift on the volunteer sheets posted in the main foyer of
the church beginning in July.
Make a financial contribution marked FEED THE HUNGRY DINNER anytime between now and the end of the year.
Do both 1 and 2!
Thanks McDougall for your continued support of this worthwhile community outreach.
If you have any questions please contact Daren Patterson @403-251-7515.
FOOD BANK SUNDAY is the first Sunday of the month
Please bring a non-perishable item for the Food Bank the
first Sunday of the month.
WORSHIP & MUSIC are looking for volunteers
REQUIRED - a team of people to assist the Church
Decorator with setting up and removing decorations
for the different church seasons. Please contact
John Naylor for further information.
REQUIRED - someone to coordinate and contact the
monthly communion servers. Please contact John
Naylor for further information.
John Naylor email: [email protected] or 403-259-2196
Note to Pastoral Care
Phone-Out Volunteers
for 2015
The Pastoral Care
Committee will hold this
year's phone-out in September.
We will meet in the Hospitality Hall for a light
breakfast prior to worship on September 20th.
Following an orientation time, the packages will be
distributed. The phone calls should be completed
in 2 weeks. Shirley Wilding will be calling for 43
volunteers in early September.
We hope you will be able to help with this
Do you have artistic talents? This is your chance to showcase your skills. You can participate in the "Art in the Garden" event on July 26th at the Acadia Community Garden by performing or displaying your artwork. Open to anybody
who lives, works, studies, worships and plays in Acadia. Please contact [email protected] ,
facebook: Acadia Community Garden and Art Society or contact Viviana at 403 476-7280 for further information.
Multifolkals - Summer is coming so come celebrate
by attending a B. B. Q. on Saturday, June 20 at the
Clayton's farm. Meet at the church by 5:45 p.m. to
car pool. Supper at 6:30. Cost is $7.00 per person. Please bring your own plate, cutlery, cup and
lawn chair.
If you are coming please call Esther Petersen
at 403-252-5453.
Sunday: 1 hour after worship.
Monday to Thursday: 9AM to 1PM
Closed Friday & Saturday.
Acadia neighbours have invited McDougall to a
Block Party on June 20 from 5-8 pm. The
McDougall project committee will be bringing hotdogs for the street, and anyone in the
congregation who wants to attend and meet the
neighbours are welcome! Bring lawn chairs and
some food to share. Contact Dave and Martha
Taylor for more information or to help.
McDougall Memorial Church
(Located on Highway 1A - 30 minute drive west of Cochrane, Alberta)
The Annual Spring service will be held on Sunday June 14 at 3 pm in the McDougall Memorial Church. The
Morley Mission is celebrating the 140th anniversary of the McDougall family arriving in the Bow Valley to set up
a Methodist Mission to the Stoney Nation. The church was built by Revs. George & John McDougall and their
congregation with the assistance of Andrew Sibbald - the teacher at the Mission school. The Church is now a
Museum and is open on Saturday and Sunday each year from June to September. All are welcome to attend and
learn about our Alberta history and the work of the McDougalls.
“Where’s the Skills? In Acadia” is hosting a facilitated conversation entitled “The Cooperative Option: Using
a Co-operative Model for Social Organizing, led by Seth Leon, from the Alberta Community & Cooperative
Association (ACCA). Learn about small scale initiatives where people have gathered to address a social issue/
problem. Examples: babysitting exchanges, tool lending, consumer groups.
Wednesday June 24; 6:30 to 8 pm at McDougall United Church.
Contact Viviana at [email protected] for further information.
McDougall Library News
June 2015
A Nurse Abroad - Anne Watts - 2012
D. 637
Keeping Faith - Jodi Picoult - 2000
How The Light Gets In - Louise Penny
- 2013
The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the
Rules - Ingleman & Sundberg - 2012
The Wily O'Riley - Patrick Taylor - 2014
Emma Brown - Clare Boylan - 2005
Ru - Kim Thuy
- 2009 & 2012
Identical - Scott Turow - 2013
The King's Curse - Philippa Gregory
An Irish Doctor in Peace & War - Patrick
Taylor - 2014
Bones Never Lie - Kathy Reichs - 2014
Flying With Amelia - Anne Degrace - 2011
- short stories of Canada 1847 -2012
He Is Real - Millie Stamm - 1991
The Book of Daily Prayer
- Kim Sadler - 1991
Jesus Calling - Sarah Young - 2004
Quiet Moments with God by Honor Books
- 2002
The Pattern of Our Days, Worship in the
Celtic Tradition from the Iona Community
- edited by Kathy Galloway
Praying with Passionate Women - Bridget
Mary Meehan - 1995
Lean In - Sheryl Sandberg - 2013
Brilliant Gardens (English)- Green & Lawson
David Tarrant's Canadian Gardens
Creating A Garden for the Senses - Cox &
The Scented Garden - a step by step
project workbook - Richard Bird
Vertical Gardening - Caroline Boisset
Water Features for Small Gardens
- Ethne Clarke
When God Steps In Miracles Happen Neale Walsch - 2011
Sacred Places, Pilgrim Paths - Martin
Robinson - 1998
Sabbath - Finding Rest, Renewal and De
light in our Busy Lives- Wayne Muller - 2000
A Search for What Is Real - Finding Faith
- Brian McLaren - 1999
calming your anxious mind - Brantley,
M.D. - 2007
Invite Joy Into Your Life - Mary Seger,
- 2007
Choosing Rest - Sally Breedlove, - 2002
To Love Delilah, Claiming the Women of
the Bible - Cartledge & Hayes - 1990
The Gospel According to Harry Potter
- Connie Neal - 2002
The Gospel According to Dr.Seuss
- James Kemp - 1989
Zealot, The Life & Times of Jesus
of Nazareth - Reza Aslan - 2013
TO FIND whether we have a book you want you can look in the 2 boxes on the shelves behind the library
Thank you to All who continue to donate books to our library.
Janet, Carol and Joan
A huge "thank you" to those men and women who worked really hard to make the McDougall
grounds look so attractive. To those that spruced up the Memorial Garden. Also to the Men’s
Club for their Annual Yard clean up and to Marylin Bily for keeping up the front planter.
Thanks you Everyone for coming to the Lunch. The Seniors' Lunch held on Friday , May 8 was
a great success with 118 people enjoying food, conversation, Pam Gibson's entertainment, and
door prizes. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped with set up, food preparation, serving,
clean up and washing table cloths,
From the Pastoral Care and Evangelism Committee
The Friends for Life Garden Club would like to thank the McDougall United Church Council for
their generosity in providing us the use of the Hospitality Hall and kitchen for our Breaking
Bread dinner on May 29th. A very special thanks to John Naylor for all his help and to Harpal
for setting up the hall for us. It was all very much appreciated. The donations of $3,670.00 will
be used to provide two science labs and a library of 500 books for schools in rural communities in
Afghanistan. In addition, the $901 raised at the Afghan Marketplace goes directly to the Afghan women who made the items for sale. In the past, Church in Society at McDougall sponsored Breaking Bread events for the CW4WA to help pay for Afghan teachers's salaries. The present CW4WA project includes in-service training for 1000 teachers a year until 2018.
The Hospitality Hall provided a lovely warm setting for the event and the kitchen was greatly
Thank you very much, Janet Hansen, Joan Day, Ann Gardner, Mary Ross,
Vera Gjerdrum, Shirley Robins, Eva Heck, Diane Maull and Robin Pozzo. .
VBS Caravan 2015 a division of St. Andrew’s Regional Ministry.
Embark on an icy expedition that empowers kids to overcome obstacles with
God’s awesome power! Week-long, full day program offered at various locations throughout Calgary
during the months of July and August. Open to all children in kindergarten to Grade 6. The cost for the fullweek program is $100/first child and $75/each additional child. Pre and Post care is also available at a cost of
$20 per child for the entire work. TO REGISTER: visit or call 403-259-4080.
VPS Caravan 2015 promises to be mountains of fun! Register today.
July 6 -10:
Airdrie United Church—216-1 Ave NE, Airdrie
July 13 -17:
Woodcliff United Church—5010 Spruce Dr SW, Calgary
July 20 - 24: St. Thomas’ United Church—100 Hawkwood Blvd. NW, Calgary
July 27 - 31: Symons Valley United Church—38 Kincora Rise NW, Calgary
Aug 10 -14:
Aug 17 - 21: St. Gerard’s RC Church—8944 Elbow Dr SW, Calgary
Aug 24 - 28: Robert McClure United Church—5510—26th Ave NE, Calgary
Deer Park United Church—77 Deerpoint Rd SE, Calgary
McDougall United Church
8516 Athabasca Street SE
Calgary, AB
T2H 1S1
Phone: 403-252-1620
Fax: 403-252-1655
E-mail: [email protected]
A McDougall Fund Raiser
Retail Gift Cards
Gift Cards order takers are in Hospitality Hall after church each Sunday to answer
questions and to take your order. Please review our order form for your needs for
groceries, clothing, gasoline, toiletries, hardware, personal needs, restaurants, movies, travel, office supplies, sporting goods, automotive, electronics, etc. amongst the
over 100 participating retailers.
January to October Orders placed 2nd Sunday each month
Summer Deadline for orders
June 14, 2015
July 12, 2015
August 9, 2015
JUNE: Monday to Thursday
9 AM to 4 PM– closed at lunch.
Sunday: 1 hour after worship
Closed Friday & Saturday
During July and August the
Mon-Thu 9 AM to 1 PM and on
Sunday 1 hour after worship.
Closed for statuary holidays
- Canada Day, July 1/15
- Civic Holiday, Aug 3/15
- Labour Day, July 1/15
For complete list of available retailers
www.fundscrip – click on retailers
For ease of ordering you can register to order online.
Visit us on McDougall’s website at Click on our link,
“Retail gift card Program”, for pdf order form, and to sign up for on line purchases.
McDougall’s Group Invitation Code is RSJF3C.
The McDougall Team
Until the end June Minister: Karen Holmes
[email protected]
403-252-1620 ext 222
Until the end June Minister: Dave Holmes
[email protected]
403-252-1620 ext 224
[email protected]
Seniors’ Pastoral Care Minister: Bob Mutlow
Director of Music Ministry: Antonina Cox
Office Administrators: Beatrice Musambu &
[email protected] 403-252-1620 ext 226
[email protected]
403-252-1620 ext 0
[email protected]
403-252-1620 ext. 223
Faith Friends (ag3 to grade 6) Leader Aileen Berridge
[email protected]
Youth (grade 7 to 12) Leader: Alina Cox
[email protected]
Lori Wilson
Facilities Coordinator/Bookings: John Naylor
Babyfold Caregiver: Donelle Elliott
Caretaker: Harpal Chahal