MCE Deepwater Development 2015 U.S. Shale Oil Is Pushing Deepwater to the Right March 26, 2015 Daniel Boyd, CFA 212-885-4197 [email protected] Refer to pages 14-17 for Important Disclosures, including Analyst’s Certification. For Important Disclosures on the stocks discussed in this report, please go to U.S. Shale Is a Game Changer for Deepwater Short cycle time wins The Big 4 oil plays can grow production 1-1.2 mb/d in 24-36 months Cash paybacks are within the first 12 months YoY Change in oil production from Big 4 (kb/d) 1,400 1,200 US Land production growth from Big 4 oil basins (85-100% of total US production growth) accounts for the majority of non-OPEC growth 1,000 800 600 400 YoY Change in Production from the Big 4 200 - Source: EIA, BMO Capital Markets. 2 U.S. Shale Is a Game Changer for Deepwater Attractive economics The Big 4 oil plays are economic between $40-$60/bbl oil Service cost reductions have lower the breakeven oil price by roughly $10/bbl Break even oil price to return cost of capital (10%) $80 $69 $70 $62 $60 Crude Oil (WTI) $60 $50 $56 $49 $48 $64 $51 $54 $60 $54 $41 $40 $30 $20 $10 $Eagle Ford N Midland 2014 S Midland Middle Bakken 15% Cost Reduction Source: Company reports, BMO Capital Markets estimates. 3 Niobrara Three Forks U.S. Shale Is a Game Changer for Deepwater However, funding is an issue and rigs are being cut U.S. E&Ps reinvested 138% of cash flow in 2014 E&Ps are being forced to cut spending by 40% to remain within cash flow We expect the land rig count to decline 55% from the peak (Almost there!) Weeks after peak 300% US Independent E&P* reinvestment rates (5%) $100 *65 companies, $148bn in capex 200% 138% 150% $80 $60 50% Brent Oil 100% Percent change in the US land rig count 250% Reinvestment Rate 0% $120 $40 0% $20 -50% (10%) (15%) Source: Baker Hughes, Bloomberg, Company reports, BMO Capital Markets estimates. 4 1999 (20%) (25%) 2002 (30%) (35%) (40%) (45%) 2015 (50%) (55%) (60%) (65%) 2014 2013 $0 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 -100% 2003 Total Capex Reinvestment Rate E&P Reinvestment Rate 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 2009 What Does This Mean for Oil Markets? Current oil prices are unsustainably low Rig count reductions suggest that U.S. oil production will show negative YoY growth unless rig counts rebound 1,180 1,200 Big 4 production will decline if the rig count doesn't increase off of trough levels 1,000 800 1,080 980 600 400 YoY Change in Production from the Big 4 (LH) 200 Big 4 Rig Count (RH) 780 1Q11 4Q11 3Q12 2Q13 1Q14 (200) 880 4Q14 3Q15E 2Q16E 1Q17E 4Q17E 680 (400) (600) 580 Source: EIA, BMO Capital Markets 5 Big 4 Rig Count YoY Change in oil production from Big 4 (kb/d) 1,400 What Does This Mean for Oil Markets? Current oil prices are unsustainably low Oil supply / demand will tighten and oil prices should rise to incent drilling to prevent a supply deficit late 2016 7 WTI Oil (LHS) Tight Market (∆ in Demand > ∆ in non-OPEC Supply) 80% 60% 5 3 20% 1 -40% -60% 3Q15e (1) (3) Loose Market (S>D) -80% -100% 1Q15e 3Q14 1Q14 3Q13 1Q13 3Q12 1Q12 3Q11 1Q11 3Q10 1Q10 3Q09 1Q09 -20% 3Q08 0% 1Q08 WTI Oil YoY Change 40% YoY Supply/Demand Imbalance (RHS) Source: EIA, BMO Capital Markets 6 Libya and Iran outages prevented price weakness (5) (7) YoY change in Non-Opec supply - YoY change in Global demand 100% What Does This Mean for Oil Markets? Shorter cycles with less upside are likely US shale can balance the market within 12-24 months Source: EIA, BMO Capital Markets 7 Deepwater Is Relatively Challenged Longer cycle times of 8-12 years are one of the biggest challenges Raises the risk level And less attractive cash flow profile, which is especially important in a cash constrained environment such as today 16 Average # of Years 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1990's 2000's 2010's Startup Decade Subsea Tiebacks Stand Alone (FPS) Source: Quest Offshore. 8 2020's Deepwater Is Relatively Challenged Poor exploration success = higher risk Offshore discoveries have declines 46% since 2012 Limited exploration / dry hole risk for U.S. shale oil 250 Offshore Discoveries 200 Offshore discoveries have declined 46% since 2012 150 100 50 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: Quest Offshore. 9 Deepwater Is Relatively Challenged High customer concentration 8 operators account for 90% of the deepwater market Leads to higher risk for overall market development Largest customer, Petrobras, is cash flow constrained and is dealing with a corruption investigation 450 Subsea Tree Orders 2012-2014 400 The top 8 operators make up 67% of the total subsea tree market over the past 3 years, and 92% of the deepwater (> 5,000 ft) tree market. 350 Subsea Trees 300 406 297 265 Ex Petrobras, the next seven operators make up 56% of the total subsea tree market, and 82% of the deepwater market 250 200 159 150 103 100 72 50 62 61 25 60 57 10 54 12 10 35 Petrobras Total Eni Shell Statoil Total (1,228 Subsea Trees) Chevron BP XOM > 5,000 ft (460 Subsea Trees) Source: Quest Offshore. 10 Other Deepwater Is Relatively Challenged Top customers are cash flow constrained This is very different than prior down-cycles when Super Majors and large IOC’s spent through the cycle Oil (Brent) YoY Change Low reinvestment entering '09 2007 2008 2009 $72 $103 $62 7% 44% -40% Less capex "cushion" entering this downturn 2012 2013 2014E 2015E $112 $109 $101 $62 0% -3% -7% -39% 14% 54% 69% 13% 50% 75% -4% 112% 143% 24% 87% 98% 17% 117% 122% -5% 100% 105% -10% 129% 134% 38% 69% 96% 37% 69% 95% 2% 125% 181% 14% 109% 132% 9% 138% 167% -10% 115% 139% -10% 118% 142% (1) Super Majors E&P Capex - YoY Change Reinvestment Rate - E&P Capex Reinvestment Rate - Total State Affiliated Majors(2) E&P Capex - YoY Change Reinvestment Rate - E&P Capex Reinvestment Rate - Total (1) Includes BP, COP, CVX, FP, RDSA, XOM (2) Includes ENI, PBR, STL Reinvestment Rate - E&P Capex = E&P Cost Incurred / Discretionary Cash Flow (Operating Cash Flow Less Dividends) Reinvestment Rate - Total = Total capex / Discretionary Cash Flow (Operating Cash Flow Less Dividends) Source: Bloomberg, Company data, BMO Capital Markets. 11 Deepwater Is Relatively Challenged Chevron and Exxon have recently announced prioritization of investment in U.S. shale XOM: Plans to double shale production by adding 150 kboe/d from key U.S. onshore plays in the Permian, Bakken, and Ardmore/Marietta basins CVX: Plans to produce over 250 kboe/d in 2020 from U.S. onshore unconventional plays, a 20% increase from where it guided a year ago 12 Reducing the Lead Time and Costs Are Key Floater demand is likely to decline 15% from the peak (already down 6%) We expect a recovery by late 2017 but the industry needs to make changes to compete with shale oil The industry must lower the cost of deepwater but most importantly, shrink the lead times 320 100% Forecast 90% 300 280 70% Total floater utilization (rhs) 260 60% 50% 240 40% 220 Floater demand forecast 200 246 floaters under contract currently 30% 20% 10% 13 3Q17E 1Q17E 3Q16E 1Q16E 3Q15E 1Q15E 3Q14A 1Q14A 3Q13A 1Q13A 3Q12A 1Q12A 3Q11A 1Q11A 3Q10A Source: ODS Petrodata, BMO Capital Markets. 0% 1Q10A 180 Floater Utilization Floater supply/demand 80% Disclosures Important Disclosures Analyst's Certification I, Daniel Boyd, CFA, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities or issuers. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. Analysts who prepared this report are compensated based upon (among other factors) the overall profitability of BMO Capital Markets and their affiliates, which includes the overall profitability of investment banking services. Compensation for research is based on effectiveness in generating new ideas and in communication of ideas to clients, performance of recommendations, accuracy of earnings estimates, and service to clients. Analysts employed by BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. and/or BMO Capital Markets Limited are not registered as research analysts with FINRA (exception: Alex Arfaei). 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Reflects rating distribution of all companies from which BMO Capital Markets Corp. has received compensation for Investment Banking services as percentage within ratings category. *** Reflects rating distribution of all companies from which BMO Capital Markets Corp. has received compensation for Investment Banking services as percentage of Investment Banking clients. **** Reflects rating distribution of all companies covered by BMO Capital Markets equity research analysts. ***** Reflects rating distribution of all companies from which BMO Capital Markets has received compensation for Investment Banking services as percentage of Investment Banking clients. 14 Starmine Universe 55.6% 39.5% 4.9% Disclosures Rating and Sector Key (as of April 5, 2013): We use the following ratings system definitions: OP = Outperform - Forecast to outperform the analyst’s coverage universe on a total return basis Mkt = Market Perform - Forecast to perform roughly in line with the analyst’s coverage universe on a total return basis Und = Underperform - Forecast to underperform the analyst’s coverage universe on a total return basis (S) = speculative investment; NR = No rating at this time; R = Restricted – Dissemination of research is currently restricted. 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