WILDCAT WEEKLY 4251 Garry Street, Richmond, British Columbia, V7E 2T9 - (604) 718-4050 - [email protected] For the week of May 18, 2015 We are now heading into the last week of May. With June close by, summer break is not far behind. A reminder to please encourage your son/daughters to focus on their school responsibilities. Nine months of hard work deserves to be recognized with one final hard push. PHOTO OF THE WEEK Congratulations to our three outstanding candidates for Student Council President. All will be prominent on the Stuco Executive next school year. While only one was named Student Council President, all are winner and will represent our school proudly. Thanks Jade for the photo. 1 UPCOMING EVENTS (Highlights) A reminder to check the events’ calendar in the left hand sidebar of the website for other upcoming events here at McMath. Wednesday May 27 th Collaboration Day – Late Start Just a reminder that May 27th is our last Collab Day of the Year. First class will beging at 9:40am. Please Note - Calendar Change On the printed calendar, May 28th is listed as the Athletic Awards Banquet. Unfortunately this event will not take place this year. As the printing of this calendar was done prior to the end of job action, some information in the calendar was incorrect. Sorry for any confusion. NEWS AND NOTICES Grad Pranks Not Always Harmless Each year the District expends thousands of dollars in dealing with a variety of instances of vandalism and other costs in the name of “grad pranks.” Sadly, many of the grad pranks are destructive, harmful, and put students at risk. This is not the legacy we hope our grade twelve students wish to leave within our school. We have talked with our students about caring for our school building, respecting the community, and demonstrating positive leadership and we'd like to make a plea to have parents discuss this with your sons and daughters. The most destructive of these acts of vandalism are carried out by a minority of students but everyone can play a part in discouraging others from taking part. The Richmond RCMP will take these incidents very seriously. If any students are found to be involved in any grad related prank, they risk suspension, RCMP involvement, and may be excluded from further grad activities. We have a wonderful group of grade twelve students. With your help and reminders, we hope that we will not have to deal with any of these types of actions and thus the necessary responses. 2 Not a School Sanctioned Trip In the coming days or weeks, you may here about a trip for next year's grade 11 or 12 students. It may be a ski trip in BC during winter break or a trip to warmer locations for spring break. Unfortunately, as we have not been contacted by the organizing company, we have very little information to share. We are writing at this time to clarify that these are not a school nor District sanctioned events. The trips are organized by student representatives of companies that have not been asked by schools to stay off of school property. While we are in no position to make a comment about this organization, we simply wanted to reiterate to any parents of any of the participants that neither the school nor the Richmond School District has been involved with the planning, organization, insurance, or any subsequent liabilities. No McMath staff members or District Employees will be attending or will be supervising any of the activities on this trip. NEW THIS WEEK: Post Secondary News, Scholarships, and Career Trends Newsletter Below is the latest update from Ms. Bernard, our Career Information Advisor. (Updated May 21, 2015) This section contains new, incoming information only. For additional information (i.e. post-secondary news, scholarships, career trends, etc.), click on each section in the Newsletter folder. To view the Career Centre calendar, and the main Career Centre website, visit: http://public.sd38.bc.ca/~ccnews POST SECONDARY RELATED INFO University of Alberta Extends Some Faculty deadlines: The following faculties have extended their application deadline to JUN 1/15: -Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences (BSc in Agriculture, Forestry and Human Ecology) -Faculty of Arts (Bachelor of Arts, except Planning Major) -Augustana Campus (all programs) -Faculty of Education (all programs) The following faculties have extended their application deadline to JUL 1/15: 3 -Native Studies (refer to website for listing of programs) -Campus Saint-Jean (all programs) See the Notices & Deadlines page on the admissions website for a complete listing of application deadline extensions. *Applicants can apply on the UAlberta website at: ualberta.ca/apply JUN 16/15 - Application Deadline for Summer STEP (Skilled Trades Exploration Program)...reminder Grade 11 students are invited to apply for work for up to 8 weeks this summer with the Richmond School Board Works Yard as a maintenance assistant, and to learn skills in outdoor groundwork, painting, millwork and carpentry. Students must have a social insurance number, a bank account, and be in good physical health and must be willing to do general labour, supporting the maintenance department. See Ms. Bernard in the Career Centre for an application. NEW...Programs at VCC (1st year transfer) 1. Engineering 2. Computing Science and Software systems Students in these VCC 1st year programs will have assured admission to SFU 2nd year engineer or computer science programs. VCC is the first to have this type of agreement. The assured admission agreement is only with SFU Engineering, and Computing Science. VCC is currently planning to have one cohort of 40 seats for each program, and are still accepting applications (SFU deadline has passed). For details visit: http://www.vcc.ca/programscourses/program-areas/university-transfer/first-year-university-transferengineering-certificate/ http://www.vcc.ca/programscourses/program-areas/university-transfer/first-year-university-transfercomputing-science-and-software-systems-certificate/ Corpus Christi College, on the UBC campus is still accepting applicants for Fall (September) 2015 A remind that Corpus Christi College; - Is a transfer institution, offering fully credited courses in Commerce, Science and Arts - Offers small class sizes and individual advising - Shares professors with UBC and other institutions - Gives students the opportunities to get involved on the Corpus Christi Campus as well as the UBC campus (CCC students have access to UBC clubs, sports, library, medical, dental, upass etc, with their affiliated UBC student card) - Has automatic scholarships for students ranging from $500-$3500 based on final grades Note that course registration September 2015 has opened, so students already accepted have begun enrolling in classes. Questions? See the website at: www.corpuschristi.ca or Sarah Scali, Admissions Advisor, 604-8226862 ext. 106 OTHER PERTINENT INFO MAY 25 & 26/15 - Find Your Fit Event - reminder This is a B.C wide interactive education program that offers students a hands-on way to experience WorkBC's labour market information tools and services. As part of the broader WorkBC program, the tour 4 links youth with labour market information tools and services available through WorkBC.ca. Find Your Fit is designed for youth in grades 6 through to 11. It's also helpful for parents and career counsellors looking for ways to educate and support youth in their career exploration. The day portion of the fair is reserved for school groups. Students and parents wishing to attend on their own, outside school hours, may attend during the evening session May 25th from 3-7pm and don't need to register. The event will be held at the Westin Wall Centre 3099 Corvette Way, Richmond BC. To find out more visit: www.findyourfittour.ca MAY 29/15 - Soldier for a Day - Application Deadline The Canadian Forces Reserves invites students who are Canadian Citizens and are in Grades 10 - 12, to participate in the Army Reserves' - 'Soldier for a Day" on Saturday, June 6th. This program is an introduction to the role of a reservist both here in Canada and around the world. This day is worth 5 hours of work experience. For more information and the application, see your counsellor or your career advisor. Note... to receive 'work experience' credit, students must also complete a Richmond School Board 'nonstandard' work site agreement form, available from Ms. Bernard in the Career Centre. JUN 3/15 - SFU 'Science Alive' Summer Camps Work or Volunteer (4pm) Application Deadline - Summer camps run from July 2 - Aug. 21 and involves assisting with the running of camps, as well as leading games and the general supervision of campers. Photographers required too. Complete details and application instructions:http://www.sciencealive.ca/volunteer/ or www.sciencealive.ca/employment/ Questions: email: [email protected] or [email protected] phone 778-782-5912. JUL 28, AUG 4, AUG 11/15 - Kwantlen Polytechnic University(KPU) - Career Exploration Series...reminder - offers interactive, fun 3 sessions to assist students with their career clarification. This will include clarifying student skills, desires, assets, Myers Briggs Type assessment and exploring career concepts through activities. These sessions will take place at the Surrey Campus in the Arbutus 2410 Room, from 12-3 pm each day (Tuesdays) and are free for KPU students. To register call 604.599.2044 or email [email protected] 5
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