MCRC SCHOOL AGE SUMMER CAMP 2015 It takes a community to raise a family… MCRC’S Camps have it all! The Arts, Science and Nature Exploration, Field Trips, Physical Activity and more. Come and join us! Dear Families, This year, MCRC will be providing two separate licensed Summer Camp programs, one designed for Kindergarten and one to meet the needs of a School Age group. The Kindergarten Camp will be located at our 45 Bruce Street location for a group of 20 children ages 3.8 to 5.7 years. This Camp will have a lower ratio of 1 Educator for every 10 children. This location has an expansive playground for the children to use and participate in a variety of gross motor games. The children will also have access to a small local Park for larger group games and nature exploration. Fridays the playground will be transformed for water play. Our School Age Camp is for children 5.8-12 years of age and will be located at our 410 Bronte Street South location. This Camp has a ratio of 1 Educator for every 15 children and we have two program rooms. At this location, we offer limited Kindergarten spaces for families who require their children together. Children will have access to Bronte Meadows Park to participate in large gross motor activities on a regular basis. The Park includes a baseball diamond, basketball court, soccer field along with a splash pad which will be used by the children on Fridays. We look forward to you joining our Educators for a summer full of fun activities! The Arts How many ways can a child express themselves? MCRC believes the possibilities are endless! Children in our camp programs are encouraged to communicate their ideas through visual arts, dramatic arts, music and movement. Child-directed as well as teacher-initiated art experiences are facilitated in all of our camps. UGotCanada will return again this year to teach us all some new dance moves! Children will enjoy a Physical Activity At MCRC, children’s health and well-being is important to us. By giving children opportunities to be physically active in all of our camps, children are able to build strength and endurance, develop leadership skills and teamwork. Dash Sports will be visiting our programs throughout the summer to provide experiences that develops fundamental skills, and teach the basics of baseball, soccer, etc through skills, drills and games. We will also visit Hilton Falls and Crawford Lake for hiking trails. Weekly activities will also include trips to local parks, sports fields, and splash pads. Science/Nature Exploration MCRC believes that the environment, especially our natural environment, is a ‘third teacher.’ By giving children the opportunity to explore nature, as well as man-made materials and resources, they get to ask questions, make hypotheses, test theories, and build relationships in the process. Campers will be able to explore the wonder of science throughout all 9 weeks of camps with a trip to The Museum in Kitchener, and returning visits from Mad Science. Wolfmaan Outdoor educator and adventurer will join our campers this year throughout the summer to explore nature in the most unlikely spaces. Oakville Milton Humane Society will bring it all home with their “Critter Care” presentation to encourage safety around animals and responsible pet ownership. Field Trips/Special Guests Oh the places they’ll go! All of MCRC’s camps offer children the opportunity to explore new places as well as engage with visiting guests. This summer, trips will include Country Heritage Park, Champs Bowling, and The Museum Kitchener. Visiting guests will include Reptilia, Oakville Milton Humane Society, Wolfmaan Outdoor Educator and Dash Sports. Web: Facebook: MCRC - Milton Community Resource Centre Twitter: MCRCHalton MCRC KINDER SUMMER CAMP Weekly Calendar It takes a community to raise a family… 45 Bruce Street Milton ON L9T 905-864-9884 Week 1 Monday, June 29th Tuesday, June 30th June 29July 3 Messy Art Day VISITOR Nature Week Children will explore different methods of painting $168.00 Wednesday, July1st CLOSED Thursday, July 2nd VISITOR Wolfmaan Outdoor Educator Focus on making sports fun to play, and on developing a love of sport. We also help to develop fundamental skills for various sports Friday, July 3rd Water Play Day HAPPY CANADA DAY! Cancellation deadline for Week 1 is June 15th, 2015. Payment for Weeks 1-5 is scheduled for July 1st. Week 2 July 6-10 Music and Movement Week $210.00 Monday, July 6th Tuesday, July7th VISITOR Making musical instruments Children will use common materials to make their own music Wednesday, July 8th TRIP Andrew Scenic Acres Thursday, July 9th Karaoke Friday, July 10th Water Play Day Show us your singing voice! The company’s programs focus on movement and physical exercise. *wear comfortable clothes and running shoes* Cancellation deadline for Week 2 is June 22nd, 2015. Payment for Weeks 1–5 is scheduled for July 1st. Week 3 Monday, July 13th MCRC Pan Am Games July 13-17 Sports Week $210.00 Tuesday, July 14th Soccer skills practice and games Wednesday, July 15th TRIP Vic Hadfield Golf and Children will participate in Learning Centre sports featured in the Pan Am games: Soccer, basketball, Track and field and more! Thursday, July 16th Friday, July 17th VISITOR Water Play Day Focus on making sports fun to play, and on developing a love of sport. We also help to develop fundamental skills for various sports Cancellation deadline for Week 3 is June 29th, 2015. Payment for Weeks 1-5 is scheduled for July 1st. REMINDERS FOR THE WEEK: *bring a nutritious, peanut free lunch *bring a labeled water bottle *bring sunscreen and hat *bring extra clothes *bring running shoes *label everything! *on trip days, please have your child at Camp no later than 9:00 AM. We will return no later than 3:30 PM *If your child has an asthma or anaphylaxis plan with MCRC you must bring your child’s medication CANCELLATION POLICY: All changes to registration including cancellation are subject to a $25.00 administration fee. Written cancellation must be given a minimum of two weeks before the applicable week. See above for cancellation dates. PLEASE NOTE: *Photo ID is required when picking up your child* *Morning and afternoon snacks are provided by MCRC *Children are NOT to bring electronic devices from home *ALL outdoor activities/trips are weather permitted Charitable BN/Registration # 11904-1325 RR0001 MCRC is a United Way funded agency MCRC KINDER SUMMER CAMP Weekly Calendar It takes a community to raise a family… 45 Bruce Street Milton ON L9T 905-864-9884 Week 4 Monday, July 20th Tuesday, July 21st Wednesday, July 22nd Thursday, July 23rd July 20-24 Science of Cooking TRIP VISITOR Magic of Science Week Children will enjoy following a recipe to make a delicious no bake treat. Children will explore the science behind cooking Learning Magic tricks $210.00 Friday, July 24th Water Play Day Ray’s Reptile Zoo Science experiments and show Cancellation deadline for Week 4 is July 6th, 2015. Payment for weeks 1-5 scheduled for July 1st. Week 5 July 27-31 Conservation and Heritage Week Monday, July 27th Recycled Art Collage Tuesday, July 28th VISITOR “When there is doubt, don’t throw it out! “ Special guest from Waste Diversion Halton Region to educate campers about recycling Wednesday, July 29th TRIP Country Heritage Park Thursday, July 30th Friday, July 31st Mummifying Fruit You can make a mummy out of a slice of fruit by covering it with a desiccant and letting it draw the water out. Water Play Day $210.00 Cancellation deadline for Week 5 is July 13th, 2015. Payment for weeks 1-5 is scheduled for July 1st. Week 6 Monday, August 3rd August 3-7 Closed Civic Animal Week Holiday Tuesday, August 4th Paper Mache Animals Wednesday August 5th Thursday, August 6th TRIP VISITOR Springridge Farm Friday, August 7th Water Play Day Oakville Milton Humane Society PATCH program $168.00 Cancellation deadline for Week 6 is July 20th, 2015. Payment for weeks 6-8 is scheduled for Aug 1st. REMINDERS FOR THE WEEK: *bring a nutritious, nut free lunch *bring a labeled water bottle *bring sunscreen and hat *bring extra clothes *bring running shoes *label everything! *on trip days, please have your child at MCRC no later than 9 am. We will return no later than 3:30 pm *If your child has an asthma or anaphylaxis plan with MCRC, you must bring your child’s medication. CANCELLATION POLICY: All changes to registration including cancellation are subject to a $25.00 administration fee. Written cancellation must be given a minimum of two weeks before the applicable week. See above for cancellation dates. PLEASE NOTE: *Photo ID is required when picking up your child* *Morning and afternoon snacks are provided by MCRC *Children are NOT to bring electronic devices from home *All outdoor activities/trips are weather permitted Charitable BN/Registration # 11904-1325 RR0001 MCRC is a United Way funded agency MCRC KINDER SUMMER CAMP Weekly Calendar It takes a community to raise a family… 45 Bruce Street Milton ON L9T 905-864-9884 Week 7 August 10-14 Messy Art Week Monday, August 10th Tuesday, August 11th Tie Dye Art Bring an old white T-shirt and we will turn it into something new! Art of Photography Children will explore exposure, and lighting to create works of art Wednesday, August 12th Thursday, August 13th VISITOR TRIP Art workshop with local artist Exploring Clay Fine Arts Society Milton Art Gallery and Art Workshop Friday, August 14th Water Play Day $210.00 Cancellation deadline for Week 7 is July 27th, 2015. Payment for weeks 6-9 scheduled for Aug 1st. Week 8 Monday, August 17th Tuesday, August 18th August 17-21 VISITOR Wolfmaan Outdoor Educator Wednesday, August 19th Thursday, August 20th Friday, August 21st TRIP Book Making Build and Construct Week Halton Radial Lego building projects Water Play Day Museum $210.00 Cancellation deadline for Week 8 is August 3rd, 2015. Payment for weeks 6-9 scheduled for Aug 1st. Week 9 August 24-28 End of Summer Fun Monday, August 24th Tuesday, August 25th Community VISITOR Exploration Wolfmaan Outdoor Educator Wednesday, August 26th Thursday, August 27th TRIP Woodworking Projects. Butterfly Conservatory Friday, August 28th Water Play Day Children will build a project out of wood $210.00 Cancellation deadline for Week 9 is August 10th, 2015. Payment for weeks 6-9 is scheduled for Aug 1st. REMINDERS FOR THE WEEK: *bring a nutritious, nut free lunch *bring a labeled water bottle *bring sunscreen and hat *bring extra clothes *bring running shoes *label everything! *on trip days, please have your child at the Camp no later than 9 am. We will return no later than 3:30 pm *If your child has an asthma or anaphylaxis plan with MCRC, you must bring their medication CANCELLATION POLICY: All changes to registration including cancellation are subject to a $25.00 administration fee. Written cancellation must be given a minimum of two weeks before the applicable week. See above for cancellation dates. PLEASE NOTE: *Photo ID is required when picking up your child* *Morning and afternoon snacks are provided by MCRC *Children are NOT to bring electronic devices from home *All outdoor activities/trips are weather permitted Charitable BN/Registration # 11904-1325 RR0001 MCRC is a United Way funded agency MCRC KINDER SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION FORM It takes a community to raise a family… Located at: 45 Bruce Street Milton, ON 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Ages 3.8-5.7 years Please return this form to [email protected] or to your child’s teacher. I am registering my child for: Week One: June 29 - July 3rd Cancellation Deadline: Week Two: written notice must be given by Monday, July 6th for a refund of $185.00 $210.00 written notice must be given by Monday, July 13th for a refund of $185.00 $210.00 written notice must be given by Monday, July 27th for a refund of $185.00 $210.00 written notice must be given by Monday, August 3rd for a refund of $185.00 August 24th - August 28th Cancellation Deadline: $168.00 written notice must be given by Monday, July 20th for a refund of $143.00 August 17th - August 21st Cancellation Deadline: Week Nine: $210.00 August 10th - August 14th Cancellation Deadline: Week Eight: written notice must be given by Monday, June 29th for a refund of $185.00 August 3rd - August 7th Cancellation Deadline: Week Seven: $210.00 July 27th - July 31st Cancellation Deadline: Week Six: written notice must be given by Monday, June 22nd for a refund of $185.00 July 20th - July 24th Cancellation Deadline: Week Five: $210.00 July 13th - July 17th Cancellation Deadline: Week Four: written notice must be given by Monday, June 15th for a refund of $143.00 July 6th - July 10th Cancellation Deadline: Week Three: $168.00 $210.00 written notice must be given by Monday, August 10th for a refund of $185.00 Please Read and Sign Below: I hereby give authorization for my child ______________________________ to leave MCRC for short walks within the community and to the local park and splash pad. It is understood that the teachers/providers will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of my child. Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________________ Staff Initials: Charitable BN/Registration # 11904-1325 RR0001 Date: Date: ______________________ Time: MCRC is a United Way funded agency MCRC KINDER SUMMER MCRC SUMMER CAMPCAMP REGISTRATIONFORM FORM REGISTRATION It takes a community to raise a family… Located at: 45 Bruce Street Milton, ON 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Ages 3.8-5.7 years *an additional one-time $35 registration fee is applicable for children not currently registered with MCRC* *Payments will be withdrawn on July 1st for families attending Weeks 1—5* *Payments will be withdrawn on August 1st for families attending Weeks 6 –9* *All changes to registration including cancellation are subject to a $25.00 administration fee* *Written cancellation notice must be given a minimum of two weeks before the applicable week* *Registration is based on a first come, first served basis. Confirmation of registration will be sent via email. For any questions, regarding Summer Camp registration, please contact Bonnie Brooks at 905-864-9884 or at [email protected]* CHILD’S INFORMATION: Child’s Name: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________ School child is currently attending: _________________________ Grade in Sept 2015: ______________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________ Daytime Phone #: ______________ Parent/Guardian’s Name: _____________________________________ Daytime Phone #: ________________________ _______ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Email : _________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL ALERT: Please indicate if your child has the following medical conditions: □ ANAPHYLAXIS □ ASTHMA □ FOOD RESTRICTIONS □ OTHER _________________ *If your child has asthma or an anaphylactic allergy, an asthma/anaphylactic package must be filled out* *Children with an asthma/anaphylaxis package must bring their medication with them* PAYMENT INFORMATION: Please indicate your payment option below: Families currently registered with MCRC □ Use payment information currently on file Families new to MCRC programs □ Visa or □ Master Card #___________________________ _______________ exp. date: ______________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ □ Pre-authorized withdrawal—please attach a VOID cheque Staff Initials: Charitable BN/Registration # 11904-1325 RR0001 Date: Time: MCRC is a United Way funded agency
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