Permutation Polynomials over Finite Fields Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Department of Mathematics, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey. 10 April 2015 Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Outline Basic Definitions and Notations Some Known Results Motivation Some New Results and Open Problems Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Notations q be a positive power of a prime, Fq be a finite field with q elements, F∗q = Fq \ {0}, Fq [x] be the polynomial ring with the variable x, Sn be the symmetric group of order n, Tr be the trace map from Fqk to Fq , k−1 where Tr(x) = x + x q + · · · + x q . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Permutation Polynomials A polynomial f ∈ Fq [x] is called a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq if x → f (x) is a permutation of Fq . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Permutation Polynomials A polynomial f ∈ Fq [x] is called a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq if x → f (x) is a permutation of Fq . A PP correspond to an element of the symmetric group Sq . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Permutation Polynomials A polynomial f ∈ Fq [x] is called a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq if x → f (x) is a permutation of Fq . A PP correspond to an element of the symmetric group Sq . There are q! PPs of Fq , all of which are given by the Lagrange interpolation Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Permutation Polynomials A polynomial f ∈ Fq [x] is called a permutation polynomial (PP) of Fq if x → f (x) is a permutation of Fq . A PP correspond to an element of the symmetric group Sq . There are q! PPs of Fq , all of which are given by the Lagrange interpolation Given a permutation g of Fq , the unique permutation polynomial Pg (x) of Fq of degree at most q − 1: X Pg (x) = g (a) 1 − (x − a)q−1 a∈Fq Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. A Remark If f is a PP and a 6= 0, b 6= 0, c ∈ Fq , then f1 = af (bx + c) is also a PP. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. A Remark If f is a PP and a 6= 0, b 6= 0, c ∈ Fq , then f1 = af (bx + c) is also a PP. By suitably choosing a, b, c we can arrange to have f1 in normalized form f1 is monic, f1 (0) = 0, when the degree n of f1 is not divisible by char (Fq ), the coefficient of x n−1 is 0. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Some well known classes of PPs Every linear polynomial over Fq is a PP. Monomials: x n is a PP of Fq iff gcd(n, q − 1) = 1. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Some well known classes of PPs Every linear polynomial over Fq is a PP. Monomials: x n is a PP of Fq iff gcd(n, q − 1) = 1. Dickson: For a ∈ F∗q , the polynomial bn/2c Dn (x, a) = X i=0 n n−i (−a)i x n−2i n−i i is a PP of Fq iff (n, q 2 − 1) = 1. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Some well known classes of PPs Every linear polynomial over Fq is a PP. Monomials: x n is a PP of Fq iff gcd(n, q − 1) = 1. Dickson: For a ∈ F∗q , the polynomial bn/2c Dn (x, a) = X i=0 n n−i (−a)i x n−2i n−i i is a PP of Fq iff (n, q 2 − 1) = 1. Pn−1 q s ∈ F n [x] is a Linearized: The polynomial L(x) = q s=0 as x j q n PP of Fq iff det ai−j 6= 0, 0 ≤ i, j ≤ n − 1. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. More Examples For odd q, f (x) = x (q+1)/2 + ax is a PP of Fq iff a2 − 1 is a nonzero square in Fq . f (x) = x r (g (x d ))(q−1)/d is a PP of Fq if gcd(r , q − 1) = 1, d | q − 1, and g (x d ) has no nonzero root in Fq . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. More Examples For odd q, f (x) = x (q+1)/2 + ax is a PP of Fq iff a2 − 1 is a nonzero square in Fq . f (x) = x r (g (x d ))(q−1)/d is a PP of Fq if gcd(r , q − 1) = 1, d | q − 1, and g (x d ) has no nonzero root in Fq . Note that if f (x) and g (x) are PPs of Fq then f (g (x)) is a PP of Fq . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Criteria for the PPs For f ∈ Fq [x], the following statements are equivalent: f is a PP of Fq For each y ∈ Fq , f (x) = y has at least one solution x ∈ Fq For each y ∈ Fq , f (x) = y has at most one solution x ∈ Fq Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Criteria for the PPs For f ∈ Fq [x], the following statements are equivalent: f is a PP of Fq For each y ∈ Fq , f (x) = y has at least one solution x ∈ Fq For each y ∈ Fq , f (x) = y has at most one solution x ∈ Fq For all nontrivial additive characters χ of Fq we have X χ(f (a)) = 0 a∈Fq Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Criteria for the PPs For f ∈ Fq [x], the following statements are equivalent: f is a PP of Fq For each y ∈ Fq , f (x) = y has at least one solution x ∈ Fq For each y ∈ Fq , f (x) = y has at most one solution x ∈ Fq For all nontrivial additive characters χ of Fq we have X χ(f (a)) = 0 a∈Fq Note that P a∈Fq χ(f (a)) = Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı P a∈Fq χ(a) = 0 Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Hermite’s criterion f is a PP of Fq iff X x∈Fq s f (x) = 0 −1 Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı if 0 ≤ s ≤ q − 2, if s = q − 1. Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Hermite’s criterion f is a PP of Fq iff X s f (x) = x∈Fq 0 −1 if 0 ≤ s ≤ q − 2, if s = q − 1. f is a PP of Fq iff 1 2 f (x) has exactly one root in Fq , For each integer t with 1 ≤ t ≤ q − 2 and p 6 | t, the reduction t of (f (x)) mod (x q − x) has degree at most q − 2 where p = char (Fq ). Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Hermite’s criterion f is a PP of Fq iff X s f (x) = x∈Fq 0 −1 if 0 ≤ s ≤ q − 2, if s = q − 1. f is a PP of Fq iff 1 2 f (x) has exactly one root in Fq , For each integer t with 1 ≤ t ≤ q − 2 and p 6 | t, the reduction t of (f (x)) mod (x q − x) has degree at most q − 2 where p = char (Fq ). Difficult to apply for a general polynomial. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Enumeration of PPs Hermite’s criterion was used by Dickson to obtain all normalized PPs of degree at most 5. A list of PPs of degree 6 over finite fields with odd characteristic can be found in [D]. [D] L. E. Dickson, The analytic representation of substitutions on a power of a prime number of letters with a discussion of the linear group, Ann. of Math. 11 (1896/97), 65–120. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Enumeration of PPs Hermite’s criterion was used by Dickson to obtain all normalized PPs of degree at most 5. A list of PPs of degree 6 over finite fields with odd characteristic can be found in [D]. [D] L. E. Dickson, The analytic representation of substitutions on a power of a prime number of letters with a discussion of the linear group, Ann. of Math. 11 (1896/97), 65–120. A list of PPs of degree 6 and 7 over finite fields with char=2 is presented in [LCX]. [LCX] J. Li, D. B. Chandler, and Q. Xiang, Permutation polynomials of degree 6 or 7 over finite fields of characteristic 2, Finite Fields Appl. 16 (2010) 406–419. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Enumeration of PPs Hermite’s criterion was used by Dickson to obtain all normalized PPs of degree at most 5. A list of PPs of degree 6 over finite fields with odd characteristic can be found in [D]. [D] L. E. Dickson, The analytic representation of substitutions on a power of a prime number of letters with a discussion of the linear group, Ann. of Math. 11 (1896/97), 65–120. A list of PPs of degree 6 and 7 over finite fields with char=2 is presented in [LCX]. [LCX] J. Li, D. B. Chandler, and Q. Xiang, Permutation polynomials of degree 6 or 7 over finite fields of characteristic 2, Finite Fields Appl. 16 (2010) 406–419. All monic PPs of degree 6 in the normalized form is presented in [SW]. [SW] C. J. Shallue and I. M. Wanless, Permutation polynomials and orthomorphism polynomials of degree six, Finite Fields and Their Applications 20 (2013) 84–92 Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. An Open Problem Let Nn (q) denote the number of PPs of Fq which have degree n. Trivial boundary conditions: N1 (q) = q(q − 1), Nn (q) = 0 if n 6= 1 is a divisor of q − 1, Pq−1 n=1 Nn (q) = q!. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. An Open Problem Let Nn (q) denote the number of PPs of Fq which have degree n. Trivial boundary conditions: N1 (q) = q(q − 1), Nn (q) = 0 if n 6= 1 is a divisor of q − 1, Pq−1 n=1 Nn (q) = q!. Problem: Find Nn (q). R. Lidl and G. L. Mullen, When does a polynomial over a finite field permute the elements of the field?, II, Amer. Math. Monthly 100 (1993) 71–74. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation m a positive integer, F2 finite field of order 2. m f : Fm 2 → F2 ( u Nf (u, v ) := # v Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı = x + y; = f (x) + f (y ). Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation m a positive integer, F2 finite field of order 2. m f : Fm 2 → F2 ( u Nf (u, v ) := # v = x + y; = f (x) + f (y ). u 6= 0 =⇒ Nf (u, v ) = 0 or 2 → f is almost perfect non-linear [APN] . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation m a positive integer, F2 finite field of order 2. m f : Fm 2 → F2 ( u Nf (u, v ) := # v = x + y; = f (x) + f (y ). u 6= 0 =⇒ Nf (u, v ) = 0 or 2 → f is almost perfect non-linear [APN] . (Affine Equivalence) Let A, B, C be three affine transformations of Fm 2 . If A, B are permutations then f is APN ⇐⇒ A ◦ f ◦ B + C is APN Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation Flat characterization of APNs ( x +y +z +t =0 =⇒ f (x) + f (y ) + f (z) + f (t) 6= 0 all distinct then f is [APN] . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation Flat characterization of APNs ( x +y +z +t =0 =⇒ f (x) + f (y ) + f (z) + f (t) 6= 0 all distinct then f is [APN] . Code Characterization 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... x ... 1 Hf = 0 f (0) . . . f (x) . . . f (1) if the minimal distance of code(f ) > 4 then f is [APN] . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation Flat characterization of APNs ( x +y +z +t =0 =⇒ f (x) + f (y ) + f (z) + f (t) 6= 0 all distinct then f is [APN] . Code Characterization 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... x ... 1 Hf = 0 f (0) . . . f (x) . . . f (1) if the minimal distance of code(f ) > 4 then f is [APN] . (The code is double-error-correcting (no fewer than 5 cols sum to 0).) Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation Dobbertin constructed several classes of PPs over finite fields of even characteristic and used them to prove several conjectures on APN monomials. H. Dobbertin, Almost perfect nonlinear power functions on GF (2n ): the Niho case, Inform. and Comput. 151 (1999) 57–72. H. Dobbertin, Almost perfect nonlinear power functions on GF (2n ): the Welch case, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 45 (1999) 1271–1275. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation The existence of APN permutations on F22n is a long-term open problem. Hou proved that there are no APN permutations over F24 and there are no APN permutations on F22n with coefficients in F2n . X.-D. Hou, Affinity of permutations of Fn2 , Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006) 313–325. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation The existence of APN permutations on F22n is a long-term open problem. Hou proved that there are no APN permutations over F24 and there are no APN permutations on F22n with coefficients in F2n . X.-D. Hou, Affinity of permutations of Fn2 , Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006) 313–325. Recently, Dillon presented the first APN permutation over F26 . K. A. Browning, J. F. Dillon, M. T. McQuistan, and A. J. Wolfe, An APN permutation in dimension six, In Finite Fields: Theory and Applications, volume 518 of Contemp. Math., 33–42, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation The existence of APN permutations on F22n is a long-term open problem. Hou proved that there are no APN permutations over F24 and there are no APN permutations on F22n with coefficients in F2n . X.-D. Hou, Affinity of permutations of Fn2 , Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006) 313–325. Recently, Dillon presented the first APN permutation over F26 . K. A. Browning, J. F. Dillon, M. T. McQuistan, and A. J. Wolfe, An APN permutation in dimension six, In Finite Fields: Theory and Applications, volume 518 of Contemp. Math., 33–42, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010. Open Problem Is there any APN permutation on F22n for n ≥ 4. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation The Kloosterman sum K (a) over F2n is defined for any a ∈ F2n by X 1 (−1)Tr(ax+ x ) K (a) = a∈F∗2n Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Motivation The Kloosterman sum K (a) over F2n is defined for any a ∈ F2n by X 1 (−1)Tr(ax+ x ) K (a) = a∈F∗2n Shin, Kumar and Helleseth found that the existence of certain 3-designs in the Goethals code of length 2n , n odd, over Z4 was equivalent to the identity 3 a a = K ∀a ∈ F2n \ {1} K 4 1+a 1 + a4 and they proved this identity for all odd values of n. This relation was extended to the case n even by Helleseth and Zinoviev. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Special PPs Helleseth and Zinoviev used the PPs 2l 1 + x over F2n x2 + x + δ to derive new identities of Kloosterman sums over F2n , where δ ∈ F2n with Tr(δ) = 1 and l ∈ {0, 1}. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Special PPs Helleseth and Zinoviev used the PPs 2l 1 + x over F2n x2 + x + δ to derive new identities of Kloosterman sums over F2n , where δ ∈ F2n with Tr(δ) = 1 and l ∈ {0, 1}. Recently, PPs with the form s i f (x) = x p − x + δ + L(x) over the finite field Fq have been extensively studied where , i, s ∈ Z+ , δ ∈ Fq , char (Fq ) = p and L(x) is a linearized polynomial in Fq [x]. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Some PPs of the form i xp − x + δ s + L(x) T. Helleseth, V. Zinoviev, New Kloosterman sums identities over F2m for all m, Finite Fields Appl. 9 (2003) 187-193. J. Yuan, C. Ding, Four classes of permutation polynomials of F2m , Finite Fields Appl. 13 (2007) 869-876. J. Yuan, C. Ding, H. Wang, J. Pieprzyk, Permutation polynomials of the form (x p − x + δ)s + L(x), Finite Fields Appl. 14 (2008) 482-493. X. Zeng, X. Zhu, L. Hu, Two new permutation polynomials k with the form (x 2 + x + δ)s + x over F2n , Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 21 (2010) 145-150. N. Li, T. Helleseth, X. Tang, Further results on a class of permutation polynomials over finite fields, Finite Fields Appl. 22 (2013) 16-23. Z. Tu, X. Zeng, C.Li, T. Helleseth, Permutation polynomials m of the form (x p − x + δ)s + L(x) over the finite field Fp2m of odd characteristic, Finite Fields Appl. 34 (2015) 20-35. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. Known Explicit PPs Let p be an odd prime 1 For positive integers n and k and δ ∈ Fpn , pn2+1 k k p x −x +δ + x p + x is a PP of Fpn . 2 For positive integer k and δ ∈ F33k with Tr33k /3k (δ) = 0, 33k2−1 +3k k k x3 − x + δ + x 3 + x is a PP of F33k . 3 For positive integers n and k with n|4k and δ ∈ Fpn , k pn2−1 +p2k k p x −x +δ ± (x p + x) is a PP of Fpn . For a positive integer m and for any δ ∈ F32m , 2·3m −1 m m x3 − x + δ + x 3 + x is a PP of F32m . For a positive integer m and δ ∈ F32m , if (Tr32m /3m (δ))2 + 1 = 0 3m +2 m or a square in F3m , x 3 − x + δ + x is a PP of F32m . 4 5 Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. New PPs Theorem Let n = (t − 1)k, where k is a positive integer, t is an odd integer, gcd(3, t) = 1 and δ ∈ F∗3n . f (x) = (x 3 ( t−1 2 )k ( t−1 2 )k − x + δ)s + x and ( t−1 )k − x + δ)s + x 3 2 + x g (x) = (x 3 are permutation polynomials over F3n with s = Tr (δ) = 0. Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı 3n −1 t + 1 and Permutation Polynomials over F.F. New PPs Theorem Let n = 4k, where k is a positive integer and δ ∈ F∗3n . 2k f (x) = (x 3 − x + δ)s + x is a permutation polynomial over F3n for the following cases: Let k be a positive integer,jw be the k generator of F3n , 3n/2 −1 3n −1 s = 3( 5 ) + 1 and ` = 2 + 3n/4 . 5 Then for δ = w ` over F3n . (mod 2`) ∈ F3n and Tr (δ) = 0, f (x) is a PP n Let k = 1 and s = ( 3 5−1 ) + 1. For each δ ∈ F∗3n with Tr (δ) = 0, then f (x) is a PP over F3n . n Let k = 1 and s = 2( 3 5−1 ) + 1. Then for each δ ∈ F∗3n f (x) is a PP over F3n . k For this case f (x) + x and f (x) + x 3 are also a permutation polynomial over F3n . Z¨ ulf¨ ukar Saygı Permutation Polynomials over F.F. New PPs Theorem Let n = 4k, where k is a positive integer and δ ∈ F∗7n . n Let w be the of F7n , s = i( 7 5−1 ) + 1, where i ∈ {1, 2, 3} j generator k and ` = 2 7n/2 −1 + 7n/4 . 5 = w ` (mod 2`) ∈ Then for δ F7n and Tr (δ) = 0, 2k 7 s f (x) = (x − x + δ) + x is a permutation polynomial over F7n . 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