JOSEPH A. GREGORI HIGH SCHOL May, 2015 Volume 5, Issue 3 Principal’s Message Greetings Gregori, It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is nearly here. It’s been an incredible year. It is a very busy and exciting time. We have had a variety of end of the year activities ranging from the Academic Block G awards (see attached list of our winners), Senior Awards Night, and our JAG Awards to name a few! All of this brings us to the pinnacle experience for our students, staff, and community – Gregori High’s 3rd Commencement ceremony. The Class of 2015 has been working diligently to reach this major milestone achievement! For those of you with graduating seniors, here are a few key items you need to know: Due to the large number of graduates this year, there are five tickets assigned for each graduate. Graduation robes and caps of graduates cannot have additional decorations. Graduates can take their commencement picture between 5:00pm and 6:30pm at the back of the gym. Seniors need to line up at 6:30 for the ceremony. Additional graduation procedures and rule will be sent home with your seniors in the near future. In other news, it has been a great year for the Gregori Jaguars, here are just a few of our highlights: Our attendance rate in the district continues to be #1 with over a 96% attendance rate on a daily basis; additionally, we have the lowest number of discipline incidents of all high schools in Modesto City Schools. We’ve led our district in both of these categories for five straight years (since we opened in 2010)! We are currently waiting to hear the result of our California Gold Ribbon Schools Award visitation. Only the best California schools that have made tremendous gains in implementing the academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education for all students, including English learners, will be recognized through the California Department of Education. 1476 students qualified for our Renaissance program in the third quarter. I want to thank all of you for trusting your students with us at Gregori High School. We take that trust seriously, and are always striving to improve our high school and your families’ experience. For the safety of students, staff, and community, please remember to drive slowly on and near campus – remember, don’t text and drive – and follow all parking and traffic flow rules in our continued effort to keep our campus safe. Lastly, as all of you have probably heard, Principal Jeff Albritton, our “Original Jag”, left Gregori at the end of February to take a district administrative position. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Albritton for his hard work, vision, and above all else, the care and concern that he had for all students and staff in crafting this amazing place we call home. We wish Mr. Albritton all the best in his future endeavors! If I don’t see you before the end of school, I hope that you have a restful summer! If you’re a senior, congratulations and I hope to see you next year at homecoming! GO JAGUARS! Principal (Interim) From the Associate Principal’s Office Curriculum and Instruction IN THIS ISSUE Principal’s Message Notes from Associate Principal Notes from Assistant Principals Counselor Updates Testing Upcoming Events Activities Calendar Summer Work Permit Info CLAW Volunteers Needed Fall Sports Info We’ve completed balloting all students, and the administration and site leadership team are collaborating and putting together next year’s master schedule. In addition, we are in the midst of “testing season” – CAASP / SBAC (all juniors / ELA & math); we just completed the CAHSEE testing in March (all sophomores); NCLB science exam (all sophomores), and we are now embarking on AP Testing! This year the AP test orders were for 779 tests distributed among 462 students. Last year a total of 332 students took 524 tests. This is a 28 percent increase in the number of students who are challenging themselves with rigorous AP test requirements. The purpose of taking these tests in various subject areas is to pass with a score that will earn the student college credit – saving that student (and parents!) both time and money. Students are challenging tests in the following areas: Chemistry, Environmental Science, Calculus AB, English Literature Composition, Computer Science, Spanish Language and Culture, US History, Biology, Music Theory, US Government/Politics, English Language Composition, World History, Human Geography, Psychology, Art History, European History, Physics, Spanish Literature and Culture, Statistics, and Italian Language & Culture. A wide range of students exist in the numbers of Jaguars challenging each test. A high of 116 students are challenging the Human Geography test, while 1 student is challenging the Italian Language test. In addition to testing at Gregori, Jaguars will be testing at Modesto Centre Plaza, Enochs, Downey, and Beyer High Schools. Students have been studying diligently to achieve scores of 3, 4 or 5 to earn college credit! Our students will begin taking these tests on May 1st and end on May 15th. Students will receive their “AP Student Packs” prior to the beginning of testing. Have a great summer JAGS! Richard Shahbazian Associate Principal From the Assistant Principal’s Office C Building Graduation: We are getting closer and closer to graduation. Here are some rules that must be observed if you plan to attend graduation. These rules will also be posted and printed on the tickets for your reference: Remain seated until the end of the program. Guests are not allowed to enter the ceremony area. Videotaping can be done only from your seats. No balloons allowed Bouquets, presents, etc. can be given to graduates AFTER the ceremony concludes. Please respect the traditional formality consistent with graduation exercises. Eligibility: 4th quarter grades, attendance and citizenship all can affect eligibility for extracurricular activities in the fall of 2015. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA, and cannot get two or more unsatisfactory marks in citizenship. For attendance absences will be considered unexcused and may affect extra-curricular eligibility if not cleared within 7 days after the student returns to school. CAHSEE: We are waiting for the results from the March CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) testing. For the 2 days of testing we averaged over 98% attendance. Thank you for continuing to support your child’s education by getting them to understand the importance of being at school every day. Safety Hotline: Just a reminder if you have any information about unsafe events or important safety information at Gregori High School, please call the Safety Hotline at (209) 550-3432. This is an anonymous message center that helps us provide a safe learning environment for your students. There is also our Students Speaking Out that works in cooperation with CrimeStoppers. The 3 ways to report are by phone 1-866-60CRIME, by email, or by texting TIP704 to 274637. All of these options are anonymous and helps us provide a safe learning environment for your students Thank you for a great 2014-2015 school year and I look forward to next year. Craig Springer Assistant Principal Building C Digital Media & Business Visual & Performing Arts From the Assistant Principal’s Office N Building Counselor Caseloads Please refer to the chart below before contacting a counselor. Cindy Shepherd - College Counselor Office phone 209-550-3430 ext. 2499, L-Building [email protected] Erica Steves - Visual & Performing Arts Office Phone 209-550-3430 ext. 2428, C-Building [email protected] Laura Garcia - Digital Media & Business Counselor Office Phone 209-550-3430 ext. 2429, C-Building [email protected] Megan Thompson (Filling in for Corrie Johnson) - Global Studies Counselor and TOPS Office Phone 209-550-3430 ext. 2527, N-Building [email protected] Alison Kuykendall - Career Technology Counselor Office Phone 209-550-3430 ext. 2529 N-Building [email protected] Balloting By the end of March, counselors will have met individually with all current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students to ballot for next year’s classes. During this time, counselors reviewed student transcripts and graduation requirements to ensure students were enrolled in the correct courses. It is important to remember that a teacher’s recommendation for next year’s class/level placement can change during the 4th quarter since the placement is based primarily on 1st semester performance. Summer School Modesto City Schools Summer School Program will begin on June 4th and conclude on June 30th. Classes will run Monday thru Friday with a morning session from 8:00am to 11:30am and an afternoon session from 12:00pm to 3:30pm. Class time will depend on the course being taken. Counselors called in students to sign them up for summer school beginning April 16th to the 23rd. A list of students who were placed in classes will be posted in May. If your student did not get placed, there is still a chance to get on a wait list for open spots. Please contact your counselor if you have questions. Phillip Jaramillo Assistant Principal Building N Global Studies Career Technology VISITORS TO OUR CAMPUS: All visitors should first check into the main office (Building A). Once in the office, visitors must register with the staff and state the nature of the visit. A visitor pass will then be issued, which must be worn at all times while on campus. Gregori High School teachers and campus supervisors have been instructed to question individuals on campus who are not students or staff. Please accept these questions as appropriate actions on the part of our staff in our effort to maintain a safe and peaceful campus. ENGLISH LEARNERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ELAC): If you have a student categorized as an English Learner, we would like to encourage you to join us next year and become involved with our English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC). The purpose of this committee is to advise the School Site Council and Principal Goudeau on issues related to English Learners so that we can ensure academic success for all EL students. The meeting schedule for 2015-16 will be available at CLAW. In addition, several ELAC participants will be available to answer your questions. June 2016: EF Tour Travel Opportunity to Athens, Florence, and Rome Is your student interested in travel? In June 2016, there is an opportunity for GHS students (current Freshmen through Juniors) to experience the global classroom first-hand to gain new perspectives of themselves and the world around them. If you are interested in your student traveling with this program, the deadline to sign up is fast approaching. Check out the tour details on the EF Tours website at and enter the following Tour Number: 1618516WY. Please email Jessica Maravilla at [email protected] for more information. ATTENTION ALL SENIORS! Do you know where you’re going to school after graduation? MJC, CSU or UC? If so, stop by the D Building and sign up for your FINAL TRANSCRIPTS with Mrs. Brasil! Remember if you do not sign up in May, your final transcripts will not be sent in June. CLAW VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! (CLASSES, LOCKERS AND WELCOME) IN ORDER FOR CLAW TO RUN SMOOTHLY, WE RELY ON THE HELP OF OUR PARENT VOLUNTEERS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER AND SPEND THE DAY WITH OUR ADMINISTRATORS AND STAFF, PLEASE CONTACT HOPE DUFFY AT (209) 550-3420 OR [email protected] TO BE ADDED TO OUR VOLUNTEER LIST. IT’S WITH THE HELP OF OUR AWESOME PARENTS THAT MAKE GREGORI THE AMAZING SCHOOL THAT IT IS! DATES FOR CLAW ARE AS FOLLOWS: MONDAY, JULY 27TH – SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS TUESDAY, JULY 28TH – FRESHMAN AND SENIORS Flowers, leis and water will be available for sale at Graduation by the FFA! Joseph A. Gregori High School Renaissance Program Our Pledge to Excellence Renaissance is a national movement designed to recognize, reward, and encourage academic growth and excellence in education. Pledge to Excellence donations go directly to Gregori Renaissance students. Students are recognized with tangible rewards and are showcased at school Renaissance rallies throughout the year. All students are eligible to earn Renaissance status. Students are rewarded for their level of academic performance, even improved academic performance. Often, Renaissance incentives encourage a low performing student to work to improve even one grade, thus earning them a Renaissance card. Have confidence that your TAX DEDUCTIBLE Pledge to Excellence contribution will benefit our Gregori High School Students. (Please return this portion with your donation) To make a donation, circle the desired level of participation and mail a check to: Gregori High School Attn: Renaissance, 3701 Pirrone Road, Modesto, CA 95356 Blue Bronze $5-$20 $21-$35 Silver $36-$75 Gold $76-$150 Platinum $150 and up Businesses: If you are interested in becoming a business partner with Gregori Renaissance, please call us at (209)550-3420 or email [email protected]. *If you make a Pledge to Excellence, you name will be displayed on a plaque in the front office.* Name as you would like it to appear on the Pledge to Excellence Board: MESSAGES FROM THE GREGORI COUNSELING TEAM College and Career WORK EXPERIENCE Counseling Mr. Rob Steves Hey Juniors! Senior year is just two months away! Students who plan to apply to a fouryear university in the fall should consider taking the SAT and/or ACT this May or June. I recommend taking one or both tests. Prep books for both tests are sold online or can be purchased at Barnes & Noble. Gregori’s school code is 052031. ACT Registration: Work Experience (WEX) is available to all juniors and seniors for elective credit. It also allows the student to work more hours than a regular work permit. All work permits issued during the school year will be good throughout the summer. If a student needs a work permit for the summer only or after the school year has ended, please go to the ROP office on Reno Avenue and they will issue the work permit. See the next page for more detailed information. Have YOU “Navianced” lately? This is a great place to search careers, colleges, take a personality test or start writing your resume! Students who have misplaced their log-in or password should see me in the C Building. Rob Steves Work Experience Specialist Head Baseball Coach Joseph A. Gregori High School 209-550-3430 ext. 2540 SAT Registration: Happy Summer, Mrs. Shepherd SUMMER WORK PERMITS Beginning May 29, 2015 Work Permits for youth 14-17 years of age, who reside in the Modesto City Schools District, will be issued at the: School-to-Career Education Office 1017 Reno Avenue, Bldg. B, Modesto Request for Work Permit forms may be picked up from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Monday – Friday After the Request for Work Permit form has been completed and signed by the parent/guardian, it can be returned to the School-to-Career Education Office. Each applicant must bring verification of age when returning the completed Request for Work Permit form. Documents that may be used for verification of age include any one of the following: U.S. Birth Certificate California Driver’s License California Identification Card Resident Card U.S. Passport Military Identification Card Request for Work Permit forms left by 3:00 p.m. will be ready for pick up after noon the following weekday. If you need further information, you may contact the School-to-Career Education Office at (209) 576-4164. ASB/Leadership Applications are now available for current GHS students in the SBO. Deadline for Elected Positions is on April 23rd, and for Non-Elected Positions on April 30th. Freshmen Leadership Applications are available on the GHS website beginning April 13th. Interview spaces are limited, first come first served. Application deadline is May 8. Prom is May 9, 2015 at the Gallo Center from 811pm. Prom tickets are on sale in the SBO. Guest passes are also available, please see Alison in the SBO for more details. Renaissance and PHAST Club Day on the Green will be Friday May 1st. Parents interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Jessica Maravilla at [email protected]. Don’t let your SENIOR miss the last celebration of the year with their friends. JAGS GRAD NIGHT will be held on the campus plaza from 10:00PM to 4:00AM, following graduation, May 29. All night party includes Former KWIN DJ, games, dancing, taco truck, full casino games, Spec ops laser tag and archery tag, sports ball, rock wall, Gamez on Wheelz, HIGH VOLTAGE BAND, Basketball, Ping Pong, Bouncin Bins favorite bounce obstacle course, surf rider and lot’s of incredible PRIZES. All is included for one low price $50.00. Your last chance to celebrate with your class. Forms are in the SBO or go to Seniors can take advantage of our promoter special; Get 5 friends to sign up and pay and your five friends will receive a $5.00 gift card to Jamba Juice and you will receive a $50.00 Visa Gift Card. The Sober Grad team welcomes faculty and parent volunteers the night of the event. Please contact us at [email protected] and like us on Facebook! 2015 ACADEMIC BLOCK G RECIPIENTS Below is the list of our 2015 Block G Recipients. Congratulations Jags! Aldava, Ciera Anderson, Jillian Andrews, Mackenzie Apellanes, Josemaria Astorga, German Badillo, Ched Bailey, Jacob Baily, Emma Banh, Vanessa Barandica, Dominic Bartlett, Alyssa Bath, Banmit Becerra, Kelly Bhandal, Amritpreet Bowman, Malia Bowman, Chynna Britton, Andrew Britton, Christian Burciu, Ligia Burdette, Javier Campos, Angela Carlson, Samantha Carrillo, Dominic Castaneda, Yuehesi Chan, Kristina Chapman, Chloe Cheang, Ysabel Cook, Karrigan Coss, Aztly Crilly, Nicholas Dahuya, Rosheil Dahuya, Roel Dahuya, Rendale Dieker, Kenneth Dillon, Mackenzie Doxey, Jessica Dumlao, Kai Eldredge, Sophie Evins, Ryan Eyison, Princess Fox, Emily Gill, Harmon Goldman, Cameron Goldman, Alexander Goudeau, Tanner Granberg, Stephen Grover, Shelby Harrison, Grant Hawkins, Victoria Hayes, Elisabeth Hijaouy, Zakaria Hijaouy, Lina Howard, Amelia Humeston, Alyssa Hutchison, Jacob Jamison, Hunter Janitz, Tyler Jensen, Alex Jensen, Nathaniel Khan, Saba King, Ashley Kleinfelder, Emily Labaria, Albert Logan, Bryce Lynch, Jake Mai, Haomin Mak, Sarah Manning, Jennifer Martin, Lindsey Martinez, Cristian Martinez, Matthew Mauthe, Alexander McBay, Ashley Merenda, Alexander Meyer, Micaela Monder, Simran Mutchler, Kaitlyn Neeley, Abigail Neeley, Hannah Olivarez, Michael Ortega, Rick Pesout, Shaina Pham, Vy Potter, Nick Presses, Janae Price, Chris Ramirez, Miguel Ramsdell, Kassandra Rhodeman, Andrew Rios, Chelsey Rodriguez, Victoria Runyan, Jackson Salvador, Ricardo Samano, Alex Seah, Matthew Seiuli, Anastasia Sibala, Dhiraj Sidhu, Sophia Spencer, Noah Stapley, Samuel Sucala, Adrianna Sucala, Bianca Swan, Brianna Taggar, Elizabeth Tan, Aron Christopher Tanner, Emma Turn, Daniel Van Dyke, Courtnee Vaughn, Juliet Villanueva Navarro, Aritzahi Yepiz Yepez, Ulises Young, Hannah
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