F. No. 9-11/2015-EE-6 (MDM 3-1) Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy MOM Division **************** Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated 15th May, 2015. Subject: Minutes of the meeting of Programme Approval held on 20.03.2015. Board - Mid Day Meal The meeting of Programme Approval Board Mid-Day Meal to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 in respect of State of Uttarakhand was held on 20.03.2015 at New Delhi under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (SE&L), Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource & Development. 2. A copy of the minutes of the above meeting is enclosed for information & necessary action. (Arna Under Secretary to the Govt. 0 India Tel. 011-233 4897 1. Senior Advisor (Education) NITI Aayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. Shri Yogendra Tripathi, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of HRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. Joint Secretary (ICDS), Ministry of Women & Child Development, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 4. Shri Deepak Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi 5. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour Shram Shakti Bhawan New Delhi. 6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. 7. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Development of North-Eastern Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe, New Delhi- 110003. States, 8. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, 7'h Floor, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi. 9. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 10. D. Senthil Pandiyan Secretary [School Education], Government of Uttarakhand, School Education Department, SBI Building, 1st Floor, 4 Subhas Road, Dehradun - 248 001. 11. Vice Chancellor, NUEPA, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 12. Economic Advisor (Education), SE&L,Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 13. P. K Bisht, MIS Coordinator, Government of Uttarakhand, School Education Department, SBI Building, 1st Floor, 4 Subhas Road, Dehradun - 248 001. 14. Ms. Amita Joshi, Finance Controller Government of Uttarakhand, School Education Department, SBI Building, 1st Floor, 4 Subhas Road, Dehradun - 248 001. 15. Director NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 16. Dr (Mrs) Prema Ramchandran Director, Nutrition Foundation of India, C-13, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi- 110016. 17. Shri Biraj Patnaik, Principal Advisor, Office of Supreme Court Commissioner, B-68, 2nd Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi - 110001. 18. Dr. Uma Aiyyar, Reader, Food & Nutrition Unit, M.S. University of Baroda, Pratapgunj, Vadodara - 390002. 19. Shri O.P. Dani, Chief General Manager (Sales), Food Corporation of India, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. 20. Shri J.H.Panwal, Joint Technical Advisor, Food & Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Jeevandeep Building, New Delhi. 21 National Institute of Administrative Research, LBSNAA Cosy Nook, Mussoorie - 248179, UTTARAKHAND 22. Shri P.N. Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, New Delhi. Copy also to: 1. PPS to Secretary(SE&L). 2. PPS to Joint Secretary(EE.I). 3. Dir (GP) I DS(BDS) I DS(VKN) I DS(HK). 4. US(SA) I US(AO) IUS(RK) I SO(SS) I SO(KLA) I SO(RKJ). GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME ************** Minutes of the Programme Approval Soard for Mid-Day Meal (PAS-MOM) meeting held on 20th. March, 2015 to consider the Annual Work Plan & Sudget-2015-16 of Uttarakhand. The meeting of the Programme Approval Board for Mid-Day Meal Scheme was held in New Delhi on 20th March, 2015 under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy (SE&L), Government of India through video conference. The agenda before the PAB-MDM was: a) to review the status and progress of the implementation of Mid-Day Meal (MOM) Scheme for the State of UUarakhand b) to consider the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2015-16 proposal of UUarakhand for MOM Scheme. The list of participants of the meeting is at Annexure-I. 2. Secretary (SE&L), Government of India welcomed the members of PAB-MDM and other participants. The representatives of the State Government were asked to highlight the achievements in the implementation of the scheme during 2014-15, best practices followed in the State, constraints if any, in the implementation of the programme and their proposals for 2015-16. 3. Mr. D. Senthil Pandian, Secretary (Education) (SPD-MDM), Govt. of UUarakhand briefed the PAB members on the highlights of the scheme. He focussed on the performance of Mid Day Meal Scheme in the State and the initiatives taken by the State Government to improve its effectiveness. He informed that the State is paying an additional amount of Rs. 500/- per month in addition to the minimum mandatory State share as honorarium to Cook-cum-Helpers. Apart from the above, State is also paying Rs. 1000/- per year as incentive to Cook-cum-Helpers. Hand washing system before and after meal has been implemented in all the Schools in the State. State is also planning to install one smokeless chulha in each block. State has successfully completed the Training of 60 Cook-cumHelpers as Master Trainer with the help of Institute of Hotel Management (IHM), Dehradun and remaining cook-cum-helpers have also been trained in phased manner. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director (MDM-MHRD) presented an analYSis of the performance of State in the implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme during first three quarters of the year 2014-15 i.e. April to December, 2014. 1 4. Performance of the Scheme during last three years The radar charts given below, are a summary of performance of State on important parameters under Mid Day Meal Scheme during last 3 years. Institutions 2014-15 9.8 9.4 9.3 2.6 7.0 9.8 10 6.1 10 10 7.6 8.8 6.9 ,-----.,----- . 9.8 KO 2013-14 Institutions 9.8 ~Chlldren 8.1 Working Days 9.8 10 9.4 4.8 1n .,--,~~--~-----.------ LPG FG Utilsation Payment 10 Annual 6.5 to Fer Cooking Cost ·.JHon.CCH 9.4 6.3 7.5 7.5 KD 9.3 10 Institutions 9.8 . ,Children 8.4 , Working Days 10 9.40rinl<ing Water 8.1 Monthly DE Status" 10 Annual 5.1 5.8 FG Utilsation -1 DE Status 1 nspection 2012-13 +n-----i Payment to FeIS.7 : Fund Flow ' School Health 6.6 7.5 Cooldng Cost 6.5 TA 4.4 Hon.CCH MME 7.5 1<0 9.6 KS 6.9 It is evident from the chart that the performance of State has improved over the years in the area of Food grain utilization, Payment to FCI, Coverage under Rashtriya Baal Suraksha Karyakram (RBSK) etc .. At the same time the performance has gone down on vital parameters like utilization of Cooking Cost, Drinking water availability, usable Toilet Facility etc. from the last year. Secretary (SE&L) advised the State Government to take corrective measures on the poorly performing indicators for improving the performance of the scheme. 2 4.1 Areas of Concern: i) The appraisal has revealed the following areas of concern Delay in the release of funds from State to School level. ii) Less coverage of working days (164 days out of 177 days). iii) Honorarium paid in cash to the cook-cum-helpers in schools located in remote areas. iv) Less coverage of children in some districts like Nainital, Pauri, Pithoragarh, Champawat, Tehri and Almora. v) Food grains not delivered at school doorstep in hilly areas. vi) Mismatch in the data of AWP&8-2015-16 and MIS-MOM. vii) Testing of meals is yet to be initiated. 5. Issues discussed i) during the meeting: Fund Flow Mechanism JS (EE.I) enquired about the time taken in the process of release of funds from State to implementing agencies level. The State representative informed that the State has decided in SSMC meeting that State will ensure timely release of funds. Secretary (SE&L) advised the State to track the time taken in release of funds at every level. She also advised the State to remove some of the intermediary levels in the release of funds. ii) Coverage JS (EE.I) observed that there was continuous decline in Coverage (Primary (82%) & Upper Primary (78%) only). The State representative assured that the enrolment (SE&L) vis-a-vis the attendance. Secretary they will review advised the State to enquire about the issues of low coverage in these districts. iii) Payment of Honorarium to CCH through Banl< (e-Transfer) JS (EE.I) observed that the Honorarium to CCH is still being paid in Cash in some areas. State representative CCH will be paid bye-transfer iv) Construction informed that the State has decided that Honorarium to only from this financial year. of kitchen-cum-stores JS (EE.I) observed that Construction work for 396 Kitchen cum Stores have not even started. Secretary (SE&L) expressed 3 deep concern over non completion of sanctioned kitchen-cum-stores. State representative assured that construction for 2250 kitchen-cum-stores, which are already at various stages of construction will be completed by the month of June, 2015 and construction for the remaining 396 kitchen-cum-stores will be completed by December, 2015. It is important to mention that in the light of SSMC decision for 1094 schools where enrolment is less than 10, no kitchen cum stores will constructed and the said fund will be surrendered to MHRD, Gov!. of India. Accordingly, State has surrendered 1094 Kitchen-cum-Store in FY 2013 with approval from MHRD (vide letter no. D.0.-5.11/2010 dated 19.07.2013 and another letter no. 10367 dated. 18.09.2013). v) Non-delivery of foodgrains and LPG at School Level JS (EE.I) enquired about the status of delivery of food grains & LPG at School Level. State Representative informed that State is Paying TA to DSO & SMC proportionately for delivery of food grains. DSO delivers the food grains at PDS level and SMC picks up food grain from PDS. State Representative also informed about the difficulty in delivery of LPG at School level. They have requested to Gov!. of India for additional provisioning for transportation of LPG. Dir. (MDM-MHRD) informed that MHRD is paying transport assistance as per PDS rates (as it is doing in all the Hilly states). Moreover, if State submits separate proposal for this additional transport assistance for foodgrains and LPG for Financial Year 2014-15 and previous year also it may also be considered. vi) Food Sample Testing: JS (EE.I) enquired about the modes being adopted for testing of food samples. State Representative informed that there is no any NABL (Lab) available in the State at presen!. The State represent assured to execute this task in the Financial year 2015-·16through convergence with other concerned departments like Health etc. vii) Approval of 108 New Madrasas State Representative has requested for approval of newly '108 Madrasas recognized by Madrasa board. Secretary (SE&L) advised that as per guidelines of MDM, it will be approved only when these Madrasas are supported by SSA. 4 viii) Provision of License Fee under FSSAI State Representative has requested for provisioning for License Fee under FSSAI. Secretary (SE&L) advised that the cooking of food in School based Kitchens under MOM does not come under any commercial activity. So there is no requirement for any license. Meanwhile MHRO will raise this issue and request for exemption of license with concerned department of FSSAI. ix) Committed liability of the State Government It was informed by State Government representative that there is no committed liability in respect of any components of MOMS for the year 2013-14 and 2014-15. x) Technological intervention MDM-IVRS - Secretary (SE&L) mentioned that this department is in the process of Introduction of IVRS based monitoring mechanism. She advised the State Government to collect the mobile numbers of all the teachers in the State in the meanwhile. The Secretary, Gov!. of Ullarakhand assured to collect the mobile numbers of teachers within one month. xi) Social Audit of the Scheme Representative of the State Government informed that State will initiate the Social Audit from Financial Year 2015-16. xii) Training of Cook-cum-helpers Representative of the State Government informed that training of cook-cum-helpers has been organized with the support of IHM Dehradun and SCERT. Secretary (SE&L) appreciated the efforts and advised that services of Institute of Hotel Management, any other institute or renowned chefs may also be utilized for imparting training to cook-cum-helpers. xiii)Social Equity State representative informed that no case of discrimination on the basis of caste, gender or religion in cooking, serving and eating of MDM has been reported in the State. 5 xiv) Request for enhancement of Honorarium State representative requested Gov!. of India to enhance the honorarium to cookcum-helpers from Rs.1000/- to at least Rs.2000/- per month. Secretary (SE&L) informed that the proposal for enhancement of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers is under consideration and the State would be informed after approval of the competent authority. She further advised that State may provide additional funds towards the honorarium to cook-cum-helpers from its own resources as is done by some of the other States/UTs. xv) Request for exemption from Adhaar Based linked with LPG State representative requested for exemption from Adhaar Based linked with LPG which is running in the State. Secretary (SE&L) advised that delivery of MDM through school based kitchen does not come under commercial activity. As such, no Adhaar based link is required with LPG for school run kitchen for MDM. She further advised that State representative should talk to concern officials at State level in this regard. 6. PAB-MDM approval for the year 2015-16 Director (MDM-MHRD) informed that the State has proposed to cover 4.35 lakh children in primary and 2.94 lakh children in upper primary. He further added that these numbers are the average number of children availed MDM during the year. After discussions with State officials and based on the achievement during 2014-15, the PAB-MDM approved the following number of children, number of school days etc. for quantifying the Central assistance for UUarakhand:No Component State's Proposal for PAB MDM approval 2015-16 + Govt. aided + institutions 12737 28 6 for 2015-16 424746 No. of institutions 12737 No. of Children 424746 171 28 171 1.2 Upper Primary 1.2.1 Govt. + Govt. aided + 5337 LB schools 1.2.2 Special Training Centers 1.2.3 Madarsa/Maqtab 21 Total (1.2) 5358 Drought 1.3 1.3.1 Primary o 1.3.2 Upper Primary o Total (1.3) o GRAND TOTAL (1.1 + 18151 1.2+1.3) 2' ' Primary 2.1 2.2 Upper Primary' 2.3 NCLP 2.4 Drought ~P~ri~m~a~ry~ +Upper Primary .:~ 5337 287950 -- -- 6563 294513 21 5358 6563 294513 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 729699 18151 729699 287950 239 239 o ~O~ 0 r~pproval' 0'fcook-cum-, .';:i ;"help'e,rs,fo~:20~l'H6r 239 239 0 0=-o 0 32989 .,r' '!; (No additional) (No additional) (No additional) (No additional) 32989 No Proposal 173 11.~l,p".I.~iteh~ri;,J:NlilW,SchoelJ;. lft 198 1907 1907 ".~i: -d ~pe,lllc.es. JI':'.aepli.lc~ment.., * DUring2014-15, 32989 cook-cum-helpers were approved. The State has proposed to restrict to the same number of cook-cum-helpersas was approved in 2014-15. 7. Submission of proposals for additional requirement of funds for covering children over and above PAB-MOM approval for 2015-16 It was clarified that the quantification of resources is only an estimate for release of Central Assistance during 2015-16 under the MOM Scheme. The MOMS provides that every child attending the eligible institution, is to be covered under the Scheme and shall be served mid day meal on all school days. In case the State Gov!. finds that the average number of children availing mid day meal and the working days are more than the approved numbers by PAB-MOM, they may approach the GOI at any time with justification for additional Central Assistance. 7 8. Dissemination of the approvals by State Government The State is advised to disseminate the approvals of the resources to all the field functionaries in the State and districts. so as to enable all the eligible institutions to ensure that every child attending the eligible school must be served hot cooked mid day meals on all school days irrespective of the approvals of PAB-MOM. 9. Admissible Allocation of resources The release of Central Assistance for the financial year 2015-16, would be as per the funding pattern under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Total outlay of Rs. 132.31 crore (including both Central and State share) for Uttarakhand for Financial Year 2015-16 has been worked out on the basis of number of children & number of working days approved by the PAB-MOM and as per proposed revised norms after revision of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f. 1s1 April, 2015 . The order for revision of cooking cost by 7.5% or any other enhancement for the financial year 2015-16 will be issued separately after approval of the Competent Authority. Thus, the present rate of cooking cost will continue till further orders. The Component-wise approval of funds for 2015-16 can be seen at Annexure-II. 8 Annexure-I List of Participants 1. Sm!. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary (SE&L), Ministry of Human Resource Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. Development, 2. Shri J. Alam, Joint Secretary (EE.I), Ministry of Human Resource Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. Development, 3. Shri D. Senthil Pandiyan, Secretary (Education) (State Project Director, SSA), Utlarakhand 4. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. Development, 5. Shri Ani! Kakria, Deputy Secretary (Finance), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 6. Shri BD. Shivani, Deputy Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 7. Shri Harish Kumar, Deputy Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 8. Dr. Kusum Pant, Additional Project Director, SSA Utlarakhand 9. Shri Rajeev Kumar, Under Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 10. Shri K.C. Meena, Under Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 11. Amita Joshi, Finance Controller, SSA Utlarakhand 12. P. K Bisht, MIS Coordinator, MDM Uttarakhand 13. Shri K.L. Ahuja, Section Officer (MDM 2-1), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 14. Ms. Neelam Rani, Section Officer (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. 15. Shri Harshit Mishra, Senior Research Officer, Niti Aayog. 16. Shri Bishwajit Kumar, UDC (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 17. Dr. MA Quasmi, MI Representative, Islamia, New Delhi- 110025. lASE, Department of Education, Development, Jamia Millis 18. Shri Shakeel Ahmed Khan, MI, lASE, Department of Education, Jamia Millis Islamia, New Delhi- 110025. 19. Professor B.P. Bhardwaj, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi -110016. 20. Shri Yogesh Kumar, Professor, NCERT, New Delhi. 21. Shri P.N. KhOlwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, New Delhi. 9 Annexure-II State: Uttarakhand QUANTIFICATION OF CENTRAL ASSISTANCE FOR 2015-16 (As per revised norms after revision of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f. 1st April, 2015) $ A Food qrains 51. No. No. of Children No. of Working days Quantity in MTs. day) 435186 239 10400.95 Up. Primary (@150 gms per child per school day) 294513 239 10558.29 NCLP ( @150 gms per child per school day) 0 4 Drought 0 0 0 4.1 Primary 0 0 0 4.2 Upper Primary 0 0 0 Stage Primary (@ 100 gms per child per school 1 2 3 TOTAL B. Cost of Foodgrains, and Manaqement 51. No. 0 729699 Cooking cost, Transport MonitorinQ and Evaluation Assistance, 20959.24 Hon. to cook-cum-helpers (MMEI Component/norm 1 0 Amount admissible (Rs. in lakh) ---- 2 3 1 Cost of Food grains @ Rs. 5650/- per MT for 10400.95 MT rice + VAT-5% 617.04 2 Unit Cooking Cost- Rs. 3.86 per day / per child for 435186 children for 239 days 3 Transportation Primary Cost @ Rs. 1524.90 Per MT food grains 10 4014.76 158.60 (435186 x 239 days x 0.0001 MT x Rs.1524.90) 4 Honorarium months) for cook cum Helper - (215610 x RS.1000x 10 2156.10 Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) @ 1.8% of the 5 i) ii) iii) iv) Cost of food grains Cooking cost Cost of transportation and Honorarium to cook - cum-helpers 97.17 7043.67 TOTAL - {1 +2+3+4+5} Upper Primary 6 Cost of Food grains @ Rs. 56501- per MT for 10558.29 MT rice + VAT-5% 626.37 7 Unit Cooking Cost 5.78 per day 1 per child for 294513 children for 239 days 4068.47 Transportation cost @ Rs. 1524.90 Per MT food grains 8 '161.00 (294513 x 239 days x 0.00015 x 1524.90) 9 Honorarium to cool< cum Helper (11428 x RS.1000x 10 months) 1142.80 Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) @1.8%ofthe 10 i) ii) iii) iv) Cost of food grains Cooking cost Cost of transportation and Honorarium to cook - cum-helpers TOTAL - {6+7.1 +8+9.1+10} Total (Primary + Upper Primary) 11 Replacement of Kitchen devices (1907) Kitchen devices for new schools (173) Total Non-recurring 84.59 6083.22 13126.89 95.35 8.65 104.00 GRAND TOTAL - (1-11) 11 13230.89 - c. Drought NIL D. Non-recurring 104.00 E. Total Requirement of Funds for 2015-16 (Rs. in lakh) Component Recurring As per existing Normal 13126.89 Drought 0 Non- recurring norms 104.00 Total $: Subject to approval of enhancement 13230.89 of cookmg cost by 7.5% by competent authority. The release of Central Share of Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-·16 would be as per the fund sharing pattern under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. --000- 12
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