Reading Comprehension Worksheet WK 23

Name ________________________ Class ______
LA 10 Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read pages 739 – 820
Date _________
European Literature in the Nineteenth Century 1800-1900
Score ____________
Wk 23
Use complete sentences with proper grammar to answer the following items.
1. What was the Reign of Terror?
2. Who were the Romantics and what did they believe?
3. How did the Industrial Revolution influence society and literature?
4. What is Naturalism and it impact on literature and art?
5. Describe the life of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. What is he most know for in literature?
6. What agreement do Mephistopheles and the Lord make about Faust?
7. What pact do Mephistopheles and Faust make?
8. What is Romantic about the Lord’s position in allowing Faust to be tested by Mephistopheles?
9. Describe the mood or atmosphere of the poem “I Have Visited Again.” What elements of the setting is described?
10. Describe or state the theme and central idea about life of this poem. What role does the setting play in the
development of this theme?
11. What are the three most important events in Victor Hugo’s life?
12. What two foes of Napoleon does the speak mention in “Russia 1812”?
13. What do the French soldiers do to stay alive?
14. Explain the figures of speech “circles of steel” and “whirlpools of savages”.
15. In lines 67 – 69…. What do you think Napoleon “understood”?
16. Identify the single most important thing about Charles Baudelaire’s life.
17. In the poem, “Invitation to the Voyage”, identify at least two lines or phrases in the poem that hint that the
speaker’s life is not happy.
18. What are the two most important events in the life of Guy de Maupassant? Why?
19. In “The Piece of String,” what does Hauchecorne find on the ground?
20. What does the saddler Malandain claim he has seen Hauchecorne do?
21. What happens to the lost wallet?
22. Describe the setting and character development in “The Piece of String.”
23. Identify the three most significant events in the life of Leo Tolstoy.
24. In “The Long Exile”, what is Aksenof convicted of?
25. Who really killed the merchant and how?
26. How does Aksenof react when he finds out he is going to prison for a crime he did not commit?
27. After his wife’s visit, what are Aksenof’s thoughts and feelings about his situation? What would be yours?.
28. Why do you think Aksenof never receives letters from his family?
29. What is ironic about the attitudes that the authorities and inmates come to have toward Aksenof?
Name ________________________ Class ______
LA 10 Writing Exercise
Date _________
Score ____________
European Literature in the Nineteenth Century 1800-1900
Wk 23
Directions: Read pages 815 – 820, “A Problem” by Anton Checkhov. In an essay, interpret the
meaning or significance of the title "A Problem." Explain what serious moral problem was being
discussed. What other serious family problem is presented in the story? In what sense is the forged
promissory note the least serious problem? Include an autobiographical incident of a family problem
you have encountered. What moral lesson did you learn?