The Raven Respond and Think Critically

The Raven
Respond and Think Critically
1. Connect to Personal Experience In your opinion, what is the most haunting image
in this poem? Explain.
2. Describe Speaker How would you describe the speaker’s emotional state in the first
six stanzas? What details from the poem support your description?
4. Analyze Meaning What will never be lifted from the raven’s shadow? What does this
imply about the speaker’s future?
5. Analyze Rhyme Scheme An eye rhyme occurs when words are spelled similarly but
sound differently, like some and dome. What is the eye rhyme in line 85? What is the
effect of this rhyme?
6. Evaluate Author’s Purpose How would you describe Poe’s purpose in writing this
poem? Did he achieve his purpose? Support your answer with evidence from the
Analyze Sound Devices
The music of Poe’s verses derives from his use of sound devices, most of which are
kinds of repetition.
10. What is the effect of the repetition of the word tapping?
11. The words grim, ungainly, ghastly, and gaunt describe the raven. How do these
words contribute to the meaning of the poem?