Poetry Group Activity – Using Poetic Devices

Grade 10
Poetry Group Activity – Using Poetic Devices
Today your group will be creating a poem on an assigned topic. Each person in
your group will be responsible for creating TWO lines of poetry using assigned
poetic devices. When you are done creating your lines, your group will put the
poem together so it makes sense. Your poem does not have to go in the order
listed below.
Your group poem must take a certain tone towards your subject and have a
You will be presenting your final poem as a group. Think about the mood or tone
you will be using to present. (you can sit at your desks)
The title of the poem will be the topic assigned to your group. Indicate at the
end of each line what poetic device can be found in that line. At the bottom,
please write the group member’s names.
Topics: homework, fishing, mountains, the ocean, beauty, Canada, family,
homelessness, music, The Simpson’s, technology, Christmas, graduation, Poco,
Topic: ________________________________________
Member #1: alliteration and simile and metaphor
Member #2: symbolism, metaphor and imagery
Member #3: personification, allusion and hyperbole
Member #4: couplet and imagery x2 (your two lines need to be a couplet)