2015 Professional Development Conference We are the future of public education SMEA Conference March 21, 2015 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. MEA Headquarters • East Lansing 2015 Student Michigan Education Association Professional Development Conference Saturday, March 21, 2015 MEA Headquarters East Lansing Conference Schedule 9-10 a.m. Conference Registration Light Continental Breakfast 10-10:30 a.m. Welcome Brianna Bolton 2014-15 SMEA Vice Chairperson Speeches from nominees for election 10:30-10:45 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m. Sessions/100 Series 12-12:45 p.m. Lunch 12:45-1:30 p.m. Guest Speaker 1:30-1:45 p.m. Break 1:45-3 p.m. Sessions/200 Series 3-3:15 p.m. Break 3:15-4:30 p.m. Sessions/300 Series 4:30-5 p.m. Closing Session Announcement of election results and raffle Special Guest Chelsey Jo Herrig Chelsey grew up in Jackson, MN, a small town in southwestern Minnesota. She is a recent graduate of Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) majoring in Elementary Education with a mathematics endorsement and minor in Special Education. The love and support of her grandma Marian, mother Kristi and brother Nathan has helped her rise to any occasion with positivity and drive. Before being elected as the NEA Student Program Chair, Chelsey served as the SMSU Education Minnesota Student Program Co-President. Although most of her experiences come from the national level, she knows the importance and power of each college chapter across the country. Chelsey has served on the NEA’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification Committee. Following her term on SOGI, she was honored to represent the NEA Student Program as one of three, NEA Student Board of Directors. Chelsey’s previous two summers were spent as a nanny for two amazing boys. Her evenings were spent coaching baseball and gymnastics. Our passion is contagious! Chelsey’s hope for the next two years is to empower, educate, and organize our student program members to strengthen our voices as the future of education and the future of NEA. While there may be many challenges ahead, she is confident we work together to come out ahead. After all, the NEA Student Program (NEA-SP) is the largest and most influential student group for future educators. Chelsey is beyond excited and blessed to be on this journey with all of you! Let’s share our passion! Registration Information HOW TO REGISTER ONLINE: To register online for the 2015 SMEA Conference, go to https://netforum.mymea.org/members Find the conference registration information under Upcoming Events. Online Registration must be paid with a credit card. Technical questions? MEA Should you have technical questions, please email [email protected] or call 800-292-1934, ext. 6250. ➢ HOW TO REGISTER BY MAILING, FAXING OR EMAILING YOUR REGISTRATION FORM: Select your first, second and third choice for each of the session series. This is to assure that if some sessions are filled before your registration request is processed, you will be assigned sessions that interest you. PAYMENT IN FULL MUST ACCOMPANY THE REGISTRATION FORM: Checks or money orders—make payable to Michigan Education Association Credit Card payment—complete all information on the form WHERE TO MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL THE FORM: Mail: Accounting Department Michigan Education Association 1350 Kendale Blvd., PO Box 2573 East Lansing, MI 48826-2573 Fax:517-336-4009 Attn: Rebbecca Ernst Email:[email protected] Registration Fees before March 17 after March 17 SMEA Members $20 $25 Non-members $75$80 Non-members can get the $20 member rate by becoming a SMEA member. Just fill out the SMEA Membership Application (in this packet) and send in payment for $27 to become a member. 100 SESSIONS 200 SESSIONS 300 SESSIONS 101—Transitioning into the Workforce 201—What Every New Teacher Needs to Know About Teacher Certification 301—What Every New Teacher Needs to Know About Teacher Certification The most important thing you will do in your career is make sure you keep your Teaching Certificate up-to-date. Come learn about the new certification laws, the new professional development laws and how MEA can help you stay on track. Everyone will leave with a specific plan on how to renew your Provisional Certificate or progress to your Professional Certificate. See session description for Session 201. Join two experienced classroom teachers who’ve also served as local, state, and national Association leaders to receive some tips for not only surviving your first few years on the job but also thriving. Tom Brenner MEA Executive Committee Past President Novi EA Formerly NEA Board of Directors Doug Hill, President Rochester EA MEA/NEA Board of Directors 102—What Do You Really Know About the Common Core State Standards? This workshop will cover everything you need to know about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to start working successfully with your students. Participants will learn how to focus your teaching using three “Instructional Shifts” in both ELA/Literacy and Math. Participants will learn the ELA and Literacy Shifts of 1) complex text and academic language; 2) evidence from text; and 3) building knowledge through non-fiction, as well as the Math Shifts of 1) focus; 2) coherence; and 3) rigor. You will leave with tips on how to easily plan, design and implement lessons to help students be successful with CCSS. Melanie Waltz MEA Professional Issues Organizer Common Core Leadership and Advocacy Cadre (CCLAC) 103—Professional Tips to Protect You Learn some simple insight to setting a professional tone in your classroom and in your new career. This session will include issues concerning mandated reporting, professional dress, needed documentation and much more. Mary Halley MEA Southern Zone Director Melanie Waltz MEA Professional Issues Organizer 202—Getting to the Top of the Pile: How to Get Noticed During Your Job Search As you start applying for teaching jobs, you will find it daunting to keep sending out resumes and cover letters. This session will provide you with information on the three most important aspects of your job search: an engaging cover letter, a killer resume and tips to ace those dreaded interviews. Come to this session with an open mind and a copy of your resume and be prepared to mark it up and walk out with a new perspective on your role in your job search. Also, bring any interview questions you’re worried about. This is an interactive, workshop-type session with the goal to give you the information you need and then work with you to walk out feeling more confident and better prepared to find the job that is right for you. Nancy Koziol MEA UniServ Director 203—Classroom Technology Tips and Tricks Looking for new ways to incorporate technology in the classroom? Wanting to utilize the tools you already have? In this session we will explore different iPad Apps, Google Tools, and sites to use with the Smartboard. Bring your device this is not a sit and get session! Stacey Schuh Instructional Technology Consultant for Jackson County ISD Melanie Waltz MEA Professional Issues Organizer 302—Getting to the Top of the Pile: How to Get Noticed During Your Job Search See session description for Session 202. Nancy Koziol MEA UniServ Director 303—Classroom Technology Tips and Tricks See session description for Session 203. Stacey Schuh Instructional Technology Consultant for Jackson County ISD (Form may be reproduced) 2015 Student Michigan Education Association Conference March 21, 2015 • MEA Headquarters, East Lansing, Michigan Registration Deadline—March 17, 2015 Name Cell phone Home address City State Zip College/University E-mail Indicate most appropriate number Classification: __________ Member information: 1. Freshman 2. Sophomore 3. Junior Student MEA Member 4. Senior 5. Graduate Student 6. Faculty/Sponsor Signature Series Non-member Amount enclosed 100 200 300 Breakfast __________ First choice Lunch __________ Second choice Third choice Special Needs Physical handicap (Please be specific) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary needs (Please be specific)__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Fees Postmarked by March 17 Postmarked after March 17 $20 $25 SMEA Members Non-members$75$80 Non-members can get the $20 member rate by becoming a SMEA member. Just fill out the SMEA Membership Application (in this packet) and send in payment for $27 to become a member. ALL payment information for conference must accompany this registration form. Amount Enclosed: $ _______________ Number of forms included with payment _______________ of _______________ Check (payable to MEA) Check # _______________ Received from _________________________________ VISA MasterCard Discover AmEx _________________________________________________ Card Number _________________________________________________ Expiration Date _________________________________________________ Printed Name of Authorized Signer _________________________________________________ Authorized Signature MAIL Form and Payment to: Accounting Department Michigan Education Association 1350 Kendale Blvd., PO Box 2573 East Lansing, MI 48826-2573 For Accounting Use Only FAX Credit Card Registration to: 517-336-4009 EMAIL Registration to: [email protected] Registration Coordinator: Rebbecca Ernst 800-292-1934, ext. 6250 [email protected] Joyce Phelps, Conference Coordinator Rebbecca Ernst, Conference Assistant SMEA Student Mea/nea and Local Membership application 2014-15 School Year* Please read instructions before completing form. Items 1-12 are required. Incomplete forms will not be processed. 1. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 2. GENDER 4. CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS 5. E-MAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED) 9. MEA MEMBERSHIP Code Code CITY COUNTY 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ATTENDING / / 10. NEA MEMBERSHIP 22 3. NAME 11. CURRENT PHONE & AREA CODE 60 STATE ZIP CODE 8. CURRENT DATE 12. STUDENT TEACHING STARTED/STARTS (MONTH) (YEAR) 13. ETHNIC GROUP ■ AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE ■ ASIAN ■ BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN ■ HISPANIC OR LATINO ■ NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR PACIFIC ISLANDER ■ OTHER (SPECIFY) ___________________________ ■ CAUCASIAN Dues to the Local-MEA-NEA are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, they may be deductible under other provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and/or the Michigan income tax provision. ■ CASH PAYMENT: MEA/NEA dues of The membership is from September 1 through August 31 of any year. 27.00 $ ______________ are payable upon application. Local dues (if applicable) $ ______________ This amount is determined by and paid to the local Student MEA. You will be contacted regarding the amount of local dues you owe the campus organization. DO NOT SEND the local portion of your dues to MEA Membership. Signature __________________________________________________ Date _______________ Items 1-12 are required. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Sign, date and return this completed form with your check to your campus local Student MEA chapter If you are sending payment directly to MEA, make check payable to MEA and mail it to the address listed below or fill out credit card information and fax to MEA. ALL payment information must accompany this form. FAX Form With Credit Card Payment To: 517-336-4009 Amount Enclosed: $ ______________ Payment Method: ■ Check (payable to MEA) Check # _______________ Received from_______________________________ ■ VISA OR MAil Form with Check Payment to: Accounting Department Michigan Education Association 1350 Kendale Blvd. P.O. Box 2573 East Lansing, MI 48826-2573 For Accounting Use Only ■ MasterCard Card Number Expiration Date Printed Name of Authorized Signer Authorized Signature KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. SMEA APP *Accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. However, receipt of payment will not be confirmed until after September 1, 2014. 2014-15 Student MEA Advisory Committee Brianna Bolton (Wayne State) VICE CHAIR Bridgette Buse (Ferris) Danielle Desilets (Michigan State) Jennifer Lee (Oakland) Ashley Monahan (Ferris) Kyle Noel (Saginaw Valley) Jessica Osos (Michigan State) Kaileigh Schippa (Central) Stephanie Sepko (Wayne State) CHAIR Rachael Smart (U of M Dearborn) Student Advisory Committee Liaisons Richard Hosking (2011-MEA Retired) Eric Minore (2015-BdD-Region 10) Joyce Phelps SMEA Staff Liaison and Conference Coordinator Rebbecca Ernst SMEA Conference Assistant 1216 Kendale Blvd, PO Box 2573, East Lansing, MI 48826-2573 517-332-6551 or 800-292-1934 www.mea.org Steven B. Cook, President • Nancy L. Strachan, Vice President • Richard S. Trainor, Secretary-Treasurer • Gretchen Dziadosz, Executive Director The mission of the MEA is to ensure that the education of our students and the working environments of our members are of the highest quality.
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