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ZOEMED CLINIC 460 West Hunt Club, Suite 106 (Corner of Merivale Rd) 613-820-3694 Serving you from two locations McEvoy Shields Funeral Home & Chapel 1411 Hunt Club Rd. 613-737-7900 Racine, Robert & Gauthier Funeral Home & Chapel 180 Montreal Rd. 613-241-3680 Elias Abou Hamad, B.B.A. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Personal Income Tax Management Consulting Tel: 613 745 0997; Mob: 613 614 1951 [email protected] Antranik Boghossian B. Sc. Pharm. Bell Pharmacy Joe Barake Kw KELLERWILLIAMS SOLI D ROCK REALTY INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Paul Orfali, M.G.A 5330 Canotek Rd., Unit 39 Ottawa Tel.: 613-745-0545 Fax: 613-745-6010 أأحد القدّيس توما املعروف اب ألحد اجلديد:ا ألحد الثاين للفصح 1596 Walkley Rd. Next to The License Bureau 613 - 738 - 1763 Acme — Future Security Controls Second Sunday of Easter: Sunday of the Apostle Thomas also called New Sunday يتلو الاكهن الس ينبيت الكبري كام يف الليرتجية الإعتيادية مع مراعاة الطلبات اخلاصة ابلعيد DR.G. KASSIS 2170 Thurston, Ottawa, ON. 613-526-4224 April 12 The priest recites the Great Synapte as in ordinary Sunday Masses adding the following special petitions FAMILY DENTIST SECURITY CONTROLS INC. Year 25 No 14 Direct. 613.700.4097 fredrayal@ Office. 613.733.3434 Kw.com Fax. 613.733.3435 110-1 Antares Drive / OTT / K2E 8C4 2015 ACME~FUTURE STS. PETER AND PAUL MELKITE GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH 1161 NORTH RIVER ROAD, OTTAWA, ON K1K 3W5 CANADA Tel: (613) 746-6091 ● Cell: 613-252-6062 ● Cell: (613) 252-9333 E-mail address: [email protected] * FAX: 613-749-7396 Parish Web Page: www.melkite.com Page to “like” on facebook: Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Melkite Catholic church - Ottawa FRED RAYAL, Sales Representative NEW YEAR Moe C. Saab 181 McArthur, Vanier 1221 Kilborn Ave. Gladstone Ave Tel.: 613-234-1890 2670 Stevenage Dr. Tel.: 613-737-6534 737 ON. K1R 6X4 Fax: 613-234-2568 Ottawa, ON. K1G 5N2 Fax: 613-737-2083 Ottawa,Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. www.carconnect.com Sat. - Sun. 10.00 A.M. - 6:00P.M. A SUCCESSFUL AND GLORIOUS Cellphone: 613-292-0123 Email : [email protected] Web :www.clientfirstgroup.ca RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA 613-739-9431 613-841-9134 Connect.com WISH YOU Michel Abboud 613-822-2221 GAS CENTR 1057 Cyrville Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 7S3 613-745-1886 Custom Draperies ● Valences ● Swags The Preferred Workroom Houda Abboudy COMPLIMENTS OF SAAB BULLETIN 2015 Ottawa, ON K1H 8L4 Tel.: 613-521-5451 JEAN NASSAR AND MARC NASSAR. 613 - 695 - 5561 1500 BANK ST. IN THE BLUE HERON MALL Suite 1100-200 Elgin St. MELKITE محمصة أوتاوا )(عاجوري إخوان WE WILL WAIVE THE $ 2 CO-PAY ON ALL ODB ELIGIBLE PRESCRIPTIONS Christopher . Obagi, LL.B. المحامي كريستوفر عبجي OF TASTE! FREE DELIVERY __________________________________ EPARCHY SAINT SAUVEUR OF MONTREAL FOR THE GREEK-MELKITE CATHOLICS IN CANADA MOST REV. IBRAHIM M. IBRAHIM EPARCHIAL BISHOP 10025 BOUL. DE L’ACADIE, MTL., QC. H4N 2S1 CLERGY OF THE PARISH ARCHIMANDRITE MAKARIOS WEHBI B.S.O. PASTOR PASTORAL ACTIVITIES ORGANIZATION Children’s Catechism (Oct. to May): “Sts Peter and Paul Church: Every Saturday 4:00 p.m., Parish Council” Child Focused Liturgy with Parents 6:30 p.m. “Ladies Auxiliary” TCG (teenager Catholic Group 13-15): “Monsignor Habib Kwaiter Meeting every Friday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 Scholarship Foundation” MCYO (Melkite Catholic Youth Organization “Melkite Catholic Youth Organization” ALL PARISHIONERS 16 & over): meeting every second Friday 8 p.m. Arabic Bible Study: every Wednesday 7:30p.m. Please notify us immediately of any change of address or phone number in order to keep Choir / Evangelical Prayers / Pastoral Visits. our records updated OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Secretary, Mrs. MONA OBAGI SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Divine Liturgy: 11:00 a.m. Your generosity is very much appreciated Sundays Offerings $ 4,183.00 Baskets Collections $ 3,430.00 2nd Collections $ 5,805.00 Mass Offerings $ 100.00 Wednesday & Thursday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Holy Friday & Flowers $ 7,414.00 Saturday Divine Liturgy: 6:30 p.m. Donations $ 765.00 BOOKSTORE & GIFT SHOP Candles $ 653.00 Open every Sunday 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. Bulletin advertising $ 300.00 & Weekdays by request TOTAL $ 22, 650.00 That the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, may grant us triumph and victory over the temptations of our visible and invisible enemies, let us pray to the Lord. That we may crush beneath our feet the Prince of Darkness and his powers and that He may raise us with Him and make us rise from the tomb of our sins and offenses, let us pray to the Lord. That He may fill us with the joy and happiness of His Holy Resurrection, let us pray to the Lord. That we may deserve the grace of entering into the chamber of His divine wedding –feast and rejoice beyond limit, together with His heavenly attendants and the hosts of saints glorified through Him in the Church Triumphant in heaven, let us pray to the Lord. Antiphon Prayer O Christ God, You showed Thomas your side from which gushed blood and water, symbols of Baptism. You invited him to touch the wound by which mankind was healed from its ancient deep wound. We ask You to strengthen our faith in your Divinity and Humanity so that we may become witnesses to your glorious Resurrection by our words, our deeds and our way of life. For You are our Resurrection, O Christ, God, and to You we render glory and to your Eternal Father and your All-holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. صالة ا ألنديفونة ُ . اي َمن َأظه ََر ِلتوما جن َبه ُُ اي رهر َ منهُ اُ ُو واملها ُر.أأُّيه ا املس ُيح الإهل ُ ودعها.مهع املعةوديّهة فنُصب َِح. ث ِبّ ْت اإميان َنا بالهو ِت َك وانسو ِت َك.من اجلُر ِح ال َعظمي ُ ل َيل ُة َس اجل َُرح اي بُ ُش ِف َي ال َ إنسان َ ألن.ُشهودًا لقيام ِت َك اجمليدة بأأقوا ِلنا و أأفعا ِلنا وسريِتنا اجلديدة . أأُّيه ها املهس ُيح الإهل.نهت قيام ُتنها َ هك أأ َ ليك نرف ُع اجملدَ وإاىل أأ َ وإا . أآمني. ال آ َن ولك أأو ٍان وإاىل ده ِر اُاهرين.زل و و ِح َك القدهوس ّ ِ بيك ا أل ِابن هللا اي َمهن قها َو مهن بهني َ خ ِل ّصنا اي.ُِ الرب ِمن ينابيع ِ شع ِب. يف اجملامع ِ اب كوا هللا:ترنمية اُرول .ةني َ َكل َه ِل ّلواي َ َْن ُن َ ِن.ا ألموات َ ّ املر The Entrance Hymn: In your Temple bless God; The Lord of your heritages’ well-spring! O Son of God, Who are risen from the dead. Save us who sing to You: Alleluia. ****************** )نش يد أأحد القديس توما الرسول (ابللحن السابع ِ وملا اك.رش ْق َت من ُُ أأُّيا احلياة أأُّيا املس ُيح،وقفت ابلتالميذ َ ،نت ا ألبو ُاب مغلقة ُ اإذ اكن َ القرب خمتوم ًا أأ ّ ُ الإهل قيام ُة . بعظمي محتك،ًدت لنا هبم وح ًا مس تقامي َ وجد،الُك Troparion of the Sunday of Saint Thomas (7th Tone) O Christ our life, you rose from the tomb after it had been sealed, and while the doors remained closed, You stood among your disciples and restored a new spirit in them, O our God, the resurrection of all! You are most merciful. Kontakion (2nd Tone ) Although You descended into the grave, O Immortal One, You destroyed the power of Death. You arose as a victor, O Christ God. You told the women bearing ointment, “Rejoice!” You gave peace to Your Apostles and resurrection to the Fallen. ) قنداق اخلتاو (ابللحن الثاين ِ حهامالت ولل ِن ّهسو ِة. َأُّيه ا املس ُيح الإهل.ةت كظا ِف ٍر َ ُاجلحمي وق َ فقد.لت اإىل القَ ِرب اي َمن ل ميوت َ وإا ْن نَ َع ِ لشيت قو َة ِّ َ ِ و ُلر ُس.افرحن .اقعني ال ِقياو َ ِل َوه َ ُيب ق ِ الط َ اي ما ِن َح الو.َبت السالو َ لت ************************************* Instead of the “Trisagion” we sing: “All of you who have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Alleluia". ّ ِ ،بدل النش يد املثلث التقديس ." ه ِل ّلواي. املس َيح قد لبس ُت، " أأنُت ايين ابملس يح اعمتدُت:نرن ********************************** ُإحصار ِلعل ِة َ ول ا.ُُعظ ٌمي بهنا وعظمي ٌة قُوت إللهِنا ي َ َ هَّل التسبيح.س ّبِحوا الرب فاإن الرتنمي صاحل )02- 90 :5( سل الق ّديسني ِ فص ٌل من أأعاملِ ّالر ٌ سل أ آ َ يف ِت واكنوا ُُكههُم بنَ ٍفس واحد ٍة.وجعائب كثري ٌة يف الشعب ايت ِ َج َرت عىل أأيد هالر،ِل ا ألايو ُ واكن ُ اكن الش َ ومل يَ ُكن أأح ٌد.يف ِ َو ِاق ُسلَامين َ ،عب يُ ِّعظ ُةهم َ بل.من ال آ َررين ََي َ ِرتى ُر أأن ُُيا ِل َطهم ٌ حَّت اإَّنم اكنوا َُي ُرجون ابلْ َةرىض اإىل. ُمؤمنني ابلرب،جامعات من ِجالٍ ونسا ٍر ينضَ هةون ب َكرث ٍة ٍ عىل، اجتياز واكن ِ بطرس عند َ .بعض ِمهنُم َ ِل َيقَ َع ولو ِظ هل، ويَضَ عوَّنَ ُم عىل فُ ُر ٍش و أأ ِِس ٍة،الشوا ِع ،بني اب أل وا ِح النجسة ِ ََيمت ُع أأيضً ا اإىل ُأو شل َمي ُُجهو ُ الْ ُة َ ََي ِةلون املرىض واملعذ،دن اليت َحولَها ُ ،ُُولك َمن م َع ئيس الكهن ِة ه وامت ألوا،ومه ِمن َمذهَب َالصدهوقيّني ُ فقا َو.فاكنوا ي ُش َفون ُجي ُعهم جن لي ًال ِ الس َ . وجعلومه يف احل َِبس العا ّو، و أألقَوا أأيدُّيَ م عىل هالر ُسل،حسدً ا ّ ِ ففتح مالكُ الر َب أأبو َاب َ و أأ ."عب جبةيع ُكامت هذ احلياة َ و ُِكّةوا الش، " أأمضوا و ِقفوا يف الهيُك:ررَجم وقال .هلُ هةوا نبَتَ ِ ْج ابلر ِب وَّنُ َ ِل ّ ْل ِهلل خم ِل ّ ِصنا ٌ ِ و َم.فاإن الرب إا ٌهل عظمي .ِل عظ ٌمي عىل ا أل ِض ُِكّها Great is our Lord, and great is his power, and to his wisdom there is no limit. Praise the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles (5: 12-20) In those days by the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people (and with one accord, they all would meet in Solomon’s portico; but of the rest, no one dared to associate with them, yet the people made much of them. And the multitude of men and women who believed in the Lord continued to increase), so that they carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and pallets, in order that, as Peter went by, at least his shadow would fall upon some of them. And crowds also came to Jerusalem from neighbouring towns, and they brought the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits – and all of them were healed. But the High Priest rose up, and all his supporters that is, the members of the Sadducean sect, and being filled with hatred, they laid their hands upon the apostles and threw them into the public jail. But during the night, an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison. And let them out, saying : “Go, and standing in the temple , speak to the people all the words of this life.” whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.” Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the place of the nails, and put my hand into his side I will not believe.” And after eight days, his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being closed, and stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you!” then he said to Thomas. “Bring here your finger, and see my hands; and bring here your hand, and put it into my side; and be not unbelieving, but believing.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, Thomas, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed.” Many other signs also Jesus worked in the sight of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name. ********************************** Saturday, April 11, 2015 Wedding Bells George Dourian & Cheryl Ann Blondin Were being Joined together Come; let us rejoice in the Lord; Let us sing gladly to God our savior! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. in the Holy Mystery of Crowning at 5:00 p.m. ***************************** )19-91 :02( إجنيل البشري ّ فصل رشيف من بشا ة القديس يوحنّا ال ُ حيث اكن التالميذ، وا ألبو ُاب ُمغْلقة، وهو ا ألو ُل من ا ألس بوع،ُيف عش ي ِة ذكل اليوو عي ِن ولَةا قال هذا." "السال ُو لمك:ووقف يف الوسطِ وقال هلم َ جار يسو ُع َ ِجممت َ ،عني ِروفًا من الهيود ُ َأ ُامه يَدَ يُ وجن َب ُُ فف ِر َح الت كام. "السال ُو ُلمك: وقال هلم يسو ُع اثني ًة.الرب ّ الميذ اإذ َأ َبَصوا وح ال ُقدُ س َمن َ "خُذوا ّالر: ولَةا قال هذا نفخَ ف ِهيم وقال لَهُم."َأ سلَين ال آ ُب كذكل َأان ُأ سلُ ُمك ُ ُ َ َ وان توما َأحد."رطاايمه ُأ ِمس َكت اي،عَش مسكُت ُ رطاايمه تُغ َفر هلم و َمن َأ غ َف ُرُت َ َ الثين ُ ُي ُِ ." "اإننا قد َأينا الر ّب:التالميذ الآررون فقال هل،جار يسوع حني َ مل ي ُكن م َعهُم،قال ُهل التو َأو َ ِ وض َع املسام ِري يف يدَ ي ُِ و َأضع اصـ َبعي يف ِ "ان مل َأ َ َم:فقال لهُم موضـع ِ املسامري و َأضع يد يف ِ ُ فأَىت يسو ُع وا َلبو ُاب،تالميذ ُ َأيضً ا داخ ًال وتوما معهم وبعدَ مثاني ِة َأاي ٍو اكن."جن ِب ُِ ل ُأ ِومن ِ : "السال ُو لمك" مث قا َل لتوما:ُمغلَقة ووقف يف الوسطِ وقال "هات اص َب َع َك اىل ههُنا وعاين ِ ِ ِ " ّيب:جاب توما وقا َل هل َيد َ وهات يدَ كَ وضَ عها يف َجنيب ول ت ُكن َ َأ."مؤمن بل مؤمنًا ٍ غري ٍ وأ آ." " َلن َك َأيتَين اي توما أآمنت؟ طوىب لَّلين مل يَروا وأ آ َمنوا: قال هل يسوع."وإالهيي ايت ُأر ََر وانام ُكتبَت هذ ل ُتؤ ِمنوا بأَن يسو َع،كثري ًة صن َع يسو ُع َأما َو تالمي ِذ مل تُكتَب يف هذا الكتاب ِ .ُِ احليا ُة ابمس،منُت ُ يح هو َ و،ابن هللا ُ ُ ِاذا أ آ،لتكون لمك ِ املس The Holy Gospel according to St. John the Evangelist (20: 19-31) When it was late, that same day, the first of the week, through the doors where the disciples gathered had been closed for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, “Peace be with you!” And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples therefore rejoiced at the sight of the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be to you! As the Father has sent me, I also send you.” When he had said this, he breathed upon them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit; whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and May they be granted many years of joy & happiness ************************************ Sunday, April 12, 2015 ! من أآمن يب وإان مات فس يحيا Memorial Divine Liturgy : Souad Bahjat Nahas, requested by her son Khalil Al-Arja and family. Yvonne El-Sheikh (one week), requested by her daughter Jamilé Hourani and grand-daughter Rania Al-Sheikh and family. Sunday, April 19, 2015 Golda Sawaya (one year), requested by Abla, Lady, George and Hitler Sawaya and family Adel Abou-Najm, Rabi’a Harika and Hneiné Filfelé, requested by Antoine Abou-Najm, Fadi Sweity, Charbel Saade and families Mitri Bassila Mitri, Wardé Mitri, Bassila Mitri, requested by George Mitri and family ! فليكن ذكرمه مؤبدا ******************************************** Baptism At 1:30 p.m. Anastasia, daughter of Ronald Shneider and Marie Abou-Hanna Congratulations to the proud parents and godparents!
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