Chapter Advisor Survival Guide - American Pharmacists Association

2015 - 2016
Chapter Advisor
Survival Guide
Everything you need to know
about membership!
American Pharmacists Association,
2215 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20037-2985
800-237-2742 | E-mail: [email protected]
1 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
2015 - 2016 Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Table of Contents
Membership Related Duties....................................................................................................2
Chapter Dues Payment Schedule.............................................................................................2
Your Profile—Keeping Your Information Up to Date.................................................................3
Membership Calendar...............................................................................................................6
APhA-ASP Membership Basics................................................................................................8
Membership Eligibility – Who Can Join?...................................................................................8
National, Chapter, and State Association Dues........................................................................9
Student Membership Benefits..................................................................................................9
State Dues Direct Program....................................................................................................13
Dual Membership Category...................................................................................................14
Dual Membership Flyer Sample..............................................................................................15
Fall and Spring Membership Drives......................................................................................17
Student Membership Enrollment..........................................................................................18
New Member Join and Renewal Process................................................................................18
Incentives and Awards for Your Chapter................................................................................31
APhA-ASP Membership Bonus Goal Award...........................................................................31
APhA-ASP Annual Meeting Complimentary Registration......................................................32
APhA-ASP Chapter Book Sales Program...............................................................................32
Additional APhA-ASP Awards.................................................................................................32
Chapter Online Update Processes.........................................................................................33
Generating Chapter Rosters....................................................................................................33
Dues Update Process..............................................................................................................36
Address Updates .....................................................................................................................38
Add Additional Addresses.......................................................................................................40
How to Assign Executive Committee Positions.......................................................................41
APhA-ASP Leaders and Staff….……………………………………....................................................44
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 3
APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor’s Survival Guide
Welcome APhA-ASP
Chapter Advisor!
The Chapter Advisor is the critical link between the APhA Academy
of Student Pharmacists and the American Pharmacists Association
(APhA). Your efforts, along with the student chapter leaders, the
pharmacy school, and APhA work together to lay the foundation
for future pharmacists! In the following pages you will find information
and resources that will help you understand your responsibilities
and navigate the associated operational procedures, as well as
offer “good-to-know” tips that will prove to be valuable as you make
the title of Chapter Advisor your own.
So, let’s get started!
What are the membership-related duties
of a chapter advisor?
• The APhA ASP Chapter Advisor is responsible for the finances of the APhA-ASP chapter.
The advisor supervises budget planning for the chapter, approves expenditures involving APhA ASP
revenues, and ensures that required financial reports and tax forms are accurately
executed. This is critically important, as there are many laws, regulations, and standards
regarding nonprofit finances for which APhA must ensure compliance.
• APhA collects national APhA-ASP association dues for every student. Chapters have the
option to allow APhA to also collect chapter and state dues through the online process, which
would then be reimbursed six times per year (see schedule below). Contact LaToya Wilson at
[email protected] or (202) 429-7509 to ensure that you’re banking (EFT) information is updated.
4 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Chapter Dues Payments
Six Payments to Chapters Annually
ues Payments
• By EOM June (Jan. – May Enrollments)
• By EOM October (June – September Enrollments)
• By EOM November (October Enrollments)
• By EOM December (November Enrollments)
• By EOM January (December Enrollments)
hapter Administrative Allowance Payment
• By EOM February
Note: Includes both EFT and Checks
• Oversee the member online enrollment process. All schools have the option of allowing APhA
to collect their chapter and state dues; and reimburse chapter dues electronically
back to your school bank account or send a check for reimbursement. State dues collected by
APhA, will be sent directly to the State Association if approved by the chapter. You are
responsible for communicating with chapter leadership and school administrators about the
process and disbursement of funds.
• The Primary Chapter Advisor or designated Chapter Administrator will be responsible for
generating chapter reports. (See page 35 for more information on generating reports)
• Oversee the Chapter President and Membership Vice President (MVP) as they conduct the
chapter’s recruitment and retention campaigns. Advisors help chapter leaders plan activities
and set priorities each school year, and should be informed of all chapter activities.
• The Chapter Advisor also helps foster relationships between the chapter and local and state
pharmacy associations.
The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor is the key link between APhA, chapter leaders, and members
You are the “constant” from year to year at each chapter, so you are a resource for student
pharmacist leaders learning about APhA processes and chapter membership challenges.
Chapter Advisor Profile—
Keeping Your Information Up to Date
It is important that Chapter Advisors keep their APhA profile current. Updating your
profile confirms your status as a Chapter Advisor, and ensures that APhA is able to
communicate news and information related to your duties in a timely manner.
Keeping yourprofile updated also allows APhA to make certain you receive your complimentary
annual membership as long as you remain a Chapter Advisor. Visit the APhA website at to make the necessary updates to
your APhA profile and to confirm your chapter advisor status with Student Development.
Complimentary membership is only available to Primary Chapter Advisors. For additional assistance,
contact Student Development at [email protected] or via phone 800-237-2742 ext 7514
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 5
Membership Calendar
ttend APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute.
• Work with chapter officers to get ready for membership recruitment and plan
for the upcoming school year.
August – September
ork with chapter leaders to conduct
Student Outreach Visits.
• Hold fall membership drive through the end of September. Chapter membership
materials sent to Chapter Advisor no later than August 15th.
• Prepare for fall membership programs.
• Register online and make housing
reservations for the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition beginning in August.
October – November
Conduct Student Outreach Visits.
• Remind chapter leaders of the October 31st Deadline for 2015 grads to
join/renew for NAPLEX Review book eligibility.
• Participate in American Pharmacists Month activities (APhM October).
• Attend the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting.
• Assist Membership Vice Presidents and Presidents in student outreach to renew
existing members and recruit new members.
• Ensure APhA-ASP Membership online
Enrollment is completed by October 15 for the $3 rebate and by November 8 for
the $1 rebate.
6 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
December – January
• Plan to hold a Spring Membership Drive, particularly for your students in their last
year before rotations, and a Life onRotation Program for those student pharmacists.
• Plan to register prior to the Early Bird
Registration deadline for the APhA Annual Meeting.
• Prepare for spring membership programs
ontact APhA Staff about graduating student programs.
• Remind 2015 Graduates who ordered the
NAPLEX Review book that it will ship this month.
• 2015 Graduates who ordered the NAPLEX Review book will receive their access
code to NAPLEX Members-only Questions on Pharmacy Library.
• Schedule “Life on Rotation Presentation” with your chapter’s New Practitioner
Mentor. For questions, contact Tom English at [email protected].
March – April
ttend the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition in San Diego, CA,
March 27-30 2015. Be sure to attend the APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Meeting.
• Conduct the APhA-ASP Spring Membership Drive Week the second week in April.
Chapter membership materials will be sent to Chapter Advisor’s in March.
• Review files from outgoing MVP.
Meet with the Membership Committee to evaluate your year’s work.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 7
APhA-ASP Membership Basics
Each chapter should have a Membership Vice President (MVP) who is responsible for coordinating, and
planning all membership-related activities for recruitment and retention. Your role as Chapter Advisor
is to work closely with them to:
• Assist in prioritizing and planning their activities
• Oversee the online enrollment and dues update processes and ensure that all information is accurate
• Communicate with chapter leadership and school administrators about the process and
disbursement of funds.
Before the chapter MVPs can recruit members they must have a clear understanding of some of the
basics of APhA-ASP membership such as the eligibility requirements for membership, information
about the timing of membership recruitment and retention programs, and an understanding of member
benefits. We have created an informative guide for them that covers these topics and more. The online
MVP Tool Kit is also available to Chapter Advisors.
Here are some excerpts from the MVP Toolkit that will be helpful for you to reference.
Membership Eligibility – Who Can Join?
Student Pharmacist Member of APhA – To be eligible for APhA membership, a student must be
regularly enrolled in either a pre-pharmacy or a professional pharmacy practice degree program in a
university or college holding membership in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
or accredited by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE).
Pre-pharmacy students attending a school that is NOT affiliated with a school or college of pharmacy
are ineligible for APhA membership. Although APhA appreciates their interest, these individuals
should be advised that they will be eligible for membership when regularly enrolled in a college of
pharmacy as indicated above. However, pre-pharmacy students attending a school that IS affiliated
with a school or college of pharmacy ARE eligible for APhA membership.
Note also that those enrolled in post-BS PharmD programs are not eligible for APhA-ASP
membership because they can join as pharmacist members of APhA. National, Chapter, and
State Association Dues
The APhA ASP membership year is November 1 through October 31. However, it is important for students to join or renew before November 1, so that their membership benefits will begin as soon as possible. October 31 is the deadline date for final year student members to join APhA or renew their membership to be eligible to receive the complimentary NAPLEX Review book (Shipping fees may apply.
Annual 2015-2016 national dues are $45 for student members. In order to be considered a student
member, you must be enrolled in an accredited school or college of pharmacy in the U.S. (including
Puerto Rico).
8 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Many chapters also include chapter dues, which fund chapter activities. Questions about chapter dues
are not uncommon, so be prepared to answer. Chapter dues are established by the individual chapters,
not by APhA. In addition, these amounts are for the chapter and are not controlled or retained by APhA.
Some chapters collaborate with state pharmacy associations as well. At some chapters, students who
want to belong to their state pharmacy association may join that organization at the same time that
they join APhA ASP. This joint enrollment opportunity is not required, but is offered as benefit to
students and your chapter may choose to collect state pharmacist association dues.
It is important to know that all chapters can now participate in the Chapter Reimbursement Program
which allows APhA to collect their chapter, and state dues online. The money collected by APhA for
chapter dues will be reimbursed back to the chapter six times per year and to the state directly. See
page 34 for more information.
Student Membership Benefits
Each year, thousands of student pharmacists join APhA because of the association’s unparalleled
membership benefits. APhA membership benefits are designed to be accessible to those on campus,
off on experientials, or pursing a variety of career opportunities after graduation, with many APhA
resources being available 24/7 via the web. Some APhA programs take place within the chapter,
some are regional (such as APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meetings), others are national, and some are
available in print or electronically. When talking with students about APhA membership, remember to
consider membership benefits from their point of view, which may depend on where they are in their
student careers. APhA membership has something to offer everyone; you just have to know what their
interests are.
Special Bonuses for Final Year
Student Pharmacist Members
• The APhA Complete Review for Pharmacy is available as a member benefit to 2016 graduating student
members who joined by the October 31, 2015, deadline and have an active membership paid through
2016 (or 2017 under a Dual Membership). The shipping fee will be $10. For Dual Members who join
during the Fall Drive, the $10 fee is waived.
Student Members who join after October 31, 2015, may purchase The Complete Review for Pharmacy
at the member price and non-members may purchase the book at the non-member price by calling
1-800-878-0729 or ordering online at
Pharmacy Library
• As a benefit of APhA membership, graduating student pharmacist members have access to
members-only bonus questions and answers in the NAPLEX Review section of Pharmacy Library
( For access to the APhA bonus questions, students are required to use
a unique code provided to them by APhA. This code will be sent to eligible members by email directly
from APhA in February 2016. Access is available through October 31, 2016.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 9
Leadership and Advocacy
• Patient Care Opportunities - APhA-ASP is the leader of innovative patient care programming and
gives you a head start on developing your clinical expertise. Master the communication, interpersonal,
and patient counseling skills you’ll need as a practitioner, all while serving your community.
• Leadership Development – You can be a leader within your community and your profession by
participating in APhA-ASP’s leadership development programming. Take your leadership experience
to the next level and enhance your skills through a number of elected and appointed positions from
the chapter to the national level.
• Advocacy – APhA ASP chapters provide members with opportunities to be involved on campus and in
the community. Informative meetings, health fairs, socials, pharmaceutical care projects, fundraisers, elections, membership drives, and community education are just some of the activities in which
chapter members can participate.
• Shaping Our Profession – Students play an active role in shaping APhA policy by submitting proposals
for consideration by the APhA ASP House of Delegates. The APhA ASP House of Delegates makes
recommendations on vital issues affecting the profession and especially on issues affecting students.
• Influencing National Policy – APhA monitors legislative activities on matters that affect the future
of all APhA ASP members, such as provider status recognition and student financial aid. APhA also
represents pharmacy’s interests before Congress and federal regulatory agencies.
• Global Reach – APhA ASP is a full member organization of the International Pharmaceutical
Students’ Federation (IPSF). Members of APhA ASP are automatically members of IPSF, giving
students the opportunity to participate in the international student exchange programs and attend
the IPSF Annual Congress.
Career Development & Networking
• APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meetings– APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meetings (MRMs) are held
every fall for each of the eight APhA-ASP regions across the country. The APhA-ASP MRMs are the
only meetings in the U.S. designed exclusively for the needs of student pharmacists. MRMs bring
together student pharmacists from across the country to provide a forum for discussions of common
interest, provide valuable networking opportunities, and encourage participation in professional
development and educational programs. During MRMs, the APhA-ASP Policy Process begins and the
APhA-ASP Regional Officers are elected. See the APhA-ASP Meetings and Networking pages on for additional information about MRMs.
• APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition - provides APhA ASP members the opportunity to participate
in discussions on important pharmacy issues, elect APhA ASP leaders, and enhance their career
opportunities while meeting colleagues from across the nation and around the world. See the
APhA-ASP Meetings and Networking pages on ( for additional information
about APhA’s annual meeting. The APhA Annual Meeting gives student pharmacists an opportunity to
learn from and connect with leaders and innovators in the profession. In addition, there are specific
career-oriented programs for students, including leadership development programs and a licensure
exam prep program. Student members are entitled to significant discounts on meeting registration.
10 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
APhA: The Essential Link to Developments
in Pharmacy Practice, Medication Use,
and Health Care
APhA provides pharmacy’s most widely used and respected professional information resources,
invaluable to students and practicing pharmacists alike. Student members have 24/7 electronic access
to the online versions of many of APhA’s publications. Descriptions of selected APhA online and print
publications are provided below. See the news section of for additional information.
• Student Pharmacist – APhA’s bimonthly news magazine specifically for pharmacy students,
provides news and information that affects readers’ daily lives, including: career advice from practicing
professionals, practice-setting profiles, student viewpoints on today’s hot issues, professionalism tips,
political advocacy in action news, tools for improved pharmacist-patient communication, information on
technological advances, and the latest from the APhA and APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists
(APhA–ASP) chapters.
harmacy Today - the pharmacy profession’s monthly news magazine, Pharmacy Today provides news
about developments in pharmacy practice, medication management and safety, new drugs, and, legal
and regulatory matters affecting pharmacy. Articles are written in an easy-to-read style, making it easy
for busy students and pharmacists to stay informed. Pharmacy Today is available online to all students.
Contact APhA for more information.
There is also a special health-system print edition of Pharmacy Today. The articles in this edition are
also available online. In addition, Pharmacy Today includes a Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
profile every month, providing readers with profiles of practices that employ unique MTM techniques to
effectively serve their patients.
• APhA DrugInfoLine – online summaries of recent findings regarding drug therapy, presented in a
concise, “quick read” style, APhA DrugInfoLine is available online and as an iPhone and iPad app. Visit to stay up-to-date by monitoring the latest drug literature all in one place. APhA
DrugInfoLine is available to APhA-ASP members in their 3rd and 4th years.
• J ournal of the American Pharmacists Association – JAPhA is a peer-reviewed journal that includes
original research, reviews, experience, and opinion articles that link science with contemporary pharmacy practice to improve patient care. APhA-ASP members have access to the online edition (12 issues/
year) of JAPhA as a benefit of membership for 3rd and 4th year students.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 11
Discounts on Textbooks and Insurance
• Discounts on Textbooks and Educational Materials – With more than 100 resources to choose from,
APhA-ASP members receive discounts on the most popular textbooks and references in pharmacy.
And ordering from APhA is easy! APhA-ASP members can order online at, or order
through APhA’s publication sales department at 800-878-0729. Online orders made by APhA-ASP
members are automatically tracked and goes toward awards the chapter can earn. Student members
can receive discounted shipping on orders made via phone, fax, or mail when the chapter name (or
code) is provided.
• Professional Liability Coverage – This policy offers coverage for all curriculum-related activities including rotations and programs to student pharmacists. All APhA-ASP members can purchase liability
insurance policies at discounted rates.
One of the most important APhA-ASP membership benefits for 2016 graduates is FREE professional
liability insurance. APhA will provide $1 million/$3 million dollar coverage at no cost to all 2015
graduates who sign up for membership during the prior year spring membership drive for their
last year of pharmacy school and do not currently hold a license to practice pharmacy. For example,
students graduating in 2016 must sign up during the spring 2015 drive and be members through
October 31, 2016. Coverage is from May 1 – May 1.
Proof of coverage (Certificate of Insurance), will be sent to your Chapter Advisor in June prior to entering your final student year. Or contact Healthcare Provider Services Organization (HPSO) Blanket
Division at 800-986-4627.
• Other Insurance Programs – Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. is the administrator for the APhA
endorsed Life, Accident and Health Insurance program. Coverage is only available to APhA
members (and their eligible spouses). To learn more or to request a brochure and application call
toll-free at 1-800-509-6113.
Member bonuses and benefits are subject to change. For the current list of member benefits, please visit
12 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
The State Dues
Direct Program
All chapters can participate in the State Dues Direct Program
The State Dues Direct Program allows state membership dues collected by APhA to be sent directly to
participating State Pharmacy Associations via Check or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). This option is
available to all chapters. Deposits are made directly to the State Association six times per year. State
Association Executives also will be able to pull rosters via their profile.
State Dues amounts are confirmed with the State Associations. The list of states who are currently not
participating in the State Dues Direct program is listed below. If you have any questions regarding the
listed amount of State dues, please contact your local State Association.
• State Association Dues collected by APhA for chapters will now be sent directly to the State
Association by APhA!
Current State Associations that are not participating in the State Dues Direct Program are:
• Alaska Pharmacists Association
• Delaware Pharmacist Association
• Florida Pharmacist Association
• Hawaii Pharmacist Association
• Idaho State Pharmacy Association
• Indiana Pharmacist Alliance
• Iowa Pharmacy Association
• Massachusetts Pharmacist Association
• Mississippi Pharmacist Association
• New Hampshire Pharmacist Association
• New Mexico Pharmacist Association
• Nevada Pharmacy Alliance
• South Carolina Pharmacy Association
• Texas Pharmacist Association
Schools not wishing to participate in the program have the option of opting out during the dues
confirmation request process prior to the spring membership drive and again in June before the fall
membership drive.
If there are any discrepancies regarding the payments, please contact Member Services at
800-237-2742, option 2.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 13
The Dual Membership
Category (for Final Year Students Only)
APhA helps 2016 graduates smoothly transition from student pharmacist to new practitioner by
offering 2 years of membership at reduced pricing. In 2016, for just $105 with redemption discount
code DDS15 during the Spring drive, dual year members are ensured continued access to a wealth of
APhA member benefits in addition to the following exclusive bonuses. These prices may increase once
state and chapter dues are included with APhA national dues. Make sure that your members are aware
of the total dues amount.
• Free copy of The APhA Complete Review or Pharmacy, 10th edition. Dual members will still be
required to login into their APhA profile and request the NAPLEX Review book from December 1February 1 to make sure it is sent to the proper address when it ships in January / February.
• Access to the NAPLEX Review Questions section of PharmacyLibrary, APhA’s digital platform,
plus bonus test prep questions exclusively for APhA student pharmacist members.
Students that don’t sign up for the dual membership option will still be eligible for the following
membership bonuses when they renew or join for the single year membership option.
• Complimentary copy of The APhA Complete Review for Pharmacy, 10th edition. Students pay a $10
shipping and handling fee.
• Access to the NAPLEX Review Questions Section of PharmacyLibrary (
plus, bonus members-only test prep questions.
The Deadline to sign up for a Dual Membership is April 30, 2015.
Please note: This is a special offer for 2016 graduates and is subject to change annually.
14 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 15
The mission of the APhA New Practitioner Network is to support the transition
from student to pharmacist by helping new graduates discover opportunities in
pharmacy, develop themselves and their professional network, and empower them
with the knowledge and skills necessary to define the future of their profession.
Members of the New Practitioner Network
enjoy the following benefits:
Networking opportunities at the APhA Annual
Meeting and online engage e-Communities on and on social media sites, including
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
APhA webinars on today’s hottest topics
Career development resources in the online APhA
Educational Library including free access to more
than 80 CPE activities and a convenient online
transcript tool
Volunteer opportunities through the New Practitioner Advisory Committee, Standing Committees,
New Practitioner Mentor Program, and more
The latest information through access to Transitions
e-newsletter, and discounted PharmacyLibrary
Financial planning resources to help you plan your
financial future
Reduced member dues are extended to new
practitioners for their first three years of practice
Adding your name to the ranks
of more than 62,000 pharmacy
colleagues declares your pride in
the profession you have chosen.
Join us in our campaign to achieve
provider status, which will recognize
pharmacists as valued members of
the health care team, and allow us
to use our unique skills and extensive education to enhance
patient health.
Sign-up as a provider status supporter and ask your representatives
for their support through
APhA helps you progress from
student pharmacist to new practitioner!
2215 Constitution Ave., N.W. | Washington, DC 20037-2985
800-237-APhA (2742) | [email protected]
16 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Fall and Spring
Membership Drives
APhA-ASP Chapters are encouraged to hold two membership drives each year. The fall drive is held at
the beginning of the school year to enroll new students, renew existing members and to help chapters
financially through the APhA-ASP Chapter Administrative Allowance program (see page 34 for more
details). The spring drive is held before the end of the school year and is useful to renew members for
the following school year before they leave campus. It is designed to target students who will entering
their final year in the fall and may not be on campus during the renewal period.
For each of these drives the Chapter Advisor will be sent all the items needed to conduct a successful
membership drive.
Membership Drive Materials
In preparation for the APhA student membership year which runs November 1st – October 31,
membership materials are mailed to the chapters. (Refer to calendar on page 4 for mailing dates).
Some of the core items included in your Spring drive package are:
• Recruitment Posters / Brochures
• Student Pharmacist magazine
• Dual year membership fliers
• Blank Enrollment forms
Email notifications are sent to the Chapter Advisors and MVPs at the time of mailing. If you do not
receive your fall membership drive package, contact LaToya Wilson at [email protected] or
via phone at 800-237-2742 ext. 7509 for assistance.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 17
Online Student
Membership Enrollment
Team work has been a key factor when it comes to running a successful fall drive membership
campaign. We have implemented a new online join process, and would like all Chapter Advisors and
Membership Vice-Presidents to encourage students to join online. Copy this section and share it with
everyone on your fall drive team.
Below are the instructions to help students with the online enrollment process. If Chapter Advisors or
Membership Vice-Presidents have any questions about the online join process, please contact LaToya
Wilson at [email protected].
New Member Online Join Process
In preparation for the APhA student membership year which runs November 1st – October 31,
membership materials are mailed to the chapters. (Refer to calendar on page 4 for mailing dates).
Some of the core items included in your Spring drive package are:
Student Final Year
Dual—Student Final Year
Plus New Practitioner Year 1
Student 2 Years from Grad
Student 3 Years from Grad
Student 4 Years from Grad
Student 5 Years from Grad
Student 6 Years from Grad
Student 7 Years from Grad
Student 8 Years from Grad
*MSREGU -- Undefined-- lacking student grad year- contact APhA membership services 800-237-2742, Ext 2, ASAP to correct
18 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Visit to begin the online join process. Final year student pharmacists have the
option to choose either the single year or dual year membership when joining. If students have any
issues with the online join process they should call (800) 237-2742. The steps of the online join
process for successful submission of your membership are as follows….
• Step 1: Visit the APhA website , place your cursor on “Get Involved”.
Select the “Join APhA” option.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 19
• Step 2: Complete the required information to continue.
• Step 3: Please choose an option and select “Next” to continue.
20 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 4: Complete your contact information and select “Next” to continue.
• Step 5: A summary of your membership will be given to ensure your information was entered correctly.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 21
• Step 6: Choose your “Academy”. Student are automatically enrolled in APhA-ASP
(Academy of Student Pharmacists).
• Step 7: The option to donate to the “APhA Foundation” will be given, make your selection
click “Next” to continue.
22 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 8: “Review and Finalize your information”, to ensure that all of your information is correct. Select
the “Pay Now” to checkout.
• Step 9: Finally enter your “Payment Information” and “Complete Order” to activate your new
APhA membership.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 23
Paper Forms Used
For The Join Process
We would like to encourage all students to enroll using the online process. It is impertive that the above
steps are read in order to make the online enrollment process as effortless as possible.
Below are instructions and paper versions of the online enrollment forms that should be used only if you
encounter any problems, when enrolling students through the online process. The forms should be mailed
back to APhA, and it is important to ensure that all of the requested information on the form is filled out.
* Copy this section and share it with everyone on your Spring Drive team.
1. Completely fill out the Student Membership Enrollment Form. If you do not know the School ID:
please contact LaToya Wilson at [email protected] for this information.
*The information below is required!
• First and Last Name (printed clearly)
• Member ID (this information is required from existing APhA members)
• Preferred Mailing Address
• Current Email Address (necessary for updates regarding membership)
• Phone Number
• Graduation year (important to determine benefits)
• School ID
2. Count and confirm that the amount of the check or credit card balances with the amount of
Student Membership Enrollment Forms. (Receiving 50 enrollment forms with a check amount for
51 students can result in a delay of processing for all students involved).
3. PAC donations are accepted when submitting membership dues but, the PAC donations cannot be
combined with the funds submitted for national, chapter or state dues. If you have received a PAC
donation from a student, this payment must be sent in a check or money separate from the check
written for the membership dues along with the students’ name (and ID# if available) that made the
4.Members Services receives a copy the form. Please make a copy for your records, along with the
copy of the check the forms were submitted with.
5. Fill out your Transmittal Report. The Transmittal Report MUST be used when submitting both
types of memberships. One check or credit card will suffice but you may submit more than one
check or credit card when submitting these forms. This allows APhA to quickly identify any discrepancies and also gives us a contact person should there be any problems concerning your submission. Please make a copy of all Transmittal Forms for your records.
6. After you have double checked all the above information, send the completed Student Membership
Enrollment Form, the completed Transmittal Report and the payment to the APhA address listed
below. DO NOT submit your forms to any other address or department other than the one listed
below. If you have any questions or would like to alert us about your submission, feel free to contact
LaToya Wilson. Emails are encouraged due to the amount of students and chapter advisors that
will need assistance during this very busy time.
24 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Example of the Transmittal Report
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 25
Example of the Enrollment Form
26 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Renewal Process
• Step 1: Login to
• Step 2: Select “Renew” option.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 27
• Step 3: Begin the renewal process.
• Step 4: Review your “Membership Details”.
• Step 5: C
hoose your “Academy”. Student are automatically enrolled in APhA-ASP (Academy
of Student Pharmacists).
28 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 6: The option to donate to the “APhA Foundation” will be given, make your selection
click “Next” to continue.
• Step 7: Continue the renewal process.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 29
• Step 8: “Renew and Fianlize” order.
• Step 9: Enter Payment information and select “Pay Now”.
30 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Incentives and Awards
for Your Chapter
There are several opportunities for chapters to receive recognition and financial awards, particularly
with regard to membership. See the APhA-ASP Membership Achievement Awards information on for details, including deadlines and requirements.
APhA-ASP Membership Bonus Goal Award
This APhA-ASP Membership Bonus Goal Award provides recognition and monetary rewards to APhA-ASP
chapters that have had successful membership recruitment drives and have obtained a specified
percentage of their school’s total eligible student enrollment as APhA-ASP chapter members.
The Membership Bonus Goal Award is designed to recognize APhA-ASP chapters that consistently
attain specified APhA-ASP membership goals. Bonuses are given to APhA-ASP chapters that achieve
the following level of membership enrollment:
• If 90% of eligible students enrolled in the pharmacy school/college are APhA ASP members the
monetary award is $150.
• If 80 89% of eligible students enrolled in the pharmacy school/college are APhA-ASP members the
monetary award is $125.
• If 65 79% of eligible students enrolled in the pharmacy school/college are APhA-ASP members the
monetary award is $100.
Chapters receiving this recognition and cash bonus will be recognized at the APhA-ASP Awards
Ceremony during the APhA2015 Annual Meeting & Exposition in San Diego, California.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 31
APhA-ASP Annual Meeting Complimentary
Registration for Chapter Advisors
Any chapter that enrolls 80% or more of their school/college’s student pharmacists as APhA-ASP
members will receive one complimentary registration to the APhA Annual Meeting for their Chapter
Advisor. Additional Offerings are not included with complimentary advisor registrations.
Eligibility for this award is based on your chapter’s active membership as of October 31, 2015. So even
if the deadline for online student enrollment has passed, get those “last minute” stragglers to enroll
online via You should ensure students are enrolled APhA by the October 31, 2015,
deadline to make certain that all of your chapter members are included in the count.
APhA-ASP Chapter Book Sales Program
APhA-ASP Chapter members are able to place their individual book orders through or by
calling our toll-free number 800-878-0729. Students will receive a 20% discount off the list price of APhA
titles and a 10% discount off other publishers’ list prices when they identify themselves as members.
When ordering through APhA the shipping rate for student pharmacist members is only $2 per book.
All student book sales through APhA will be tracked throughout the calendar year (January 2015–
December 2015). The Chapter will receive one student registration to APhA2016 in Baltimore, MD for
every $8,000 its students spend buying books and electronic products through APhA in 2015.
When ordering a book online, students must enter their school affiliation for the Chapter to receive
credit. The more students buy through APhA, the more opportunities your Chapter will have to receive
complimentary registrations! Sales will be totaled in January 2016 and reported to the Chapter Advisors
in February 2016.
Additional APhA Award Information
Additional information about the APhA Awards Program is available in the APhA-ASP Awards &
Scholarship section of You may find it helpful to browse this section of the
web site so that you can quickly refer students to the information they may be seeking regarding the
very extensive APhA-ASP Awards Program.
32 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
Chapter Online
Update Processes
Chapter Advisors and designated Chapter Administrators have the online capability to review and
assign chapter leadership positions, and produce chapter rosters. Chapter Advisors only have the
ability to update chapter dues for the upcoming academic year, as well as your mailing addresses to
ensure swift receipt of the fall membership material.
The steps to these online processes are as follows:
Generating Chapter Rosters:
• Step 1: Access your/chapters online profile on by clicking “Login/Register”.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 33
• Step 2: Select the “My Account” option.
• Step 3: Ensure your chapter is in the “My Groups” box, and Select “My Groups”.
34 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 4: Choose the “View Reports” option.
• Step 5: On the “Reports” page you must select your “Group” (Chapter), report type, and “View Report”.
• Step 6: The report should open up in a new window in your browser
(Be sure that your pop-up blocker is turned off)
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 35
“Dues Update” Process:
Primary Chapter Advisors have the opportunity to update chapter dues one time per year (In the
Spring). The process is done online via the Primary Chapter Advisor’s account.
The online instructions for the “Dues Update” process are as follows:
• Step 1: Go to the “My Account” option.
• Step 2: Scroll down and select the “Dues Update” catergory from the side navigation menu.
36 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 3: Select your “Group to Update” (Chapter), enter your “New Membership Dues” and “Save”.
• Step 4: Screen below will open to indicate the success of your “Dues Update”.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 37
Update Your Address:
• Step 1: You should be logged in on the APhA website, visit the
“My Account” webpage.
• Step 2: From the left navigation menu select “Addresses” option under “Demographics” and begin
the “Address Update” process.
• Step 3: Select “Edit” to continue (All profiles must have a work address displayed where Student
Drive, and payment materials can be mailed.)
38 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 4: Enter your new address.
• Step 5: Select “Save” and your address update is complete.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 39
Adding an Additional Address:
• Step 1: Choose the “Addesses” option from the left navigation menu.
• Step 2: Select the “Add Address” option.
• Step 3: Enter your additional address type (All profiles must have a work address displayed where
Student Drive, and payment materials can be mailed) and “Save”.
40 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
How to Assign Chapter Executive
Committee Positions
Please Note*
• Assigning Executive Committee Members is IMPORTANT:
APhA uses this information to connect with all Executive Committee Members;
• Only Primary Chapter Advisors and Chapter Administrators can assign Executive Committee positions;
• Assigning Executive Committee Members online is the ONLY way for Chapter Advisors to assign new
committee positions;
• Assigned officers only serve a one year term, and positions have to be reappointed yearly;
• Changes can be made to Executive Committee Positions at any time during the year.
• Step 1: Login to, and select the “My Account” option.
• Step 2: Select your chapter affiliation from the “My Groups” dropdown menu, and “My Groups” option
to the left of chapter name.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 41
• Step 3: You will be redirected to the “Committee Management” page, select the “Add Committee
Member” option.
• Step 4: Select your chapter from the “My Groups” dropdown menu, and then the “Search” option
42 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide
• Step 5: Your browser will refresh to display “Search Results”, select your new Executive
Committee member.
• Step 6: Select “Continue”, complete the new Executive Committee members information and “Save”.
• Step 7: “Committee Management” page will display your newly selected committee positions.
2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide 43
Leaders and Staff
APhA-ASP National Executive Committee
Chapter Advisors and designated Chapter Administrators have the online capability to review and assign
chapter leadership positions, and produce chapter rosters. Chapter Advisors only have the ability to
update chapter dues for the upcoming academic year, as well as your mailing addresses to ensure swift
receipt of the fall membership material.
Lucy West
2014-2015 APhA-ASP National President-elect
Northeastern University
Email: [email protected]
Standing Committee Chair: Awards & International
APhA Foundation Board
Regional Liaison: Region 7 & Region 8
Brian Donahue
2014-2015 APhA-ASP National Member-at-large
Mercer University
E-mail: [email protected]
Standing Committee Chair: Communication
Regional Liaison: Region 5
Maggie Oser
2014-2015 APhA-ASP National Member-at-large
The Ohio State University
E-mail: [email protected]
Standing Committee Chair: Education
Regional Liaison: Region 3
Loren Kirk
2014-2015 APhA-ASP Speaker of the House
East Tennessee State University
E-mail: [email protected]
Standing Committee Chair: Policy
APhA Political Action Committee
Regional Liaison: Region 2 & Region 4
APhA Staff
The following APhA staff work most closely with APhA ASP chapters and members and can be reach by
using their extensions after calling the main number, 800-237-2742 (APhA) ext. ****:
Keith D. Marciniak, Pharmacist
Senior Director, Student and
New Practitioner Development
Ext. 7595
[email protected]
Lynette R. Plowden
Manager, Student and
New Practitioner Development
Ext. 7514
[email protected]
Crystal Atwell, PharmD
Director, Student Development
Ext. 7586
[email protected]
LaToya Wilson
Manager, Membership and Chapter Services
Ext. 7509
[email protected]
44 2015-2016 The APhA-ASP Chapter Advisor Survival Guide