Transfer Indemnity Agreement

Transfer Indemnity Agreement
American Paint Horse Association
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 961023 ◆ Fort Worth, Texas 76161
Physical Address: 2800 Meacham Boulevard ◆ Fort Worth, Texas 76137
(817) 834-APHA (2742) ◆ Fax (817) 834-3152 ◆ [email protected]
You have purchased a registered American Paint
Horse, but the previous owner has not provided
a properly signed transfer for you, or there are
one or more transfers of ownership that have
have not been recorded. What can you do to get
the horse transferred into your ownership at
APHA without the properly signed transfers? The
Transfer Indemnity Procedure may help.
◆ Your first step is to attempt to contact the previous owner(s) by certified mail. The certified mail
receipt will be your proof to APHA that you have
attempted to contact the previous owner(s). You
should allow 30 days for the post office to deliver your letter, then if you have not received a
response, you may forward the items listed below
to APHA, “Attention: Registration Services” to
begin the Transfer Indemnity process.
◆ This procedure is intended for previous owners
that cannot be located or will not respond to
requests for signed transfers. If a previous
owner responds that he/she is not in agreement for the horse to be transferred, that
he/she refuses to sign a transfer, or that there
is a dispute of any kind, APHA will not transfer the horse and this will be considered a civil
dispute outside the realm of APHA authority.
◆ APHA will then attempt to contact all previous
owners by certified mail. This can become a
lengthy procedure, as APHA is obliged to contact
each in-between owner that is established, and
each owner is given at least 30 days to respond. If
APHA does not receive a response from previous
owners, the following items are required:
◆ 1. Notarized statement by the buyer providing
the actual date of the transfer.
◆ 2. Copies of cancelled checks, bills of sale, or
other documentation that would help establish purchase and date of sale.
◆ 3. Copies of attempts by the buyer to contact
the seller to obtain the signed transfer(s).
◆ 4. Notarized and signed indemnity agreement
with $75 indemnity fee.
◆ 5. A $15 fee for each transfer that is established,
and a $40 membership fee if necessary.
◆ 6. Current direct right and left side view
photographs for identification purposes.
◆ 7. If you do not have the original registration certificate, an Affidavit for Duplicate Certificate
by Current Owner form must be completed
and notarized, and a $25 fee is required.
◆ The indemnity process allows APHA to update
the transfer history without the properly signed
transfers based on the documentation that is
received and approved by the Registration
Review Committee.
◆ To begin this process, send all items to APHA
“Attention: Registration Services” at the address
above. You should send at least one transfer fee
of $15 and your membership fee along with the
transfer indemnity fee of $75, in order to begin
the process. Any remaining transfer(s) or other
fees may be billed at a later time. Rush services
and fees are not applicable.
◆ Questions on this process may be directed to
Registration Services at (817) 222-6425, or
e-mail [email protected].
Rev. 11/09
Transfer Indemnity may apply if one
or more owners cannot be located.
Buyer’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
APHA I.D. Number: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Daytime phone: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
State: ________________________________________________ Zip:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Being first duly sworn, ______________________________________________________ says they are the purchaser
of the Paint Horse ______________________________________________________, Reg. No.:__________________
duly registered by the American Paint Horse Association. It is further stated that every attempt has been made to
contact the recorded owner, ________________________________________________________ and/or the
inbetween owner(s)__________________________________________________________________ to no avail.
The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the American Paint Horse Association from any and all liability,
whenever, or however arising, by virtue of its recordation of the requested change(s) of ownership, agreeing to defend
the Association at the undersigned’s expense, if it is sued in a court of law; and if judgment be taken against the
Association, to pay said judgment when requested and obtain written release in form acceptable to the Association,
which indemnity is performable in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, or wherever the Association is sued in court.
Signature of Authorized Party: ______________________________________________________________________________
Before me this day, personally appeared the above affiant who by me being duly sworn upon oath says that the statements
above are true and correct.
Notary Public: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________________ day of______________________, ____________
Notary Public in and for
said State and for said County: ______________________________________
Stamp or seal
My commission expires: ____________________________________________
State of: __________________________________________________________
County of: ________________________________________________________
Member Rate
■ Transfer Fee
■ Transfer Indemnity Fee
US Funds Only
Membership Levels
■ One-year—$40
■ Five-year—$150
■ Three-year—$90
■ Lifetime—$500
■ Junior One-year—$20
(Age 18 or younger) Birthdate: _____ /______ /______
■ Check or money order enclosed. Do not send cash.
Check Processing Policy: In the event that your check is returned unpaid for
insufficient or uncollected funds, we may present your check electronically.
■ MasterCard
■ Visa
■ American Express
If paying by credit card, please complete the following.
Card No.: ___________________________________________________
Exp. Date: ____________________________________ CVV#:________
Name of Cardholder: _________________________________________
■ Junior Three-year—$40
(Age 18 or younger) Birthdate: _____ /______ /______
APHA ID No.: _______________________________________________
■ J-Term—$100
(Good through age 18) Birthdate: _____ /______ /_____
Address: ____________________________________________________
Total Amount Due
City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip: __________
Transfer Fees:
$ _________________________
Daytime Phone: ______________________________________________
Membership Dues:
$ _________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________
$ _________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________