Safety Patrol Cadets Travel to Washington, D.C. Across the district, many students participate in the Safety Patrol Cadet program. According to the Wisconsin Safety Patrol website, the AAA Safety Patrol™ is a program for young people that promotes pedestrian and traffic safety awareness, while building character and leadership skills. This creates future leaders who are conscientious, responsible, and who will be productive members in our society. Safety Patrol provides an opportunity for many young people to demonstrate their public service and leadership potential. The program promotes safety awareness and provides protection for children as they travel to and from school. Wisconsin Safety Patrols, Inc. annually honors student safety patrol leaders selected by their schools with a reward trip to Washington, D.C. These safety patrol members visit our nation's capitol, Gettysburg, Mount Vernon, and other historic sites during a fiveday motor coach trip each spring. This year, Jacob Van Ert and Kyle Sturdy, both 5th grade students at Vesper Community Academy, along with their teacher, Mrs. Heather Friday, traveled with the group! Each participant raised the funds needed to cover the cost of the trip. The trip allowed the students to meet other cadets from Wisconsin, and a great deal of learning took place by all in the short time that they were there. Jacob said his favorite part of the trip was seeing the Lincoln Memorial. “The structure of the building was cool.” Visiting the War Memorials was a touching experience for everyone. The Wisconsin Safety Patrol group met the Wisconsin Honor Flight Veterans at World War II Memorial to thank them for their service. When asked about the experience at the World World II Memorial, Jacob says, “It was a neat experience to meet some of the Veterans from Wisconsin.” Kyle appreciated the Pentagon Memorial that was established in 2008 as a result of the 9/11 tragedy. Ford’s Theatre was also a great learning experience for Kyle. He said, “I didn’t know that Lincoln was shot and that he survived the night.” He said it was interesting to tour the Peterson House across the street, where Lincoln lost his life. Mrs. Friday also experienced the city for the first time. “Learning about the history of Mount Vernon and then visiting it, I tried to really imagine what life was like back then.” Mrs. Friday also enjoyed seeing the White House and the Capitol Building. Not only was this a great life experience for her, it will help her enhance the curriculum she teaches. Washington, D.C. is a city filled with rich history of our nation and to be experience that brings learning to life! WISCONSIN RAPIDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS
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