“Welcome to MEDI Hospital Management” Who is

“W e lc o m e to
M E D I H o s p ita l
M a n a g e m e n t”
MEDI Hospital Management can provide remote or
onsite services for your business, depending upon
the degree of support you required.
This is a one-stop-shop solution for all your
healthcare business needs. Please review our
Services and Products pages.
Costings will be dependent on the level of support
your business requires, the size of your business,
and the length of time you require support
for. Services can be a one-off event, or can be
negotiated to be ongoing.
W h o is ....
M E D I H o s p ita l
M a n a g e m e n t?
We are a unique Queensland based company
dedicated to providing tailored support services to
various healthcare providers, across Australia.
MEDI Hospital Management
Contact us at
(07) 4057 8606
0402 493 970
or email us at:
[email protected]
E xp e rts in
H e a lth ca re
S o lu tio n s
Please contact us to see how we can help you
and your business.
M E D I H o s p ita l
M anagem ent
M E D I H o s p ita l
M anagem ent
L o o k in g fo r a c o m p a n y w h o u n d e rs ta n d s y o u r
Services >>>
Products >>>
u slicensing
in e s s n e e d s ?
Educational Resources
F rie n d ly, K n o w le d g e a b le C o n s u lta n ts
Our team is made up of highly qualified and
experienced healthcare consultants with many years
of proven industry experience.
Our consultants understand your business needs and
can provide you with evidence based solutions.
Finding a company
that’s right for you >>>
staff support before, during and after MEDI Hospital Management is able to
the accreditation process.
Health Department Audits
resources, or develop new. Educational
MEDI Hospital Management can resources can include, but are not limited
review your practices in line with these to:
standards, • Quality Improvement
facilitating the development of • Workplace Health & Safety
resources and processes necessary to • Infection Control
achieve these requirements. We can • Drug Therapy
support your business and staff through
• Wound Management
the audit process as required.
• Cleaning, Disinfection, and
Workshops, Away Days and
• Environmental Management
• Incident reporting
MEDI Hospital Management can
MEDI Hospital Management can
• IT Skills
facilitate the development of effective
facilitate the review your business's
healthcare processes (clinical, support
Policies / Standard Operating
reflect your unique business needs.
and corporate), in line with the
We can provide workshops / Away- Procedures / Guidelines
accrediting company's quality
Days / In-services / Seminars in various MEDI Hospital Management can revise
standards. We can assist you with the
your existing resources with current
areas such as:
gathering of quality improvement
legislation and what is considered best
• Business management
evidence, develop required resources
practice, or we can develop new for you.
such as:
• Managing people / situations
Resources can include, but are not
• Audit tools
• Communication / negotiation
limited to:
• Registers (Risk, Incident, Audit)
• Leadership / Team Building
• Clinical Policies (Wards, Operating
• KPI's
• Effective communication
Theatres, CSSD, IVF)
We can provide you with education and • Conflict resolution
MEDI Hospital Management can
assist you with resource development
required; this can include the
development of all policies and
procedure manuals such as:
• Clinical, Hospital, CSSD, IVF
• Infection Control
• Workplace Health & Safety
• Quality and Risk Management
We can also assist with the
development of Business Plans and
budget management strategies.
W e a re w ith y o u e v e ry s te p o f th e w a y > > >
MEDI Hospital Management, an Australian company dedicated to providing you will tailored
support for your business needs, wherever you are.
Clinical Procedures Manuals
Hospital / Administration Policies
Infection Control Policies
Workplace Health & Safety Policies
Quality and Risk Management
Forms / Plans / Audit Tools
MEDI Hospital Management is able to
develop various forms, plans and audit
tools necessary to assist you with the
gathering of quality improvement
evidence to facilitate your business
accreditation processes.
Such resources could include:
• Incident & Risk forms
• Quality Project forms / Reports
• Organisational Charts
• Business / Budget / Action Plans
• Staff / Patient Satisfaction surveys
• Hand washing survey
• Environmental Cleanliness surveys
• Drug surveys
• Patient journey / Focus Groups
• Document surveys