Fleet Safety Procedure DC&SDC Procedure Document Number Responsible Officer Contact Officer Approval Effective Date Modifications Superseded Documents Review Date File Number Associated Documents A unique identifier will be assigned to an approved procedure. Property and Fleet Manager Fleet Manager e-mail: [email protected] Tel: 02871-355990 (Ext 8014) Mob: 07736213146 Date this approved version of the procedure comes into effect. Record of all amendments and modifications to this procedure, including dates that amendments were approved and /or came into effect. Fleet Safety Procedure (2006) October 2016 To be formally reviewed every 2 years. However amendments can be issued prior to, in the event of one or more of the following:• Failure or weakness of any area of the procedure be identified • Legislative change • Change in fiscal/corporate directives as required All documents relating to the development, communication, implementation and review of a procedure must be held on a registered file. List any supporting documents (guidelines, procedures etc) and other Council documents which may be a useful reference for procedure users. 1 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Table of Contents Section 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Title Preamble Purpose Background Operator Licence Criteria Page 4 4 4 4 2.0 Scope 5 3.0 Definitions 5 4.0 4.10 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 Procedure Statement Roles and Responsibilities Directors Managers/Supervisors Health and Safety Section Risk Management Fleet Manager Drivers 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 5.0 Legal and Procedure Framework 11 6.0 Linkage to Corporate Plan 11 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Impact Assessment Screening and Equality Impact Assessment Impact on Staff Resources Impact on Financial Resources Sustainable Development 12 12 12 12 12 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Implementation Vehicle Selection/Operation Grey Fleet Driving Licenses Renewal Payments Driver’s Declaration Driver Evaluation Vehicle Documentation Speed & Route Planning 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 2 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.26.1 8.26.2 8.27 8.28 Driver Fatigue Passenger Behaviour on Journey Limitation of Vehicle Use Unauthorised Passengers Vehicle Maintenance Corporate Vehicles Reversing of LGV Vehicles Vehicle Condition Checks (Corporate Vehicles) Auditing of Vehicle Condition Reports Use of Trailers Transportation of Petrol in Vehicles Vehicle Cleanliness Vehicle Tracking and Telematics Vehicle Familiarisation Vehicle Security Vehicle Contents Security Corporate Fleet Insurance Cover Road Traffic Collision RTC Reporting Procedures (Corporate) RTC Reporting Procedures (Grey-Fleet) Incident/Accident Investigation Load Security 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 9.0 Support and Advice 27 10.0 Training 27 11.0 Communication Strategy 28 12.0 Risk management 28 13.0 Monitoring, review and evaluation 28 3 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) 1.0 Preamble 1.1 Purpose The Fleet Safety Procedure documents Council’s commitment to ensuring that all Fleet related activity will be managed and controlled in accordance with current and future legislation and in the interests of the safety and wellbeing of personnel and members of the public. 1.2 Background This Procedure effectively replaces any previous version. In 2010 legislation in the form of ‘The Goods Vehicle Licensing of Operators Act’ (NI) 2010 was passed in Parliament. This new legislation was introduced by the Department of the Environment (DOE) at the request of the Freight Industry, Public Representatives and Consumer organisations to address the low rate of compliance by Northern Ireland Large Goods Vehicles (LGV). From 01 July 2012 this law came into force and the Transport Regulation Unit (TRU) became the body responsible for enforcing all areas of non-compliance. Previously local authorities within Northern Ireland were exempt from holding an Operator’s Licence (hereafter known as an ‘O’ Licence) and as a direct consequence standards had declined. In order to drive improvement in the industry it became mandatory that all operators of vehicles with a Maximum Authorised Mass (MAM) exceeding 3500 Kg hold an ‘O’ licence irrespective of whether the operator was hauling under ‘own account’ or for ‘hire and reward’. 1.3 Operator’s Licence Criteria Achieving ‘O’ Licence compliance requires fulfilling the following criteria:A Registered Operating Centre The operating centre shall have the capacity to hold the number of vehicles listed on the ‘O’ Licence in a safe and secure manner without detriment to the surrounding environment or residents. 4 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Financial Standing The organisation must show proof of financial reserves as determined by the TRU as proof of their capability to run and maintain all listed vehicles in a compliant fashion. Good Repute All directors nominated on the ‘O’ Licence application shall be vetted to ensure they have not been declared bankrupt or convicted of a criminal offence within the previous 5 years. Maintenance Programme The applicant shall demonstrate that a sound maintenance regime is in place which requires that routine and documented safety inspections are in place at frequencies for vehicles at frequencies appropriate to the nature of work being performed and the number of miles travelled. Fleet maintenance inspections and tasks can be conducted by directly employed personnel or by third-parties. However, irrespective of the option the operator retains responsibility for all aspects of roadworthiness. Certificate of Professional Competence It is mandatory that the organisation employs a Transport Manager who possesses a Certificate of Professional Competence [CPC] in Road Haulage operations. The Transport Manager is the named holder of the ‘O’ Licence and is responsible for ensuring that the list of specified undertakings stipulated are strictly adhered to. 2.0 Scope This procedure applies to all personnel who drive, maintain or operate vehicles on behalf of Council together with the corresponding management structures. It should be considered alongside existing policies and guidelines such as ‘No Smoking’, ‘Use of Mobile Phones’ and ‘Drugs and Alcohol’. Although the terms and conditions of ‘O’ Licensing refer only to vehicles with a MAM greater than 3500 Kg, this procedure applies to all Derry City & Strabane District Council Fleet assets whether owned, leased or hired and all 5 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) drivers whether full-time, part-time or agency workers. Grey Fleet users (staff who use their own vehicle on Council business) must also adhere to certain aspects of this procedure. 3.0 Definitions Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Current legislation governing the method and quantity of flammable liquids such as Petrol that can be carried on-board a vehicle CPC Certificate of Professional Competence – In road haulage DCPC Not to be confused with DCPC – Drivers Certificate of Professional Competence. DOE Department of the Environment Grey Fleet Employees who use their private vehicle whilst on council business ISO 18001 EU Standard for management of Occupational Health and Safety LGV Vehicles with a MAM greater than 3500Kg LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations MAM Maximum Authorised Mass – Previously known as GVW or Gross Vehicle Weight. OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System‘O’ Licensing Operator’s Licensing PUWER 6 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations Petroleum Spirit (Plastic Containers) Regulations 1982 Current legislation governing the type of containers that Petrol may be stored in Reasonably Practicable The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 states “It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.” It is down to the individual organisation to assess the risks in each case and to make a judgement on what is ‘reasonably practicable’, or what actions it is reasonable to take to manage the risks in the specific circumstances. RPC Reduced Pollution Certificate – Awarded to vehicles running Euro-5 engines RTC Road Traffic Collision ‘The Goods Vehicle Licensing of Operators Act’ (Northern Ireland) 2010 The current legislation under which Derry City & Strabane District Council must manage and control all aspects of Fleet activity TM Transport Manager TRU Transport Regulation Unit – The body responsible for all aspects of ‘O’ Licence compliance UN1203 The EU identification code for Petrol 4.0 Statement of Intent General Principles Derry City & Strabane District Council is committed to optimising the safety of both operatives and members of the general public through stringent vehicle 7 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) selection methods and delivery of sound maintenance and driver/operative training. The organisation reinforces its commitment to ‘Carbon Reduction’ by selecting vehicles which meet or exceed EU emission requirements at time of purchase. Council requires that all staff members engaged in the operation or management of Fleet related activity, comply in full with the terms and conditions laid out in this procedure document without exception. Failure to do so may jeopardise the retention of Council’s ‘O’ Licence and consequently its legitimacy to operate its Fleet functions in-house. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Procedure may result in disciplinary action. Communicating the key messages of this procedure shall be key to ensuring that employees and managers are aware of their responsibilities and have sufficient understanding to deliver their roles effectively. In order for the objectives of this procedure to be achieved an all encompassing strategic perspective and unfailing commitment from all Fleet users must be endorsed. This will be achieved through the following roles and responsibilities being carried out. 4.1 Roles and Responsibilities 4.1.1 Strategic Directors / Heads of Service shall: • Embrace the importance of managing and controlling the Fleet in a safe and compliant fashion which ensures retention of Councils ‘O’ Licence. • Ensure that the organisation maintains and updates this procedure as and when required. • Ensure that adequate resources are provided to allow for the effective and compliant management of Fleet issues. • Monitor Fleet performance and champion a ’top-down’ strategy of continuous improvement with regard to Fleet Management. 8 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) • Ensure that all staff under their remit are aware of and embrace their responsibilities under the terms and conditions of this procedure. 4.1.2 Managers/Supervisors shall: • Recognise and embrace their role within the management of Fleet whilst ensuring staff under their control are aware of and adhere to procedure guidelines. • Work closely with Fleet Management to ensure all staff under their remit is aware of and conform to the terms and conditions of this procedure. 4.1.3 Health & Safety Section shall: • Advise Senior Management and their staff on matters pertaining to driving safety and assist, where appropriate, in implementing this Procedure with regard to their duties under it. • Liaise with Fleet Management to monitor and audit this Procedure, its systems and procedures across all service areas on a regular basis. • Provide advice, guidance and training in order to rectify any nonconformances identified during monitoring/audits. • Assist in the investigation, reporting and analysis of Road Traffic Collisions (RTC) and develop appropriate remedial action. • Correlate statistics and perform trend analysis – Feed results back to Line Management and contribute to prevention controls. Assist in the development of driver specific risk assessments. 4.1.4 Risk Management section shall: • Record and report drivers endorsements to Councils insurance company. • Ensure that driver’s declarations are completed annually. • Coordinate the management and control of ‘Grey-Fleet’ activities to include auditing of MOT, Insurance and Road Tax. • Analyse data pertaining to fleet related incidents/accidents and communicate information to Fleet and Health & Safety managers. 4.1.5 Fleet Manager 9 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) The Fleet Manager and CPC holder becomes the nominated TM and holder of the Councils ‘O’ Licence and is responsible for all aspects of Fleet compliance. In the event that the TM decides to terminate employment with Council the organisation is permitted a period of 9 weeks to find a suitable replacement. During this window the TM shall notify the TRU in writing and continue to operate thefleet in-house. However beyond this period a qualified CPC holder must be engaged. Fleet Manager’s responsibilities include:• Acquiring vehicles that meet an appropriate specification that includes safety features which optimise the safety of drivers, operatives and members of the general public. • Ensuring all council operated vehicles are as a minimum standard suitably maintained and inspected in accordance with ‘The Road Traffic Act’ (1988) and at frequencies specified in the ‘O’ Licence undertakings. • Ensuring all council owned or managed vehicles have suitable and valid licenses. • Providing training to vehicle users to ensure they are licensed and competent to drive and operate any associated equipment safely without risk to themselves or others. • Ensuring all relevant council vehicles are listed on the ‘O’ Licence and Motor Insurance Database. • Monitoring the effectiveness of the systems in place to examine driver behaviour and vehicle performance. • Ensuring that all fleet related accidents/incidents are recorded on the ‘Team-Solutions’ management system. • Ensuring that driver licence checks are completed annually with the – requires permission from the drivers. Monitoring the completion and effectiveness of driver pre-use vehicle checks. • • Ensuring all staff is aware of their specific role regarding Fleet operations and ensuring all legislative change and requirement are communicated to relevant staff in an effective manner. 10 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) • Managing and operating the in-house Transport Workshop in a compliant fashion. • Ensuring the professional development of Transport Workshop staff and drivers to ensure compliance. • Manage and maintain the OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management system requirements. 4.1.6 Drivers shall: • Record and report driving licence endorsements to Fleet Manager promptly. • Ensure that drivers declarations and mandates are completed on request. • Complete a thorough daily ‘pre-use’ check of the vehicle they are assigned to drive and complete and file the pre-use inspection record accurately. • Recognise and report defects identified through driver daily vehicle checks and report information to the Transport Workshop Supervisor. • Comply with all aspects of ‘The Road Traffic Act’ (1988) to include speed limits, driver’s hours, etc and all relevant Council policies applicable to their field of responsibility. • Never answer mobile phones when in control of a vehicle. Where ‘Bluetooth’ connectivity is available, drivers can answer calls however, it is strongly recommended that the vehicle is brought to a halt in a safe area before doing so. • Never engage in two-way radio communication when driving. This should be left to a crew member or wait until the the vehicle has been brought safely to a halt. • Never use personal earphones or audio headphones whilst driving. • Never smoke cigarettes or use E-cigarettes within the confines of a vehicle cab irrespective of whether there are other occupants or not. Any fixed penalties/fines issued as a result of such action shall be the responsibility of the individual and disciplinary action may also result. • Never drive council vehicles with alcohol or drugs in their system to include residual levels from previous days. At time of print primary legislation was passed through Stormont (May 2014) to reduce the permitted legal alcohol levels bringing Northern Ireland into line with the rest of the UK. When secondary legislation is passed in Northern Ireland the new levels will be 50mg per 100ml for private motorists and 20mg per 100ml for professional drivers. Derry City & Strabane 11 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) District Council subsequently adopted a ‘Zero Tolerance’ to alcohol in the work environment. If a driver is suspected to have alcohol in their system, they have a duty to report this to the driver’s Line Manager who in-turn has the power to perform a ‘Breath-Test’ on the person or suspend them from operational duty pending an investigation. Failure to provide a ‘Breath-Test’ may result in instant suspension from duties pending further investigation. • Undertake instruction & training as required by management or external training providers, to include DCPC periodic training. • Take ownership of council vehicles and exercise due care and attention at all times. • Not place themselves or others affected by their actions at risk during a journey or driving related activities. • Report motor vehicle incidents, injuries and near misses to their supervisor. Complete bump card together with accident report and cooperate fully with accident/incident investigation. • Comply with all procedures developed and implemented by Derry City & Strabane District Council under the terms and conditions of this and all other policies. • Provide supporting documentation to include licence, MOT, business insurance, etc as required under Council’s ‘Grey Fleet’ monitoring arrangements. • Ensure seat-belts are worn in all vehicles. • In vehicles fitted with ‘Maple Drive Lock System’ ensure that the transponder is attached to the driver’s person at all times. Failure to adhere to this request will render the device inoperative and may result in disciplinary action. • Ensure that the contents (body and hopper) of both Refuse Collection Vehicles (RCVs) and mechanical Road Sweepers are emptied before the vehicle is parked up at the end of shift to eliminate possibility of spontaneous combustion occurring. • Never carry unauthorised passengers in council vehicles. (see section 8.12 - page 20). • Complete health surveillance or driving assessments based upon risk assessment findings and trend analysis when requested to do so. 12 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) • Comply with information, instruction and training in relation to Council’s Fleet procedures. Compliance with these procedures will be monitored by Line Management. • Notify Line Manager/Fleet Manager of any change in their personal circumstances that may affect their suitability to drive e.g. health, medication, licence validity. • Wear eyesight correction such as glasses or contact lenses, if required, at all times when driving, to meet the required standard. Please Note: Drivers are required by law to have a basic eyesight standard whereby they can read (wearing glasses or contact lenses if required) in good light, a registration mark attached to a vehicle and containing digits that are 79.4 mm high at a distance of 20.5 metres. If this standard cannot be achieved, advice should be sought from a GP or Optician. 5.0 Legal & Procedure Framework The key pieces of legislation which govern this procedure are as follows: Road Traffic Regulations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 Road Vehicle (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) 1978 Management of Health and Safety at Work (NI) Regulations 2000 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 Working Time Regulations (1998) and subsequent amendments Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide (2007 Act) (Commencement )Order (Northern Ireland) 2012 The Goods Vehicle Licensing of Operators Act’ (Northern Ireland) 2010 Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road 6.0 Linkage to Corporate Plan This procedure is consistent with Council’s mission, values and principles as documented in the Corporate Plan. It contributes to the theme of “Organisational and Personal Development” and its strategic aim to create ‘an innovative organisation and safe work environment’. 7.0 Impact Assessment 13 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) 7.1 Screening and Equality Impact Assessment While there is no reason to believe that the implementation of this procedure will result in any adverse differential impact on any of the nine equality categories identified by Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, it is considered likely that individuals within some of those nine equality categories, namely non English speaking foreign nationals, the young, the elderly, pregnant women and persons with a disability, are recognised as being among those particularly vulnerable to certain elements of this procedure. Where necessary, Council will make any reasonable adjustments to the working arrangements to ensure that individuals from the vulnerable categories stated above will not be adversely impacted upon. 7.2 Impact on Staff Resources Best practice dictates that health and safety in the workplace is integrated into the normal operation of departments, rather than being ‘bolted on’ as an additional function. It is not anticipated at this stage, therefore, that any additional personnel will be required for the implementation of this Fleet Safety Procedure. However, it is recognised that there will be an associated need for staff to attend training and for some to perform a variety of tasks which may impact on the time available for them to carry out their normal duties. 7.3 Impact on Financial Resources The financial implications of work-related road safety can be significant. The implementation of an effective Fleet Safety Procedure will assist with offsetting these costs by reducing on the frequency of vehicle accidents and corresponding claims, sickness leave for injured operatives – together with avoidance of costs associated with vehicle down time and repairs. 7.4 Sustainable development The implementation of the Fleet Safety Procedure will promote good driving habits within the group of Councils drivers which will potentially will improve their driving behavior whilst in their private cars 14 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) 8.0 Implementation The responsibility for the implementation of this procedure lies with the Strategic Director for Environment. However, the Property and Fleet Manager will coordinate the roll-out and bedding in of the procedure. Simultaneously the Fleet Manager will provide advice and guidance on how the procedure impinges on existing operations and any necessary amendments required to operating procedures or maintenance schedules. 8.1 Vehicle Selection/Operation Derry City & Strabane District Council have established robust procedures in relation to the selection, use and maintenance of its Fleet Assets. These procedures aim to ensure that Council owned vehicles are safe to use, fit for purpose and project a positive image to the general public. • • Fleet management ensure that all purchased vehicles and plant meets stringent specification and are fitted with appropriate safety features to mitigate road and operational risk as far as is reasonably practicable. Vehicles have been fitted with audible reversing alarms, reversing cameras and on-board recordable CCTV systems, etc following identification of relevant risk. • All vehicles are fitted with Telematic Transmitter to optimise the safety of driver and crew. • All vehicles are subject to a programme of planned preventative maintenance including safety inspections every 42 days for high risk vehicles such as refuse collection vehicles and mechanical road sweepers. • All operators are required to complete and sign-off daily pre-use inspection checksheets. The accuracy of these pre-use inspections will be audited quarterly by the Freight Transport Association (FTA) and periodically by Line Mangement. • Vehicle defects identified are reported to the Transport Workshop charge-hand and must be “signed off” by a mechanic and the chargehand before being closed out. The mechanic must also annotate the remedial action carried out on the defect report. 15 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) 8.2 • Hired plant and vehicles are subjected to the same stringent pre-use checks prior to being used by Council operatives. Any hired equipment with apparent defects shall not be used within the Council’s Services. • Vehicles are parked up in their designated spaces at Council’s registered Operating Centre at Skeoge when not in use. Vehicles should be empty of contents, washed/cleaned, reverse parked, secured and keys deposited in the security office on completion of each shift. Grey Fleet Grey Fleet travel refers employees using their vehicles, whilst at work,to travel to other locations in line with their duties. Derry City & Strabane District Council recognise that a significant number of journeys are completed by employees using their own private vehicles whilst on Council business. This activity must be managed under the terms and conditions laid out in ‘Grey Fleet Best Practice’. Fleet Management have considered the risks arising from this activity and shall, in conjunction with Risk Management continue to evolve the controls and procdures required to mitigate the level of risk so far as is reasonably practicable. Employees, Contractors and Agents of Derry City & Strabane District Council who use their own vehicle for "at work" journeys must ensure that their vehicle is maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, and that regular checks are completed to ensure that the vehicle is maintained in a roadworthy condition at all times. Under the terms and conditions of ‘Grey Fleet Best Practice’, employees may be required to present their vehicle to Transport Workshop for periodic roadworthiness inspections. Employees, contractors and agents that use non-Derry City & Strabane District Council vehicles must ensure that annual MOT/PSV test is current and that their insurance procedure has ‘Business Use’ annotated on the procedure document. Original Copies of the following documentation must be presented to Risk Management/Finance department for verification:- 16 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) • Current certificate of insurance to include ‘Business’ use • Current MOT/PSV certificate PLEASE NOTE: If a driver repeatedly fails to ensure that their assigned vehicle is maintained correctly or fails to produce the relevant documentation, Derry City & Strabane District Council will suspend authority to use their vehicle on Council business. As a consequence, any claims submitted for personal mileage allowance will also be refuted. Insurance policies where a partner or spouse is the named holder of the procedure may not cover both partner or spouse for ‘Business’ use unless specifically requested. Under no circumstances shall Derry City & Strabane District Council accept liability for claims which are not covered by the driver’s personal insurance procedure. 8.3 Driving Licences It is the responsibility of all drivers to ensure that their driving licence is current and includes the relevant categories required to an assigned vehicle. If in doubt seek advice from Fleet Manager. All driving licenses shall be checked annually to ensure they are current, possess the relevant categories and monitor recorded penalty points or convictions. Upon request from Fleet/Line Manager drivers must complete a DVA driver’s mandate which will authorise Derry City & Strabane District Council to check their licence at source. 8.4 Renewal Payments Where an LGV licence is the requirement for a post, the licence renewal fee will not be reimbursed, however the medical fee (where appropriate) will be repaid upon submission of an official receipt from a GP. Where an employee is required by Council to obtain a licence the licence fee shall be paid on the first application and thereafter by the employee. Employee’s fee reimbursements are as follows: 17 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Renewal fees for HGV licences £20 (at time of print) Medical fees range from £20 - £50 per report. 8.5 Drivers Declaration All drivers of Council-owned vehicles shall be required to complete an annual ‘Driver Declaration’. This forms part of the integral driver risk assessment carried by Derry City & Strabane District Council. Please note. If a driver’s Mandate or Declaration is not submitted by the required date, Derry City & Strabane District Council has the right to suspend authority to drive any vehicle in connection with employment within Council until the request has been complied with. This may also be treated as a disciplinary matter. 8.6 Driver Evaluation Derry City & Strabane District Council may require drivers to undergo driver evaluation for a number of reasons. These would include, but not be limited to: • As a result of a risk assessment • Involvement in an RTC or numerous RTC’s or vehicle related incidents • Prosecution for a motoring offence • Driving licence endorsement • Revocation of driving licence • Ongoing Health & Safety refresher training following report of unsafe driving • Changes in vehicle specification or operating procedures The training may consist of one or a mixture of the following;• Classroom tuition • Computer or driving simulation • In-cab assessment 18 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Note: The purpose of this evaluation is to identify areas in need of development and assist with formulation of the necessary course of remedial action. In addition, Grey Fleet Drivers shall be required to:• Produce both parts of their driving licence for review on an annual basis. • Produce a copy of the appropriate insurance (stating ‘Business’ use) and a valid vehicle MoT certificate if appropriate. • Drivers are required to ensure that their vehicle is maintained in roadworthy condition and in accordance with the terms and conditions of The Road Traffic Act (1988). • Notify Line/Fleet Manager of any change in their driving status, including endorsements, loss of licence or relevant health issues. 8.7 Vehicle Documentation The Fleet Management section is responsible for ensuring that every council operated vehicle has:• Current tax disc or a ‘Statutory Off Road Notification’ (SORN) has been completed. • Is recorded on the Motor Insurance schedule. • Is maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and ‘O’ Licence regulations and undertakings • Current MoT/PSV certificate • Current Tachograph calibration certificate • Current Freight Licence (where applicable) • Current LOLER certificate (where applicable) • Current reduced pollution certificate (RPC) (where applicable) Please Note: Once issued, it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure all licence discs are displayed in an orderly and secure fashion on the bottom left hand corner of the vehicle windscreen. Adhesive disc holders are available from Transport stores and Fleet Manager. If a vehicle holds the appropriate licence but the driver fails to ensure the relevant disc is displayed, they can be prosecuted for ‘Failure to Display’. 19 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) This can result in Penalty Points on their personal licence together with a fine which the individual will have to pay. It is therefore critical that the driver ensures all relevant licence discs are displayed on the vehicle prior to exiting the operating centre. If in doubt seek clarification from Transport Charge-hand or Fleet Manager. Each vehicle is provided with an admin folder, the contents of which are listed below:• Pre-use Inspection/Defect reporting book • Vehicle Fuel logbook • Driver’s bump-card • Fleet safety procedure • Driver’s hand-book • Accident report form • Current certificate of insurance It is essential that Drivers ensure the admin folder is present and complete as part of their pre-use inspection and replaced from the Transport Stores when required. 8.8 Speed & Route Planning Derry City & Strabane District Council expects that all employees, contractors and agents will observe relevant road speed limits at all times. All journeys will be planned to allow adequate time to be completed safely and legally. Speed limit signs only serve to inform drivers of the maximum permissible speed on any particular section of road. They do not mean that it is safe to drive at the indicated speed irrespective of local conditions. Drivers identified exceeding speed limits may be subject to disciplinary action. Reports generated via telematics may be used to monitor driver’s behavior or erratic driving style. Please Note: Any driver convicted of speeding or any other ‘Fixed Penalty’ or ‘endorsable’ road traffic offence, will incur points on their private driving licence and must personally pay any financial penalty awarded. 20 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Penalty points remain valid for 3 years whilst endorsable offences remain valid for 4 years. When expired, drivers must submit a request together with appropriate fee to DVLNI, County Hall, Coleraine to have the record physically removed from their licence. The following table contains National Speed Limits (outside built-up areas) (MPH) 21 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Type of Vehicle Cars, motorcycles and car derived vans up to 2000Kg MAM Cars (inc car derived vans and motorcycles towing trailers or caravans Buses, Coaches and Mini-buses (not exceeding 12 metres in length Goods Vehicles not exceeding 7500 Kg MAM Goods Vehicle exceeding 7500 Kg MAM Single Carriageway 60 Dual Carriageway 70 Motorway 70 50 60 60 50 60 70 50 60 70 * 40 50 60 Note: * If articulated or towing a trailer the maximum speed is 60 MPH 8.9 Driver Fatigue Driving can induce premature fatigue therefore drivers should refer to the recommended driver/working hour’s directive before commencing a long journey. During the journey drivers should ensure:• They have given consideration to the possibility of fatigue being caused by the previous day’s work or personal activities and that the journey can be completed safely and legally within the allocated time-frame. • Consideration has been given to using other modes of transport to reach their destination (Public Transport, Journey Sharing, etc). • The journey is planned thoroughly without need for speeding. • That fresh air is allowed to circulate in the vehicle during the journey. • Adequate daily rest is taken. • A relief driver is available if necessary. • Maximum working/driving hours are not exceeded. 22 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Note: Derry City & Strabane District Council terms and conditions of employment include the following statement:“You shall devote your whole-time service to the work of Council and shall not engage in any other business or take up any additional appointment without the express consent of Council. You shall not subordinate your role within Council to your private interests or put yourself in a position where your duty and private interests conflict”. 8.10 Passenger Behaviour during a Journey If at any time during a journey a passenger’s behaviour causes unacceptable distraction, the driver must stop the vehicle in an appropriate place to resolve the situation. 8.11 Limitations on Vehicle Use Derry City & Strabane District Council vehicles are protected by comprehensive insurance that covers business and personal use where applicable. It does not however cover Council vehicles for off-road use except where official Council business requires such activity .. 8.12 Unauthorised Passengers Council vehicles shall not to be used for any private purposes without first receiving explicit written approval from Line Management. Approval may only be granted in exceptional circumstances and excludes transposting family members to/from school/work on a daily basis. 8.13 Vehicle Maintenance The scheduling of vehicle maintenance is the responsibility of Fleet Management. In this regard each council owned vehicle is subject to an annual programme of planned preventative maintenance and regular safety inspections. All employees who drive for work have a responsibility to inspect their vehicle, report defects identified and ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy prior to undertaking a journey. 8.14 Council Vehicles 23 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) In order to minimise the risk of un-roadworthy vehicles being used on Council business, it is essential that vehicles are serviced regularly and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Due to operational pressures that exist within Derry City & Strabane District Council, it may not always be possible for vehicles to be serviced at their exact mileage intervals. Accordingly, Derry City & Strabane District Council has introduced a mileage tolerance of +/- 500 miles of the manufacturer’s recommended service intervals within which all scheduled services must be achieved. Additionally, Derry City & Strabane District Council shall monitor council vehicle costs to detect abnormal wear on items such as tyres, brakes and clutches, in an effort to identify aggressive driving patterns. 8.15 Reversing LGV Vehicles Whilst reverse cameras are fitted to all LGV vehicles within the Fleet, the use of a ‘Reverse Assistant’ or ‘Banksman’ is compulsory where performing reversing maneuvers. All operational personnel (to include crew members) deployed in the use of LGV vehicles shall be trained in Reverse Assistant techniques and should exit the vehicle to guide the driver using the common system of signaling developed. It is critical that the Reverse Assistant position them self so as to be clearly visible to the driver at all times. Should the driver lose sight of the Reverse Assistant at any time whilst reversing, they must stop the vehicle immediately. 8.16 Vehicle Condition Checks A thorough visual safety check must be undertaken on each vehicle by the driver prior to use. This is known as a "daily vehicle walk-round" and is necessary irrespective of vehicle size or type. The driver is required to record the findings of the pre-use inspection section in the vehicle’s ‘Daily Check’ book and file completed blue copy in the security hut before exiting the operating centre, or retained in the vehicle if operating remotely. If zero defects have been recorded, the primary or white copy remains in the book. However, if a defect has been identified, the bottom section of the page (Defect Report) should be completed and the white copy presented to the workshop charge-hand who will task a mechanic to make the necessary repairs. Vehicle components which drivers should have regard to when carrying out visual daily check include:24 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Brakes The vehicle brakes and those of any towed trailer must operate efficiently. Should the driver suspect a defect vehicle then it must be reported immediately to Transport Workshop charge-hand and the vehicle booked ‘Off-the-run’. Tyres Tyres must: a. Be correctly inflated. Most vehicles have the tyre pressure displayed on the wheel-arch above the wheel. b. Have sufficient tread; the legal minimum requirement for cars and vans is 1.6mm of tread across 3/4 of the tyre breadth and around the entire circumference with 1.0 mm required for vehicles over 3500 Kgs. c. Not have a bulge or cut showing anywhere on the tyre walls. d. Meet the size and performance standards recommended by the vehicle’s manufacturer. Indicators Indicators must be fully functional on the front, rear and side of the vehicle. Windscreen wipers and washers It is a legal requirement that washer bottles must be kept full. This is the driver’s responsibility. Windscreen wipers must be in good condition and capable of cleaning the screen effectively. Exhaust Exhaust systems must be secure and free from any obvious faults. Drivers must report excessive smoke emissions. Lights All vehicle lights must be secure, clean and operational even if the vehicle is to be used during daylight hours. Lenses must be of the correct colour and free from cracks or defects. Emergency lights If the vehicle is fitted with amber flashing lamps and are only be used when the vehicle is carrying out its operational duties. Horn 25 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) The vehicle horn must be fully functional. Mirrors Vehicles must be fitted with full complement of mirrors that provide a clear view. One mirror must be fitted externally on the offside and another either internally or if visibility to the rear is obscured, on the nearside externally. LGV vehicles will require a close proximity kerb mirror and forward facing mirror. Engine Oil Level Although most LGV vehicles are fitted with electronic oil-level monitors, it is recommended that the conventional ‘dipstick’ method is checked at least weekly. Engine Coolant The engine coolant level should be checked daily by observing the level on the transparent header tank. Exercise caution if removing the header tank cap to ‘top-up’ as this is a pressurised system. Always check with engine cold. Fuel Drivers should ensure they have sufficient fuel and ensure the correct type is added to the vehicle. All fuel transactions must be recorded accurately in both the vehicle and driver’s log books. Completed sheets must be deposited in the ‘post-box’ located outside the facilities area at Skeoge Operating Centre. These are collated weekly and audited for accuracy. 8.17 Auditing of Vehicle Condition checks – Council Vehicles Derry City & Strabane District Council shall audit a percentage of recently completed driver pre-use inspections and mechanics safety inspections as recommended in ‘Fleet best Practice Guidelines’. These audits will be carried out by Line Managers and periodically by the FTA. Please note: Failure by an employee, to ensure that pre-use checks are completed properly and filed accordingly may result in disciplinary action. This task is key to running a compliant Fleet and should any vehicle become involved in an RTC, the investigating officers will require this report on which to base their investigation. For vehicles listed on ‘O’ Licence (those over 3500 Kg) it is critical that the Blue or secondary copy is placed in the corresponding file located in the security office each day and not retained in the vehicle. 26 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) 8.18 Use of Trailers When towing trailers drivers must:a. Check the MAM of the trailer, the maximum train weight of the vehicle and that operator’s driving licence permits them to use the combination legally. b. Ensure that they have regard to the weight of the trailer and how it will affect the handling characteristics of the towing vehicle. As a general ‘rule of thumb’ the MAM of the trailer should be less than the unladen weight of the towing vehicle. c. As with a motor vehicle, perform a thorough pre-use inspection of the unit. Particular attention should be paid to the condition and functionality of the towing hitch on both the trailer and vehicle. Any defects identified should be entered in the pre-use inspection book assigned to the towing vehicle and reported to the workshop chargehand promptly. Under no circumstances should a defective trailer be used on the public highway. d. Check visually and physically towing and braking connections as well as any safety devices such as ‘Break-away cables’ are functional on both vehicle and trailer. e. Check if there are any other legal implications, for example you may need to use a tachograph or operate under ‘O’ Licence regulations whilst towing the trailer. If unsure contact Fleet Manager for clarification. f. Feel competent to tow and reverse a trailer. A risk assessment must be completed and if necessary training carried out. If required contact Fleet Manager for details. g. After connecting tow-hitch, breakaway cable and electrical connection, retract jockey wheel and ensure all lights are functioning properly. h. Ensure the registration plate on the trailer matches the towing vehicle. i. When finished with trailer thoroughly wash out, apply mechanical brake and park up in an appropriate fashion. Always chock wheels to prevent trailer running away in the event of mechanical failure. 8.19 Transportation of Petrol in Vehicles 27 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) For some Council related activities such as refuelling of Grounds Maintenance/Street Cleansing equipment, it may be necessary to carry Petrol (UN1203) on-board corporate vehicles. The ‘Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road’ regulations require that Petrol should be carried in UN approved containers (Petroleum Spirit (Plastic Containers) Regulations 1982), which are properly stowed in the vehicle. The containers should be clearly marked with the ‘Flammable’ diamond and the UN identification number for Petrol ‘UN1203’. The regulations also impose a limit of 2 X 5 Litre Plastic containers of the approved design and no more than 2 X 10 Litre metal containers which should be marked with the words ‘PETROLEUM SPIRIT – HIGHLY INFLAMMIBLE’. This brings the maximum quantity of Petrol that can be carried on-board a corporate vehicle to 30 litres. 8.20 Vehicle Cleanliness Drivers are responsible for the general cleanliness of their vehicles. The inside of the vehicle cab must be kept clean, tidy and free from any loose objects which may hinder the driver’s vision or vehicle control. The exterior of the vehicle must be washed thoroughly on return to the operating centre each day. On Refuse Collection Vehicles the hopper/body will be decontaminated between ‘Blue’ and Black’ cycles by a third party contractor. A DCC LGV driver will be required to ferry vehicles to and from the wash area and to open the rear door to facilitate the cleansing operation. This does not however remove the responsibility of vehicle cleanliness from the driver. Remember, corporate vehicles are much more than modes of transport they are woven into the very fabric of Council culture and as such project an image of how Council is being run. It is mandatory that vehicles are kept in a clean and tidy state at all times which in turns projects a positive image of Council to our citizens. Please Note: If a fault manifests on a vehicle during a period of use that would make it illegal or unsafe to use, Transport Workshop must be contacted immediately. A mechanic will travel to the locus and assess the vehicle’s roadworthiness. The mechanic will either repair the fault at the roadside or 28 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) arrange for a spare vehicle to be made available. Council does not expect any driver to use an unsafe or illegal vehicle on the public road at any time. 8.21 Vehicle Tracking and Telematics All vehicles within the Fleet will be fitted with Tracker devices. These will be used to identify the driver, protect the safety of the driver and crew, facilitate accurate maintenance scheduling and identify the exact location of a vehicle at any point in time. Activities such as whether the sweep-gear is engaged or bin-lifts are active can also be monitored remotely through the vehicle ‘CANBUS’ system. Interference or tampering with the tracking equipment will be clearly identifiable via e-mail or SMS alerts sent to Senior Management. The unit continues to record even when attempts have been made to deactivate the mobile collection unit and information will be accessed once the unit has been reinstated. Deliberate attempts to disable the tracker unit or any ancillary components will be investigated under the terms and conditions of the Disciplinary Procedure and may be treated as ‘Gross Misconduct’. 8.22 Vehicle Familiarisation Prior to commencing a journey, drivers should be confident that they are familiar with the assigned vehicle's controls, all mirrors are properly adjusted and that they can obtain a comfortable and safe driving position. This is particularly important when not using the vehicle they normally drive. If the driver is unsure or inexperienced on a particular vehicle, their Line Manager will arrange ‘Driver Familiarisation’ training prior to setting off on operational duties. 8.23 Vehicle Security It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that all reasonable security arrangements are made when a vehicle is left unattended. Vehicles must always be locked and the keys removed, the windows should also be fully closed. These conditions apply even when the vehicle is left unattended for short periods of time for example at a fuel station. When operational commitments dictate that the driver must exit the cab to assist with loading of bins, every effort must be made to immobilise the vehicle whilst the cab has been vacated. This usually involves the fitting of a 29 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) ‘Drive-Lock’ device which operates through a transponder attached to the driver’s belt. When they travel a set distance from the unit, the handbrake is locked in the ‘ON’ position and should the engine be stopped, it will not restart. The functionality of this unit depends totally on the driver’s commitment to ensuring the transponder is attached to their person and under no circumstances should this be temporarily attached to the seat-belt harness. In doing so, the ‘Drive-Lock’ system becomes inoperative and the driver may be subject to disciplinary action. 8.24 Vehicle Contents Security All personal articles of value must be removed from the vehicle at end of shift. All Council equipment including, but not limited to, computers, communication equipment, tools etc, must, if possible, be locked out of sight (in the boot for cars or load-area for vans). If these actions are not taken and a loss occurs, the driver may be held responsible for the replacement cost. 8.24 Corporate Fleet Insurance Cover Derry City & Strabane District Council provides comprehensive insurance for all council vehicles and authorised drivers. The insurance includes all hired vehicles operated by authorised employees. The excess on the Fleet Procedure is £500 for third-party claims and zero for Council vehicles. If any driver accumulates 6 or more penalty points on their Driving Licence, the insurance company must be informed and they will weight that specific driver accordingly. It is therefore critical that individuals inform Fleet Manager who in-turn will inform Risk Manager of points awarded between annual licence checks. There is no longer a need to inform the insurance company of temporary vehicle additions. However, Risk Management still requires this information to ensure their schedule is current. Consequently a Temporary Fleet Acquisition record must be completed each time a demonstration vehicle or hired vehicle enters the Fleet. If applicable it must also be recorded on the ‘O’ Licence. 8.26 Road Traffic Collision 30 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) If unfortunate enough to be involved in an Road Traffic Collision with another vehicle, person or property, the driver must stop immediately and where possible, exchange the following details:• Names • Addresses • Vehicle registration numbers and descriptions • Insurance procedure details • Date and time • Witnesses • Road names / numbers • Position of vehicles • Name and number of any attending Police Officer Derry City & Strabane District Council will provide drivers with a “bump card”, accident report form and copy of the current Fleet insurance procedure. The perforated section of the Bump Card should be completed and given to the third party. Completion of the Bump Card comprehensively at the scene is the foundation of an accurate investigation. As time lapses details can become cloudy or details omitted. Although cameras are not supplied by Council, digital images taken with personal camera-phones can prove effective at determining root cause of an accident. These should be taken to Fleet Manager’s office where they can be printed and filed as evidence. Current evaluation of on-board CCTV camera systems providing live streaming via an internet connection is being carried out. If installed, this footage too may be used for accident/incident investigation purposes. It is a legal requirement in the case of an accident involving personal injury to any party involved, including animals, road fixtures or fittings or to other third party property that the incident must be reported to the PSNI promptly and in any case within 24 hours. Should the PSNI decline to take note of the report, the driver should note the time, date and place of the accident, and also the name/number of the officer concerned on the Bump Card or Accident Report form. 31 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Please Note: Liability should never be admitted at the scent of the accident! 8.26.1 Road Traffic Collision reporting procedure (Corporate vehicles) (a) Driver’s must report the damage and details of the accident to Line Manager/Fleet Manager promptly and within 24 hours of the incident. (b) Driver will be given an Accident Report form, which must be filled in and signed by the driver and their Line Manager. The completed form should then be returned to the Fleet Manager who will complete the ‘Vehicle’ section. (c) Fleet Manager will print and attach copy of Fleet Inventory record, current Driver’s Licence check together with any digital images of the incident or damage inflicted. (d) Fleet Manager will also attach estimated repair costs for all damaged vehicles and forward to Risk Manager for processing. Please Note: No repairs can be authorised prior to investigation being completed and approval received from Insurance Broker. 8.26.2 Road Traffic Collision reporting procedure (Grey Fleet vehicles) If an employee, contractor or agent of Derry City & Strabane District Council has an accident as a result of an "at work" journey when on Derry City & Strabane District Council business, in their private vehicle, they should also complete an accident report form and send it to the Fleet Manager. This is purely for statistical analysis and ‘Road Risk’ management purposes. 8.27 Incident/Accident Investigation. All incidents/accidents involving Derry City & Strabane District Councils Fleet will be subject to investigation by the Fleet Management, Line Management and Health & Safety Sections as appropriate. Investigations may involve inspections of the accident locus, photographic evidence, interviewing of drivers and witnesses and obtaining PSNI reports or CCTV footage. Incident/accident analysis will be used to identify trends and establish relevant programmes of remedial action to prevent recurrence and mitigate road-risk and financial costs to both employees of Derry City & Strabane District Council and other road users. 32 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) Contractors and Agents of Derry City & Strabane District Council must submit completed Motor Insurance questionnaire certified by Insurers to Fleet or Risk manager on an annual basis. 8.28 Load Security The driver is responsible for the safety and security of any load carried. Before commencing the journey the driver must ensure the load is evenly distributed in relation to axle position and secured. The MAM of the vehicle should never be exceeded. Most Council LGV vehicles are fitted with on-board weighing systems which display axle loading and MAM through a cab-mounted digital monitor. An audible warning device will also inform the driver prior to MAM being reached. 9.0 Support and Advice Further information or clarity of any issue documented can be obtained from the Fleet Manager 10.0 Training The Fleet Manager in collaboration with Human Resources and Health and Safety will organise ‘O’ licence awareness courses for section heads to ensure they are aware of their statutory responsibilities under current legislation. 11.0 Communication Strategy The Fleet Manager in conjunction with Human Resources and Health and Safety will develop a program and effective communication channels required to convey the procedure contents and the specific roles of individuals, to all staff members. 12.0 Risk Management Failure to implement the contents of this procedure in full may result in Council failing to meet its legal obligations under ‘The Goods Vehicle Licensing of Operators Act’ (Northern Ireland) 2010. Fleet Manager will work closely with Corporate Risk Manager in an attempt to mitigate all Fleet associated risk as far as is reasonably practicable. Full advantage will be made of technological advancement and telematics to provide real-time information 33 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015) on vehicle location and driver behaviour in an attempt to optimise operator safety and Fleet compliance. 13.0 Monitoring, review and evaluation This procedure will be subject to review on a bi-annual basis or in response to a legislative shift, change in operational procedures or identification of enhanced methodology. 34 Fleet Safety Procedure Date Effective:(30/04/2015) Current Version: (V1.1, 30/04/2015)
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