OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF PRISONS MEGHALAYA ::::I SHILLONG. ADVERTISE,MENT t. ApplicatiolN in the prescribed Standard Form of Applicalion as publishcd in the Meghalaya Gazetle are invited from candidales who are pem'unent residents of Meghalaya to llll the vacancies in the vadous posts of Mcghalaya Prisons as fbllows:Sl No. Posts T. 1 Assistant lailors 06 14100 ) Warders Male 50 7700-190-9030 EB-2s0-11280-340-15020/- 3 Warders Female 10 7700-190 9O30-EB-250-11-2BO-340-15020/- 4 Naik AB (l4ale) 11 7100-180-8360-EB-230-10430 310 13840/- 5 Electrician cum Plumber (l4ale) 01 8300-210-9770-EB-2 6 Cook (14ale) o4 6500- 160-7620-E8-2 LO-957O -29O - t27 7 Driver (Male) o1 7700-190 9O30 EB-2s0-11280-340-15020/- a Barber(Male) 01 6500 160-7620-EB-2tO-9570-290-727 3 5 0- 165 5 0- E 8-460-20690-620 -27 570/ - 7 O-122OO 37 O-1627 O/ OO / 00/ - - TIIE LAST DAI'E FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICA'I']ON IS 08/06/2015 (MONDAY) APPLTCATIONS RI]CEIVED AFTER TH III. Basic Pay Scale F] I-AST DA']T WILLNOT BE ENI I,]RTATNED- Tle application form should be submittcd in a big sealed envelope containing attcstcd copies of the following and drop inside a woodelrsteel box similar to tender box which will be made available in each Jail from 10 AM to 4 PM daily except Sundays till the last date.: Further each candidate also need to enter in the @gMEB which will be kept by Supt of Jail or Jailor, thc candidatc's name, Father's / mother's aamc, namc of localiry, name of village/Town,Pincode, post applicd and contact no like mobile phone no or email or land line 1. 4 (FOllR) recent passpoft size photographs (one of which is to bc pastcd on the application lbnn. one on the admil card, onc on counterfoil of admit card and one on the application lbtm as a spare). 2. Copy of treasury chnllan of Rs 100 paid to the hcad of account "0056'Iails-800 Other Reccipts 03 (other items" Sl/SC Certificate fbr SI/SC candidatcs ofMeghalaya. 4. Birth cefiilicatc fiom Govemment I lospital or age ccrtillcate as per school records last attcnded or HSLC/SSLC or thcir equivalent ceflificate testif ing lhe date ofbifth/age' 5. Education Quaiif ication certificates 6. Additjonal Qualihcation, / any (Driving License. Mcchanic. Electrician, welder. Computer, Plumber. Ploficiency in spons, ctc). Barber' Cook. Car?enters etc.)- 7. Onc self addresscd ,rlmit card br IV. if wt!dq!,g4y asted stamD of Rs 40 which to send sDeed Dost.. ELIGIBILITY A. Age A candidate for Asst Jailors should not be less than 22 years and more than 27 years as on 0106/2015 with usual relaxation of 5 (live) ,vears in case of candidates belonging to the SC/ST. A candiciate for othcr catego es should nol be less than 18 years and morc than 27 years as on 01/06/2015 with usual relaxation of 5 (five) ycars in case ofcandidales belongjng to the SC/ST. B. EducationOualification. 1) For Asst Jailors Degree passed in anY stream 2) For Warders/Naik5 MatriC/5SLC Passed and above. 3) For Driver/Barbers/ /cooks/ Electrician cum Plumbers Class 8 passed and above C. Physical Stardards: a) For all categories of Posts I) Hejght Femnlc Male i) 157 Cms II) fhere for S.C./S.T. 162 Cms will lbr others 152 Cms fbr S.C. / S.l l) / ( ms lor otJrer!. be no measureme t ofchest and weight' TESTS Candidates should brilg the following documcnts with them at the time of appeari[g for thc tests: 1 . Original SC/ST Ccrtificates for SC/ST candidates' 2. Original Birlh Certificate ofHSLC/SSLC Certificates, or their equjvalent' testitying the date birth.. 3. Odginal tsducation Qualification Cefiificatcs/ Additional Qualifications I Ceflificates. ,1. Peq Clipboard. Shon Pants, Canvas Shoes, elc' 5. Copy ofteasury challan of Rs 100 paid to the hcad of account "0056-Jails-800 Olher Receipts 03 (othcr items)" Vl. A, Biometric checking will be done before each candidate attends the Tests' PHYSICAL TESTS - female 8oo metres for male minimum required 8 minutes and 500 metres {or candidates minimum 8 minutes under Video coverage' Total mark _ 100 for Asst Jailors Total marks - 3OO for other category of posts' to Only those candidates, who qualify in the physical Tests' will be allowed appear in tbe written /subsequent tests as follo\r's: B. WRITTEN TEST = Only for Asst Jailors = Full marks = 300 (OMR based) 'T[S1'S FOR OT'HT:R CATI(;ORY OF POSTS) {THERI WILL BE \O IVRI TTEN l50 PEREONAL INTERVIEW CUM TRADE TESI = Full narks = C. D. EONUS MAR(S l. VOIUNTEER HoME GUARDS - 5 marks 2, NCC tBt OR tcr CERTIFICATE HOLDERS '5 harks 3. SPORfSPERSON WHO HAS PARTICIPATED AT NATIONAL 5 MAfKS LEVEL OR OUTSIDE THE STATE . 4. CHILOREN OF NOt{ GAZZETE PRISOI{S EMPLOYEE$5 maitc GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS or dcfective applications will Only one application per candidate ll'ill bc allolved ln complete and / be rejecled .unrmarill during scrulin) (1) (2) will be debarred from appeadng in the Candidales altempling to appear from more than one Centrc post' entirc tests. A candidate can opt for only one category of Examination and interview at thcir own Candidates shall have to appear for a physical Tests, Written Card for the tesls/inten'iew' expensc on the date and place indicated in the Photo Admit After preliminary screening of thc of the application forms, eligible candidrtes will be issued Admit jndicated in thc websile and the notice board of Cards by Speed post. Info.malion for this will also be thc Supedntendent Jails. (4) Photo Admit Card $,i11 indicatc (a) RollNumber (b) Namc and Photograph of the Candidate; (c) Examination Centre with date and time for the Physical and Written Flxamiratioo' (5) (6) Onty one Photo Admit Card wiil be issued agaimt onc application The following infonnation in the in lull application Fo1m must be givcn and in Block letters' Abbreviations not allowed (a) NAMB (b) PARI-]NT'S NAME (c) ADDRESS (lncluding District, P. O., P. S and Pin Code No ) (7) Detailed and corect postal address should be clearly mentioncd in the application form for prompt admiDistrative actiol by the depaftment (8) Any correspondence or queries in connection wilh this advertiscment should be madc only to the Secrelary ofthe Prisons Rccruiiment Board i.e. AIG Prisons' I Iorse Shoe building. Shillong' (g) Provisional appointment will be given in order of melit as per Govemmenl Reservation Policy on recruitment, subiect to Medical litness and satist'actory verillcation ofcharacter and antecedents (I0) Selected candidates will have to undergo Basic Training' No LEAVE wLL BE GRANTED DURINC PERIOD OF'I'RAINING, (11) On comlletion of Basic Training, they will be posted to Megh:Jaya Prisons located anywhere in the state. (]2) AND CANryASS1NG DIR'.I]TLY OI{ INJ)IRECT],Y WILL DISOT]AI,II:Y A CANDII]ATE URIB! lO AI{YONE INVOLV|D I}i IIISQU LITIED A\Dr ( Tl ll'l RF.CRUTTtrIN I PROCISS Olt IN ,\ ,\\Y CANDII)ATE IOUND O[]'F]I'INC POS]TlOll Ot AUTllOlatTY- SIIALL llrl OR IlLl PROSUCIITLD 13) Submission ofApplication Form: Candidates rcsiding in the district spccified in Column No 2 should be submil their forms inside a bigiealed cnvelope and drop insjde a woodcn box similar to tendcr box which rvill be maie available in each.Iail along with attested documents duly secured stamn of Rs 40. with eloDe sith wind sclfad wilh thrcad and copy of paid treasury challan ofRs 100. Fuither cach candidate also need to enter in the 499151p3 which will of bc kepl by Supl ofJail or Jailor, the candidate's name' father's / mother's name, name locality, name ofvillage/Town,Pincode, post applied and contact no iike mobile phone no or email or land line andidates will lre given admit card after Sl. No. District which the Candidate belongs to I I]ast Khasi I lills 2. West Khasi Hills South West Hills 4. F.ast Jainlia Hills 5. West Jainfa Hil]s I their applications are scrutinized). Application should be submitted to AIG Prisons Shillong Or Shillong Jail 0r Supt ofJail. Jowai Ri-Bhoi 1. llast (]aro Hills 8. North Garo Hills 9. West Garo Hills t0 Soulh West Garo I Iills 1t South Garo Hills Supt of Jail. TuIa Or Supt of Jail. Willianmaga! Candidates should not submit their application forms to any other Udts except as indicated above. IMPORTANT NOTICf, of Covt of Mcghalaya lugh4!4}3:g!l:i! and the Prisons Website The Physical Tests, Written Examination and Int€niew etc lvill be conducted at a centre \1hich $,ill be indicat€d in the Admit Card ofthe candidate. Sdi- R. L. Ruan. 1l'5, Chaimmn. PrisoN Recruitment lloard" Mcghalaya, Shillong. Memo No. PRI.50/2015/3 Dated Shiltong the 2l'1 Ma! 2t)15 Cop) to:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Chief Secretary to the Go\,t ofMeghaiaya, Shillong for favour ofkind information Addl ChiefSecretary to the Govt ofMeghalaya, Shillong Prisons Dept tbr l'avour ofkind information Comrnissioner ald Secretary to thc Govt of Meghalaya, Shillotg Prisons Dcpt fbr lirvour of kind infonnation The Dircctor Gcneral ofPolice. Mcghalaya, Shillong for favour ofkind information. The lnspector General o1-Police. (E/R), Meglalaya, Shillong for information. Ihc lnspector General ofPoiice, (WR), Meghaiaya. Tura for infbrmation State Inlbrmatic Offccr,NIC, Meghalaya Shillong for favour of informatiol with a request to upload and display in the Mcghalaya Websire. ,. 11. 12. 13. / 14. 15. rhe Dy. Commissioners, ShiJlong/ Jowai/ Nongstoin/ Nongpoh/ Williamnagar/ 1ura,/ Baghmara/Ampati/ MawkTrwat/,4(hliehiat//Resubelpara 1br wide publicity.. Principal, Police Training School. Mawroh, Shillong The Superintendents oflails Shillorg District Jail,/ Tura District Jail / Williamnagar District lail / Jowai Distdct Jail. Police, Shillong/ Jowai/ Nongstoir, Nongpoh./ Williamnagar/ Tura/ The Supcrintendents Baghnara/Ampati/ Mawkyrwal/,{C[iehriat//Resubelpara lbr wide publicity. Ihe Dirccior oflnformation and Public Relations,Meghalaya,Shillong for rccord. The Station Director, All India Radio, Shillong with 2 spare copics wilh a request thal the bdcf particulars of the recruitmenl notice may kindly bc given *ide publicity through local nets/ Rcgional flews and other programme meant for rural areas. The Director ofEmployment Exchange. Meghalaya, Shillong with 2 spare copies for wide publicity. Employment Offrccr, Jowai/Shi11ong,4'Iongstoin,4{ongpoh/Williamnagar/Tura/Baghmara along with 2 spare copies for wide publicity. of AIG Pri Member Secy, Recruitmenl BoardPri Meghalaya. Shillong
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