EFCI EFCI Services / 主日崇拜 一點五代崇拜 Service 1.5 Generation Service Mar. 22 2015 Vol.5 No.12 Crossing Cultures, Reaching World! World! 1.5G Service Mission Statement / 宗旨 generation can surpass our identity crisis and rise up to be the LORD’s army! 尋找吸引在 Orange County 1.5 代背景 (或小留學生之背景) 的族群, 使這裡成為有歸屬感的家,並被裝備找到自己的定位, 成為這世代上帝重用的大能勇士。 “So then, it was not you who sent me here (foreign country), but God.”「這樣看來,差派我到這裡 (國外) 來的,不是你們,而是上帝。」( Senior Pastor & Mandarin Allen Hu 胡忠倫 1.5Gen 1.5Gen Pastor & Mission Pastor Benjamin Chen 陳炳中 1.5Gen 1.5Gen Youth Pastor Andy Fang 方彥傑 Gen 創 45:8a) Main Sanctuary English 9:45 - 11:00 Reynolds Building Children Mandarin 1.5Gen Ext.110 Ext.105 English Ministry Arthur Lum 林傑文 Ext.103 Pastor [email protected] Secretary Micky Kao 高美琴 Youth Fri 7:30-7:40pm Church 1st Wed of each 全教會聯合 Kathy Huang 黃凱詞 month 8-9pm Daniel Jou 周可典 1st Sun of each Reynolds Fellowship Rm 1.5G pre- Sun 10:40-11am Reynolds Rm 4 1.5G Monthly 3rd Sun of each Armstrong 103 Service Physical Address Office Address Office Phone Serving Staff / 聖工事奉 Speaker Today Next Week KC Liu Andy Fang Topic Rich Man, Poor Man: 6 Principles about Money according to Proverbs Passage Prov. 14:20-22 Presider Phillip Chou Mac Mai Team Flow - Little Fat SheepKyle Cheng Henry Cheng Kevin G Simon Kyle Stanley Chang, Angela Peng, Tracy Gina Chen, Leo Wu Liang, Henry Liu Welcome Wendy Kuo Wendy Kuo Committee Yunnice Chang Emily Yang Usher Member.EFCI.ORG/1.5G/ FACEBOOK.COM/EFCI1.5G TWITTER.COM/EFCI15G This Week at a Glance Fri 7:30 pm Mandarin High School Fellowship Mandarin College Small Group AWANA Children Program 7:50 pm Agape Couples Small Group 8:00 pm Living Spring Young Professionals Grp Attendance Attendance & Offering / 上週人數和奉獻 17422 Armstrong, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 261-8007 Words from Pastor Benjamin: Benjamin: Please pray about how you will contribute to mission 宣教 this year? Palm Sunday Nathan Chiang Worship Ext.102 1842 Reynolds, Irvine, CA 92614 Program / 流程 Worship ------------------------------ 敬拜讚美 Welcome & Announcement -- 歡迎與報告 Prayer & Offering ------------- 禱告和奉獻 Message ----------------------------------- 信息 Response ---------------------------------- 回應 Closing Prayer --------------------------- 祝禱 Prayer meeting Month 1-1:45pm A/V [email protected] Choir Room month 9-9:40 am Ext.101 Ext.109 2015 2015 Quarterly Themes: Q1: Power of Wisdom Location Reynolds Chapel & prayer [email protected] Church IT Main Sanctuary 1.5G Worship [email protected] Administrator Children Chapel 2015 2015 Ministry Goals for the 1.56en: 1.56en: Everyone is in a discipleship / mentor relationship 11:10 - 12:30 Reynolds Building Time Mandarin [email protected] Taiwanese Amy Lin 林淑美 Taiwanese & Education Pastor [email protected] - 11:30 Please attend at least one of the prayer meetings: [email protected] [email protected] 10 11:15 - 12:30 Prayer Meetings Meetings / 禱告會 Ext.106 Ext.104 Location 9:45 - 11:00 Reach out to, create a home for, and equip the 1.5 Generation in Orange County, so that this Time Taiwanese 愛恩年度主題 EFCI Annual Theme: 活出智慧的人生 Live Out a Life of Wisdom 1.5G Attendance 117 EFCI Total Attendance 462 EFCI General Fund EFCI Building Fund EFCI Mission Fund Love Fund & Others EFCI Total Offering -1- -2- -3- 一點五代 主日崇拜 1.5 Generation Service Announcement / 報告事項 1 歡迎!Welcome to 1.5G service! Please stay for 8. 受難日週五晚聯合禮拜 Good Friday evening service (coordinated by Pastor Andy this year): 4/3 Fri 7:30- lunch after service @Armstrong Building across 9pm @ Armstrong building. All fellowships & small groups the street. Please pick up your children by are to join as we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us. 12:35pm. Parking, Children Ministry, & Fellowship/Small Group info are available! 2. Baptism & Baby Dedication on 4/5 Easter Sunday. 洗禮與獻兒禮在 4/5 復活節主日. If you are interested, please talk to your Small Group Leader or Pastor Benjamin before 3/22. 3. 1.5G 參與社區的機會來了!Community Service Christian Education / 基督徒教育 Jan.Jan.-Mar., Mar., 9:459:45-10:45am 0:45am Class Teacher Eschatology 末世觀 Carren Chen (Video 華 Chn) Location MB. Social Hall 101: Hermeneutics 釋經學 community at Santa Ana Civic Center on Sat How to read & interpret 3/28, 2-5pm. Our goal is to offer a caring the Bible (華/Eng.) Please contact Alice Chung for sign-up or more Alex Guo MB. #103 Kitty Yang Parenting Class Peter Chen (華 Chn) May C. Tsai Mission / 宣教 Eng. reading material is available), pls register with church secretary: [email protected], 949-261-8007 x translated to Mandarin 英翻華). received $50 aid). 動包括:Archery, BB-Gun, Human Foosball, Wall 1) Please pray for the conflicts & disasters in Israel & Palestine, Ukraine, Iraq & Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ferguson (MO), or any other regions, for anyone who has been affected by the unfortunate events. Tony Hsu's wife) for her back injury recovery. 3)請為梁繁妹執事的三弟梁垠盤執事於台灣因病菌感 infection causing critical condition. Saturdays 9:30am-4:45pm in April (class in Chinese, but 101. Registration & material $120 (EFCI members Summit. Theme: "Dad, Where are we going?" 活 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Prayer Requests: 1. 週六睡覺有時,受裝備有時! Kairos 宣教課程: Four 防. 機會難得,切勿錯過. (Language: English having a spring camp 4/10-12 @ Pine 3) Healing and humility at our church EFC Irvine brother Ying Pan Liang in Taiwan – bacteria Surgeon: Parkinson’s, Essential Tremor, and 5. MCF (High School and College Fellowship) is walking with Holy Spirit. 2) Building the community of disciples – trust, 染在加護病房診治代禱. Deaconess Liang's younger 4. Medical Workshop by UCI Director of Brain Today 1:30pm @ Sanctuary in Armstrong Building 專 題演講(UCI 腦外科主任蒞本會演講)):腦部的疾 題演講(UCI 腦外科主任蒞本會演講 病帕金森症、實質動症, 實質動症,不自主動症的治療與預 1) Back to the Basics: the word (Bible), prayer, and 2) Please pray for Marian Lee (Grapevine of Mandarin, MB. #116 info: [email protected]. Dystonia:Prevention & Treatment. 禱告進攻方向: accountability, and growth in Christ. Opportunity! Come and serve the homeless atmosphere for the people coming for food. 2015 2015 Prayer Target Notes from from Today' oday's Sermon Topic: Rich Man, Poor Man: 6 Principles about Money according to Proverbs Prov. 14:20-22 2. Please pray for Dentist Dr. Denny Fang for his mission/ serving trip 3/13-23 to Guatemala . 3. 墨西哥短宣 Mexico Memorial Weekend Mission (5/23-25) Climbing, Giant Earth Ball and more. (Language: register between now-3/29. Cost: $300 (EFCI supports 華 Chn) Please invite your friend to join (first $150 for members). Register online: come first served, space limited). Early Bird http://www.aitmission.org. Contact: Deacon David Pan : Specials: Register before 3/29 can get the 949-387-2289. discounted price of $85. Registration contact Chloe Chen: [email protected]. 6. MCF Spring Camp will do Taiwanese food & drink fund-raising 台灣小 吃義賣 next Sun 3/29 during lunch time @ Social Hall - please bring cash to support! 7. 4/5 Easter Sunday 復活節 - is 1.5Gen Outreach Sunday 福音 主日, we will have special program - please invite new friends to join us! -4- Prayer Items & Caring / 代禱與關懷 代禱與關懷 若您想要有人為您禱告, 請以 email 方式告訴代禱團隊,或在聚 會最後唱回應詩歌時到十字架處我們有代禱團隊為您服事. If you have any prayer request, pls write to: [email protected] (anytime, 24/7), you may specify: Pastor only, Prayer team only, or Pastor + Prayer team, or anyone specific. If you would like to be prayed for today, meet our on-call intercessors at the cross at the end of the service. -5- -6-
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