FINAL WORDS - Grace Baptist Church

“Words of Hope and a
Secure Future”
Pastor Doug Meyers
March 29, 2015
Welcome to Grace Baptist Church!
If you would like to find out more about our church or ministries,
please visit our Information Centre located in the foyer.
If you are visiting with us today, a Connection Card can be found in
the pew rack. Please fill it out and place it in the offering plate as it
passes or bring it to the Information Centre.
We would love to hear from you!
Info For Everyone
Good Friday Altius - Join us this Friday, April 3 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary for our
Good Friday Service. This will be a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice for us and His
final words on the Cross.
ABA Conference and Business Sessions - The Conference this year is April 17 18 in Edmonton. Registration can be done on-line or mail it in by April 13.
Listen to various speakers, including our own Pastor Harry, share on the theme
of Reunion; talking about the value and benefit of being part of the family, the
challenges and opportunities that are before us, as well as how we connect with
and relate to one another.
Baptism - If you are interested in being baptized, or have any questions about
baptism, please contact Pastor Harry. Our next baptism will be on April 26.
Evergreen Luncheon
Join us on Thursday, April 9 at noon in the Chapel for our Spring Luncheon.
Dr. Terry Fossen, the Associate Regional Minister from the ABA, will be
speaking as well as three of our own special ladies will be singing. Please call
Peggy at 403-273-2724 by Monday, April 6 to make your reservation.
Ladies of Grace
Progressive Dinner - Join us on Saturday, April 11 from 6 - 10 pm as we visit
various homes across the city. This will be a wonderful evening of fun and
fellowship so bring your friends! The cost is $10/person and this event is for
ladies 18 and over. Registration deadline is today!
Exit 4:12 Ministries
The Gathering - There is no Gathering tonight or next week due to Spring
Break. Enjoy this time with your family!
Progressive Dinners - Senior High, April 10. Junior High, April 17. Please sign
up with your small group leaders.
Children’s Ministries
Kidz BLOX means
“Building Lives On Christ” and is a
GBC Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry.
Kidz BLOX helps children from Preschool to Grade 6 grow in
a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and one another.
Baby BLOX - Nursery is available for children under the age of 2 during the
Sunday Morning Service.
Mom and Tots - We meet every Thursday morning. This week we are having
an Easter Social. See our Facebook page for details.
Easter Egg Hunt - Come and celebrate Easter with us today at the GBC
Annual Easter Egg Hunt from 2-4 pm. The cost is $2 per child.
Prayer Requests
Pray for those unwell and/or at home:
Gladys deVries, Carmen Fairman, Jane Miller, David Nelson, and Eldon Toews
Pray for those in Extended Care:
Aspen Lodge - Dais Davis, Lydia Sept
Carewest George Boyack - Doreen Hunter, Alice Helwig
Carewest Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre - Marie Tiede
Rockyview General Hospital - Enith Bettcher
Waverly Home - Dennis Seever
Whitehorn Village - Loretta Wiens
Pray for: Jerry and Cindy Walker, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea
Our Pacific neighbours in Vanuatu are recovering from a devastating cyclone. As
many as 100,000 people are thought to be homeless in the wake of the storm,
while at least 11 people died though the casualty toll may rise as more
information becomes available. Our Wycliffe colleagues are all accounted for, but
the impact on the language communities they work in is huge. Praise God for His
protection on our colleagues. Please pray for them and the people of Vanuatu as
they recover from this devastating cyclone. Please pray for the body of Christ to
be able to minister the love of Jesus and to be His hands and feet in helping
those in need.
Prayer Chain - Email Vickie at [email protected] with prayer requests or fill out
the prayer request section on a Connection Card found in the pew racks.
Pray for those who are unable to join us on Sunday mornings due to illness or
extended care giving circumstances.
If you are interested in knowing what it means to be a Christ follower,
contact Pastor Harry at the church office.
If there is a birth, death or illness and you would like support, assistance or
prayer, please call the church office at 403-235-3636.
“Words of Hope and a
Secure Future”
Contact Information
Church Office 403-235-3636
[email protected]
Dr. Harry Kelm
403-235-3636 ext. 25
[email protected]
Pastor Alice Kung
403-235-3636 ext. 24
[email protected]
Pastor Tony Lottes
403-235-3636 ext. 39
[email protected]
Pastor Doug Meyers
403-235-3636 ext. 30
[email protected]