ISO CD 21930 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works

For comment - Action Due Date: 2014/07/01
Sustainability of construction works
CEN/TC 350
Date: Doc. Number: 2014-05-15
N 0592
Melissa JEAN
Direct line :
[email protected]
Your contact:
Francois BOUCHER
Direct line : +33 1 41 62 81 95
[email protected]
ISO CD 21930 Sustainability in buildings
and civil engineering works — Core
rules for environmental declaration of
construction products and services
used in any type of construction works
Dear member
Please find attached the committee draft version of ISO 21930
developped by ISO/TC59/SC17/WG3 for information and
Please note that comments should be made to ensure
consistency with EN 15804+A.
Best regards
François Boucher
CEN TC350 Secretary
Comments before
Association Française de Normalisation 11, rue Francis de Pressensé F-93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex SIRET 775 724 818 00205
ISO/TC 59/SC 17/WG 3
ISO/TC 59/SC 17/WG 3
Environmental declaration of products
Email of secretary: [email protected]
Convenorship: SN (Norway)
ISO/CD 21930
Document type:
Committee draft
Date of document:
Expected action:
Action due date:
Please find commettee draft ready for voting.
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ISO/CD 21930
ISO TC 59/SC 17/WG 3
Secretariat: AFNOR
Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core
rules for environmental declaration of construction products and
services used in any type of construction works
CD stage
ISO/CD 21930
© ISO 2013
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Published in Switzerland.
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................5
Scope ..........................................................................................................................................................................9
Normative references ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Terms, definitions and abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 10
General aspects ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Objectives of the core PCR (General) ................................................................................................................. 18
PCR hierarchy and EPD types ............................................................................................................................... 19
Core PCR structure........................................................................................................................................... 19
Relation between Core PCR and sub-category PCR............................................................................ 20
Types of EPD with respect to Life Cycle Stages covered .................................................................. 23
Average EPD for groups of products ........................................................................................................ 26
Life cycle stages and their information modules .......................................................................................... 21
Development and use of PCR and PCR for a product sub-category ...................................................... 26
Development of PCR ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Development of PCR for a product sub-category ................................................................................ 26
Use of PCR and PCR for a product sub-category .................................................................................. 27
Use of EPD for construction products ............................................................................................................... 27
Comparability of EPD for construction products.......................................................................................... 28
Documentation and communication .................................................................................................................. 28
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Product Category Rules for LCA .................................................................................................................... 29
Product category ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Methodological framework .................................................................................................................................... 30
Declared unit ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Functional unit................................................................................................................................................... 31
Reference service life requirement ........................................................................................................... 31
System boundaries and technical information (for scenarios) ..................................................... 32
Criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of inputs and outputs ..................................................... 55
Selection of data and data quality requirement................................................................................... 56
Units ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Data collection ................................................................................................................................................... 59
Calculation procedures .................................................................................................................................. 59
Allocation of input and output flows ........................................................................................................ 59
Accounting of biotic carbon during the life cycle ................................................................................ 61
Accounting of delayed emission of biotic carbon – biotic carbon sinks .................................... 61
Land use change ................................................................................................................................................ 61
Calcination and carbonation of pozzulane materials ........................................................................ 62
Inventory indicator describing energy resource use ........................................................................ 62
Inventory indicator describing net use of fresh water ..................................................................... 63
Environmental information describing waste categories and outflows derived from LCA
Impact assessment; Parameters describing main environmental impacts derived from LCA .. 64
Environmental information not derived from LCA ............................................................................... 64
Inventory analysis...................................................................................................................................................... 59
Release of dangerous substances to indoor air during the use stage ................................................... 64
Volatile, semi-volatile and very volatile organic compounds ........................................................ 65
Particulate matter ............................................................................................................................................ 66
Release of dangerous substances to soil and water during the life cycle ........................................... 66
Substances of very high concern ......................................................................................................................... 68
Content of EPD..................................................................................................................................................... 68
General............................................................................................................................................................................ 68
Declaration of general information .................................................................................................................... 69
Declaration of the methodological framework .............................................................................................. 70
Declaration of reference service life, technical information and scenarios ....................................... 71
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA ................................................................. 71
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LCA results from life cycle impact assessment – LCIA ...................................................................... 71
LCA results from life cycle inventory ....................................................................................................... 72
Declaration of environmental information not derived from LCA ........................................................ 72
Declaration of additional information ............................................................................................................... 73
References ..................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Communication formats .................................................................................................................................. 73
Project report ...................................................................................................................................................... 74
General............................................................................................................................................................................ 74
LCA-related elements of the project report .................................................................................................... 74
Rules for data confidentiality ................................................................................................................................ 76
Documentation on additional information ...................................................................................................... 77
Data availability for verification .......................................................................................................................... 77
Verification and validity of an EPD ......................................................................................................... 77
Annex A (normative) Requirements and guidance on the reference service life ............................... 79
Annex B (informative) Relation between resource use, CED and ADP ................................................... 83
Annex C (normative) Master ITM.......................................................................................................................... 84
Annex D (normative) Lowest concentration of interest values (LCIi) ..................................................... 92
Bibliography (to be completed) ............................................................................................................................ 93
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ISO/CD 21930
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally
carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a
technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee.
International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in
the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received.
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 59/SC 17/WG 3.
This international standard replaces ISO 21930:2007.
In this second edition of ISO 21930 the following main changes have been made with respect to the
previous edition:
 This second edition is the core set of product category rules (PCR) for Type III environmental
declarations for any construction products and services used in any type of buildings and civil
engineering works
 This second edition is applicable for all construction products and services used in any type of
buildings and civil engineering works
 This second edition includes a generic template to present environmental information in a
structured and consistent way and in a common format by Information Transfer Matrix (ITM)
 This second edition provides guidance on product category rules for sub-categories of construction
 This second edition gives specific requirements how to define system boundaries and specifies
activities to be included in information modules
 This second edition includes framework for documentation of technical data and subjects for
defining scenarios
 This second edition includes a new information module stage D, which includes LCA based
information that describes environmental benefits and loads if the analysed product is reused,
material recycled or energy recovered
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 This second edition specifies how to develop average EPD for groups of products
 This second edition specifies data requirements and data quality
 This second edition includes methods for reporting product VOC emissions to indoor air during the
use stage
 This second edition includes methods for reporting product emissions to water and soil during the
life cycle
 This second edition enables accounting and reporting of biotic carbon during the life cycle
 This second edition enables accounting and reporting of delayed emission of biotic carbon – biotic
carbon sinks
 This second edition enables accounting and reporting of carbonation
 This second edition include the impact category abiotic depletion potentials
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ISO/CD 21930
Designers of constructions, manufacturers of construction products, users of constructions, owners of
constructions and others active in the building and construction sector are increasingly demanding
information that enables them to make decisions to address environmental impacts of buildings and
other construction works. These demands are currently being addressed only through various national
initiatives applying a variety of approaches.
It is essential that there be uniformity in the means of expressing environmental product declarations.
This includes having a consistent way of arriving at the declaration that is based on basic life-cycle
inventory data and additional information not based on life-cycle assessment (LCA). The user expects
non-biased information, which is expected be consistent with the best current practice and
understanding over the lifetime of the standard.
According to the set of four International Standards dealing with environmental labelling, (ISO 14020,
ISO 14021, ISO 14024 and ISO 14025), environmental labels and declarations are divided into three
principal types:
 General principles: ISO 14020;
 Self-declared environmental claims, type II environmental labelling (ISO 14021);
 Principles and procedures of environmental labels and declarations, types I and III environmental
labelling (ISO 14024 and ISO 14025).
This International Standard is one in a suite of International Standards dealing with sustainability in
building construction that includes the following:
a) ISO 15392 Sustainability in building construction — General principles;
b) ISO 21932 Buildings and constructed assets — Sustainability in building construction —
c) ISO/TS 21929-1 Sustainability in building construction — Sustainability indicators — Part 1:
Framework for development of indicators for buildings;
d) ISO 21930 Sustainability in building construction — Environmental declaration of building
e) ISO/TS 21931-1 Sustainability in building construction — Framework for methods of assessment
for environmental performance of construction works — Part 1: Buildings.
Unlike the International Standards listed in a), b), c) and e), ISO 21930 (this International Standard)
deals only with environmental impacts and aspects and excludes consideration of the social and
economic aspects of sustainability. The relationship among the International Standards is elaborated in
Figure 1.
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ISO/CD 21930
ISO 21930: Sustainability in buildings and
civil engineering works — Core rules for
environmental declaration of
construction products and services used
in any type of construction works
Figure 1 — Suite of related International Standards for sustainability in building construction and
construction works
The purpose of this International Standard is to describe the core set of products category rules (PCR)
for Type III environmental declarations for construction products and services used in any type of
buildings and civil engineering works, including consideration of the reference service life of the
construction products, seen over the life cycle.
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ISO/CD 21930
Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core
rules for environmental declaration of construction products and
services used in any type of construction works
This International Standard provides the principles and requirements for Type III environmental
declarations (EPD) for construction products and services used in any type of buildings and civil
engineering works. In this International Standard, unless otherwise designated, the term construction
product is used for any goods or service related to buildings and civil engineering works.
This International Standard contains specifications and requirements for the EPD of construction
products and services used in any types of construction works. Where this International Standard
contains more specific requirements, it complements ISO 14025 for the EPD of construction products
and services used in any type of construction works.
This International Standard contains core set of product category rules (PCR) for Type III
environmental declarations for any construction products.
This International Standard, as the core PCR document:
includes the mandatory requirements (elements) that may not be altered in any PCR based on this
International Standard;
describes which stages of a construction product's life cycle are considered in the EPD and which
processes are to be included in the life cycle stages, and how the stages are subdivided into
information modules;
includes the rules for calculating the life cycle inventory (LCI), environmental indicators and the life
cycle impact assessment (LCIA) result reported in the EPD;
defines rules for the development of scenarios;
includes the rules setting indicators, etc., for relevant environmental and technical information that
is not covered by LCA;
defines the core elements of EPD content;
defines the generic template to present environmental information in a structured and consistent
way and in a common format;
establishes the structure of a project report;
defines the conditions under which construction products can be compared based on the
information provided by an EPD;
10. provides guidance on product category rules for sub-categories of construction products.
Environmental declarations for construction products, as described in this International Standard, are
primarily intended for use in business-to-business communication, but their use in business-toconsumer communication under certain conditions is not precluded.
This International Standard specifies certain methodological aspects for inclusion in business-toconsumer communication, but refers to ISO 14025:2010 for further requirements. Requirements for
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ISO/CD 21930
Type III environmental declaration programmes that are verified by a third party and based on LCA are
found in ISO 14025 and are followed in this standard.
The safety of the working environment is not included in this International Standard.
The assessment of social and economic impacts at the product level is not covered by this International
Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 14025:2006, Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations —
Principles and procedures
ISO 14040:2006, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework
ISO 14044:2006, Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines
ISO 6707-1, Building and civil engineering — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
ISO 14001, Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
ISO 14020:2000, Environmental labels and declarations — General principles
ISO 14050, Environmental management — Vocabulary
ISO 15392, Sustainability in building construction — General principles
ISO 15686-1, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 1: General principles
ISO 15686-8, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 8: Reference service life and
service-life estimation
ISO/TS 21931-1, Sustainability in building construction — Framework for methods of assessment for
environmental performance of construction works — Part 1: Buildings
Terms, definitions and abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6707-1, ISO/TR 21932,
ISO 14050, and the following apply.
Type III environmental declaration
environmental product declaration
environmental declaration (ISO 15392:2008, 3.11) providing quantified environmental data using
predetermined parameters and, where relevant, additional environmental information
Note 1 to entry: The predetermined parameters are based on ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.
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Note 2 to entry: The additional environmental information may be quantitative or qualitative.
[SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006, 3.2, modified – with the addition of two additional preferred terms shown,
with the initialism EPD being indicated as the primary preferred term used to designate this concept.]
EPD programme
Type III environmental declaration programme
voluntary programme for the development and use of Type III environmental declarations (3.1), based
on a set of operating rules
[SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006, 3.3, modified – with the addition of the preferred term, EPD programme,
which is indicated as the primary preferred term used to designate this concept.]
programme operator
body or bodies that conduct a Type III environmental declaration programme (3.2)
Note 1 to entry: A programme operator can be a company or a group of companies, industrial sector or trade
association, public authorities or agencies, or an independent scientific body or other organization.
[SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006, 3.4]
product category rules
set of specific rules, requirements, and guidelines for developing Type III environmental declarations
(3.1) for one or more product categories (3.12)
[SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006, 3.5, modified – with the initialism, PCR, being indicated as the primary
preferred term used to designate this concept.]
PCR review
process whereby a third party (3.6) panel verifies the product category rules (3.4)
third party
person or body that is recognized as being independent of the parties involved, as concerns the issues in
Note 1 to entry: “Parties involved” are usually supplier (“first party”) and purchaser (“second party”).
Note 2 to entry: An individual or institution carrying out the LCA (3.20) modelling and calculation (i.e., LCA
practitioner) for an EPD (3.1) is not considered an independent party in the context of verification (ISO
9000:2000, 3.8.4) of the respective EPD.
[SOURCE: ISO 14024:1999, 3.7, modified – Note 2 to entry added.]
construction works
everything that is constructed or results from construction operations
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[SOURCE: ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.1.1]
construction product
item manufactured or processed for incorporation in construction works (3.7)
Note 1 to entry: Construction products are items supplied by a single responsible body.
[SOURCE: ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.1.2, modified – with ‘construction product’ being indicated, instead of
‘product’ as the primary preferred term used to designate this concept and Note 1 to entry added.]
construction service
activity that supports the construction work (ISO 6707-1:2014, 7.1.1) or subsequent maintenance (ISO
6707-1:2014, 7.1.41)
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.6, modified – reference to construction work inserted.]
construction element
part of a construction (ISO 6707-1:2014, 5.5.6) containing a defined combination of construction
products (3.8)
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.9]
building integrated technical systems
installed technical equipment to support the operation of a building (ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.1.3)
Note 1 to entry: This includes technical building systems (ISO 16818:2008, 3.225) for heating, cooling, ventilation,
domestic hot water, lighting and electricity production, and other systems for sanitation, security, fire safety, and
internal transport.
[SOURCE: ISO 16818:2008, 3.225, modified - with the compound term building integrated technical
systems being indicated as the primary preferred term used to designate this concept, the concept
expanded to include all equipment used to support building operations, and the addition of Note 1 to
product category
group of construction products (3.8) for which the same rules are valid when assessing their
environmental performance (3.19) within an EPD (3.1).
EXAMPLE: Product category for solid wood (ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.3.1), where EPDs based on the same
PCR (3.4) are published for a number of different timber (ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.3.2) construction products
(3.8), e.g. softwood plywood (ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.3.29), sawn timber (sawn lumber) (ISO 6707-1:2014,
6.3.18), oriented strandboard (ISO 16894:2009, 3.1.1), etc..
Note 1 to entry: This definition differs from ISO 14025 as it does not include the necessity of common
functionality within a product category.
[SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006, 3.12, modified – the critical characteristic for establishing the product
category and basis for assessment was changed from equivalent function to equivalent rules.]
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ISO/CD 21930
information module
compilation of data to be used as a basis for a Type III environmental declaration (3.1), covering a unit
process (3.37) or a combination of unit processes that are part of the life cycle (ISO 14040:2006, 3.1) of a
product (ISO 14050:2009, 3.2)
[SOURCE: ISO 14025:2006, 3.13]
functional equivalent
quantified functional requirements and/or technical requirements for a building or a construction (ISO
6707-1:2014, 5.5.56) (part of works) for use as a basis for comparison
[SOURCE: ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.7, modified – with reference added to indicate that a construction (part
of the works) can also be assigned a functional equivalent.]
functional unit
quantified performance (3.17) of a product system (ISO 14040:2006, 3.28)for a construction product
(3.8) or construction service (3.9) for use as a reference unit in an EPD (3.1) based on LCA (3.20)
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.20, modified – reference to construction product or service inserted and
need for a LCA basis added.]
declared unit
quantity of a construction product (3.8) for use as a reference unit in an EPD (3.1), based on LCA (3.20),
for the expression of environmental information needed in information modules (3.13)
Mass (kilogram), volume (cubic metre).
Note 1 to entry: The declared unit is used where the function (ISO 15686-10:2010, 3.10) and the reference
scenario (3.18) for the whole life cycle (ISO 14040:2009, 3.1), on the building (ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.1.3) level,
cannot be stated.
ability of a construction product (3.8) or service (3.9) to fulfil required functions under intended use
collection of assumptions and information concerning an expected sequence of possible future events
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.27]
environmental performance
performance (3.17) related to environmental impacts (ISO 15392:2008, 3.13.2) and environmental
aspects (ISO 15392:2008, 3.10)
[SOURCE: ISO 15392:2008, 3.12]
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ISO/CD 21930
life cycle assessment
compilation and evaluation of the inputs (ISO 14040:2006, 3.21), outputs (ISO 14040:2006, 3.25) and
the potential environmental impacts (ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.4) of a product system (ISO 14040:2006,
3.28) throughout its life cycle (ISO 14040:2009, 3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.2, modified – with the initialism ‘LCA’ being indicated as the primary
preferred term used to designate this concept.]
life cycle inventory analysis
phase of life cycle assessment (3.20) involving the compilation and quantification of inputs (ISO
14040:2006, 3.21) and outputs (ISO 14040:2006, 3.25) for a product (ISO 14050:2009, 3.2) throughout
its life cycle (ISO 14040:2009, 3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.3, modified – with the initialism LCI being indicated as the primary
preferred term used to designate this concept.]
life cycle inventory analysis result
LCI result
outcome of a life cycle inventory analysis (3.21) that catalogues the flows crossing the system boundary
(3.24) and provides the starting point for life cycle impact assessment (3.23)
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.3.]
life cycle impact assessment
phase of life cycle assessment (3.20) aimed at understanding and evaluating the magnitude and
significance of the potential environmental impacts (ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.4) for a product system (ISO
14040:2006, 3.28) throughout the life cycle (ISO 14040:2009, 3.1) of the product (ISO 14050:2009, 3.2)
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.3, modified – with the initialism LCIA being indicated as the primary
preferred term used to designate this concept.]
system boundary
set of criteria specifying which unit processes (3.37) are part of a product system (ISO 14040:2006, 3.28)
Note 1 to entry: The term "system boundary" is not used in this International Standard in relation to LCIA (3.23).
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.3.]
reference service life
service life (ISO 6707-1:2014, 9.3.83) of a construction product (3.8) which is known to be expected
under a particular set, i.e., a reference set, of in-use conditions (ISO 15686-1:2011, 3.10) and which can
form the basis for estimating the service life under other in-use conditions
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Note 1 to entry: The reference service life is applied in the functional unit (3.15).
[SOURCE: ISO 15686-1:2011. 3.22, modified – specific reference to construction product inserted.]:
RSL data
reference service life data
information that includes the reference service life (3.25) and any qualitative or quantitative data
describing the validity of the reference service life
Typical data describing the validity of the RSL include the description of the component
(ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.1.3) for which it applies, the reference in-use conditions (ISO 15686-1:2011, 3.10)
under which it applies, and its quality.
[SOURCE: ISO 15686-8:2008, 3.8, modified - with RSL data being indicated as the primary preferred
term used to designate this concept and Note1 was deleted.]
additional technical information
information (ISO 6707-1:2014, 7.2.1) that forms part of the EPD (3.1) by providing a basis for the
development of scenarios (3.18)
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.1]
average data
data representative of a construction product (3.8), product category (3.12) or construction service (3.9),
provided by more than one supplier
Note 1 to entry: The product category or construction service can contain similar construction products or
construction services.
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.3, modified – reference to product group changed to product category and
specific reference made to construction product.]
characterization factor
factor derived from a characterization model which is applied to convert an assigned life-cycle inventory
analysis result (ISO 14040:2006, 3.24) to the common unit of the impact category indicator (ISO
14040:2006, 3.40)
[SOURCE: ISO 14044:2006, 3.37, modified – note was removed.]
point at which the construction product (3.8) or material (ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.1.1) leaves the factory
before it becomes an input into another manufacturing process or before it goes to the distributor, a
factory or building (ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.1.3) site (ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.1.6)
renewable primary energy
energy (ISO 16818:2008, 3.74) from renewable non-fossil sources
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EXAMPLES Wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower,
biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases.
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from the definition in Directive 2009/28/EC.
secondary fuel
fuel recovered from previous use or from waste (3.38)
Note 1 to entry: Processes providing a secondary fuel are considered from the point where the secondary fuel
enters the product system (ISO 14040:2006, 3.28) from the previous product system.
Note 2 to entry: Any combustible (ISO 13943:2008, 4.43) material (ISO 5659-2:2012, 3.6) recovered from
previous use or from waste from the previous product system and used as a fuel in a following system is a
secondary fuel.
Note 3 to entry: Examples for secondary fuels recovered from previous use or as waste are: solvents, wood (ISO
6707-1:2014, 6.3.1), tyres, oil, animal fats.
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.28, modified – reference to substituting primary materials was deleted and
the Note 3 to entry was deleted.]
secondary material
material (ISO 5659-2:2012, 3.6) recovered from previous use or from waste (3.38)
Note 1 to entry: Secondary material is measured at the point where the secondary material enters the product
system (ISO 14040:2006, 3.28) from another product system.
Note 2 to entry: Materials recovered from previous use or from waste from one product system and used as an
input (ISO 14040:2006, 3.21) in another product system are secondary materials.
Note 3 to entry: Examples for secondary materials [to be measured at the system boundary (3.24)] are recycled
scrap metal, crushed concrete (ISO 6707-1: 2014, 6.4.15), glass cullet (ISO 7248:1992, 01.02.01), recycled wood
chips (ISO 24294:2013, 4.19), recycled plastic (ISO 472:2013, 2.702).
[SOURCE: EN 15804:2012, 3.29, modified – reference to substituting primary materials was deleted.]
specific data
data representative of a construction product (3.8), product category (3.12) or construction service (3.9),
provided by one supplier
upstream process
process (ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.11) that is carried out before the designated process in the stream of
relevant processes
[SOURCE: ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.15]
downstream process
process (ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.11) that is carried out after the designated process in the stream of
relevant processes
[SOURCE: ISO 21931-1:2010, 3.2]
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unit process
smallest element considered in the life cycle inventory analysis (3.21) for which input (ISO 14040:2006,
3.21) and output (ISO 14040:2006, 3.25) data are quantified
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.34]
substances or objects which the holder intends or is required to dispose of
Note 1 to entry: The definition is taken from the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (22 March 1989) but is not confined in this International Standard to
hazardous waste.
[SOURCE: ISO 14040:2006, 3.35]
land use change
change in human use or management of land at the location of the production, use or disposal of raw
materials (ISO 14050:2009, 6.12), intermediate products (ISO 14050:2009, 6.2.1) and final products (ISO
14050:2009, 3.2) or wastes (3.38) in the product system (ISO 14040:2006, 3.28) being assessed
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 14067:2013, 2.1.12]
building envelope
elements of a building (ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.1.3) that enclose conditioned spaces (ISO 13789:2007, 3.1.3)
through which thermal energy may be transferred to or from the exterior or to or from unconditioned
spaces (ISO 13789:2007, 3.1.3)
[SOURCE: ISO/TR 16344:2012, 2.1.12]
volatile organic compound
any organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously at the prevailing temperature and
pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact
[SOURCE: ISO 12944-5:2007, 3.17]
all technical energy systems (ISO 13600:1997, 2.24) and products (ISO 13600:1997, 2.19) produced by
them, to the extent that they have not been discarded as release (ISO 13600:1997, 2.22)
[SOURCE: ISO 13600:1997, 2.25]
material (ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.1.1) used to fill an excavation (ISO 6707-1:2014, 3.2.2)
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[SOURCE: ISO 6707-1:2014, 6.4.11]
deposition of waste (3.38) into or onto the land (ISO 6707-1:2014, 10.1) as a means of disposal
[SOURCE: ISO 10381-7:2005, 3.11]
waste (3.38) disposal site for the deposit of waste on to or into land (ISO 6707-1:2014, 10.1) under
controlled or regulated conditions
[SOURCE: ISO 472:2013, 2.1694]
General aspects
4.1 Objectives of the core PCR (General)
An EPD provides quantified environmental information for a construction product or service on a
harmonized and scientific basis. The purpose of an EPD in the construction sector is to provide the basis
for assessing buildings and other construction works, and identifying those, which cause less stress to
the environment. The EPD may also provide additional information on aspects such as emissions to
indoor air and to local environment (air, soil and water). The PCR provides the set of rules,
requirements and guidelines that shall be applied to the development of an EPD
In addition to the requirements of this International Standard, the principles and procedures set out in
ISO 14025, ISO 21931-1 and ISO 15392 shall apply. This International Standard contains additional
specifications and requirements for the EPD of construction products. Where this International
Standard contains more specific requirements, it seeks to complement ISO 14025 for the EPD of
construction products. However, where the requirements of this standard conflict with the
requirements of ISO 14025 for the development of PCR for construction products the, requirements of
this standard shall apply. In addition, the principles of environmental declarations as described in ISO
14020 apply.
EPD of construction products are based on LCA and reported divided in common generic information
modules. Relevant environmental aspects that have not been covered by LCA are addressed as
additional environmental information; see 8.2.4.
Thus, the objective of this core PCR is to provide consistent rules to:
 provide verifiable and consistent data for an EPD, based on LCA and additional information;
 ensure EPD provide verifiable and consistent product related technical data and subjects for
scenarios for the assessment of the environmental performance of construction works;
 ensure EPD provide verifiable and consistent product data related to release of dangerous
substances to indoor air in the use stage, to air, soil and water during the life cycle and substances
of very high concern;
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 explain how EPD can be used for comparison of construction products in the context of construction
 enable the communication of the environmental information of products from business to business
by EPD;
 ensure the basis, subject to additional requirements, for the communication of the environmental
information of construction products to consumers;
 provide guidance on the development of specific rules for sub-categories of products within the
product category of construction products.
4.2 PCR hierarchy and EPD types
4.2.1 Core PCR structure
The core PCR includes all the rules for the development of EPD that can be equally applied to any
construction product i.e. on a horizontal level. In addition, general rules for developing sub-category
PCR are described.
Any sub-category PCR shall include the following list of those elements of the core PCR that may not be
changed in any way:
1. Methodological framework shall include:
 definition of system boundaries (e.g. allocation of processes to modules);
 additional technical information (as basis for scenario);
 criteria for cut off;
 selection of data;
 data quality requirements;
 units;
 requirements for comparability.
2. Inventory analysis shall include:
 collection of data;
 calculation rules for the inventory (i.e. allocation of flows to processes);
 data quality.
3. Impact assessment shall include:
 definition of characterisation factors.
4. Content of EPD shall include:
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 declaration of general information;
 declaration of the methodological framework;
 declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA:
 declaration LCA results from life cycle impact assessment;
 declaration LCA results from life cycle inventory.
 declaration of environmental information not derived from LCA;
 declaration of additional information.
5. Communication formats – ITM;
6. Project report.
4.2.2 Relation between Core PCR and sub-category PCR
The core PCR provides all horizontal requirements for any PCR for construction products. However, for
some subcategories among the overall product category of construction products, horizontal
requirements might have to be specified further. The main purpose of the sub-category PCRs is to
develop rules for scenarios for all information modules, except A1 to A3, see Figure 2.
For such product subcategories, this includes for instance:
 more precise product descriptions;
 definition of the type of EPD and any information modules to be assessed;
 detailed definition of technical information and/or scenarios to be provided for specific information
 provision of specific scenarios for information modules beyond the gate; i.e. for the construction
stage, use stage, end-of–life stage, for recycling or reuse scenarios;
 detailed descriptions of the end-of-waste state for the specific product subcategories;
 detailed description of which processes belong to which modules in the end of life stage;
 additional requirements for descriptions of the specific technical information that should be
provided for the product, transparency about constituents and/or descriptions of manufacturing
Such additional requirements or further specifications for sub-categories of construction products will
result in a sub-category PCR document that includes:
a) the same structure and text as in the core PCR and then the additional elements specifications valid
for the sub-category PCR, or alternative
b) just the headings from and referring to the core PCR and the text describing the additional elements
and specifications.
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It is important to recognise that requirements and descriptions from the core PCR shall be followed by
for any sub-category PCR. These are the horizontal rules, which are needed to safeguard the principles
of the EPD development as well as consistency of data among the overall category of construction
products. Figure 2 illustrates which elements of the core PCR can include additional elements or
specifications to meet the needs of product sub-categories and which shall stay unaltered.
Complete set of PCR for product sub-category
Core PCR
Sub-category PCR
Core indicators
Core calculation rules
Specific calculation rules
Core additional information elements
Specific additional information elements
Core elements of EPD content
Specific content of EPD
Structure of the project report
Figure 2 — Elements of the core PCR and expansions leading to a PCR for a product sub-category
The definition of the product category within PCRs should be valid over a reasonable period to improve
market acceptance; see ISO 14025.
4.3 Life cycle stages and their information modules
The LCA in the EPD is dived in four life cycle stages and a number of information models, see Figure 3.
These life cycle stages describe the entirely life cycle of any construction product. As a supplement, the
information stage D is added, and address loads and benefits beyond the discard products end of life.
Stage D deals with potential future use of the material when the construction product is recycled in
future and its environmental consequences.
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Building and construction work assessment information
Supplementary information
beyond the life cycle
Building and construction work life cycle information
Future reuse, material
recycling and energy
Waste processing
De-construction / Demolition
Refurbishment (incl. production and
transport of necessary materials)
Construction installation
Replacement (incl. production and
transport of necessary materials)
Repair (incl. production and transport
of necessary materials)
USE stage
Maintanance (incl. production and
1,transport of necessary materials)
Transport to Site
Transport to Factory
A 4 -5
Extraction and upstream production
A 1 -3
RU – Reuse
CR – Cascade recycling
ER – Energy recovery MR – Material recycling
Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario
Operational energy use
Operational water use
Figure 3 — Different common life cycle stages and their information modules for construction products and construction works.
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The environmental information of an EPD shall be subdivided into the information module groups A1A3, A4-A5, B1-B5, B6-B7, C1-C4 and the different modules listed in section valid for different
options for stage D. An EPD shall as a minimum comprise the product stage modules, A1-A3, to comply
with this International standard.
For products where operational energy and/or water use are significant or if other resources are
consumed during the operation of the product, module B6 and B7 are mandatory with respect to
technical information, see Table 10. As for products that their performance at use stage are important,
the assessment of use stage shall be mandatory.
Information modules within any of the life cycle stages are communicated depending on the types of
EPD as specified in 4.3.1.
The modular set up of the LCA underlying an EPD (see Figure 2) allows easy organisation and
expression of data packages throughout the life cycle of the product. This approach requires that the
product system boundaries for the life cycle stages and the information modules included are
transparent, well defined and applicable to any construction product.
The setting of the product system boundaries follows the two principles:
a) The “modularity principle”: Where processes influence the product’s environmental performance
during its life cycle, they shall be assigned to the module of the life cycle where they occur; all
environmental aspects and impacts are declared in the life cycle stage where they appear.
b) The “polluter pays principle”: Processes of waste processing shall be assigned to the product system
that generates the waste until the end-of-waste state is reached.
4.3.1 Types of EPD with respect to Life Cycle Stages covered
An EPD of a construction product (goods and services), as defined here, provides information modules
for the assessment of the environmental performance of buildings; see ISO21931-1, and civil
engineering works. The information modules can be used to combine the environmental impacts from
materials, products, components or services to an assessment on construction or civil engineering
works or a part of such works over its life cycle.
The LCA based information in an EPD may cover different combinations of modules i.e. cover different
life cycle stages or parts thereof. The following different types of EPD are defined and illustrated in
Figure 4:
Cradle to gate: Covers the mandatory production stage e that is divided into the information modules
extraction and upstream production (raw material supply), transport to factory and manufacturing. The
LCA result is reported based on a declared unit.
Cradle to gate with options: Covers the mandatory production stage and optional modules from the
construction, use and end-of-life stage. The LCA results are reported based on a declared unit unless the
use stage is completely included. In that case a functional unit may also be defined. Modules beyond the
gate are based on scenarios. Examples for cradle to gate with options are:
 Cradle to central warehouse: Covers the mandatory production stage and the distribution to a
central warehouse in the given country or region as well as the storage processes (A4). The LCA
result is reported based on a declared unit. The transportation to the central warehouse module is
based on scenarios.
ISO/CD 21930
 Cradle to site: Covers the mandatory production stage and transportation to construction site. The
LCA result is reported based on a declared unit. The transportation to site module is based on
 Cradle through construction: Covers the mandatory production stage and both transport to site
and construction installation on site. The LCA result is reported based on a declared unit. Modules
beyond the factory gate are based on scenarios.
 Cradle to gate and maintenance Covers the mandatory production stage and maintenance
processes of the product during its service life (B2).
 Cradle to gate and end of life: Covers the mandatory production stage and the relevant end of life
modules of demolition or extraction from the building (C1), transportation from the building site to
the site for the end of life processes (C2), any waste management processes up to the end of waste
status e.g. scrap collection (C3) and/or final deposition of wastes e.g. deposition of waste on landfill
site (C4).
Cradle to grave: Covers the mandatory production stage and any of the information modules from the
construction, use and end-of-life stage. The LCA results are reported based on a functional unit. Modules
beyond the gate are based on scenarios.
Stage D includes supplementary information on environmental burdens and benefits when some or the
entire product is recovered, recycled or reused for a new product system. Stage D is voluntary
information and may be reported in any EPD for any of the different EPD types given above.
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Building and construction work assessment information
Building and construction work life cycle information
to factory
to site
End of life
Benefits and loads
beyond the system
EPD cradle to gate
EPD cradle to gate with options
EPD cradle to grave
Examples of EPD cradle to gate
with options:
EPD cradle to warehouse
EPD cradle to site
EPD cradle through construction
Figure 4 — Type of EPDs and the construction works life cycle information modules they cover
including three examples of EPD cradle to gate with options.
For the development of sub-category PCR, the programme operator shall be responsible to define any
default types of EPD describing the information modules where technical information or scenarios shall
be provided.
Information modules can supply information for processes for which there is no EPD available, e.g. a
cleaning process.
An information module may contain: the values of the pre-determined parameters and the technical
information underlying their quantification, relevant technical information for further calculation of the
environmental performance, scenarios for further calculation of the environmental performance.
It is possible to have an EPD for a substance or preparation (e.g. cement), for a product (e.g. window),
for a construction service (e.g. cleaning service as part of maintenance) and for a construction (an assemblage of
products) and/or a building element (e.g. wall) or for technical equipment (e.g. lift).
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4.3.2 Average EPD for groups of products
EPD may be developed for similar products from the same manufacturing plant and company using
data specific to that product. EPD may also be developed for groups of products using averaged
environmental performance data. Such average EPD may in practice significantly reduce the effort
associated with producing separate EPDs for similar products, or gives an EPD that is representative
Similar products included in the average EPD should not differ in their environmental impacts by more
than +/-10% from the reported average value for each impact category. In the case where this rule is
not met, it is still possible to include these products in the same EPD e.g. as separate elements in a table.
In case where a typical representative value is chosen for each impact category for a product group
(resulting in a reference average), the value reported shall be the worst-case performance within the
range of variation.
For all types of average EPD, the declaration shall include a description of what the EPD represents. The
description shall at least include;
 a technical description of the average product group(such as density or a property like U-value);
 a description of number of manufacturing plants included in the EPD, and
 a description of number of manufacturing companies included. If the EPD includes data from more
than one company it becomes a sector representative EPD and a description of the market
representation shall therefore be stated (e.g. the EPD represent more than 75% of the products sold
on the North American market).
4.4 Development and use of PCR and PCR for a product sub-category
4.4.1 Development of PCR
Any stakeholder may develop a PCR, but the process shall be managed by a programme operator and
include an open, participatory consultation with interested parties. Thus, any organization that wishes
to create a PCR needs to identify a programme operator first.
Development of PCR for a product sub-category Development of PCR for a product sub-category, general aspects
The requirements of 4.2 apply. The PCR review shall be conducted per ISO 14025. For a PCR for a
product subcategory to conform to this International Standard, the review shall not alter the core rules. Determine the product subcategory to which the PCR will be applicable
The PCR shall clearly define the product subcategory for which the rules apply. It is important to define
precisely the product sub-category.
ISO 14025 states that a product category is a group of products that perform the same function. Product
sub-categories shall be primarily defined by product functionality. This includes a product description,
functions, and the use of the products in the category.
This description should also state which products are not covered by the PCR if there is potential
ambiguity in the product subcategory.
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ISO/CD 21930 Perform a thorough search for product specific PCRs that belong to the same subcategory.
Programme operators can facilitate harmonisation when developing PCR for a product category by
considering readily available PCR documents in the same product category and in the appropriate
market area. Justification for not using readily available PCR shall be based on the content of existing
PCR documents with respect to this Core PCR and not, for example, on the origin of any particular PCR.
The efforts undertaken, the outcome and if relevant the explanations for not using readily available PCR
shall be reported in the sub-category PCR document.
4.4.3 Use of PCR and PCR for a product sub-category
All PCRs for construction products shall meet the requirements in the core rules according to this
standard. They are intended to ensure consistent assessment at the building level and comparability
where the requirements of ISO 14025:2006 clause 6.7.2 are met.
Four approaches can be taken to develop a sub-category PCR they are as follows:
Single PCR without sub-category PCR:
When referencing these Core Rules in a PCR it shall be stated in the EPD that the requirements of this
standard are followed.
Single PCR, product specific guidelines:
An EPD programme may cover all construction products with a single PCR and optional subcategory
PCR. In this case the EPD shall use these core rules as the basis of any PCR for sub-categories, but
additional information must be provided Sub-category PCR can be PCR for a smaller product category
which is part of the larger product category PCR for construction products. For example:
 the requirements for provision of additional environmental information, including any
methodological requirements (e.g. specifications for the assessment of eco-toxicological aspects);
 detailed description of the materials and substances to be declared (e.g. information about product
content, including specification of materials and substances that can adversely affect human health
and/or the environment, in all stages of the life cycle).
Overarching guidelines and sub-category PCR:
An EPD programme can reference these core rules and provide product-specific PCR that each act as a
PCR to ISO 14025. The product-specific PCR can provide more detail of the application of the rules for
the specific product, for example the specific application of the general system boundaries for that
product, the technical information to be provided for the product.
Product Specific PCR:
An EPD programme can use these core rules as the basis of PCR, which only cover one or more subcategories of construction products.
4.5 Use of EPD for construction products
The environmental information on construction products is intended mainly for business-to-business
communication and its prime purpose is to provide measurable and verifiable input for the assessment
ISO/CD 21930
of the environmental performance of buildings and civil engineering works. However, some EPD may be
used in the business-to-consumer marketplace and the user of this International Standard shall follow
the provisions of ISO 14025:2006, Clause 9.
The users of this International Standard are both the information providers and information users,
including those setting up Type III environmental declaration programmes.
The manufacturer, or group of manufacturers, of the building product is the sole owner of the data and
takes liability and responsibility for the EPD of the building product, according to the PCR. Apart from
these manufacturers, no one is authorized to declare the environmental performance of the building
4.6 Comparability of EPD for construction products
Comparison of construction products using an EPD is preferable to be carried out in the context of
different construction works and different intended use applications. Consequently, comparison of the
environmental performance of construction products using the EPD information shall be based on the
product’s intended use in and its impacts on the environment as part of a building over the full life
cycle, and shall consider all relevant information modules. Such a comparison requires scenarios in the
building context.
Comparisons are possible at the sub-building level, e.g. for assembled systems, components, services, or
products for one or more life cycle stages. In such cases, the principle that the basis for comparison of
the assessment is the entire building, shall be maintained by ensuring that the same functional
requirements are met,
 such comparison has to be based on a functional unit
 the environmental performance and technical performance of any construction (assembled
systems, components, or products) excluded are the same, and
 the amounts of any material excluded are the same, and
 excluded processes or life cycle stages are the same, and
 the influence of the product systems on the operational aspects and impacts of the building are
taken into account or are the same.
EPD that are cradle to gate are tool to compare construction products and construction services only if
the scenarios are identical.
The information provided for such comparison shall be transparent to allow the purchaser or user to
understand the limitations of comparability.
The difference between two products may be insignificant in the building context.
4.7 Documentation and communication
The result form an EPD project shall be reported on three different levels as given in Figure 5; a project
report, an Information Transfer Matrix and an EPD.
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Project report (LCA)
(clause 9)
format – information
transfer matrix (ITM)
(Clause 7)
(clause 8)
Figure 5 — Documentation from an EPD-project.
The project report is the systematic and comprehensive summary of the project documentation
supporting the verification of an EPD. The project report shall record that the LCA based information
and the additional information as declared in the EPD meet the requirements of this International
Standard. The project report should contain any data and information of importance for the data
published in the EPD and as required in this European Standard. Special care is necessary to
demonstrate in a transparent way in which the data and information declared in the EPD results from
the LCA study and how the reference RSL has been established.
The project report shall be made available to the verifier with the requirements on confidentiality
stated in EN ISO 14025:2006.
The project report is not part of the public communication.
The requirement for the project report is given in clause 9.
An Information Transfer Matrix (ITM) a generic template to present environmental information in a
structured and consistent way and in a common format.
It is relevant to the use of the EPD in the construction work chain where materials and products are
assembled into new products and assemblies, each with their own EPD.
This International Standard will improve handling of the data from EPD at the construction works level
and the assessment of environmental performance of construction works.
The communication format is presented in clause 8.
In clause 7 the content of an EPD in accordance with this International standard is presented.
Product Category Rules for LCA
5.1 Product category
At the highest level, all products used in buildings and other types of construction works belong to the
overall product category of construction products. More specific sub-categories may be defined for
ISO/CD 21930
certain groups of construction products to address additional environmental information not based on
LCA and provide more specific rules for implementation of these core rules.
The product category referred to in this standard includes all construction products and construction
services for buildings and other construction works.
5.2 Methodological framework
5.2.1 Declared unit
The declared unit is used instead of the functional unit when the precise function of the product or
scenarios at the building or construction work level is not stated or is unknown. The declared unit
provides a reference by means of which the material flows of the information module of a building
material or component are normalised mathematically.
The declared unit provides the reference for combining the material flows attributed to the product and
the relevant environmental impacts, taking into account the selected stages of the product’s incomplete
life cycle; see Figure 2. It shall relate to the typical applications of products and their product categories.
The declared unit in the EPD shall be one of the following:
 an item, an assemblage of items, e.g. 1 brick, 1 window (dimensions to be specified);
 mass (kg), e.g. 1 kg of cement;
 length (m), e.g. 1 metre of pipe, 1 metre of a beam (dimensions shall be specified);
 area (m2), e.g. 1 square metre of wall elements, 1 square metre of roof elements (dimensions shall
be specified);
 volume (m3), e.g. 1 cubic metre of timber, 1 cubic metre of ready-mixed concrete.
A different unit may be declared for reasons that shall be explained and in such cases information shall
be provided on how to convert this unit to one or more of the required unit types.
If an EPD for an insulation material is declared in units of thermal resistance R D (m2K/W) in the
building, then a conversion factor, e.g. to 1 kilogramme of material is required.
For the development of, for example, transport and disposal scenarios conversion factors to mass per
declared unit shall be provided.
Reasons for declaring units other than those listed include the need to use units normally used for
design, planning, procurement and sale.
The following information is the minimum that shall be provided together with the declared unit for the
building material or component:
 intended application;
 life-cycle stages that are included (information modules);
 reference service life of the product (only required for “use” and “maintenance” information
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 statement regarding the limitations of comparability.
If a product’s performance in any of the omitted life-cycle stages is relevant for its overall
environmental performance, the omission of this information shall be declared and justified. This
approach is also shown in Figure 3.
Information provided using a declared unit shall not be used for comparison unless their scenarios are
5.2.2 Functional unit
The functional unit defines the way in which the identified functions or performance characteristics of
the product are quantified. The primary purpose of the functional unit is to provide a reference by
which material flows (input and output data) of construction product’s LCA results and any other
information are normalised to produce data expressed on a common basis.
Comparisons of construction products with the same functional unit follow the rules in 4.6.
The functional unit, used as the denominator provides the basis for the addition of material flows and
environmental impacts for any of the life cycle stages and their modules for the construction product or
construction service.
The functional unit of a construction product is based on:
 the quantified, relevant functional use or performance characteristics of the construction product
when integrated into a building, taking into account the functional equivalent of the building;
 the product’s reference service life (see 5.2.3) or required service life of the building or construction
work under defined in-use or use conditions.
Thus, quantification of both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the function in relation to end
use in a building context e.g. ‘what’, ‘how much’, ‘how well’ and ‘for how long’ has to be performed.
Guidance on the development of a functional unit is given in ISO 14040:2006, 4.2.2.
Guidance on describing in-use conditions is given in Product Standards and ISO 15686-1,-2, -7, -8.
5.2.3 Reference service life requirement
RSL information to be declared in an EPD covering the use stage shall be provided by the manufacturer.
The RSL shall refer to the declared technical and functional performance of the product within a
building. It shall be established in accordance with any specific rules given in product standards and
shall take into account ISO 15686-1, -2, -7 and -8. Where product standards provide guidance on
deriving the RSL, such guidance shall have priority.
Information on the product’s RSL requires specification of compatible scenarios for the product stage,
construction process stage and use stage. RSL is dependent on the properties of the product and
reference in-use conditions. These conditions shall be declared together with a RSL and it shall be
stated that the RSL applies for the reference conditions only.
The RSL shall be verifiable.
ISO/CD 21930
The description of the reference service life (see also Annex A) may be based on data collected as
average data or at the beginning or end of the service life. The reference conditions for achieving the
declared technical and functional performance and the declared reference service life shall include the
reference service life data as described in Table 1, where relevant:
Table 1 — Reference Service Life
(expressed per functional
unit or per declared unit)
Reference Service Life
Declared product properties (at the gate) and finishes, etc.
Units as appropriate
Design application parameters (if instructed by the manufacturer), including the
references to the appropriate practices and application codes
Units as appropriate
An assumed quality of work, when installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions
Units as appropriate
Outdoor environment, (for outdoor applications), e.g. weathering, pollutants, UV
and wind exposure, building orientation, shading, temperature
Units as appropriate
Indoor environment (for indoor applications), e.g. temperature, moisture,
chemical exposure
Units as appropriate
Usage conditions, e.g. frequency of use, mechanical exposure
Units as appropriate
Maintenance e.g. required frequency, type and quality and replacement of
Units as appropriate
Requirements and guidance on the estimation of service life are given in normative Annex A.
System boundaries and technical information (for scenarios) System boundaries and technical information (for scenarios), general
The LCA is divided in a number of information modules.
Scenarios and technical information are necessary for the application of EPD in building assessment.
Therefore, EPD should when relevant, include information about reference service life of the product, as
given in Table 2, modules transportation, construction, use, operation, maintenance and replacements
based on the reference service life.
When an information module in the LCA is included it shall follow the scope as defined in this clause. A1-A3 Product stage
A1-A3 is required to be included in the EPD independent of type of EPD as stated in clause 5.3.1. The
system boundary with nature is set to include those processes that provide the material and energy
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inputs into the system and the following manufacturing, and transport processes up to the factory gate
as well as the processing of any waste arising from those processes.
The product stage includes the following three information modules (processing up to the end-of-waste
state or disposal of final residues including any packaging not leaving the factory gate with the
A1, raw material extraction and processing, processing of secondary material input (e.g. recycling
 A1 Extraction and processing of raw materials (e.g. mining processes) and biomass production and
processing (e.g. agricultural or forestry operations);
 A1 Reuse of products or materials from a previous product system;
 A1 Processing of secondary materials used as input for manufacturing the product, but not
including those processes that are part of the waste processing in the previous product system;
 A1 Generation of electricity, steam and heat from primary energy resources used for extraction and
processing of raw materials, also including their extraction, refining and transport;
 A1 Energy recovery and other recovery processes from secondary fuels, but not including those
processes that are part of waste processing in the previous product system;
 A1 Waste processing of the waste from raw material packaging and raw material wastage including
transport, up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues (see
A2, transport of raw materials up to the factory gate and internal transport as given in Table 2;
A3, manufacturing:
 A3 Production of ancillary materials or pre-products;
 A3 Generation of electricity, steam and heat from primary energy resources used in manufacturing,
also including their extraction, refining and transport
 A3 Manufacturing of products and co-products;
 A3 Manufacturing of Packaging;
 A3 Waste processing of the waste from manufacturing packaging and manufacturing wastage
including transport, up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues (see
ISO/CD 21930
Table 2 — A2 Transport of raw materials up to the factory gate and internal transport
Description of A2 for all raw materials
(expressed per functional
unit or per declared unit)
A2 Transport of Vehicle type used for transport
raw materials
up to the factory Vehicle load capacity
gate and
Fuel type and consumption
e.g. long distance truck, boat
kg or m3 per vehicle
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to central warehouse or
Distance to construction site
Capacity utilisation (including empty
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor
(factor: = 1 or < 1 or ≥ 1 for
compressed or nested packaged
Not applicable
In the case of input of secondary materials or energy recovered from secondary fuels, the system
boundary between the system under study and the previous system (providing the secondary materials
and secondary fuels) is set where outputs of the previous system, e.g. materials, products, building
elements or energy, reach the end-of-waste state (see
Flows leaving the system at the end-of-waste boundary of the product stage (A1-A3) shall be allocated
as co-products (see Loads and benefits from allocated co-products shall not be declared in
stage D (see If such a co-product allocation is not possible, other methods may be chosen and
shall be justified. Therefore, as a general rule, potential loads or benefits from A1-A3 do not appear in
stage D.
The output of waste during this life cycle stage may reach the end-of-waste state when it complies with
the conditions described in, end-of-life stage. They are then allocated as co-products as A4-A5, Construction process stage, information modules
The construction process stage includes the following two information modules:
 A4, Distribution, and
 A5, installation into any type of construction or civil engineering works.
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ISO/CD 21930
These information modules include provision of all materials, products and energy, as well as waste
processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during the construction process
stage. They also include all impacts and aspects related to any losses during this construction process
stage (i.e. production, transport, and waste processing and disposal of the lost products and materials).
A4, Distribution:
 A4 Storage of products, including the provision of heating, cooling, humidity control, etc. if relevant;
 A4 Transportation from the production gate to the central warehouse or storage site if relevant;
 A4 Transportation to the construction site.
The following information given in Table 3 shall be provided to specify the transport scenarios used or
to support development of the scenarios at the building level:
Table 3 — A4 Transport to the construction site
Additional technical information
Scenario title
A4 Transport to
(expressed per functional
unit or per declared unit)
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
Vehicle type used for transport
e.g. long distance truck, boat
Vehicle load capacity
kg or m3 per vehicle
Fuel type and consumption
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to central warehouse or
Distance to construction site
Capacity utilisation (including empty
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor
(factor: = 1 or < 1 or ≥ 1 for
compressed or nested packaged
Not applicable
As an alternative to the bulk density the weight and volume of transported products may be specified.
ISO/CD 21930
With the bulk density and the volume capacity utilisation factor, (complex) logistic scenarios (e.g.
taking onto account the type of vehicle, transport distance, empty returns) at the building level can be considered.
Transport distance shall be as specific as possible. If the market varies, the distance to the
construction site can be estimated based on weighted average distance to the market of the product.
For the assessment at the building level more complex logistics may have to be considered.
A5, installation into any type of constructions or civil engineering works
 A5 Wastage of construction products including transport (additional production processes to
compensate for the loss of wastage of products);
 A5 waste processing of the waste from product packaging and product wastage including transport
during the construction processes up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues;
 A5 If building; Installation of the product into the building including manufacture and
transportation of ancillary materials and any energy or water required for installation or operation
of the construction site. It also includes on-site operations to the product
 A5 Site preparation for installation specific for the declared product; including explosives,
excavation and transport of soil for reuse or disposal if relevant
 A5 If civil engineering works; Installation of the product into the construction including
manufacture and transportation of ancillary materials and any energy or water required for
installation or operation of the construction site. It also includes on-site operations to the product
If additional technical information is provided in the EPD for installation in the construction, the
following information given in Table 4 shall be provided to specify the product’s installation scenarios
or to support development of the scenarios describing the product’s installation at the level of the
building assessment:
Table 4 — A5 Installation of the product
Additional technical information for all scenarios
A5 Installation
of the product
(expressed per
functional unit or
per declared unit)
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
Ancillary materials for installation (specified by
kg or other units as
Water use
Other resource use
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ISO/CD 21930
Quantitative description of energy type and
consumption during the preparation and
installation process
kWh or MJ
Direct emissions to ambient air, soil and water
Waste materials on the building site, generated
by the product’s installation; specified by type
(to be reported in Table 17 and C.6)
Output materials (specified by type) as result of
waste processing at the construction site e.g. of
collection for recycling, for energy recovery,
disposal; specified by route (to be reported in
Table 18 and Table C.7)
Vehicle type used for transport specified for all
waste and output material types
e.g. long distance
truck, boat
Vehicle load capacity
kg or m3 per vehicle
Fuel type and consumption
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to central warehouse or storage
Distance to construction site
Capacity utilisation (including empty returns)
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor (factor: = 1 or
< 1 or ≥ 1 for compressed or nested packaged
Not applicable Use stage
The use stage includes the information modules covering the period from the handover of the building
or construction works to when it is deconstructed or demolished. The duration of the use stage of
products may be different from the required service life of a construction.
The use stage includes the use of construction products, equipment and services in their proper
function. It also includes their use for protecting, conserving, moderating or controlling a construction,
e.g. modules describing the building operation through building related services such as heating,
cooling, lighting, water supply and internal transport (provided e.g. by lifts and escalators). It also
includes maintenance (including cleaning), repair, replacement and refurbishment.
It is recognised that it may be difficult to separate all use stage processes and the connected aspects and
impacts into these separate modules. However, any deviation from the categorisation of aspects and
impacts into Modules B1-B5 and B6-B7 shall be transparently reported and justified.
ISO/CD 21930
Flows leaving the system at the end-of-waste boundary of the product stage (B1-B7) shall be allocated
as co-products (see Loads and benefits from allocated co-products shall not be declared in
stage D (see If such a co-product allocation is not possible, other methods may be chosen and
shall be justified. Therefore, as a general rule, potential loads or benefits from B1-B7 do not appear in
stage D.
B1-B5, Use stage, information modules related to the building fabric or construction work
The use stage includes the following five information modules:
 B1, use or application of the installed product;
 B2, maintenance;
 B3, repair;
 B4, replacement;
 B5, refurbishment;
including provision and transport of all materials, products and related energy and water use, as well as
waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during this part of the use
stage. These information modules also include all impacts and aspects related to the losses during this
part of the use stage (i.e. production, transport, and waste processing and disposal of the lost products
and materials).
B1 Use of the installed product in terms of any emissions to the environment (not covered by B2-B7)
The module “use of the installed product” covers environmental aspects and impacts connected to the
normal (i.e. anticipated) use of products, not including those related to energy and water use, which are
dealt with in B6 and B7) e.g. release of substances from the facade, roof, floor covering, walls and
different surfaces (interior or exterior) are reported as additional information (see 6.1).
B2 Maintenance
The module “Maintenance” covers the combination of all planned technical and associated
administrative actions during the service life to maintain the product installed in construction, in a
construction works or its parts in a state in which it can perform its required functional and technical
performance, as well as preserve the aesthetic qualities of the product.
This will include:
 B2 Preventative and regular maintenance activity such as cleaning, and the planned servicing,
replacement or mending of worn, damaged or degraded parts
 B2 The production (A1-A3) of any component and ancillary products used for maintenance, e.g.
cleaning agents
 B2 The transportation (A4) of any component and ancillary products used for maintenance
 B2 Use of related energy and water; including generation and distribution
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ISO/CD 21930
 B2 Transportation of any waste from maintenance processes or from maintenance related
 B2 The end-of-life processes of any waste from transportation and the maintenance process,
including any part of the component and ancillary materials removed
Water and energy usage (incl. production and distribution) required for cleaning, as part of
maintenance shall be included in this module, and not in modules B6 and B7.
Maintenance, repair and replacement of a whole section of the construction as part of a concerted
programme for the construction would be considered as refurbishment.
Painting work on window frames, doors, etc. as well as the annual inspection and maintenance of
the (oil or gas) boiler, replacement of filters in the heat recovery or air conditioning system.
The following information given in Table 5 shall be provided to specify the scenarios or to support the
development scenarios of this module at the construction level.
Table 5 — Use stage; B2 Maintenance
Additional technical information for all scenarios
B2 Maintenance
(expressed per
functional unit or
per declared unit)
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
Maintenance process
Description or source
where description can
be found
Maintenance cycle
Number per RSL or
Ancillary materials for maintenance (e.g.
cleaning agent, specify materials)
kg / cycle
Quantitative description of energy type
and use during maintenance (e.g. vacuum
cleaning), energy carrier type e.g.
electricity, and amount, if applicable and
kWh or MJ
Net fresh water consumption
Direct emissions to ambient air, soil and
ISO/CD 21930
maintenance; specified by type (to be
reported in Table 17 and C.6)
Output materials (specified by type) as
result of waste resulting from maintenance
e.g. of collection for recycling, for energy
recovery, disposal; specified by route (to
be reported in Table 18 and Table C.7)
Vehicle type used for transport specified
for all waste and output material types
e.g. long
truck, boat
Vehicle load capacity
kg or m3 per vehicle
Fuel type and consumption
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to construction site
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor (factor:
= 1 or < 1 or ≥ 1 for compressed or nested
packaged products)
Not applicable
B3 Repair
The module “repair” covers a combination of all technical and associated administrative actions during
the service life associated with corrective, responsive or reactive treatment of a construction product or
its parts installed in the building or construction works to return it to an acceptable condition in which
it can perform its required functional and technical performance. It also covers the preservation of the
aesthetic qualities of the product. Replacement of a broken component or part due to damage should be
assigned to “repair”, whereas replacement of a whole element due to damage should be assigned to the
module ”replacement”.
This will include:
 B3 Repair process of the repaired part of a component including;
 B3 The production (A1-A3) of any component and ancillary products used for repairing;
 B3 The transportation (A4) of any component and ancillary products used for repairing;
 B3 Use of related energy and water; including generation and distribution;
 B3 Transportation of any waste from repair processes or from repair related transportation;
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ISO/CD 21930
 B3 The end-of-life processes of any waste from transportation and the repair process, including any
part of the component and ancillary materials removed.
For a window with broken glass, this includes the production and transportation of new glass and
packaging, and all impacts due to the repair process (rubber seal, water for cleaning, etc), and the end-of-life stage
of the glass waste and any related packaging.
The following information shall be provided to specify the scenarios or to support the development
scenarios of this module at the building level. Information given for Table 6 shall be consistent with the
reference service life data given in Table 1:
Table 6 — Use stage; B3 Repair
Additional technical information for all scenarios
B3 Repair
(expressed per
functional unit or per
declared unit)
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
Inspection process
Description or source
where description can
be found
Repair process
Repair cycle
Number per RSL or
Ancillary materials for repair; specify
kg / cycle
Quantitative description of energy type
and use during repair (e.g. crane activity),
energy carrier type e.g. electricity, and
amount, if applicable and relevant
kWh or MJ
Net fresh water consumption
Direct emissions to ambient air, soil and
Waste material resulting from repair;
specified by type (to be reported in
Table 17 and C.6)
Output materials (specified by type) as
result of waste resulting from repair e.g. of
collection for recycling, for energy
ISO/CD 21930
recovery, disposal; specified by route (to
be reported in Table 18 and Table C.7)
Vehicle type used for transport specified
for all waste and output material types
e.g. long distance truck,
Vehicle load capacity
kg or m3 per vehicle
Fuel type and consumption
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to construction site
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor (factor:
= 1 or < 1 or ≥ 1 for compressed or nested
packaged products)
Not applicable
B4 Replacement
The module “replacement” covers the combination of all technical and associated administrative actions
during the service life associated with the return of a construction product to a condition in which it can
perform its required functional or technical performance, by replacement of a whole construction
Replacement of a broken component or part due to damage should be included as “repair”, but
replacement of a whole construction element due to damage should be considered as “replacement”.
Replacement of a whole construction element as part of a concerted replacement programme for the
building should be considered as “refurbishment”.
This will include:
 B4 The production (A1-A3) of any component and ancillary products used for replacement,
 B4 The transportation (A4) of any component and ancillary products used for replacement
 B4 Use of related energy and water; including production and distribution
 B4 Transportation of any waste from replacement processes or from replacement related
 B4 The end-of-life processes of any waste from transportation and the replacement process,
including any part of the component and ancillary materials removed.
For a carpet being replaced at the end of its service life, this includes the production and
transportation of the new carpet and packaging, and all impacts due to the replacement process (adhesive,
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ISO/CD 21930
vacuum cleaning etc), and the end of life stage of the original carpet, any waste from the installation of the
replacement carpet, packaging waste and adhesive.
The following information shall be provided to specify the scenarios or to support the development
scenarios of this module at the building level. Information given for Table 7 shall be consistent with the
reference service life data given in Table 1:
Table 7 — Use stage; B4 Replacement
Additional technical information for all scenarios
B4 Replacement
(expressed per
functional unit or per
declared unit)
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
Replacement cycle
Number per RSL or year
Exchange of worn parts during the product’s life
cycle, (e.g. zinc galvanised steel sheet), specify
Quantitative description of energy type and use
during replacement (e.g. crane activity), energy
carrier type e.g. electricity, and amount, if
applicable and relevant
kWh or MJ
Net fresh water consumption
Direct emissions to ambient air, soil and water
Waste material resulting from repair; specified by
type (to be reported in Table 17 and C.6)
Output materials (specified by type) as result of
waste resulting from repair e.g. of collection for
recycling, for energy recovery, disposal; specified
by route (to be reported in Table 18 and Table C.7)
Vehicle type used for transport specified for all
waste and output material types
e.g. long distance truck,
Vehicle load capacity
kg or m3 per vehicle
Fuel type and consumption
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to construction site
ISO/CD 21930
Capacity utilisation (including empty returns)
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor (factor: = 1 or < 1
or ≥ 1 for compressed or nested packaged
Not applicable
B5 Refurbishment
The module ‘refurbishment’ covers the combination of all technical and associated administrative
actions during the service life of a product associated with the return of a building or other construction
works or their parts to a condition in which it can perform its required functions. These activities cover
a concerted programme of maintenance, repair and/or replacement activity, across a significant part or
whole section of the building.
Restoration activities should be included within refurbishment.
This will include:
 B 5 The production (A1-A3) of any component and ancillary products used for refurbishment;
 B5 The transportation (A4) of the component and ancillary materials used for refurbishment,
including production aspects and impacts of any losses during transportation;
 B5 Use of related energy and water; including generation and distribution;
 B5 Transportation of any waste from refurbishment processes or from refurbishment related
 B5 The end-of-life processes of any losses suffered during transportation and the refurbishment
process, including the components and ancillary materials removed.
The following information shall be provided to specify the scenarios or to support the development
scenarios of this module at the building level. Information given for Table 8 shall be consistent with the
reference service life data given in Table 1:
Table 8 — Use stage; B5 Refurbishment
Additional technical information for all scenarios
B5 Refurbishment
(expressed per
functional unit or
per declared unit)
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
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ISO/CD 21930
Refurbishment process
Description or source
where description can
be found
Refurbishment cycle
Number per RSL or
Material input for refurbishment (e.g. bricks),
including ancillary materials for the
refurbishment process (e.g. lubricant, specify
kg or kg / cycle
Quantitative description of energy type and
use during refurbishment (e.g. crane activity),
energy carrier type e.g. electricity, and
amount, if applicable and relevant
kWh or MJ
Net fresh water consumption
Direct emissions to ambient air, soil and
Waste material resulting from repair;
specified by type (to be reported in Table 17
and C.6)
Output materials (specified by type) as result
of waste resulting from refurbishment e.g. of
collection for recycling, for energy recovery,
disposal; specified by route (to be reported in
Table 18 and Table C.7)
Vehicle type used for transport specified for
all waste and output material types
e.g. long
truck, boat
Vehicle load capacity
kg or m3 per vehicle
Fuel type and consumption
Litre of fuel type per
Distance to construction site
Capacity utilisation (including empty returns)
Bulk density of transported products
Volume capacity utilisation factor (factor: = 1
or < 1 or ≥ 1 for compressed or nested
packaged products)
Not applicable
B6-B7, use stage, information modules related to the operation of the building
ISO/CD 21930
These information modules include provision and transport of all materials, products, as well as energy
and water provisions, waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during
this part of the use stage.
The use stage related to the operation of the building and constriction works includes the following two
information modules:
 B6, operational energy use (e.g. operation of heating system and other building related installed
 B7, operational water use.
B6 Energy and water use to operate building integrated technical systems
Building integrated technical systems are installed technical equipment supporting operation of a
building or construction works. This includes technical building systems for heating, cooling,
ventilation, lighting, domestic hot water and other systems for sanitation, security, fire safety, internal
transport and building automation and control and IT communications.
The boundary of the module “Energy use to operate building integrated technical systems’’ shall
 B6 Generation, distribution and use of energy during the operation of the product (the building
integrated technical system), together with its associated environmental aspects and impacts
including processing and transportation of any waste arising on site from the use of energy.
If relevant for the product group, aspects related to the production, transportation and installation of
building integrated technical systems equipment shall be assigned to Modules A1-A5; e.g. radiators,
boiler, ventilation system. Energy use during maintenance, repair, replacement or refurbishment
activities for the equipment shall be assigned to Modules B2-B5. Aspects related to the waste processing
and final disposal of equipment shall be assigned to Modules C1-C4.
The module "Operational water use by building integrated technical systems" covers the period from
the handover of the building or construction works to when the building is deconstructed or
The boundary of the module ‘operational water use by building integrated technical systems’ shall
 B7 Water use during the operation of the product (the building integrated technical system),
together with its associated environmental aspects and impacts considering the life cycle of water
including production and transportation and waste water treatment.
If additional technical information is provided in the EPD for building integrated technical systems for
using energy or water related to operation of the building, the information in Table 9 shall be provided
to specify the energy and water use scenarios or to support development of the energy and water use
scenarios at the level of the building assessment.
Table 9 — Use of energy and use of water
Additional technical information
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ISO/CD 21930
Scenario title
B6 and B7 Use of Description of scenario 1
energy and use of water
Description of scenario n
Unit (expressed per
functional unit or per
declared unit)
Ancillary materials specified by material
Net fresh water consumption
Type of energy carrier (e.g. electricity, kWh
natural gas, district heating)
Power output of equipment
Characteristic performance (e.g. energy units as appropriate
efficiency, emissions, variation of
performance with capacity utilisation)
Further assumptions for scenario units as appropriate
development, (e.g. frequency and time
period of use, number of occupants) C1-C4 End-of-life stage
The end-of-life stage includes the following information modules:
 C1, de-construction, demolition;
 C2, transport to waste processing;
 C3, waste processing for reuse, recovery and/or recycling;
 C4, disposal.
including provision and all transport, provision of all materials, products and related energy and water
The end-of-life stage of the construction product starts when it is replaced, dismantled or deconstructed
from the building or construction works and does not provide any further functionality. It can also start
at the end-of-life of the building, depending on choice of the product’s end-of-life scenario.
During the end-of-life stage of the product or the building, all output from dismantling, deconstruction
or demolition of the building, from maintenance, repair, replacement or refurbishing processes, all
debris, all construction products, materials or construction elements, etc. leaving the building, are at
first considered to be waste. This output however reaches the end-of-waste state when it complies with
all the following criteria:
 the recovered material, product or construction element is commonly used for specific purposes;
ISO/CD 21930
 a market or demand, identified e.g. by a positive economic value, exists for such a recovered
material, product or construction element;
 the recovered material, product or construction element fulfils the technical requirements for the
specific purposes and meets the existing legislation and standards applicable to products;
 the use of the recovered material, product or construction element will not lead to overall adverse
environmental or human health impacts.
The "specific purpose" in this context is not restricted to the function of a certain product but can also
be applied to a material serving as input to the production process of another product or of energy.
The criterion for "overall adverse environmental or human health impacts" shall refer to the limit
values for pollutants set by regulations in place at the time of assessment and where necessary shall
take into account adverse environmental effects. The presence of any hazardous substances exceeding
these limits in the waste or showing one or more properties as listed in existing applicable legislation,
e.g. in the European Waste Framework Directive, prevents the waste from reaching the end-of-waste
The end-of-life system boundary of the construction product system to stage D is set where outputs, i.e.
secondary materials or fuels, have reached the “end-of-waste” state.
The end-of-life stage includes modules:
 C1 deconstruction, including dismantling or demolition, of the product from the building and energy
use for this work, including initial on-site sorting of the materials;
 C2 transportation of the discarded construction product as part of the waste processing, e.g. to a
recycling site and transportation of waste e.g. to final disposal;
 C3 waste processing e.g. collection of waste fractions from the deconstruction and waste processing
of material flows intended for reuse, recycling and energy recovery. Waste processing shall be
modelled and the elementary flows shall be included in the inventory. Materials for energy recovery
are identified based on the efficiency of energy recovery with a rate higher than 60 % without
prejudice to existing legislation. Materials from which energy is recovered with an efficiency rate
below 60% are not considered materials for energy recovery.
Only when materials have reached the end-of-waste-state can they be considered as materials for
energy recovery, provided the energy recovery process has an energy efficiency rate higher than 60%.
 C4 waste disposal including physical pre-treatment and management of the disposal site.
In principle waste processing is part of the product system under study. In the case of materials leaving
the system as secondary materials or fuels, such processes as collection and transport before the end-of-waste
state are, as a rule, part of the waste processing of the system under study. However, after having reached the
“end-of-waste” state further processing may also be necessary in order to replace primary material or fuel input in
another product system. Such processes are considered to be beyond the system boundary and are assigned to
stage D.
Loads, (e.g. emissions) from waste disposal in module C4 are considered part of the product system
under study, according to the “polluter pays principle”.
The following information shall be provided for all construction products to specify the end-of-life
scenarios used or to support development of the end-of-life scenarios at the building level. Scenarios
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ISO/CD 21930
shall only model processes e.g. recycling systems that have been proven to be economically and
technically viable.
Table 10 — C End-of-life
Additional technical information
C1 Deconstruction Collection process specified by type
C3 Waste
processing for
reuse, recovery,
and/or recycling
Potential future recycling
Description on current practise of reuse
Description on current practise of material
Unit (expressed per
functional unit or per
declared unit)
kg collected separately
kg collected with mixed
construction waste
kg for re-use
kg for material recycling
kg for energy recovery
Description on current practise of energy recovery Text
C4 Waste disposal
Disposal specified by type
kg product or material for
final deposition Future reuse, material recycling and energy recovery
Stage D includes LCA based information that describes environmental benefits and loads if the analysed
product is reused, material recycled or energy recovered.
The result from stage D shall not – if not else is said in this standard – be compared to the result from
stage A to C and shall therefore be reported separately. The environmental performance reported in
stage D shall be used to give information on different handling options of the recovered material. The
environmental performance reported in stage D goes beyond the initial discard products lifecycle
(reported in stage A to C). Stage D gives information to support a resource efficient use of natural
resources and reduced environmental impact when handling the scraped product.
The inventory flows reported in Table 10, module C3, constitute the source information used as input
for the LCA calculations in life cycle stage D.
Different LCA approaches may be used in life cycle stage D. On a generic level different LCA approaches
may be divided in two system perspectives namely: attributional LCA and consequential LCA. Modules
in A to C follows an attributional approach, which is a system perspective where all products is assign to
the direct environmental burden that is allocated to the product from the different involved processes
in the products life cycle. In theory, following the attributional approach all products environmental
impact may be added up and corresponds then to the resulting global impact (sometimes referred to as
the 100% rule). A consequential LCA, on the other hand, also includes indirect environmental effects as
consequence of a change, which is typically handled with a process system expansion. A consequential
LCA expand the product cradle to-grave investigated and describes ‘what happens if’ in related product
systems, why the 100% rule is not valid in this system perspective. A challenge with consequential LCA
is to define these changes and its effect on the expanded product system. Both system perspectives are
applicable in stage D according to this standard. Stage D may therefore include a mix of these
approaches or just one system perspective.
ISO/CD 21930
As reported in Table 10, stage C3, different handling options of the discard product may be valid for the
very same product. These different alternatives and its consequences may be reported in Stage D on
voluntary basis. Stage D is designed to follow the same requirements concerning transparent and
modularity as applied the initial lifetime of the product (stage A to C).
Stage D includes the following options;
Attributional LCA;
 Reuse (RU) of the same product
 Material cascade recycling (CR)
Consequential LCA;
 Future material recycling (MR)
 Future energy recovery (ER).
If any of these options is accounted for, the following information applied shall be reported to specify
the scenarios and divided in a modular way as described in Table 11 to Table 14. Reuse is an applicable
method for recycling of the same product in a new context where the physical shape of the product is
essentially the same, but its intended use might differ from the original use (external doors might be
used as a table or as inside doors etc). Open loop recycling might be handled with material recycling or
cascade recycling and the latter alternative is also applicable for close loop recycling. Energy recovery is
in stage D handled with system expansion.
D-RU, Ruse
Reuse is in this standard handled as additional information compared to the initial use of the
construction product and reported separately in different modules in stage D. Reuse means that the,
more or less same physical product, is used at least once more. Due to the long lifetimes valid for most
construction products, a scenario setting where the initial product is used once more has to be based on
assumptions. The Reuse option shall account for a full life cycle, where these downs stream relevant
parts of the forthcoming life cycle follows the same scope as already defined in the modules in stage A
to C. The historical environmental impact related with the processing of the initial product will be
allocated to the initial product, which means that a secondary use will only account for the
environmental impact appearing after the initial products end of life (stage C). The information to be
reporting for reuse includes the following information modules:
 D-RU1 Upgrading, treatment; includes all processing performed that is made before the product is
put on the market again. This module continues where stage C ends. This module also includes
distribution and installation of the product with the same scope as described in stage A4 and A5.
The transport includes the average transportation of the product until it reaches the average new
construction site.
 D-RU2 Reuse route alternative A accounts for the same life cycle stages from module B and C that
are valid from the initial usage stage
 D-RU3 Reuse route alternative B. If optional reuse routs appears for instance on different markets
or for different intended use in any construction works, additional scenarios may be included
named A, B and so on.
 Total impact D-RU-route A. The summed environmental impact covering the entirely reused
products life cycle according to scenario A etc. may be reported.
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ISO/CD 21930
The environmental ‘Total impact D-RU-route A’ may be compared with the summed environmental
impact for the initial product if they fulfil the same functional performance.
In practice, a physical reuse of a product might be combined with additional LCA based information in
stage D.
Reuse shall not be mixed up with close loop recycling where the material is processed to a likewise
product (like melting the steel reinforcement to new reinforcement) or a complete new product in the case of
open loop recycling. Such handling alternatives may be in an LCA be treated either as ‘Material cascade recycling’
or the ‘Material recycling* alternative (as listed above). The latter alternative includes system expansion and the
first alternative accounts for a number of recycling loops where the environmental impact is shared typically even
across all products in the overall recycling cascade scenario described.
Table 11 – Reuse and its modules
Specification; reuse of the same product
D-RU1 Upgrading, treatment
D-RU2 Reuse route alt. A
D-RU3 Reuse route alt. B etc.
Total impact route A
D-CR, Cascade recycling
Material from a scraped product that is processed and used in one or more future products, i.e. open
loop recycling, constitute a common chain of product system using the same basic material. According
to an attributional LCA it is possible to account for the full cascade chain and where common parts, like
raw material extraction, may be dived to all products. This environmental impact shall according to this
standard be dived evenly between all products in the cascade chain. This cascade recycling has to be
scenario based and therefore includes uncertainties. It is recommended to include more than one such
scenario in stage D.
Compared to the LCA methodology applied in module A to C the environmental impact is in that case
allocated temporally (and spatial) correctly. In the case of cascade recycling the environmental impact
will be (re-)allocated to other products in the defined cascade inapproachable when they didn’t
appeared temporally. This kind of LCA result does not follow a physical correct allocation approach, but
do instead reflect the environmental burden in a value chain where all product share common
processed equal. This kind of LCA result from stage D therefore gives an alternative view of the
environmental impact reported in stage A to C, and is comparable in that sense that they follow the
same system perspective. This means that the numerical figures reported in stage A to C is comparable
with the figures reported in stage D, but following two different allocation approaches. The information
given in stage D is therefore complementary for the same product analysed in the EPD.
The cascade recycling stage option accounts for a full life cycle and therefore includes the following
ISO/CD 21930
 D-CR1 upgrading, treatment; includes all processing performed that is made before the product is
put on the market again. This module continues where stage C ends. This module also includes
distribution and installation of the product with the same scope as described in stage A4 and A5.
The transport includes the average transportation of the product until it reaches the average new
construction site.
 D-CR2 Reuse route alt. A accounts for the same life cycle stages from module B and C that are valid
from the initial usage stage
 D-CR3 Reuse route alt. B. If optional reuse routs appears for instance on different markets or for
different intended use in any construction works, additional scenarios may be included named A, B
and so on.
 Average impact from route A. The average environmental impact from A to C and CR1 to CR3
covering relevant modules and where common processes are allocated evenly in the recycling
cascade according to scenario A etc.
Table 12 – Cascade recycling and its modules
Specification; material cascade recycling
D-CR1 Upgrading, treatment
D-CR2 Cascade route alt. A
D-CR3 Cascade route alt. B etc.
D-CR Average impact from cascade
route alt. A etc.
D-MR, Material recycling
The Material recycling stage option accounts for all necessary life cycle stages and processes so it – as a
minimum – can replace an alternative material used on the market. This (traditionally limited) life cycle
scope might be expanded if other aspects that appear downstream shall be part of the LCA and wants to
be reported in the EPD. This LCA calculation option, therefore, does not at a mandatory state include a
full life cycle, but cradle to gate inventory. The ‘cradle’ in this case starts where the inventory from stage
C ends and the ‘gate’ represents at least the manufacturing site, where the material from the initial
product ends up after have been processed so it can replace another raw material. Note that this is
aiming at a raw material and have therefore not to be a finished product. Different materials are
handles as raw material in different forms on the trading market and also several forms as raw material
might be relevant. The specific material form of recycled material shall be described in the EPD. And if a
downstream life cycle after the raw material stage is accounted for in the LCA shall these stages be
reported in the EPD and documented according to Table 13.
The Material recycling alternative includes an assessment where the recycled (secondary) material
displaces the use of an alternative (marginal) material. This is in LCA referred to as system expansion
and the LCA results depend on which marginal material that is assumed to be displaced. To give the
user of the EPD an understanding of the consequences on different recycling options and the relative
difference between these, it is mandatory to report at least three scenario options. These options are;
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ISO/CD 21930
 current practice;
 worst case;
 best case.
The current practice describes the replaced material on the representative market for the EPD. The
current practice is normally based on verifiable information. If such current practice cannot be
established a conservative approach shall be used. In this case, it shall be stated in the EPD that current
practice could not be defined and a description on the assumptions made shall be given briefly. Details
shall be reported in the LCA report and ICT/BIM communication format as defined in Table 13. Besides
current practice, a realistic worst case and best case shall be reported. The user of the EPD will then
understand the potential savings between reported alternatives. This scenario matter could also be
handled within a sub-oriented PCR and submitted for open consultation to branches outside the own.
The Material recycling option for stage D includes the following modules:
 D-MR1 Upgrading, treatment; includes all processing performed that is made before the upgraded
product is put on the market again where it replace a primary alternative material. This module
continues where stage C ends and might include additional transportation and several
manufacturing sites and processes;
 D-MR2 Displacement – current practice describes the environmental impact related to the displaced
material following the same life cycle scope as used in D-MR1;
 D-MR3 Displacement – best case current practice describes the environmental impact related to the
displaced material following the same life cycle scope as used in D-MR1;
 D-MR4 Displacement – worst case current practice describes the environmental impact related to
the displaced material following the same life cycle scope as used in D-MR1;
 D-MR Net impact – current practice. The net summed environmental impact from MR1 minus MR2,
covering the defined products life cycle according to the current practice scenario.
If this option for material recycling is chosen module D-MR1 to D-MR4 are mandatory and D-MR5 is
voluntary. It is also voluntary to give complementing scenarios, to the current practice scenario listed
above, in the EPD.
LCA methods used for this life cycle stage shall be reported separately in public available literature and
referred to in the EPD. Different methods might be used why comparison between different EPD might
not be applicable and shall be stated in the EPD. If a method is used established in a Sub-oriented PCR it
shall be added in the EPD that comparison between individual EPD concerning stage D-MR is possible
for the EPD following the same PCR or harmonised PCRs.
Table 13 – Material recycling and its modules
Specification; Future material recycling
D-MR1 Upgrading, treatment
D-MR2 Displacement – current practice
D-MR3 Displacement – best case
D-MR4 Displacement – worst case
ISO/CD 21930
Specification; Future material recycling
D-MR Net impact – current practice
D-ER, Energy recovery
The energy recovery option accounts for all necessary life cycle stages and processes so the discard
product, or parts of it, can replace an alternative energy carrier used as fuel on the market. This option
follows the same approach as described above for material recycling including a cradle to gate
inventory scope. In this case, the 60% energy efficiency for the combustion process has to be fulfilled to
include the benefits with energy recovery in stage D. Else; the combustion will be regarded as an
incineration of the product and shall be accounted for as an environmental burden in stage C.
The energy recovery alternative includes an assessment where the marginal fuel that else would be
used on the market. This is in LCA referred to as system expansion and the LCA results depend on
which marginal fuel that is assumed to be displaced. To give the user of the EPD an understanding of the
consequences on different energy recovery options and the relative difference between these, it is
mandatory to report at least three scenario options. These options are;
 current practice;
 worst case;
 best case.
The current practice describes the marginal fuel on the market that the EPD shall be representative for.
The current practice is normally based on verifiable information. If such current practice cannot be
established a conservative approach shall be used. In this case, it shall be stated in the EPD that current
practice could not be defined and a description on the assumptions made shall be given briefly. Details
shall be reported in the LCA report and ICT/BIM communication format as defined in Table 14. Besides
current practice, a realistic worst case and best case shall be reported. The user of the EPD will then
understand the potential gains between reported alternatives. This scenario matter could also be
handled within a sub-oriented PCR and submitted for open consultation to branches outside the own.
The energy recovery option for stage D includes the following modules:
 D-ER1 Upgrading, treatment; includes all processing performed that is made before the discard
product may be sold as a fuel on the market, which may is defined by the current market for which
the EPD shall be representative for. This module continues where stage C ends and might include
additional transportation and several manufacturing sites and processes;
 D-ER2 Displaced fuel – current practice describes the environmental impact related to the displaced
fuel following the same life cycle scope as used in D-MR1;
 D-ER3 Displaced fuel – best case current practice describes the environmental impact related to the
displaced fuel following the same life cycle scope as used in D-MR1;
 D-ER4 Displaced fuel – worst case current practice describes the environmental impact related to
the displaced fuel following the same life cycle scope as used in D-MR1;
 D-ER Net impact – current practice. The net summed environmental impact from ER1 minus ER2,
covering the defined products life cycle according to the current practice scenario.
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If this option for energy recovery is chosen module D-ER1 to D-ER4 are mandatory and D-ER5 is
voluntary. It is also voluntary to give complementing scenarios, to the current practice scenario listed
above, in the EPD.
LCA methods used for this life cycle stage shall be reported separately in public available literature and
referred to in the EPD. Different methods might be used why comparison between different EPD might
not be applicable and shall be stated in the EPD. If a method is used established in a Sub-oriented PCR it
shall be added in the EPD that comparison between individual EPD concerning stage D-ER is possible
for the EPD following the same PCR or harmonised PCR:s.
Table 14 – Energy recovery and its modules
Specification; future material recycling
D-ER1 Upgrading, treatment
D-ER2 Displaced fuel – current practice
D-ER3 Displaced fuel – best case
D-ER4 Displaced fuel – worst case
D-ER Net impact – current practice
5.2.5 Criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of inputs and outputs
Criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs (cut-off rules) in the LCA and information modules and
any additional information are intended to support an efficient calculation procedure. Cut-off rules shall
be defined in a way that has the minimum influence on the result obtained. They shall not be applied in
order to hide data. Any application of the criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs shall be
When impacts are assessed and reported, the cut-off rules shall be based on the environmental impacts
related to the respective material flows. The cut-off rules shall be justified and documented in the PCR.
The following procedure shall be followed for the inclusion and exclusion of inputs and outputs:
 All hazardous and toxic materials and substances shall be included in the inventory and the cut-off
rules do not apply;
 All inputs and outputs to a (unit) process shall be included in the calculation, for which data are
available. Data gaps may be filled by conservative assumptions with average or generic data. Any
assumptions for such choices shall be documented;
 In case of insufficient input data or data gaps for a unit process, the cut-off criteria shall be 1 % of
renewable and non-renewable primary energy usage and 1 % of the total mass input of that unit
process. The total of neglected input flows per module, e.g. per module A1-A3, A4-A5, B1-B5, B6-B7,
C1-C4 and modules in stage D (see Figure 3) shall be a maximum of 5 % of energy usage and mass.
Conservative assumptions in combination with plausibility considerations and expert judgement
can be used to demonstrate compliance with these criteria;
ISO/CD 21930
 Particular care should be taken to include material and energy flows known to have the potential to
cause significant emissions into air and water or soil related to the environmental indicators of this
standard. Conservative assumptions in combination with plausibility considerations and expert
judgement can be used to demonstrate compliance with these criteria.
5.2.6 Selection of data and data quality requirement
The data quality has an influence on the content of an EPD. As a general rule, specific data derived from
specific production processes or average data derived from specific production processes shall be the
first choice as a basis for calculating an EPD. In addition, the following rules apply:
 An EPD describing a specific product shall be calculated using specific data for at least the processes
the producer of the specific product has influence over. Generic data may be used for the processes
the producer cannot influence e.g. processes dealing with the production of input commodities, e.g.
raw material extraction or electricity generation, often referred to as upstream data (see Table 15);
 A specific EPD covering all life cycle stages (cradle to grave) may be calculated using generic data
for some downstream processes e.g. waste incineration. For the sake of comparability the
calculation of the use stage shall be based on the same additional technical information as is
required in 4.6;
 An EPD describing an average product shall be calculated using representative average data of the
products declared by the EPD, see Table 16;
 The additional technical information for the development of scenarios of the building’s life cycle
stages shall be specific or specific average information, when an average product is declared;
 Documentation of technological, geographical and time related representatives for generic data
shall be provided in the project report;
 Measured emission data – use foreground and background;
 For all types of average EPD the declaration shall include a description of what the EPD represents:
 Similar products included in the calculation of a manufacturer declaration (see 1c1d) should not differ in their environmental impacts by more than +/-10% from the
reported average value for each impact category. In the case where this rule is not met, it is
still an option to include these products in the same EPD e.g. as separate elements in a table.
 In case where a typical representative value is chosen for each impact category for a product
group (Reference EPD), the value reported shall be the worst-case performance within the
range of variation. )
Table 15 — Application of generic and specific data
Module A1-A3
A4 and A5
Production of
commodities, raw
Product manufacture
Upstream processes
Processes the
manufacturer has
Downstream processes
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ISO/CD 21930
Data type
influence over
or information
modulesc) Generic
Manufacturer’s average or
specific data
Scenario based generic data based on technical
information given in Table 4 – Table 11.
See Table 16.
NOTE 1 For upstream processes specific information modules e.g. from other EPDs are preferable,
Table 16 — Data requirements for different average EPDs
Type of EPD
Type of average
1.Manufacturer 1a) Declaration of one
specific product from
one manufacturer’s
2.Sector EPD
Data requirements
EPD for a specified density of
insulation material from a specific
plant of one manufacturer.
Manufacturing specific for foreground
1b) Declaration of a specific
product as an average
of production at several
plants of one
EPD of an average across a range of
different densities of insulation
material from the plant of one
manufacturer. This can include
different sites of one company with
the same production processes
Manufacturing specific for foreground
data as basis for estimating average. A
typical or representative
manufacturer may be used as data
source if the manufacturing process
and technology are the same.
1c) Declaration of a
product average of
several similar
products from one
manufacturer’s plant.
EPD of adhesive having a
composition that is an average of all
compositions produced in the plant
of one manufacturer. This can
include different sites with the same
production processes
Manufacturing specific for foreground
data. If relevant, allocation shall be
stated in accordance with clause 5.3.3.
1d) Declaration of a
product average from
several similar
products from several
plants of one
EPD of adhesive having a
composition that is an average of all
compositions produced in the plant
of one manufacturer. This can
include different sites with different
production process
Manufacturing specific for foreground
data as basis for estimating average. A
typical or representative
manufacturer may be used as data
source if the manufacturing process
and technology are the same.
Composition specific data must be
used to estimate the average product.
2a) Declaration of a specific Declaration of a specific product as
product as an average
an average from plants of several
from plants of several
Manufacturing specific for foreground
data as basis for estimating average. A
typical group of representative
manufacturers may be used as data
source if the manufacturing process
and technology are the same.
2b) Declaration of an
average of different
products from several
manufacturers’ plants
Manufacturing specific for foreground
data as basis for estimating average. A
typical group of representative
manufacturers may be used as data
source if the manufacturing process
and technology are the same.
Composition specific data must be
EPD for an average across a range of
different densities of insulation
material averaged across all
products produced by a defined
number of members of an
association of insulation
ISO/CD 21930
Reference 3
Declaration of worst
case values for a
defined typical average
used to estimate the average product.
EPD for an adhesive where the
calculation is based on a typical
composition representative for a
relevant part of the market
(Will be specified after the CD)
The quality of the data used to calculate an EPD shall be addressed in the project report (see Clause 9
and EN ISO 14044:2006, In addition the following specific requirements apply for construction
 Data shall be as current as possible. Data sets used for calculations shall have been updated within
the last 10 years for background data and within the last 5 years for producer specific (foreground)
 Manufacturer specific data (foreground data) sets shall be based on 1 year averaged data;
deviations shall be justified;
 The time period over which inputs to and outputs from the system shall be accounted for is 100
years from the year for which the data set is deemed representative. A longer time period shall be
used if relevant;
 technological coverage shall reflect the physical reality for the declared product or product group;
 Data sets shall be complete according to the system boundary within the limits set by the criteria for
the exclusion of inputs and outputs, (see 5.2.5).
5.2.7 Units
SI units shall be used. Basic units are metre (m), kilogram (kg), molecular weight in grams (mol). With
the exceptions noted below, all resources are expressed in kg.
Exceptions are:
 Resources used for energy input (primary energy), which are expressed as kWh or MJ, including
renewable energy sources e.g. hydropower, wind power;
 Water use, which is expressed in m3 (cubic metres);
 Temperature, which is expressed in degrees Celsius;
 Time, which is expressed in practical units depending on the assessment scale: minutes, hours, days,
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5.3 Inventory analysis
5.3.1 Data collection
Data collection shall follow the guidance provided in EN ISO 14044:2006, 4.3.2.
5.3.2 Calculation procedures
The calculation procedures described in EN ISO 14044 shall apply. The same calculation procedures
shall be applied consistently throughout the study.
When transforming the inputs and outputs of combustible material into inputs and outputs of energy
the net calorific value of fuels shall be applied according to scientifically based and accepted values
specific to the combustible material.
Allocation of input and output flows General
Most industrial processes produce more than the intended product. Normally, more than one input is
needed to produce one product and sometimes products are co-produced with other products. As a rule
the material flows between them are not distributed in a simple way. Intermediate and discarded
products can be recycled to become inputs for other processes. When dealing with systems involving
multiple products and recycling processes, allocation should be avoided as far as possible. Where
unavoidable, allocation should be considered carefully and should be justified.
In this standard, the rules for allocation are based on the guidance given in EN ISO 14044:2006, 4.3.4.
However, the basic procedures and assumptions used in EN ISO 14044 have been refined in order to
reflect the goal and scope of this standard.
The use of upstream data, which does not respect the allocation principles described in this standard
shall be clearly stated and justified in the project report. These data shall be in line with EN ISO 14044
allocation rules.
The principle of modularity shall be maintained. Where processes influence the product’s
environmental performance during its life cycle, they shall be assigned to the module in the life cycle
where they occur (see Figure 3).
The sum of the allocated inputs and outputs of a unit process shall be equal to the inputs and outputs of
the unit process before allocation. This means no double counting or omission of inputs or outputs
through allocation is permitted. Co-product allocation
Allocation shall be avoided as far as possible. This may be done by dividing the unit process in a given
information module to be divided into different sub-processes that can be distributed to the coproducts.
 If a process can be sub-divided, but respective data are not available, the inputs and outputs should
be partitioned between its different products or functions in a way which reflects the underlying
physical relationships between them; i.e. they shall reflect the way in which the inputs and outputs
are changed by quantitative changes in the products or functions delivered by the system.
In the case of joint co-production, where the processes cannot be sub-divided, allocation shall respect
the main purpose of the processes studied, allocating all relevant products and functions appropriately.
ISO/CD 21930
The purpose of a plant and therefore of the related processes is generally declared in its permit and
should be taken into account. Processes generating a very low contribution to the overall revenue may
be neglected. Joint co-product allocation shall be allocated as follows:
 Allocation shall be based on physical properties (e.g. mass, volume) when the difference in revenue
from the co-products is low;
 In all other cases allocation shall be based on economic values;
 Material flows carrying specific inherent properties, e.g. energy content, elementary composition
(e.g. biogenic carbon content), shall always be allocated reflecting the physical flows, irrespective of
the allocation chosen for the process.
Contributions to the overall revenue of the order of 1% or less is regarded as very low. A difference in
revenue of more than 25 % is regarded as high.
A common position on the definition on the most appropriate allocation rule needs to be defined
together with other relevant sectors.
Products and functions are the outputs and/or services provided by the process, having a positive
economic value.
In industrial processes there may be a wide variety of different types of materials produced in
conjunction with the intended product. In business vocabulary, these may be identified as by-products, coproducts, intermediate products, non-core products or sub-products. In this International Standard, these terms
are treated as being equivalent. However, for the allocation of environmental aspects and impacts a distinction
between co-products and products is made in this standard. Allocation procedure for reuse, recycled material and energy recovery
Historical loads and benefits from recycled material used as input to any process in stage A to C shall
not be allocated to the current product system. Inherent properties shall, however, not be allocated
away. Consequently, no bonus from such future material recycling, beyond the product system under
study, is accounted for in stage A to C.
Reuse is not included in stage A to C. Reuse is accounted for in stage D and handled in the same manner
in stage A to C as material recycling described above. This means that impact from the first use of the
product will not be allocated to downstream future use of the product.
Energy recovery is handled as co-product allocation in stage A to C. Materials for energy recovery are
identified based on the efficiency of energy recovery with a rate higher than 60 % without prejudice to
existing legislation. Materials from which energy is recovered with an efficiency rate below 60% are not
considered materials for energy recovery. Such impact shall be assign to the product under study.
The end-of-life system boundary of the construction product system is set where outputs of the system
under study, e.g. materials, products or construction elements, have reached the end-of-waste state.
Waste processing of the material flows (e.g. undergoing recovery or recycling processes) during any
module of the product system (e.g. during the production stage, use stage or end-of-life stage) are
included up to the system boundary of the respective module as defined above.
Environmental potential loads and benefits of secondary material, secondary fuel or recovered energy
from the scraped product is handled in stage D as supplementary information, and is defined in section
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5.3.4 Accounting of biotic carbon during the life cycle
Renewable materials (wood, linen, cork etc or biogenic manufactured polymers) contain biotic carbon
that originates from living organisms. This material flow shall be reported as inherent CO 2 bio when
entering the product system (i.e. a flow to technosphere from nature). This biotic carbon flow will be
reported as a negative CO2 bio value in the LCI, since it represents a coal source that is part of a
renewable circulation. When this biotic carbon material – partly or as a whole – is transformed to
emissions, it will then be accounted for as emitted as CO2 bio. The overall CO2 bio balance will therefore
always be zero when a full life cycle is accounted for. These two specifications represent the system
boundary between nature and the product system. In addition, if the biotic carbon accounted for enter a
new product system after end-of-life (after module C), this transformation will be reported as a positive
CO2 bio value in module C. Therefore, product that is recycled or energy recovered in future will result in
a zero value, when this inventory flow is added for the whole life cycle (A to C). Consequently, a product
that is use biotic recycled material shall report a negative CO2 bio representing the inherent biotic carbon
content when entering the product system.
the LCI.
A biotic material also has an energy content as an inherent property that is accounted for separately in
This system boundary is valid for all life cycle stages from A to C.
CO2 bio shall not be reported as CO2e since it is not an LCIA result.
When a biotic material is transformed to emissions other emissions than CO2 they shall be accounted
for in the LCI and evaluated in the LCIA.
5.3.5 Accounting of delayed emission of biotic carbon – biotic carbon sinks
In respect to climate change it is essential to reduce the peak emission of greenhouse gases. A
construction product that contain biogenic carbon sink may contribute to this matter. There is a few
method suggested to handle this matter and report the result as CO2e. Since a common acceptance of
such LCIA method is lacking, this indicator result is not part of the LCA result in the EPD and has to be
reported under “Additional information” if included. However, the biotic carbon sink may be optionally
reported in the EPD for construction products in B1 as “x kg CO2 bio stored for y years”.
A noticed applied method for accounting of delayed emission of biotic carbon is defined in climate
footprint system PAS 2050, which also referred to and part of the LCIA indicators in the EC environmental
declaration system; Product Environmental Footprints (PEF).
5.3.6 Land use change
Land transformation or land use change accounts for the purpose for which land is used by humans and
may include several environmental aspects where effects on climate change are commonly reported.
Different international valid factors for land use change are given by Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC); Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (GPGLULUCF). The reporting under forest management is strongly linked to the reporting of ‘Forest land
remaining forest land’ under the UNFCCC-reporting.
In addition and when significant, the greenhouse gases emissions occurring as a result of the land use
change it should be assessed in accordance with internationally recognised methods such as the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
These GHG emissions shall be included in the LCI and LCIA and documented separately in the LCA
report. Double-counting shall be avoided.
This aspect is not restricted to biogenic materials but also all other of materials and processes.
ISO/CD 21930
Wood from well managed forestry’s may be accounted for zero emission concerning land use change,
since this as assumed to be a conservative approach since the indirect ground soil carbon normally is a net
contributor of a carbon pool in the forestry system.
5.3.7 Calcination and carbonation of pozzulane materials
A pozzulane is a material (like cement, fly ash etc.) with a capability of reacting with calcium hydroxide
(Ca2+ or Ca(OH)2) in the presence of water. Such material has an inherent potential to carbonate in any
downstream life cycle stage when the material is in contact to air. Inapproachable of the co-product
allocation method applied the inherent potential possible to carbonate cannot be allocated away and
will be allocated to the product system where it appears. Consequently, the calcination will always be
the same or larger than the reported carbonated CO2 in the context of LCA.
These kind of process related greenhouse gas emissions would always be reported as part of the
common LCIA indicator for climate change (i.e. as CO2e) and reported separately in the LCA report.
Established theoretical methods for calculation of the carbonation exist and may be applied.
It is possible in e.g. a sub-oriented PCR to establish commonly valid intended use application to
simplify the calculation on carbonation on a generic level. Suck simplified approach will always be based on
scenarios and therefore only an example on how it might be.
5.3.8 Inventory indicator describing energy resource use
The declaration of use of energy recourses – primary and secondary - shall be carried out for the
parameters given in Table C.4 and Table C.5 specified for all modules. The parameters are as:
1) Renewable primary energy used as an energy carrier (fuel); RPEE is all (first time used)
biological materials used as an energy source. Also hydropower, solar and wind power used in
technosphere belong here.
2) Renewable primary energy used as material; RPEM is (first time used) biological materials
used as materials (Wood, hemp, etc.).
3) Non-renewable primary energy used as an energy carrier (fuel); NRPEE is materials such as
peat, oil, gas, coal, uranium.
4) Non-renewable primary energy used as materials; NRPEM are primary resources (with an
energy content) such as oil, gas and coal, which later ends as products like plastic materials or
animal feed.
5) Secondary materials; SM are materials recycled from previous use or waste (scrap metal,
broken concrete, broken glass, plastic) which are used as material. Could be both renewable and
non-renewable, with or without energy content.
6) Renewable secondary fuel; RSF are renewable materials with an energy content, which have
been used previously or are defined as waste, which are used as energy source (biomass
residue, waste wood).
7) Non-renewable secondary fuels; NRSF are non-renewable materials with energy content,
which have been used previously or are defined as waste, which are used as an energy source
(solvents, tires).
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ISO/CD 21930
Cumulative energy demand (CED) shall be reported based on both renewable and non-renewable
energy resources as given in Table B.1.
CEDR is given as sum of RPEE and RSF for materials used as energy carrier (not used as material).
CEDNR is given as sum of NRPEE and NRSF for materials used as energy carrier (not used as material).
5.3.9 Inventory indicator describing net use of fresh water
Net use of fresh water shall be calculated and reported.
Net Use of Fresh Water should follow the approach of ISO/DIS 14046.2:2013.
5.3.10 Environmental information describing waste categories and outflows derived from LCA
The parameters describing waste categories and other material flows are output flows derived from the
The waste categories given in Table 17 shall be declared and specified for all information modules
included in the EPD. In Table C.6 the format for declaration of waste in the ITM is given and may be
used as format in the EPD.
Table 17 — Waste categories
Waste Category
Hazardous waste disposed
Non hazardous waste disposed
High-level radioactive waste, conditioned, to final repository
Medium and low-level radioactive waste, conditioned, to final repository
The parameters in Table 17 are also part of the additional information for scenarios at end-of-life, see
Table 10.
The parameters in Table 17 are calculated on the gross amounts leaving the system boundary when
they have reached the end-of-waste state as described in Table C.7.
The output flows given in Table 18 shall be declared and specified for all information modules included
in the EPD. In Table C.7 the format for declaration of output flows in the ITM is given and may be used
as format in the EPD.
Table 18 — Output flows
Output flows
Components for re-use
Materials for recycling
Materials for energy recovery
Materials for incineration without energy recovery
Materials for landfill
Material for fill or backfill
ISO/CD 21930
The parameter “Materials for energy recovery” does not include materials for waste incineration.
Waste incineration is a method of waste processing and is allocated within the system boundaries. Waste
incineration plants have a lower energy efficiency rate than power stations using secondary fuels. Materials for
energy recovery are based on thermal energy efficiency rate of the power station not less than 60 %.
5.4 Impact assessment; Parameters describing main environmental impacts derived
from LCA
The impact assessment shall be carried out for the impact categories GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP and
ADPfossil, ADPelement specified for all modules included as given in Table C.2.
Characterisation factors given in references in Table 19 for GWP, ODP, AP, EP, POCP and ADP shall be
Table 19 — References to impact assessment methods
Impact category and abbreviation (Unit)
Global warming potential, GWP (kg CO2e)
IPCC (2014)
Ozone depletion potential, ODP (kg PO43-e)
WMO, 1999
Eutrophication potential, EP (kg PO43-e)
Heijungs et al. (1992)
Acidification potential, AP (kg SO2e)
Photochemical oxidant creation potential, POCP
(kg C2H4e)
Resource Depletion – used as material or energy,
ADPelement (Sbe)
ADPfossil (MJ)
Hauschild & Wenzel (1998)
Jenkin & Hayman (1999), Derwent et al. (1998)
van Oers et al., 2002
The abiotic depletion potential is calculated and declared in two different indicators:
ADPelement include all non-renewable material resources (minerals, uranium, sulphur) used as energy
and material.
ADPfossil include all non-renewable fossil resources indicators (coal, oil, fossil gas) used as energy and
material; sum of TNRPE (Total use of Non-Renewable Primary Energy resources), for all modules given in
Table B.1.
It is considered good practice to identify LCI data that has no calculated environmental impact within
the project report. This can help to identify the need for complementary and consistent characterisation factors
for relevant LCI flows.
ADPfossil will always be equal to or less than total use of non-renewable primary energy resources
(TNRPE), in Table C.4 as sulphur and uranium are not included in ADP fossil.
Environmental information not derived from LCA
6.1 Release of dangerous substances to indoor air during the use stage
The following information shall when relevant, be provided for products that are exposed to indoor air
after they are installed in buildings, and during the use stage, in order to support use stage scenarios
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ISO/CD 21930
with respect to occupant health at the building level. When developing sub-category PCR, specific
requirement shall be given.
 Emissions to indoor air shall be declared according to standards applicable in the market for which
the EPD is valid. The reporting is based on measurement of release of dangerous substances from
construction products using harmonised test methods.
6.1.1 Volatile, semi-volatile and very volatile organic compounds
The reporting format for declaration of VOC emissions given in Table 20 shall be used.
Reporting on VOC according to this format is intended for all products that may be exposed to interior
spaces and/or within the building envelope.
The building envelope consists of the roof, exterior walls and floor of a structure. These elements form
a barrier that separates the interior of the building from the outdoor environment
Where post-manufacture coatings or surface applications have not been applied, the following floor,
ceiling and wall systems are deemed to comply with the requirements: ceramic and concrete tile, organic-free
mineral-based materials, gypsum plaster, clay masonry, concrete masonry, concrete, and metal.
Table 20 — Reporting format for product VOC emissions
Declaration options
R value
Declare value with one significant figure (e.g. 1 or 3)
Declare value in mg/m3 with two significant figures
(e.g. 0.2 mg/m3 or 1.6 mg/m3)
∑VOCwithout LCI
Declare value in µg/m3 with one significant figure
(e.g. 40 µg/m3 or 300 µg/m3)
Declare value in µg/m3 with one significant figure
(e.g. 40 µg/m3or 300 µg/m3)
Declare value with one significant figure (e.g. 5 µg/m3) or not
substance with its
Declare value in µg/m3 with two significant figures
(e.g. 120 µg/m3 or 1500 µg/m3) or not detected
The R-value (Risk-value) is derived by summarizing the individual Ri-values. The Ri value is the ratio of
the emission concentrations of individual compounds in the mixture (Ci) divided by the corresponding
lowest concentration of interest value (LCIi); Ri = (Ci/LCIi).
R-value = Σ(Ri + …Rn)
ISO/CD 21930
The R-value approach assuming dose additivity of all compounds in a chemical mixture irrespective of
their health effects. Applied LCIi values are given in Annex D and are mandatory, but may be
complemented with other data sets.
Measured product specific VOC emission values, Ci, are derived from chamber tests.
This standard suggests using CEN/TS 16516 or likewise methods, as specification for such horizontal
testing method. CEN/TC 16516 is based in ISO 16000 standard series, but contains additional refinements for
improving reliability and has gone through extensive validation.
6.1.2 Particulate matter
Currently no recognised methods is found on realize of particulates matters. However, this will be taken
into account in future revision of this standard.
6.2 Release of dangerous substances to soil and water during the life cycle
Emissions from material may be measured as a material and substance specific property via different
laboratory tests. Such data will serve as input for estimation of release of emissions in different
intended use applications. Dependant on the type of material and its structure, column or batch test are
used for granular material and serial batch leaching tests (also known as tank tests) for monolith
materials. Batch test shall in this context be regarded as proxy for column tests. The common approach
with these methods is that a declining emission will occur in relation to the amount of water available in
respect to the material exposed. Test method/-s required on different markets shall be utilised and the
method/-s applied shall be reported in the EPD.
Work is currently going on in Europe by CEN TC 351 on a package of tests methods relevant for the
reporting defined here.
The laboratory tests is the basis for scenario based calculation some emission. Information on release of
emissions to soil and water may be relevant for input to the LCA in life cycle stages A1-3, A5, B1 and C4.
These emissions can also be used for risk assessment or to calculate a simplified R-factor (as outlined
above for indoor air). It is likely that such development take place in future. The difference compared to
the indoor air emission that has only one unit room is that is that a number of representative
compartments for soil and water exposure have to be defied, and suck works exist but is not yet
The reporting format as given in Table 21 shall be provided for products exposed to soil and water after
their installation in construction works during the use stage in order to support use stage scenarios for
soil and water pollution at the building level.
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Table 21 — Reporting format for product emissions to water and soil
Declaration options
Co and  (kappa)
Declare values from reported emissions with two significant figures e.g.:
Column test according to standard X is used
lead: Co 0.2 l/kg and  0,02
Since batch leaching test results are normally available at limited number of L/S values for which the
test is performed (typically L/S = 2 l/kg or 10 l/kg) and therefore may not correspond to the L/S value
at which the release is sought in the scenario. The result can be “translated” from one L/S value to
another by means of the kappa () relationship. From the leaching test, the leaching of several
substances may be expressed by a simple decay function:
C = C0 * e - (L/S) 
where C is the concentration of the contaminant as a function of L/S (mg/l), the constant C 0 is the initial
peak concentration of the contaminant in the leachate (mg/l), L/S is the liquid to solid ratio
corresponding to the concentration C (l/kg) and where  is a kinetic constant describing the rate of
decrease of the concentration as a function of L/S for a given material and a given substance (kg/l). C0
and  values may be estimated from column or serial batch leaching data. By integrating the above
expression, the amount of the substance, M (in mg/kg), released over the period of time it takes for L/S
to increase from 0 l/kg to the value corresponding to C, can be calculated:
M = (C0/)(1 – e - (L/S))
If an emission scenario is applied (based on the figures given in Table 21) in the LCA the release, M, and
significant scenario settings may be reported according to Table 22.
Table 22 — Additional information on release of dangerous substances to soil and water during
the life cycle
Additional information on release of dangerous substances to soil and water during the use stage
ISO/CD 21930
Scenario title
Release scenario Soil
Description of scenario 1
Module and unit
Description of scenario n
Module and unit
Description of scenario 1
Description of scenario n
Module and unit
Description of scenario n
Module and unit
Release scenario Water
6.3 Substances of very high concern
Substances with certain hazardous properties can be of concern for human health and/or the
environment. Such substances can be identified and subsequently regulated to make sure that the risks
associated with these substances are properly controlled.
In any EPD the declaration of material content of the product shall list as a minimum substances
contained in the product that are identified as hazardous according to normative requirements in
standards or regulation applicable in the market for which the EPD is valid.
Table 23 — Substances of very high concern
Substance of very high
Substance 1
Substance n
Reference to standards or regulation applicable for
the relevant market
An example is the identification of substances of very high concern (SVHC) in a publicly available
"Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation of the European Chemicals Agency". The list
is the result of an assessment and evaluation scheme, which is part of the REACH regulation.
The source location of any safety data sheet can be provided.
Content of EPD
7.1 General
The EPD shall contain the following main parts as a minimum, as given in Table 24 depending on
communication business-to business or business-to-consumer. The content is specified further in this
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ISO/CD 21930
Table 24 — Content of EPD for business-to-business and business-to-consumer
Information regarding product, producer, EMS; region
Information EPD; Verification information and information from
programme operator
Description of the methodological framework
Description of technical information and scenarios
LCA results from life cycle impact assessment - LCIA
LCA results from life cycle inventory
not all
Environmental information not derived from LCA
not all
Additional information
7.2 Declaration of general information
All Type III environmental declarations in a product category shall follow the format and include the
parameters as identified in this International Standard.
The manufacturer of the product that is the subject of the EPD is responsible for the provision of all
necessary information.
The following shall be declared in the EPD.
The name and address of the manufacturer(s);
The description of the construction product’s use;
Construction product identification by name (including any. product code) and a simple visual
representation of the construction product or work to which the data relates;
d) A description of the main product components and or material that make up the construction
product or work given in percentage.
This description is intended to enable the user of the EPD to understand the composition of the
product in delivery condition and support a safe and effective installation, use and disposal of the product. With
appropriate justification, this requirement does not apply to confidential or proprietary information relating to
materials and substances that apply due to a competitive business environment or covered by intellectual
property rights or similar legal restrictions. It also might not be appropriate for information concerning intangible
To illustrate the product system studied, the EPD shall contain a simple flow diagram of the
processes included in the LCA;
Name of the programme used and the programme operator’s name, address, logo and website;
ISO/CD 21930
The reference for the PCR used, including the version number, publisher, and year published;
h) The date the declaration was issued;
The end of the 5 year period of validity;
A statement that EPDs of construction products are not comparable if their scenarios are not
identical and may not be comparable if they do not comply with this International Standard;
k) Organization's adherence to any environmental management system, with a statement on where an
interested party can find details of the system;
l) Any other environmental certification programme applied to the product and a statement on where
an interested party can find details of the certification programme;
m) Other environmental activities of the organization, such as participation in recycling or recovery
programmes, provided details of these programmes are readily available to the purchaser or user
and contact information is provided;
n) Instructions and limits for efficient use;
o) Information on where explanatory material may be obtained;
Guidance on safe and effective installation, use and disposal of the product is supplied by the
In addition to the above mentioned general information, Table 25 shall be completed and reproduced in
the EPD.
Table 25 — Demonstration of verification
ISO 21930:201x serves as the core PCR a
Independent verification of the declaration, according to ISO 21930:201x
(Where appropriate b) Third party verifier:
<Name of the third party verifier>
Product category rules
Optional for business-to-business communication; mandatory for business-to-consumer
communication (see EN ISO 14025:2010, 9.4).
7.3 Declaration of the methodological framework
The EPD shall specify which EPD-type is declared in order to enable comparability:
 A statement of type of EPD shall be given and illustrated by Figure 4.
If a product’s performance in any of the omitted life-cycle stages is relevant for its overall
environmental performance, the omission of this information shall be declared and justified.
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The functional unit or declared unit depending on type of EPD, shall be stated.
If the declaration represent an average of different products or from different producers, a description
of what the average represents shall be given based upon Table 16.
A description of the data quality and source for the main product components and or material that
make up the construction product as given in Table 26.
Table 26 — Description of data quality, source and age
Data quality
Data source
Data age
Material 1
Material 2
Material n
Allocation and cut-off procedures applied shall be described.
7.4 Declaration of reference service life, technical information and scenarios
For products where operational energy and/or water use are significant or if other resources are
consumed during the operation of the product, module B6 and B7 are mandatory with respect to
technical information. For such products, Table 9 shall be included in the EPD.
For EPD with options the technical information for the relevant modules represented by Table 1,
Table 3 to Table 10 shall be included in the EPD.
For EPD cradle to grave Table 1, Table 3 to Table 10 shall be included in the EPD.
For EPD where future reuse, material recycling and energy recovery (stage D) are declared, the relevant
information represented by Table 11 to Table 14 shall be included.
7.5 Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
7.5.1 LCA results from life cycle impact assessment – LCIA
Environmental impacts and resource use are expressed with the impact category parameters of LCIA
using characterisation factors. The following predetermined parameters are required and shall as a
minimum be included specified for all information modules included in the EPD independent on B2B of
B2C communication, see Table 27.
Table 27 - Impact categories
LCA results from life cycle impact assessment - LCIA
Global warming potential; GWP
Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer; ODP
Acidification potential of soil and water sources; AP
ISO/CD 21930
Eutrophication potential; EP
Formation potential of tropospheric ozone; POCP
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP-materials) for non-fossil resources
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP-energy) for fossil resources
In Table C.2 the format for declaration of LCA results from life cycle impact assessment in the ITM is
given and may be used as format in the EPD.
7.5.2 LCA results from life cycle inventory
The following parameters derived from life cycle inventory analysis shall as a minimum be included
specified for all information modules included in the EPD depending on B2B of B2C communication, see
Table 28.
Table 28 — Life cycle inventory parameters
LCA results from life cycle inventory
Use of primary and secondary energy resources
Cumulative energy demand (renewable); CEDR
Cumulative energy demand (non-renewable); CEDNR
Biotic carbon content; Bio-CO2
Use of net fresh water resources
Waste and output flows
Use of primary and secondary energy resources shall be given for the categories given in 5.3.8. In Table
C.4 and Table C.5 the format for declaration of primary and secondary energy resources in the ITM are
given and may be used as format in the EPD.
In Table C.3 the format for declaration of cumulative energy demand (renewable and non-renewable),
biotic carbon content and use of net freshwater resources the ITM are given and may be used as format
in the EPD.
Waste and output flows shall be given as in Table 17 and Table 18. In Table C.6 the format for
declaration of waste and in Table C.7 the format for declaration of output flows in the ITM are given and
may be used as format in the EPD.
7.6 Declaration of environmental information not derived from LCA
The following parameters not derived from LCA shall when relevant be included in the EPD depending
on B2B or B2C communication, see Table 29.
Table 29 — Environmental parameters not derived from LCA
Environmental information not derived from LCA
Release of dangerous substances to indoor air during the use stage - VOC
Release of dangerous substances to indoor air during the use stage - particulate matter
Release of dangerous substances to soil and water
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Substances of very high concern
NOTE 1 If a R-factor in future could be established as for VOC and IAQ this indicator should be reported in the B2C
Release of dangerous substances to indoor air during the use stage – VOC – shall be given according to
Table 20.
Release of dangerous substances to soil and water shall be given according to Table 21 if relevant.
Substances of very high concern shall be given according to Table 23 if relevant. If no such substances
are identified, this should be stated in the EPD.
In any EPD the declaration of material content of the product shall list as a minimum substances
contained in the product that are identified as hazardous according to normative requirements in
standards or regulation applicable in the market for which the EPD is valid.
7.7 Declaration of additional information
Any additional information declared in the EPD shall follows as copies or references. This may be:
 Laboratory results/measurements for content declaration
 Laboratory results/measurements for functional/technical performance
7.8 References
A list of references used shall be given.
Communication formats
This clause defines the standardized part of the EPD communication i.e. the generic template. The
generic template is called an Information Transfer Matrix (ITM).
Communication of standardized environmental information for construction goods and services
requires a format that provides a location of all elements of information from different sources. The ITM
provides a unique and consistent reference position in a grid. The ITM will contain some information,
which is mandatory and some information, which is voluntary, and so in some cases blanks or gaps can
occur in the ITM.
The matrix provides the template for communicating this information for each of the information
modules as defined in Figure 2. The matrix is also used for communicating the information for any of
the scenarios, which can occur and/or the respective technical information for these scenarios. The ITM
consists of a grid structure in which all items of information according to this International Standard
shall be presented.
To present environmental information in a structured and consistent way and in a common format, a
generic template is used. The generic template is used for information transfer. The ITM:
 does not preclude the fact that an EPD can have an individual and unique format;
 is the standardized part of EPD communication according to this International Standard;
ISO/CD 21930
 a statement whether the ITM has been independently verified shall be made.
The ITM addresses the following types of information according to this International Standard:
— general information; see C.1;
— LCA results from life cycle impact assessment - LCIA:, see Table C.2;
— LCA results from life cycle inventory; see Table C.3 to C.7;
— environmental information not derived from LCA; see Table 20 and Table 21;
— scenarios and technical information; see Table 3 to Table 14;
— declaration of future reuse, material recycling and energy recovery (stage D); see Table C8 to Table
— in any EPD the declaration of material content of the product shall list as a minimum substances
contained in the product that are identified as hazardous according to normative requirements in
standards or regulation applicable in the market for which the EPD is valid.
Project report
9.1 General
The manufacturer and/or practitioner shall provide the EPD project documentation and the EPD to the
verifier. The project documentation contains basic data and supporting information necessary for the
EPD project as specified in Clause 7.
The project report is the systematic and comprehensive summary of the project documentation
supporting the verification of an EPD. The project report shall record that the LCA based information
and the additional information as declared in the EPD meet the requirements of this International
Standard. It shall be made available to the verifier with the requirements on confidentiality stated in EN
ISO 14025.
The project report is not part of the public communication.
The project report shall contain any data and information of importance for the data published in the
EPD and as required in this International Standard. Special care is necessary to demonstrate in a
transparent way that the data and information declared in the EPD result from the LCA study and how
the RSL has been established.
Note 1 In this context project means the LCA study on the declared product.
9.2 LCA-related elements of the project report
The results, data, methods, assumptions, limitations, and conclusions of the LCA shall be completely and
accurately reported without bias. They shall be transparent and presented in sufficient detail to allow
independent verification and to permit an understanding of the complexities and trade-offs inherent in
the LCA. The report should also allow the results and interpretation to be used in support of the data
and additional information made available in the respective EPD.
The project report shall give the following:
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ISO/CD 21930
1) General aspects:
commissioner of the LCA study, internal or external practitioner of the LCA study;
date of report;
statement that the study has been conducted according to the requirements of this
2) Goal of the study:
reasons for carrying out the study and its intended application and audience, i.e.
providing information and data for an EPD for business-to-business and/or business-toconsumer communication;
3) Scope of the study:
 declared/functional unit, including:
 definition, including relevant technical specification(s);
 calculation rule for averaging data e.g. when the declared/functional unit is defined for:
a group of similar products produced by different suppliers or
the same product produced at different production sites;
 system boundary according to the modular approach as outlined in Figure 1, including:
 omissions of life cycle stages, processes or data needs;
 quantification of energy and material inputs and outputs, taking into account how plantlevel data is allocated to the declared products;
 assumptions about electricity production and other relevant background data;
 cut-off criteria for initial inclusion of inputs and outputs, including:
 description of the application of cut-off criteria and assumptions;
 list of excluded processes;
4) Life cycle inventory analysis:
qualitative/quantitative description of unit processes necessary to model the life cycle
stages of the declared unit, taking into account the provisions of EN ISO 14025 regarding
data confidentiality;
sources of generic data or literature used to conduct the LCA;
validation of data, including:
data quality assessment;
treatment of missing data;
ISO/CD 21930
allocation principles and procedures, including:
documentation and justification of allocation procedures;
uniform application of allocation procedures;
5) Life cycle impact assessment:
the LCIA procedures, calculations and results of the study;
the relationship of the LCIA results to the LCI results;
reference to all characterization models, characterization factors and methods used, as
defined in this European Standard;
a statement that the LCIA results are relative expressions and do not predict impacts on
category endpoints, the exceeding of thresholds, safety margins or risks;
6) Life cycle interpretation:
the results;
assumptions and limitations associated with the interpretation of results as declared in
the EPD, both methodology and data related;
the variance from the means of LCIA results should be described, if generic data are
declared from several sources or for a range of similar products;
data quality assessment;
full transparency in terms of value-choices, rationales and expert judgements.
9.3 Rules for data confidentiality
Product-specific data are very often confidential, because of
 competitive business issues,
 intellectual property rights, or
 similar legal restrictions.
It is not required to make such confidential data publicly available.
Normally, the EPD present only data that have been aggregated over the four stages of the life cycle or
relevant portions of it and the aggregation obscures the underlying competitive information.
Confidential business data provided for the independent verification process can be kept confidential
upon request of the body supplying the data and with the approval of the programme operator, in
accordance with programme operational rules; see ISO 14025:2006, 8.3.
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9.4 Documentation on additional information
The project report shall include any documentation on additional environmental information declared
in the EPD as required in this standard. Such documentation on additional environmental information
may include, e.g. as copies or references:
 laboratory results/measurements for the content declaration;
 laboratory results/measurement of functional/technical performance;
 documentation on declared technical information on life cycle stages that have not been considered
in the LCA of the construction product and that will be used for the assessment of buildings (e.g.
transport distances, RSL according to Annex A, energy consumption during use, cleaning cycles,
 laboratory results/measurements for the declaration of emissions to indoor air, soil and water
during the product’s use stage.
9.5 Data availability for verification
To facilitate verification it is considered good practice to make the following information available to
the verifier, taking into account data confidentiality according to ISO 21930:2007, 7.4 and 9.1:
 analysis of material and energy flows to justify their inclusion or exclusion;
 quantitative description of unit processes that are defined to model processes and life cycle stages
of the declared unit;
 attribution of process and life cycle data to datasets of an LCA-software (if used);
 LCIA results per modules of unit processes, e.g. structured according to life cycle stages;
 LCIA results per production plant/product if generic data is declared from several plants or for a
range of similar products;
 documentation that substantiates the percentages or figures used for the calculations in the end-oflife scenario;
 documentation that substantiates the percentages and figures (number of cycles, prices, etc.) used
for the calculations in the allocation procedure, if it differs from the PCR.
10 Verification and validity of an EPD
After verification an EPD is valid for a 5 year period from the date of issue, after which it shall be
reviewed and verified. An EPD shall only be reassessed and updated as necessary to reflect changes in
technology or other circumstances that could alter the content and accuracy of the declaration. An EPD
does not have to be recalculated after 5 years, if the underlying data has not changed significantly.
The process for verification and establishing the validity of an EPD shall be in accordance with EN ISO
ISO/CD 21930
A reasonable change in the environmental performance of a product to be reported to the verifier is
+/- 10% on any one of the declared parameters of the EPD (see 5.2.6). Such a change may require an update of the
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ISO/CD 21930
Annex A (normative) Requirements and guidance on the reference service life
A reference service life (RSL) can only be determined for a cradle to grave EPD or a Cradle to Gate EPD
with options where modules A1-A5 and B1-B5 have been provided. If the service life is declared then
the following principles shall apply. The manufacturer or producer of the construction product cannot
be held responsible for the actual design of the building and the use and application of the product,
environment, workmanship or use.
 The reference service life of a product can be based upon empirical, probabilistic, statistical,
deemed to satisfy or research (scientific) data and shall always taking into account the intended use
(description of use), see ISO 15686-1, -2, -7 and -8. This basis shall be mentioned in the EPD;
 If the manufacturer provides the RSL for the product then he shall take into account and shall
describe in the EPD the intended use and declared functional performance(s) and the scenario. The
estimate shall be transparent to allow for verification.
A declared RSL shall be related to the declared functional technical performance and to any
maintenance or repair necessary to provide the declared performance during the declared RSL or
provided Estimated Service Life (ESL). The declared technical performance may be based on
specifications for determination or calculation of this performance given in the relevant harmonised
European standards. These performances may be defined as initial, average or minimum levels. See
Figure A.1 and A.2.
The declared technical performance may be the input for calculations beyond this standard. However
the out-come in terms of RSL will be input for the requirements in this standard.
The thermal performance of a window, insulation, a heating boiler, etc. will impact on the energy
use of the building in the use stage. This energy use, its emissions and waste are contributing to the environmental
aspects and impacts of the building in the use stage. The RSL of the window, insulation, the heating boiler, etc.
needs to be linked to the product's performance in order to provide consistency in the calculation model.
functional performance
Figure A.1 — Type of declared technical and functional performance and RSL
ISO/CD 21930
technical and functional performance
maintenance/ repair
maintenance/ repair
Figure A.2 — Type of declared technical and functional performance, repair/maintenance
during RSL
The RSL is dependent on the properties of the product and specific in-use conditions. These conditions
shall be declared together with a RSL and it shall be stated that the RSL only applies to these specific
The description of the technical and functional performance of a product is required for the European
technical specifications for construction products. This description may be based on data collected as
average data or at the beginning or end of the service life. The reference conditions for achieving the
declared technical and functional performance and the declared reference service life shall include the
following, where relevant:
 declared product properties (at the gate) and those of any finishes, etc.;
 design application parameters (if instructed by the manufacturer), including references to any
appropriate requirements and application codes;
 an assumed quality of work,;
 external environment, (for outdoor applications), e.g. weathering, pollutants, UV and wind
exposure, building orientation, shading, temperature;
 internal environment (for indoor applications), e.g. temperature, moisture, chemical exposure;
 usage conditions, e.g. frequency of use, mechanical exposure;
 maintenance, e.g. required frequency, type and quality and replacement of replaceable components.
In many cases the Estimated Service Life (ESL) of the building depends on whether its components are
replaceable or repairable. Normally the ESL of a building depends on the service life of the load bearing
product or construction element that is not replaceable or repairable.
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ISO/CD 21930
The RSL of a construction element (e.g. a window) declared in the EPD is dependent on the service life
of its individual components (handle, hinge, etc.) and may be determined by the component with the
lowest service life. It also depends on whether the single components of the construction element are
replaceable or repairable.
RSL data is normally based on direct testing or both direct and indirect data acquisition (see ISO 156862, ISO 15686-8 and ISO/TS 15686-9). Direct data acquisition may be based on:
 field exposure;
 inspection of buildings and their components;
 experimental buildings;
 in-use exposure.
In some cases for products for which direct data are not available indirect methods may be used for
establishing RSL:
 correlated to data for existing products of a similar type with similar functions having similar use
and exposure conditions;
 comparative data obtained by testing the products of a similar type and similar function for similar
uses and exposure conditions, in accordance with EN product test standards.
ISO/TS 15686-9 refers to procedures that may be divided into two groups, direct and indirect tests.
Direct testing – the achievement of a certain level of performance in a test of a particular property is
recognised as being direct evidence of expected service life (e.g. abrasion, fatigue, closing, and impact
Indirect (proxy) testing – the measurement of “proxy” characteristics that can be correlated to actual
performance and hence service life (e.g. porosity for freeze-thaw resistance and hardness for abrasion
Tests may be either:
 Natural weathering/ageing tests, which either give a direct indication of service life (e.g. corrosion
tests) or enable normal performance tests to be carried out after treatment, thus allowing the likely
degradation under in-use conditions to be determined;
 Accelerated weathering/ageing tests, in which the normal ageing process is speeded up to reduce
the duration of the test. Care is needed to ensure that degradation mechanisms are just accelerated
and not significantly altered in such tests.
Tests may be long-term or short-term, or a combination of both.
Long-term tests may include:
a) field exposure;
b) exposure in experimental buildings.
Short-term tests may include:
ISO/CD 21930
c) accelerated short-term tests;
d) short-term in-use exposures.
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ISO/CD 21930
Annex B (informative) Relation between resource use, CED and ADP
Table B.1 — Relation between resource use, CED and ADP
Primary resources
e m e m e m e m
RPEE Renewable primary energy used as an
energy carrier (fuel); (MJ)
Primary renewable energy resources used as energy carrier
RPEM Renewable primary energy used as
material; (MJ)
Primary renewable resources with energy content used as material
TRPE Total use of renewable primary energy
resources; (MJ)
Total use of primary renewable resources with energy content
NRPEE Non-renewable primary energy used
as an energy carrier (fuel); (MJ)
Primary non-renewable resources with energy content used as energy
NRPEM Non-renewable primary energy used
as materials; (MJ)
Primary non-renewable resources with energy content used as
TNRPE Total use of non-renewable primary
energy resources; (MJ)
Total use of primary non-renewable resources with energy content.
SM Use of secondary materials (kg)
Secondary resources (renewable and non-renewable, with and
without energy content), used as material.
RSF Renewable secondary fuels (MJ)
NRSF Non-renewable secondary fuels; (MJ)
Renewable materials with an energy content, which have been used
previously or are defined as waste, which are used as energy source
Non-renewable materials with energy content, which have been used
previously or are defined as waste, which are used as an energy
ADPM excl. Energy content in sulphur and uranium****
Renewable or non-renewable
With or without energy content (heat value, H >0 or H=0)
Used as energy (e) or material (m) ->
Secondary resources
e m e m e m e m
ISO/CD 21930
Annex C (normative) Master ITM
The Tables C.1 to C.11 reflect the parameters required in this International Standard to communicate
the environmental performance. If documentation shall be communicated, the Master ITM shall contain
the relevant technical information represented by the following tables:
Table 1 — Reference Service Life
Table 2 — A2 Transport of raw materials up to the factory gate and internal transport
Table 3 — A4 Transport to the construction site
Table 4 — A5 Installation of the product
Table 5 — Use stage; B2 Maintenance
Table 6 — Use stage; B3 Repair
Table 7 — Use stage; B4 Replacement
Table 8 — Use stage; B5 Refurbishment
Table 9 — Use of energy and use of water
Table 9 — Use of energy and use of water
Table 10 — C End-of-life
Table 11 – Reuse and its modules
 D-CR1 upgrading, treatment; includes all processing performed that is made before the product is
put on the market again. This module continues where stage C ends. This module also includes
distribution and installation of the product with the same scope as described in stage A4 and A5.
The transport includes the average transportation of the product until it reaches the average new
construction site.
 D-CR2 Reuse route alt. A accounts for the same life cycle stages from module B and C that are valid
from the initial usage stage
 D-CR3 Reuse route alt. B. If optional reuse routs appears for instance on different markets or for
different intended use in any construction works, additional scenarios may be included named A, B
and so on.
 Average impact from route A. The average environmental impact from A to C and CR1 to CR3
covering relevant modules and where common processes are allocated evenly in the recycling
cascade according to scenario A etc.
Table 12 – Cascade recycling and its modules
Table 13 – Material recycling and its modules
Table 14 – Energy recovery and its modules
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ISO/CD 21930
Table C.1 — Declaration of general information
Declaration of general information
The name and address of the manufacturer(s)
The description of the construction product’s use
The functional unit
The declared unit
Construction product identification by name (including any. product code) and a simple visual representation of the
construction product or work to which the data relates
A simple visual representation of the construction product to which the data relates
A description of the main product components and or material that make up the construction product or work given in
Name of the programme used and the programme operator’s name, address, logo and website
The reference for the PCR used, including the version number, publisher, and year published;
The date the declaration was issued
The end of the 5 year period of validity
Information on which stages are not considered, if the declaration is not based on an LCA covering all life cycle stages
A statement of type of EPD with respect to Life cycle stages covered shall be given and illustrated by Figure 4.
A statement that EPDs of construction products are not comparable if their scenarios are not identical and may not be
comparable if they do not comply with this International Standard
In the case where an EPD is declared as an average environmental performance for a number of products a statement
to that effect shall be included in the declaration:
 a technical description of the average product group (such as density or a property like U-value)
 a description of number of manufacturing plants included in the EPD
 a description of number of manufacturing companies included. If the EPD includes data from more than one
company it becomes a sector representative EPD and a description of the market representation shall
therefore be stated (e.g. the EPD represent more than 75% of the products sold on the North American
 range/ variability of the LCIA results if significant
For whom the EPD is representative: The site(s)
The manufacturer
The group of manufacturers or those representing them
The declaration of material content of the product shall list as a minimum substances contained in the product that are
listed in regional regulation when their content exceeds the limits as given by the regional authorities; e.g. the
“Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorisation” when their content exceeds the limits for
registration with the European Chemicals Agency
NOTE 1 The source location of any safety data sheet can be provided.
Information on where explanatory material may be obtained
NOTE 2 Guidance on safe and effective installation, use and disposal of the product is supplied by the manufacture.
http//: or contact for product safety sheet
http//: or contact for product related substances considered under REACH
Linked scenarios
Figure 2 shall be completed and reproduced
ISO/CD 21930
Table C.2 — Parameters describing environmental impacts
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Product stage
Environmental impact indicators
Global warming
potential; GWP
kg CO2 equiv.
Depletion potential
of the stratospheric
ozone layer; ODP
kg CFC 11
potential of soil and
water sources; AP
kg SO2 equiv.
potential; EP
kg PO4 equiv.
Formation potential
of tropospheric
ozone; POCP
kg C2H2 equiv.
Abiotic depletion
potential (ADPmaterials) for nonfossil resources
kg Sb equiv.
Abiotic depletion
potential (ADPenergy) for fossil
MJ, net
calorific value.
n process
End of life
Use stage
Table C.3 — Parameters describing life cycle inventory
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Product stage
Main inventory indicators
A1 A2 A3 Total
Biotic carbon
Use stage
End of life stage
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4
kg CO2 bio
renewable energy
demand; CEDR
MJ, net
calorific value.
Cumulative nonrenewable energy
demand; CEDNR
MJ, net
calorific value.
Net fresh water
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ISO/CD 21930
Table C.4 — Parameters describing use of resources; primary energy
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Product stage
Parameters describing use of renewable and non-renewable primary energy
resources use as energy carrier or materials
A1 A2 A3 Total
primary energy
used as an energy
carrier (fuel);
primary energy
used as material;
Total use of
primary energy
resources; TRPE
primary energy
used as an energy
carrier (fuel);
primary energy
used as materials;
Total use of nonrenewable
primary energy
resources; TNRPE
Use stage
End of life stage
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4
Table C.5 — Parameters describing use of resources; secondary energy
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Product stage
Parameters describing use of
secondary fuels, secondary
A1 A2 A3 Total
material; SM
fuels; RSF
fuels; NRSF
Use stage
End of life stage
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4
ISO/CD 21930
Table C.6 — Parameters describing waste
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Product stage
Declaration of waste derived from LCA
A1 A2 A3 Total
Non hazardous
conditioned, to
Medium and
conditioned, to
Use stage
End of life stage
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4
Table C.7 — Parameters describing output flows
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Product stage
Declaration of output flows from LCA
A1 A2 A3 Total
for re-use
Materials for
Materials for
Materials for
without energy
Materials for
Material for fill
or backfill
Use stage
End of life stage
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4
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ISO/CD 21930
Table C.8 — Parameters describing Stage D: Reuse (RU)
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Reuse route
Reuse route
alt. A
alt. B etc
Global warming potential; GWP
Depletion potential of the
stratospheric ozone layer; ODP
Acidification potential of soil and
water sources; AP
Eutrophication potential; EP
Formation potential of tropospheric
ozone; POCP
Abiotic depletion potential (ADPmaterials) for non-fossil resources
Abiotic depletion potential (ADPenergy) for fossil resources
Biotic carbon
Cumulative renewable energy
demand; CEDR
Cumulative non-renewable energy
demand; CEDNR
Net fresh water
Total impact
route A etc
kg CO2 equiv.
kg CFC 11
kg SO2 equiv.
kg PO4 equiv.
kg C2H4 equiv.
kg Sb equiv.
MJ, net calorific
kg CO2 bio
MJ, net calorific
MJ, net calorific
Table C.9 — Parameters describing Stage D: Cascade recycling (CR)
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Cascade route
Cascade route
alt. A
alt. B etc
Global warming potential; GWP
Depletion potential of the
stratospheric ozone layer; ODP
Acidification potential of soil and
water sources; AP
Eutrophication potential; EP
Formation potential of tropospheric
ozone; POCP
Abiotic depletion potential (ADPmaterials) for non-fossil resources
Abiotic depletion potential (ADPenergy) for fossil resources
Biotic carbon
Cumulative renewable energy
demand; CEDR
Cumulative non-renewable energy
demand; CEDNR
Net fresh water
impact from
cascade route
A etc
kg CO2 equiv.
kg CFC 11
kg SO2 equiv.
kg PO4 equiv.
kg C2H4 equiv.
kg Sb equiv.
MJ, net calorific
kg CO2 bio
MJ, net calorific
MJ, net calorific
ISO/CD 21930
Table C.10 — Parameters describing Stage D: Material recycling (MR)
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Displacement Displacement Replacement treatment
current praxis
best case
wors case
Global warming
potential; GWP
Depletion potential
of the stratospheric
ozone layer; ODP
potential of soil and
water sources; AP
potential; EP
Formation potential
of tropospheric
ozone; POCP
Abiotic depletion
potential (ADPmaterials) for nonfossil resources
Abiotic depletion
potential (ADPenergy) for fossil
Biotic carbon
renewable energy
demand; CEDR
Cumulative nonrenewable energy
demand; CEDNR
Net fresh water
D-MR5 Net
- current praxis
kg CO2
kg CFC 11
kg SO2
kg PO4
kg C2H4
kg Sb
MJ, net
kg CO2 bio
MJ, net
MJ, net
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ISO/CD 21930
Table C.11 — Parameters describing Stage D: Energy recovery (ER)
Declaration of environmental parameters derived from LCA
Displaced fuel Displaced fuel - Displaced fuel treatment
current praxis
best case
wors case
Global warming
potential; GWP
Depletion potential
of the stratospheric
ozone layer; ODP
potential of soil and
water sources; AP
potential; EP
Formation potential
of tropospheric
ozone; POCP
Abiotic depletion
potential (ADPmaterials) for nonfossil resources
Abiotic depletion
potential (ADPenergy) for fossil
Biotic carbon
renewable energy
demand; CEDR
Cumulative nonrenewable energy
demand; CEDNR
Net fresh water
D-ER5 Net
- current praxis
kg CO2
kg CFC 11
kg SO2
kg PO4
kg C2H4
kg Sb
MJ, net
kg CO2 bio
MJ, net
MJ, net
ISO/CD 21930
Annex D (normative) Lowest concentration of interest values (LCIi)
The EU-LCI master list contains a total of 177 compounds and is subdivided into two groups, the first
containing 82 compounds with agreed interim (‘ascribed’ or ‘derived’) EU-LCI values and the second
containing 95 compounds for which EU-LCI values are still to be derived [1].
Table D.1 — LCI -values (to be completed, see
9_final.pdf for all values).
LCI value [μg/m³]
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ISO/CD 21930
Bibliography (to be completed)
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Brouwere K., De Lathauwer D., Dommaschk N., Gloeckner M., Harrison P., Heinzow B., Jaeckh R.,
Johanson G., Le Guern S., Rousselle C., Sateri J., Schuster A., Scutaru A.M., Tappler P., Uhl, M., Witterseh,
T., Wolkoff, P., ECA report no. 29 on "Harmonisation framework for health-based evaluation of indoor
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ISO/CD 21930
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