Newsletter - Mental Wellness Today

Mental Wellness Today
Thank you for being a loyal newsletter subscriber. We have some very exciting news for you!
Ambassadors for Mental Wellness
We are pleased to announce that we have found a new way for us to expand our reach. With the
creation of Ambassadors for Mental Wellness (AMW), we have created patient advocacy program
designed to help more of you on your road to recovery!
AMW was created to bring focus to a few key areas that are close to our hearts, without taking away
from our other business initiatives that you already know and love. The three key mandates for AMW
are as follows:
1) Advocating for open access and availability of treatments for mentally ill people.
2) Breaking down stigma through the global initiative to change the name of Schizophrenia.
3) Advocating for anti-poverty issues to provide full-circle recovery support.
With each of these mandates, our goal is to increase awareness, and provide an outlet for you to learn,
discuss and find the help you are seeking. There are a number of ways you can help us with our
ambassador reach, so please visit our website often for updates (
Long-acting Injectables Survey
In line with the first mandate of our Ambassadors for Mental Wellness program, we are currently
running a survey that we would love to have you participate in. This brief survey is only 9 questions long
and is focused on the role (if any) that medication plays in your recovery, or the recovery of a loved one.
Please click the link below and spend a couple of minutes filling out the survey. To show you how much
we appreciate your feedback, everyone who submits a completed survey will receive 10% off their next
order from the Mental Wellness Today online store!
Take the Survey Now!
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Advocacy
We are excited to announce our first advocacy project for Ambassadors for Mental Wellness! We are
searching for patients or caregivers who are willing to fill out a brief survey and provide a quick
interview regarding their experiences with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).
The purpose of this initiative is to advocate for greater access to medication and treatment for MDD
patients. If you or someone you know is working towards their recovery from MDD, please visit the
brief survey below to help us with this essential cause. Everyone who participates will receive a oneyear non-print subscription for their choice of either SZ Magazine or Anchor: Navigating Depression,
Bipolar and Anxiety. If you already have a subscription, we will gladly extend that subscription an extra
year at no cost to you.
Take the Survey Now!
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