2015 April - Merging Hearts Holistic Center

Save the date — Saturday, May 16 | Spring Community Work Day
April 2015
Every Sunday morning, 10:30 am – 12 noon
Enlightened Beings is a weekly discussion group with guest facilitators giving educational
presentations, leading discussions, and sharing experiences from various spiritual traditions.
Topics and presenters are carefully chosen to awaken dynamic and nurturing community
building and personal growth. If you have an open mind and a yearning spirit, you will feel
right at home. Join us at 10:00 am for coffee, bring a breakfast treat to share!
Easter Celebration
Robin Tirrell, Facilitator
Join us for an enlightening celebration of the Easter Resurrection, how we might learn and apply it to the
challenges we experience in our lives today. We will look at how the spring equinox energies tie in to this also.
We will be passing out Red Eggs and hearing about their significance, which has become an annual tradition
at Merging Hearts.
Fire up your Soul
Sandy Willmore, Facilitator
Think of nature as interactive. Through nature, you can hold direct conversations with the Sacred. Together,
we will identify and name our purpose. We will discuss how the natural world provides constant dialog and
feedback. As a group, we will go outside and create a fire the old way—using friction—creating the light and
energy needed to ignite our purpose into Vision. Dress for the weather as we will go outside.
A Unique Spiritual Way: Introduction to Avatar Adi Da Samraj & the Way of Adidam
Randall Hoel, Facilitator
An introduction to the life and teaching of Avatar Adi Da Samraj (1939-2008). Adi Da offered a Way that radically differs from and yet perfectly completes, for all time—the world’s great spiritual traditions.
Taize Chant Service
Kate Valentine, Facilitator
It all began in Taize, France. Thousands participate globally in this simple chant (in English) which puts you in a contemplative mode. We will chant and address our experiences with questions and answers. Vibrations transport you to a peaceful,
harmonious state to become one with the Divine.
Meditation Monday | Group
Michael Shaffer, Facilitator
Mondays @ 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Quiet your thoughts and let go of stress and worry
for one hour each week.
Yoga | Fitness Class
Carmen Curts, Instructor
Tuesdays @ 6:30 – 7:30 pm
An all-levels yoga class teaching healing, personal
flexibility, and growth.
$15 for walk-ins | A new six week session begins April 14—Pay for 6
classes and attend this yoga class for only $10 per class.
The Life and Teachings of the Masters of
the Far East (Book 1), by Baird Spalding
Book Club | Robin Tirrell, Facilitator
Tuesdays, beginning May 5, 2015
Eleven men embarked upon a journey in 1894 with
one objective...to find the great spiritual teachers of
the Far East and witness their uncommon abilities.
A Course in Miracles | Book Club
Norm Lord, Facilitator
Wednesdays @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
An on-going self-study curriculum of spiritual transformation.
this month
Sucker Moon Labyrinth Walk
Wisdom Session | Group
Michael Shaffer drums while we walk the labyrinth
during this lunar eclipse. Our sacred site correlation
is the temple complex in Kabah, Mexico.
Cost $35 (+$10 for CD recording)
Group | Robin Tirrell, Facilitator
April 4 @ 7:00 pm
Michael Olin-Hitt, Facilitator
April 19 @ 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Register in advance: [email protected]
Healing your Life with Angels | Group
Way of Adidam: Reality, Truth, and
Conscious Light | Lecture
Debbie Bryan, Facilitator
April 8 @ 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Discover valuable opportunities to guide your daily
life and soul growth.
Reiki Share | Healing Group
Michael Shaffer, Facilitator
April 9 @ 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Randall Hoel, Speaker
April 19 @ 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Introduction to Avatar Adi Da’s core teaching on the
true nature of reality, illusion of the separate self,
and nature of human suffering. Randall will lecture, present a video,
and provide time for Q&A.
Photo Club | John Bauer, Facilitator
April 24 @ 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Assignment | Spring Flowers
For practitioners and participants. Reiki levels 1, 2,
3 are welcome.
Bring a flash drive with up to ten of your favorite
spring flower images.
Drum Circle | Group
Michael Shaffer, Facilitator
April 17 @ 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Taggart’s Ice Cream | Fundraiser
Nancy Saulnier, Facilitator
April 27 @ All day
Bring your own drum and percussion instrument,
or use one of ours ... no experience needed!
Benefit Merging Hearts Holistic Center by enjoying a menu item at
Board Meeting | Committee
Taggart’s Ice Cream Parlor
1401 Fulton Road, Canton, OH
Michael Olin-Hitt, President
April 18 @ 10:00 – 11:30 am
Order your favorite ice cream, Bittner or meal and part of the proceeds
will be donated to Merging Hearts. Ask your friends and relatives to join
you at Taggart’s, Canton’s oldest ice cream parlor. Enjoy, this one-day
only event!
Location | Merging Hearts
Shamanic Messages
Soul Retrievals
Reiki Healing
[email protected]
Assess your Physical Wellness
with Dona Garofano
June 8 – 13, 2015
A Doctor of Naturopathy, Master Herbalist, and
Certified Nutritional Consultant, Dona Garofano
assesses individual wellness and develops a
specialized program to improve health by natural remedies and nutritional adjustments. Appointments may be
scheduled beginning May 1. Details in our May newsletter and on
the Merging Hearts website.
Prayer Requests
[email protected]
Merging Hearts Holistic Center is tax-exempt under
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations help with everyday building expenses.
3751 Burrshire Drive NW
Canton, OH 44709
Make a one-time or recurring
donation on our website
Newsletter Delivery & eNews
Have this newsletter mailed directly to
you. Sign up on our website.
Newsletter Submissions
Due on the 15th of every month.
[email protected]
Suggest a workshop or event
[email protected]