Manual on METAR, TREND and TAF METAR METAR is aerodrome routine meteorological report (in meteorological code). AERODROME METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= THE DATE AND TIME OF METAR REPORT The consecutive day of the month METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Hour METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Minute METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Letter Z indicates time in UTC METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= AUTO METAR METAR LJLJ 280830Z AUTO 32008KT 9999 FEW030/// BKN050/// 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= The code word AUTO is inserted when the report contains fully automated observation without human intervention. WIND Wind direction in degrees from true north. METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= The encode VRB is used when the variation of measured wind direction is 180° or more. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB08KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Wind speed METAR LJLJ 280830Z 12008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Units used for wind speed are knots (KT) or meters per second (MPS) METAR LJLJ 280830Z 12008KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Wind gusts are indicated when wind gusts exceed 10KT of mean wind speed. Gusts are indicated by using the letter G directly after the mean speed, followed by the maximum gust speed. METAR LJLJ 280830Z 32012G25KT 9999 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= VISIBILITY In METAR report prevailing visibility is reported. Values are reported in meters, 9999 indicates a prevailing visibility of 10 km or greater. Prevailing visibility METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 7000 FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= Minimum visibility is significantly different from the prevailing visibility METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 7000 0300SE FEW030 BKN050 17/13 Q1024 NOSIG= RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE - RVR Runway designator METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0300 R30/0600 FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= RVR visibility in meters METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0300 R30/0600 FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= RVR visibility greater than 2000m METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0700 R31/P2000 FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= RVR visibility less than 150m METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0100 R31/M0150 FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= Tendency – RVR has increased during the observation period METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0400 R31/0800U FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= Tendency – RVR has decreased METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0400 R31/0800D FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= Tendency – indicates no distinct change in RVR METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0400 R31/0800N FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= PRESENT WEATHER Weather phenomena reported in METAR report are: DZ RA SN Precipitation Drizzle Rain Snow SG Snow grains PL GR GS Ice pellets Hail Small hail and/or snow pellets BR FG FU Obscuration Mist Fog Smoke VA DU SA HZ Volcanic ash Wide-spread dust Sand Haze PO SQ FC SS DS Other Dust/sand whirls Squalls Funnel cloud(s) (tornado or waterspout) Sandstorm Duststorm Intensity and descriptors of weather phenomena are: + Intensity Light Moderate Heavy MI BC PR DR BL SH TS FZ Descriptor Shallow Patches Partial Low drifting Blowing Shower(s) Thunderstorm Freezing (supercooled) Examples: Fog at the airport: METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0400 R31/0800D FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= Light rain at the airport: METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 3000 -RA OVC033 07/05 Q1002 NOSIG= Moderate shower rain at the airport: METAR LJLJ 280830Z 14007KT 7000 SHRA SCT030TCU BKN050 17/12 Q1012 NOSIG= CLOUD Cloud information group usually consists of six characters: the first three indicate the expected cloud amount (in octas of sky coverage) and the last three characters indicate the expected height of the base in units of 100 feet. 1/8 to 2/8 3/8 to 4/8 5/8 to 7/8 8/8 Cloud amount FEW few SCT scattered BKN broken OVC overcast Convective cloud type CB Cumulonimbus TCU Towering cumulus Cloud METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= 1/8 to 2/8 of cloud with base at 3000 ft and 5/8 to 7/8 of cloud with base at 4000 ft above ground level. Convective cloud METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 6000 SHRA FEW030 Q1011 NOSIG= SCT040TCU BKN050 22/16 1/8 to 2/8 of cloud with base at 3000 ft above ground level and 3/8 to 4/8 of cumulus congestus with base at 4000 ft above ground level and 5/8 to 7/8 of cloud with base at 5000 ft above ground level. NSC - NIL Significant Clouds METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 3000 BR NSC 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= NCD - No Clouds Detected (AUTO METAR) METAR LJMB 280830Z AUTO VRB02KT 3000 BR NCD 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= VERTICAL VISIBILITY When the sky is obscured and cloud details cannot be assessed but information on vertical visibility is available, the cloud group is replaced by vertical visibility (VV) in units of 100 feet, as cloud base. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 0400 R31/0800D FG VV001 05/05 Q1002 NOSIG= Vertical visibility at the airport is 100 feet above ground level. CAVOK The code word CAVOK is used when the following conditions occur at the same time: • prevailing visibility is 10 km or more, • no cloud below 5 000 ft or below the higher minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no CB and/or TCU, • NIL significant weather phenomena. TEMPERATURE Air temperature in 0C METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= 0 Dew point temperature in C METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= 0 Negative temperature in C METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 01/M03 Q1007 NOSIG= PRESSURE The last group of the main part of the report should indicate the QNH rounded down to the nearest whole hectopascal. Air pressure in hPa METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= Air pressure is 1007 hPa. Air pressure in inches of mercury METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Air pressure is 30.17 inches of mercury. A3017 NOSIG= SUPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Recent weather Using the indicator letters RE, information on recent weather is reported when weather phenomena were observed since the last observation, but not at the time of observation. METAR LJLJ 280830Z 14007KT 7000 -RA SCT030 BKN050 17/12 Q1012 RETSRA NOSIG= Wind shear along the runway 31 METAR LJLJ 280830Z 14007KT 7000 -RA SCT030 BKN050 17/12 Q1012 WS RWY31 NOSIG= Wind shear along all runways METAR LJLJ 280830Z 14007KT 7000 SCT030 BKN050 17/12 Q1012 WS ALL RWY NOSIG= SNOWTAM Report of the state of the runway. METAR LJLJ 280830Z 14007KT 7000 SCT030 BKN050 17/12 Q1012 R31/451293 NOSIG= Runway designator: R31/451293 Applies to all runways: R88/451293 A previous report is repeated: R99/451293 Type of deposit: R88/451293 Code Meaning 0 clear and dry 1 damp 2 wet or water patches 3 rime or frost < 1mm 4 dry snow 5 wet snow 6 slush 7 ice 8 compacted or rolled snow 9 frozen ruts or ridges / not reported (e.g. due to runway clearance in progress) Extent of contamination: R88/451293 Code Meaning 1 10% or less of runway covered 2 11% to 25% of runway covered 5 26% to 50% of runway covered 9 51% to 100% of runway covered / not reported (e.g. due to runway clearance in progress) Depth of deposition: R88/451293 Meaning Code 00 depth of deposition is less than 1 mm 01 depth of deposition in mm 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 // is not in use depth of deposition is 100 mm depth of deposition is 150 mm depth of deposition is 200 mm depth of deposition is 250 mm depth of deposition is 300 mm depth of deposition is 350 mm depth of deposition is 450 mm or more runway not operational due to contamination or due to clearance in progress depth not significant (e.g. ice or not measurable e.g. wet) Friction coefficient or braking conditions: R88/451235 35 indicates friction coefficient 0.35. friction coefficient 0,40 or more 0,39 - 0,36 0,35 - 0,30 0,29 - 0,26 0,25 or less braking action 5 4 3 2 1 If the friction coefficient is not available following estimates are used: braking action good 95 94 braking action medium good 93 braking action medium 92 braking action medium poor 91 braking action poor 99 braking action unreliable or not measurable Friction coefficient or braking conditions: R88/451293 93 indicates medium braking action. Runway 31 is not in use due to cleaning: R31///99// Report is not updated: R31/////// Airport closed due to snow: R/SNOCLO Contamination has disappeared (runway has been cleared): R31/CLRD// TREND TREND forecasts are appended to METAR. Information contained in the TREND is a forecast covering a period of 2 hours from the time of observation.TREND forecast indicates significant changes in respect of one or more of the elements: surface wind, prevailing visibility weather and cloud. When nil significant change is expected to occur, this is indicated by abbrevation NOSIG. NOSIG – NIL Significant Changes. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 NOSIG= Change indicator - BECMG The change indicator BECMG is used to describe expected changes which reach or pass specified values at a regular or irregular rate. The period during which, or the time at which, the change is forecast to occur is indicated by using the abbreviations FM (from), TL (till), AT, as appropriate. • When the change is forecast to start at the beginning of the TREND forecast period and to be completed by the end of that period, or when the change is forecast to occur within the TREND period but the time is uncertain, the change indicator BECMG is used. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 BECMG 32012KT= • When a change is forecasted to begin and and within the TREND forecast period, the beginning and end of change are indicated by using the abbreviations FM and TL. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 BECMG FM0900 TL1000 32012KT= • When the change is forecast to start at the beginning of the TREND period but is expected to be completed before the end of that period, only the abbreviation TL and its associated time group is used to indicate the end of the change. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 BECMG TL1000 32012KT= • When the change is forecast to begin during the TREND forecast period and to be completed at the end of that period, the abbreviation FM and associated time group is used to indicate the beginning of the change. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 BECMG FM0930 32012KT= • When the change is forecast to occur at a specific time during the TREND forecast period, the abbreviation AT followed by the associated time group is used to indicate the time of the change. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 BECMG AT0930 32012KT= Change indicator - TEMPO The change group TEMPO is used to describe forecast temporary fluctuations in the meteorological conditions which reach or pass specified values and last for a period of less than 1 hour in each instance and in total for less than half of the forecast period during which the fluctuations are forecast to occur. The period during which the temporary fluctuations are expected to occur is indicated by using the abbreviations FM and/or TL, as appropriate, followed by a time group. • When the period of temporary fluctuations are forecast to start at the beginning of the TREND period and to continue throughout the period, the change indicator TEMPO is used. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 TEMPO 32012KT= • When the period of temporary fluctuations are forecast to begin and end within the TREND forecast period, the beginning and the end are indicated by using the abbreviations FM and TL, respectively, with their associated time groups. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 TEMPO FM0900 TL1000 32012KT= • When the period of temporary fluctuations are forecast to start at the beginning of the TREND period but are expected to end before the end of the period, TL and its time group is used to indicate the end of fluctuations. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 TEMPO TL1000 32012KT= • When the period of temporary fluctuations are forecast to begin during the TREND period and to continue throughout the period, the abbreviation FM and its associated time group only is used to indicate the beginning of fluctuations. METAR LJLJ 280830Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW030 BKN100 15/07 Q1007 TEMPO FM0930 32012KT= TAF Aerodrome forecast (TAF) describes expected meteorological conditions at aerodrome. AERODROME TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= THE DATE AND TIME OF ISSUE OF THE FORECAST TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= th Time of issue is 0500 UTC on the 10 day of the month. PERIOD COVERED BY THE FORECAST TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= th th TAF forecast valid from the 10 day at 0600 UTC till 11 day of the month at 0600 UTC. WIND Wind direction from true north. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= The encode VRB is used when the variation of wind direction is expected to be 180° or more, or when it is not possible to forecast a single wind direction. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 VRB02KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= Wind speed TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= Units used for wind speed are knots (KT) or meters per second (MPS). TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= Wind gusts are indicated using the letter G directly after the mean speed, followed by wind gusts speed. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 32008G20KT 9999 FEW030= VISIBILITY In TAF prevailing visibility is forecasted. Values are expected in meters, 9999 indicates a prevailing visibility of 10 km or greater. Prevailing visibility TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= WEATHER Weather phenomena forecasted in TAF forecasts are: Precipitation Obscuration DZ Drizzle BR Mist RA Rain FG Fog SN Snow FU Smoke SG Snow grains PL GR GS Ice pellets Hail Small hail and/or snow pellets VA DU SA HZ Volcanic ash Wide-spread dust Sand Haze Intensity and descriptors of weather phenomena are: + Intensity Light Moderate Heavy MI BC PR DR BL SH TS FZ Descriptor Shallow Patches Partial Low drifting Blowing Shower(s) Thunderstorm Freezing (supercooled) PO SQ FC SS DS NSW Other Dust/sand whirls Squalls Funnel cloud(s) (tornado or waterspout) Sandstorm Duststorm Nil significant weather Examples: Mist at the airport is expected. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 1500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 4000 BKN007= Light rain is expected at the airport. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 7000 -RA OVC030= Moderate showers are expected at the airport. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27006KT 7000 SHRA SCT030TCU OVC040 BECMG 1015/1018 NSW SCT040= CLOUD Cloud information group usually consists of six characters: the first three indicate expected cloud amount (in octas of sky coverage) and the last three characters indicate expected height of the base of the cloud in units of 100 feet. Cloud amount FEW few 1/8 to 2/8 SCT scattered 3/8 to 4/8 BKN broken 5/8 to 7/8 OVC overcast 8/8 Convective cloud type CB Cumulonimbus TCU Cumulus congestus CLOUD TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27006KT 7000 SCT030 SCT040= OVC040 BECMG 1015/1018 NSW 3/8 to 4/8 of cloud coverage with base at 3000 ft and 8/8 cloud coverage with base at 4000 ft above ground level (height). Convective cloud TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27006KT 7000 SHRA SCT030TCU 1015/1018 NSW SCT040= OVC040 BECMG 3/8 to 4/8 cumulus congestus with base at 3000 ft and 8/8 cloud with base at 4000 ft above ground level (height). NSC – NIL Significant Clouds TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 1500 BR NSC TEMPO 1009/1017 4000 BKN005= VERTICAL VISIBILITY When the sky is expected to be obscured, the cloud group is replaced by vertical visibility (VV) forecast in units of 100 feet. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 0500 FG VV001 TEMPO 1009/1017 4000 BR BKN005= Forecasted vertical visibility at the airport is 100 feet. CAVOK The code word CAVOK is used when the following conditions are expected to occur at the same time: • prevailing visibility is 10 km or more, • no cloud below 5 000 ft or below the higher minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no CB and/or TCU, • NIL significant weather phenomena. EXPECTED SIGNIFICANT CHANGES Indication of significant changes BECMG (becoming)- indicates a regular or irregular change to the forecast meteorological conditions expected over a period. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 0500 FG VV001 BECMG 1009/1012 4000 BR BKN005= Meaning: The forecast conditions are expected to change between 0900 UTC and 1200 UTC on th day th of the month. Prevailing conditions for the period between 1200 UTC on the 10 day of the 10 th the month and 0600 UTC on the 11 day of the month are expected to be: surface wind 270° at 4 kt, visibility 4000m, mist, 5/8 to 7/8 of cloud with base at 500ft. TEMPO (temporary)- indicate temporary fluctuations in the forecast meteorological conditions which may occur at any time during the period. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 0500 FG VV001 TEMPO 1018/1103 0900= th Meaning: Temporarily between 1800 UTC on the 10 day of the month and 0300 UTC on the 11t day of the month the visibility is expected to be 900m. h The change indicators TEMPO and BECMG are followed by groups describing only the meteorological elements which are forecast to change significantly. The change indicator FM is used to indicate the beginning of a self-contained part of the forecast. All conditions given before this group are superseded by conditions indicated after the group. FM (from) is used when one set of prevailing weather conditions is expected to change significantly and more or less completely to a different set of conditions. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 0500 FG VV001 FM101800 32010KT 9999 NSW SCT030 BKN090= Meaning: Expected meteorological conditions from 1800 UTC on the 10th day of the month: surface wind direction 320°, wind speed 10 kt, prevailing visibility 10 km or more, nil significant weather, 3/8 to 4/8 cloud with base at 3000 ft and 5/8 to 7/8 cloud with base at 9000 ft. PROB (probability)- indicates the probability percentage of occurrence. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 0500 FG VV001 PROB40 1018/1103 0800= Meaning: 40% probability for improvement of visibility to 800m, between 1800 UTC on the 10 th day of the month and 0300 UTC on the 11 day of the month. th PROB40 indicates 40% and PROB30 indicates 30% probability of occurrence. TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 0500 FG VV001 PROB30 0800= TEMPO 1018/1103 Meaning: 30% probability for temporarily improvement of visibility to 800m between 1800 UTC on th th the 10 day of the month and 0300UTC on the 11 day of the month. TAF AMENDMENTS TAF AMD LJLJ 100700Z 1007/1106 27002KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= TAF amendment is issued when the weather forecast does not match with the predicted development of weather parameters. TAF example: TAF LJLJ 100500Z 1006/1106 27004KT 2500 BR OVC003 TEMPO 1009/1017 6000 NSW BKN007= th Aerodrome forecast for LJLJ airport, time of issue is 0500 UTC on the 10 day of the month, th th validity period from 0600 UTC on the 10 day of the month till 0600 UTC on the 11 day of the month. Surface wind direction 270°, wind speed 4 kt, visibility 2500 m, mist, cloud 8/8 with base th at 300 ft above ground level. Temporarily between 0900 UTC and 1700 UTC on the 10 day of the month, visibility 6000m, nil significant weather, cloud 5/8 to 7/8 with base at 700ft above ground level is expected.
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