About our clients

Individual vs. Institutional
Q. Can you tell me about your work with individual
as well as institutional investors? Are there different
strategies for each?
hen we started out in the United States in the mid-1970s,
German investors wanted to move capital out of cold war
Europe into the safe haven of the United States. And so,
initially, we were working more as a family wealth advisor,
not only with Metzler capital, but also with other high-net-worth
investors. Over the years, as we’ve expanded our platform,
we’ve worked more and more with institutional investors.
Institutional Investors
Institutional investors, such as pension schemes and insurance
companies, usually need to generate current cash flow in their
portfolios in order to meet current liabilities to their pensioners
and beneficiaries. What they need is a reliable and steady income
stream. Many of these groups have a long history of direct
investment in real estate in their home country and maintain
significant in-house real estate teams.
They also need to make sure they are not putting their
principal at risk. They are really driven toward core or core-plus
investment as their primary strategy. They may have a portion of
their allocation available for higher-risk strategies, but it’s usually
confined to improving overall portfolio returns. The majority of
what they’ve been looking for has been in core investment. That
is exactly what we’ve helped institutional investors accomplish.
In the same way that our parent company, the Bankhaus,
looks at passing wealth on to the next generation, or even the
next two or three generations, our high-net-worth clients typically
bring that perspective to the table as well. They’re not in a hurry
to make money quickly. They typically are very familiar with, and
have a much longer view of real estate investment. Many take a
very personal pride in the assets they own.
In fact, much of the wealth they have built up over the centuries
in Germany has been centered on real estate, either timberland
or farmland. So they have a rich heritage and a rich tradition in
real estate investment.
There’s no set pattern. Some of our institutional investors
will take on risk and do development as well as significant
redevelopment of existing assets. Some of our high-net-worth
investors want to make sure they are invested in a core portfolio.
Each strategy is independent and based on their objectives. We
approach each investor as a unique client, not as one of a group,
but as a client with their own specific objectives.
Don Wise
President & CEO
Steve Franceschina
Chief Operating Officer
Individual Investors
The high-net-worth investors are, for the most part, working
with legacy wealth. This is wealth that has been created over
centuries in many cases. One of our high-net-worth investors
traces his family back 900 years.
Metzler Real Estate
700 Fifth Avenue, 61st Floor
Seattle, Washington 98104-5071
Phone (206) 623-2700
Fax (206) 623-4864
Zeb Bradford
Chief Investment Officer