"The Student" Newspaper

Facebook: MHS The Student
April-May 2015 Volume 77,
Issue 6
Inside This Issue:
MHS Events!............Pg. 2-3
In the Community...Pg. 4-5
Senior Farewells…...Pg. 6
Newspaper Staff:
Editor– Skyler Imhoff
Copy Editor– Austin Eichorn
Lily Nicolaides
Alyssa Olsen
Hannah Long
Mattie Olsen
Jessica Edwards
Maddie Tanner
Sponsor– Simone Neal
PROM 2015: Midnight Mirage
The theme this year for prom was Midnight Mirage, and it was a magical night! Surrounded by dazzling lights and VIP tents, as well as elephants and outstanding lights, the dance was outstanding!
This issue is sponsored by
Queen: Hayley Rushing
King Braden Reeves
Prom Court
Drew Olsen
Jake Erwin
Lyndsee Adams
Gus Martini
Madeline Poole
Mitchell Rushing
Haley Rushing (Queen)
Braden Reeves (King)
Autumn Hale (Princess)
Evan Carr (Prince)
Aubrie Adkins
Ben Childers
Autumn Graves
Josh Ellis
MHS Sports
Girls’ soccer
This year has been a great year for girls’ soccer. They’ve had
their fair share of tough games, but have won more than lost.
Altoff is always a tough game to play, but Carbondale has been
their biggest rivalry this year, like many previous years. Last year,
and this year, Brianna Shafer has made incredible goals that win
the game. Goals so good they make the news; you can occasionally see Brianna featured on WSIL News as well as different news
sites supporting MHS. Although there are losses, the wins are
what make it worth it on the soccer team. Senior team members
told us “there was a lot to learn for many of the team members
this year, but they have learned a lot and we have become closer
as a team.” There are a lot of amazing players this year, and the
underclassmen say they’re
definitely going to miss the
seniors when the season is
Wildcat baseball has been in full swing this spring. So far this
season varsity has 14 wins and eight losses. After every loss, they
make a comeback and win a game. Some teams make it challenging, but nothing is too hard with the group of boys like them. The
boys put in all the effort they possibly can to get a win every
game. Junior Varsity has a little better record of 13 wins and one
loss. Both teams are one big group of insanely talented young
-Maddie Tanner
Brianna Shafer pictured on left during Marion Soccer
High School Kids Got Talent!
Every year you can count to head on down to the MHS Auditorium for an amazing talent show! Put on by the Junior/Senior Tri Hi Y, the
talent show helps to put MHS in to the community, while also setting a fundraiser for many clubs throughout our school. The talent
portrayed throughout the night was abundant and kept the audience entertained the entire time! The winners are grouped in to different categories such as soloist, group, and then People’s Choice! The People’s Choice award is decided by the audience through a donation in to the soloist or groups bucket that was placed outside, and they could put money in during any allotted time.
The awards were as follows:
First Place- Marcia Miller
Second Place- Esther Creamer
Second Place- Pentatonix group consisting of Kayla Zuck, Parker Nave, Danye Faust, Bailey
Dickson, and Austen Eichorn
First Place- "Razor Sharp" consisting of: CJ Hirschi, Charles Maxwell, Lane Tanner, and
Parker Nave
Above: Group member of “Razor Sharp”
Second Place- Duet of Hannah Wiliams and Marcia Miller
First Place- The trio of Emily Howton, Lily Nicolaides, and Brittanee Braden
-Lily Nicolaides
Below: Ensemble picture of all Talent Show members
End of the Year Awards!
Note from Editor:
If you did not receive an award this
year, do not get discouraged! At
Most students at MHS do not know what the Lions Club Awards are. Although many awards are given for sports,
there is also a series of awards given to the students the teachers feel have been dedicated and have excelled in a
subject. A few of the awards was the Outstanding Science Student awarded to Mackenzie Poole, who received a 4 on
her AP Chemistry exam. Evan Carr had also received the Outstanding Math Student award having excelled in all
math classes taken in high school and who is also taking the challenge of the AP Calculus exam. Brendan Lewis, junior, received the grand award for golf, but was unable to receive his award because he transferred to a school in
California over the cold months to continue his work in golf. These students work hard in their extracurricular, and
receive these awards so that they know their teachers and coaches appreciate their hard work and dedication.
There were many awards given during this ceremony. This awards ceremony mainly entails awards given to students receiving the highest grade within a course, students most notable for great feats within clubs and other extracurriculars, and awards given to recognize our great representatives of our student body. Our student council is
appointed by us, the students. The student council works hard all throughout the year organizing blood drives, helping organizations within our community and creating fund raisers for many of the festivities we take for granted. The
awards were presented by the senior President and Vice President, Mackenzie Poole and Kali Dover. The ceremony
lasted about 3 of our class hours and lasted slightly longer for the award winners, whom needed pictures taken afterwards. Towards the end of the ceremony they awarded the senior awards. These were presented by Allison Gwaltney. There was a wide range of categories such as, Most Likely to end up on The Bachelorette, Worst Driver, and
Most Likely to Miss his Own Wedding. These awards showed some of the best qualities within these students as well
as revived memories that caused them to receive such an award. It was a great way to bring smiles and tears as their
final days of high school come to a close.
Rotary awards are given to the top 10 students within each grade. They are Marion High School best and brightest.
Not only do these students have above a 3.5 GPA but they are also greatly involved within their schools activities and
the community. These students are faculty voted upon. Rotary awards are among the highest honors a student can
receive while in high school. 8 of the 10 receive the Rotary award pin, while the top 2 receive keys. The top second
receives the silver key and first receives the gold key. If a student receives the gold key for 4 years in a row, for the
4th instead they receive the diamond key. Before receiving the silver and gold keys, the student’s activities are listed
before the name is revealed. Look in the 2014-2015 yearbook to see lists of all Rotary pin winners.
Freshman Silver key– Alexis Thompson
Freshman Gold key- Jacob Rice
Sophomore Silver key- Anna Bartle
Sophomore Gold key- Alyssa Taylor
Junior Silver key- Carl Hirschi
Junior Gold key- Faith Hudgens
Senior Silver key– Evan Carr
Senior Diamond Gold key winner- Mackenzie Poole
times it may seem like everyone
around you is being noted for all that
they do throughout the school, except you. Here at the newspaper we
say work even harder, and you will be
rewarded! As the school year comes
to an end, plan what you want to
achiever for next year, and try as
hard as you can to reach it!
Also, if you are looking for a new
activity to try next year, come try out
newspaper! We have an amazing
staff here who works extremely hard,
but does an amazing job! Activities in
clude: Getting in to MHS events free
of cost to cover, tshirts, end of the
year party, and chance to meet
people in the community covering
events and holding interviews. Talk
to me, Mrs. Neal, or any of the staff
listed on the front. Thank you!
-Skyler Imhoff
-Jessica Edwards
Lunchtime Poll
As school comes to a close, we’re interested her e at the newspaper as to what you expect your amazing summer to
turn out like, and what activities you would most like to do while you’re out of school! So, we asked ya!
18% of students said they want to spend a lot of time at the
60% of students said they would like to go on some kind of vacation
13% of students said they would like to go to a camp
3% of students said they would like to sit at home doing nothing
5% of students said they would like to start a new activity or
Thank you for your input everyone, and next year we will be
doing the lunch time poll a little differently! Lookout for posts
next year from our soon to be new Twitter account, and flyers around the school!
Have a great summer with all of these events!
MHS Gives Back to the Community
Last Sunday, April 26th, around 30 students and member s of the community gathered together to do a good
deed and help the city. In honor of Earth Day, a student
council member coordinated an Earth Day clean up that
took place in many different sections throughout
Marion. Members went
from around the mall and
Wal-Mart area , through
Taco Bell and Sams Club,
and through different areas like Kroger, the Square,
and around Boyton Street.
They met outside the flag
pole to take pictures and
then off they went! At the
end of the day, these students and community
members filled over 35
bags of trash that were
completely full! It was a great and very rewarding day,
as well as beautiful outside! They plan to do it again in
the next few months, but help them out by not throwing
trash outside of the windows, and picking up what you
can! Everyone that was a part of the group was extremely hard working, and had a great time helping the
environment! Earth Day t-shirts are still being sold for
$10 each in hopes to raise money for Touch of Nature in
Carbondale, Illinois!
-Skyler Imhoff
The Choir Goes “South Pacific”
A timeless classic, the musical South Pacific was written by Rodgers and Hammerstein and presented by the MHS choir on April 24, 25. Set in
an island paradise during World War II, two parallel love stories are threatened by the dangers of prejudice and war. Nellie, a spunky nurse
from Arkansas, falls in love with a mature French planter, Emile. Nellie learns that the mother of his children was an island native, and unable
to turn her back on the prejudices with which she was raised, refuses Emile’s marriage proposal. Meanwhile, the strapping Lt. Cable denied
himself the fulfillment of a future with an innocent Tonkinese girl with whom he’s fallen in love out of the same fears that haunt Nellie. When
Emile is recruited to accompany Joe on a dangerous mission that claims Joe’s life, Nellie realizes that life is too short not to seize her own
chance for happiness, thus confronting and conquering her prejudices. Other notable characters include Bloody Mary, Seebee Luther Billis,
Ngana, Jerome, Captain Brackett, and Commander Harbison.
The MHS production turned out to be wonderful, drawing in and impressing, a supportive crowd. The show could not have been a success
without the hard work of director Jamie Adams, orchestra director Todd
Graham, choreographer Erin Monchino, acting coach Carl Randoll, and
French coach Emily Randoll, among many others. Jamie Adams modestly gives the credit to her students, saying, “The students all worked
very hard on the production. Their hard work and dedication made the
musical fun and successful.”
-Austin Eichhorn
The musical’s leads are pictured at left
Band, Choir, and Dance to leave for Disney!
Marion High School's very own Marching Wildcat Band, Dance team, and Choir are heading off to Florida this May.
Band Director Todd Graham, and Choir Director Jamie Adams are surely excited along with all of the students involved. Both groups will be performing while on their trip and have been wholeheartedly preparing. We will be
spending a relaxing day at Cocoa Beach, time at "Magic Kingdom," "Epcot," "Animal Kingdom," and "Hollywood Studios." This will most definitely be a memory that these students will carry with them.
-Lily Nicolaides
Farewell to MHS Seniors
As the seniors are wrapping up their final days at Marion High School, there are so many questions. While many have their answers, some do not. They have had to make the
difficult decision of where to continue their educations. In this time, they also reflect on their previous years at Marion High School. They have created so many memories, and
while it all seems to be coming to an end, they are looking forward to the life ahead of them. We, as the younger classes, look up to them and want to know all about their high
school career and future goals. So we picked some familiar faces in the class of 2015 to answer some questions about their memories and decisions. Mackenzie Poole, Ashton
Lowery, Lane Tanner, and Josh Parrish have had great answers to these questions.
1. What is your fondest memory at Marion High School?
Mackenzie- Every Friday night football game that I marched onto the field playing snare while wearing a skirt, bow, and probably too much glitter make-up was
absolutely surreal. No matter what was going on in my life, when I would run from the field to the sidelines between activities, nothing else mattered. I was
living out my childhood dream.
Ashton- My favorite memory is definitely a hard question and I don’t know if I could narrow it down to a one time occurrence. Maddy Pool and I really did try out
hardest to have a blast doing whatever it was we decided to do that particular day. From jokes on the soccer field to just about anything else we had a laugh and
that is so important. My sister was in high school with me for two years and I couldn’t have loved that any more. High school can be scary and having a big sister
definitely helped. That’s why I have enjoyed mentoring younger classes so much. When Emily graduated, I knew there would be incoming freshmen who were
just as scared as I was and that could probably use a helping hand. Through this I have had some of my dearest memories and met some truly amazing young
Christian students who will one day be leading our school to great things.
Lane- My best high school memory would definitely be the friendships that I have made throughout the course of these four years.
Josh- My favorite high school memory is a tough one but I really enjoyed my time as a football player and also being apart of the various
that MH \S has to offer such as clubs. I think it is so important to get involved in high school and do as much as you can.
various activities
2. How do you feel about graduation?
Mackenzie- Even though I’m going to miss the familiar faces I’ve known since- well birth- I do feel like it is time to move forward. Though great things have happened in my life
while at MHS, I am anxious to transfer what I’ve learned from those experiences to make my own life. The hardest part, however, will be “moving” out of my mom’s classroom
once and for all.
Ashton- The thought of graduating brings a mixture of feelings. I would have to say the predominant feeling though is a sense of pride. It is definitely a “we made it” feeling.
Lane- I have mixed emotions about graduation. I look at high school as not just a place to learn, but a place to show people the love of Jesus.
Josh- I am excited for graduation but am really going to miss the high school and all the people that have been such great mentors to me.
3. What are your plans for college?
Mackenzie- Next year, I will attend Saint Louis University and major in biology with a focus in cellular biology and physiology. I am also a Medical Scholar and will hopefully be
admitted into the Saint Louis University School of Medicine in order to fulfill my dream of becoming a dermatologist. On June 6, I will be trying out for the Saintsations cheer
squad. If all goes as planned, I hope to see you cheering on the Billikens with me next fall and winter at Chaifetz Arena!
Ashton- I will be attending Johnson University Tennessee for my undergrad to double major in Human Services with a concentration in counseling and Biblical Studies. My end
goal is to PhD in psychology.
Lane- My plans after high school are to attend John A. Logan college for two years, then transfer to a seminary where I will fulfill my calling to the ministry.
Josh- My college plans are to go to Maryville University in St. Louis to study sports business.
As you can see, our seniors seem to have most of their lives figured out. They have made some great memories at Marion High School, but are looking forward to moving on to
the next step. They have extraordinary dreams and we have to wait until we see them fulfill them, which we have no doubt they will do. Congratulations to the Class of 2015 and
good luck at college!
-Mattie Olsen & Hannah Long