Southern Hilltowns Adult Education Center: May 2015 All Classes are Free for Hilltown Residents To Register for a class, please call 413-685-1052 or email [email protected] Our main classroom is located in the Gateway Regional High School, 12 Littleville Rd, Huntington, Room 152 GED/HiSet classes: GED/ HiSEt: Science Mondays and Thursdays, May 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21. 4-6:00pm SHAEC's Gateway Classroom, rm 152 New SHAEC teacher Lenny Lapon will help you prepare to take the HiSet Math subtest. Sustainability Weed Control without Chemicals Friday, May 8th, 4:30pm Gateway High School Garden (behind the HS). Weeding got you down? Learn how to have a successful gardening season, without spending the entire summer pulling weeds. How to Keep the Bugs Away (While Attracting the right ones) Friday, May 15, 4pm SHAEC's Gateway Classroom, rm 152 Learn the bugs you want to attract you your garden, and how to keep the less desirable ones away, using all organic methods. Heirloom Organic Tomato Plant Sale Saturday, May 16th, 9am -4pm, at Chester on Track, Main Street, Chester, Ma Come pick from our great variety of Heirloom Organic Tomato plant starts, and help support SHAEC’s gardening classes. Starting a kitchen Garden from Seed with Nicole Rhodes of the Hilltown Land Trust, Sunday, May 17th, 10am-12pm, Countryside Community Garden, Rt 20, Russell. Next to Countryside Woodcraft. Add excitement to your meals with some herbs from your own kitchen garden! This workshop will cover how to start herbs from seed, grow starts, and provide options for planting a small kitchen garden or expanding an existing vegetable garden. Go home with a small plant, recipes, and information to get started. Free.. FUN: Event Planning led by Jill Savery, Wednesday, May 20th, 6-8pm SHAEC’s Gateway classroom, Rm 152 Planning a graduation party, Memorial Day Picnic, Wedding, Family Reunion, or other Event? Come to this Free class to learn tricks and tips to have your planning got smoothly, and to have a successful, fun, and hassle free event. Garden of Life Music, Garden, and Education Festival Saturday, May 30, 10am-5pm Countryside Community Garden, Rt 20, Russell Ma, Next to countryside Woodcraft. Come for the Fun,Food, Music, and Entertainment. Visit vendor’s booths and watch demonstrations on gardening related classes. Tour the garden, and pick up a few organic plant starts while you’re there. Come to our Free, Fun, and first ever Garden Celebration. JLBA Potluck Event: Tuesday, May 12th, 6pm, Azure Green, Bell Road, Middlefield, Ma Computer Classes Internet Saftey and Passwords: The first Step to Safety Tuesday, May 5, 10-11:30am Russell Senior Center, Russell Town Hall We all know we need to stay safe while using the Internet, but we may not know how to do that. In the past, Internet safety was mostly about protecting your computer from viruses. But today, the Internet's vast reach, constantly changing technologies, and growing social nature have made users more vulnerable to identity theft, privacy violations, and even harassment. This class will introduce you to the types of threats you may encounter while online Blogger For Business, Wednesday, May 13th, 6:30 – 8pm, SHAEC’s Gateway classroom, rm 152 GRHS Blogs are a form of online journal. The free blogging platform, Blogger, has become a useful business tool for both large and small businesses. Large companies can use it to keep in touch with their customers on a regular basis and provide up-to-the-minute news about the business. Small businesses can even use it in lieu of a website, as it is easy to navigate and update. Blogs have begun to replace newsletters that businesses used to send out to tell their customers about upcoming promotions and what is going on with the company. You can also set up automatic online payments to sell goods and services directly from the blog. Come find out what a Blog can do for your Business! Using Gmail Wednesday, May 20th , 1-2:30pm, Middlefield Town Hall, Skyline Trail, Middlefield, Ma Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. In many ways, Gmail is like any other email service: You can send and receive emails, block spam, create an address book, and perform other basic email tasks. But it also has some more unique features that help to make it one of the most popular email services on the Web. In this class you’ll learn about some of the features and advantages of Gmail, and you’ll also get an overview of the Gmail window. Computer Question and Answer Help Sessions Wednesday, May 6th , 1-2:30pm, Middlefield Town Hall, Skyline Trail, Middlefield, Ma Tuesday May 12th 3:00-5:00pm SHAEC’s Gateway classroom, rm 152 GRHS Tuesday May 19th 10-11:30am Russell Senior Center, Russell Town Hall SHAEC is a program of the UMASS labor/Management Workplace Education Program, and is funded by a community Development Block Grant from the Mass Dept. of Housing and Community Development, through the lead town of Russell, in partnership with Chester, Huntington, and Middlefield
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