Mile High Men`s Golf Club

Mile High Men’s Golf Club
July 1, 2015 Minutes
Attending: Tim Brown, Bill Bohannon, Taylor Crittendon, Rick Odorfer, Ernie Bombardieri, Bruce Martinez, Craig Dorn,
Don Augelli
Call to Order: President Tim Brown called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m. @ the AHGC Clubhouse.
Minutes: The minutes from the June 1, 2015 special meeting were accepted as submitted.
Membership Report: Tim Brown reported the current membership count for fiscal year 2015 is at 125 + 1 (Mike M.)
Tournament Report: Terry Sims not present. There was discussion as to what to do with the monies earmarked for the
tournament which was canceled earlier in the year. The item was tabled until Terry decides whether to reschedule it or
not. Either way, Bill will adjust the budget accordingly.
Treasurers Report: Bill Bohannon submitted the budget report. The board unanimously accepted said budget report.
Handicap Committee: The handicap committee is still reviewing Ben Snyder’s postings. His modified handicap will
remain until the next revision. The committee will then reevaluate.
League Report: Two teams tied for the first half. The second half starts on July 7th.
Rules Committee: No discussion.
Old Business: The Pronghorn volunteer group has been disbanded due to the City’s request for background checks.
New Business: Discussion on the concession of a match in the Presidents Club Championship. There is a default time to
mandatorily play a match (Sunday at 2pm). If one concedes a match due to a scheduling conflict or personal matter there
is no penalty and no chastisement is necessary.
Adjournment was approved @ 4:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by, Bruce Martinez, Secretary