April 2015 Newsletter 1200 Atlantic St. Milford, MI 48381 (248) 684-2798 FAX (248) 684-9585 www.milfordumc.net A Stephen Ministry Congregation comm Pastor’s Column: Doug’s Discoveries Leading and Equipping in Servant Ministry I celebrate with Rev. Sherry Foster that our Conference Board of Ordained Ministry has approved her ordination. Please see page 2 for more insight into this joyous event. The logo for the Order of Deacons carries the words, “Leading & Equipping in Servant Ministry.” The deacon is a living reminder of Jesus’ call to wash tired feet, feed hungry bodies, and go into the neighborhood, loving people at the point of their needs. Upcoming Events Good Friday Services April 3rd (p.10) Joint Services at MUMC Our congregation offers love to others in many ways, but churches 1 pm Good Friday Service easily turn inward, taking care of ourselves and the beloved institution 7 pm Good Friday Service with Choir of the church. We spend lots of time, money, and effort to maintain the internal life of the church, so we must continually call each other outward, to love the people beyond our circle of friends. We are a Easter Sunday April 5th (p.10) beloved community, yes, but our commission from Jesus is to “Go 8:30 am “Sonrise” service, BRIDGE and make disciples.” Deacon Sherry reminds us of this outward focus 9:15 am Easter Breakfast, Men’s Club at the close of most worship services, in the Commission and Bless10:30 am Easter worship celebration ing. “Go forth and carry the light and love of Jesus to others!” No 6:00 pm ASPIRE worship today Yes, we do affirm the value of Bible Study, prayer, and caring for those who are hurting among us. Our focus, however, as disciples of Jesus, must not get stuck in the inward direction. We are “Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” The church is a blessing in our lives, but we are “blessed to be a blessing.” How awesome it is that Jesus came to save the world! As we enter into Holy Week 2015, we remember his passion… his great love for the world. He had so much love that he was willing to suffer and to give his very life! O may God give us such love! And may God bless the witness of Deacon Sherry as she offers her gifts to lead and equip the church in servant ministry. Grace and peace, Doug 1 Adopt-a-Road Spring Clean-up April 11th-3:00 pm UMW Gathering April 16th (p. 4) 10 am-Hospice Speaker/Hall Family Movie Night April 17th (p.7) “Despicable Me2” 7 pm/Hall Soulful Living Retreat (pp.4-5) April 17-18 Judson Collins Camp/Irish Hills Our Deacon-Rev. Sherry As most of you know, I have been officially approved and affirmed by the Detroit Conference Board of Ordained Ministry for full ordination as a deacon at Annual Conference in May. I want to thank all of you for your love and support during my journey and into my future ministry. I thought this would be a good opportunity to write about and share information about what a deacon is and how deacons’ and elders’ (pastors of churches) ministries differ and complement each other. I also wanted to assure you that I will not be leaving Milford UMC as our church will continue to be my church appointment. Deacons are ordained United Methodist clergy who lead the church in relating Christians to their ministries in the world through worship leadership, preaching, teaching, nurturing spiritual vitality and leading ministries of service, love, and justice. They may work primarily in congregations or they may work primarily in settings like hospitals, social-service agencies, mission agencies, schools, counseling centers, denominational agencies, and more. Deacons are appointed to their places of ministry by the bishop of their episcopal area. The appointment may be initiated by the bishop, the district superintendent, the deacon, or the agency. While deacons must have an appointment, they do not itinerate. They usually identify their location of service and request appointment from the bishop to that setting. (GBHEM website) In the United Methodist Church, ordination is recognition by the church of God’s call on a person and the fruit of ministry during the provisional period for Elders and Deacons. Elders are ordained to Word, Service, Sacraments, and Order. Elders are generalists, the pastors of churches, administrators and overseers of the church’s ministry, and presiders over the sacraments. Elders are itinerate and are guaranteed posts Deacons are ordained to Word, Service, Compassion, and Justice. Deacons are specialists, assisting in the church and connecting with the community/world, -often in ministries or jobs outside of the church and assist in the sacraments Deacons find their own position and are not guaranteed paid employment Deacons and Elders both lead worship and proclaim the Word. Both are ordained clergy but two separate orders with different foci. Both can officiate at weddings and funerals. I hope that this information gives you an understanding about my ministry. You are all cordially invited to attend the ordination worship service on May 17, 2015 at 2:00pm in the Chapel at Adrian College. It is the final event of the Detroit Annual Conference 2015, and will be followed by a reception in the Richie Dining Center for all of the newly ordained as well as the new provisional deacons and elders. Thank you again for your love and support. I love you all! Rev. Sherry PS – Happy Easter! Newsletter Deadline The newsletter deadline is the 15th day of each month. 2 Mom-2-Mom Sale - APRIL 25, 9-noon: Please support our Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) group by renting a table to sell your gently used children’s items or plan to come and shop that day for some great stuff! There will also be a bake sale that day. All proceeds will go toward our group’s expenses such as child care, craft supplies, program materials and speakers/special events. This is an active – and growing! – group of young moms who meet at our church on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. New members always welcome! Everest Expedition is coming! This year’s Vacation Bible School is August 3-7 and things are already shaping up to be loads of fun! The snow may be melting outside but we still have lots of it indoors, just waiting to come out in August! Thank you for your donations of trees, lights, snow, etc. Sign up and registration for VBS will begin in June – watch future bulletins and newsletters for information about Work Bees too! VBS… The Best week of the year! Safe Sanctuary: We just completed an update to our child protection policy and it is on file in the church office as well as the Children’s Ministry office. Reminder – all adults who work with children or youth are required to complete a background check which must be renewed every three years – Karen Smith will let you know when yours needs to be renewed. For those who wish to begin working with children in our church, please see Karen to get the appropriate forms and Covenant Participation packet so we can get you started on our team! Bible Study Child Care Available – Our Wednesday morning Bible Study group is beginning a new study on the Psalms. In order to accommodate moms who wish to attend we now are offering child care at no cost during the meeting. Our certified nursery caregiver, Kayla Shufflebarger, will be here from 9:45 – 11:15 to watch your little ones. Contact Karen Smith if you have any questions. The Spaghetti Event was a wonderful success because of all the help we received. We still have a few items outstanding, but the event made nearly $2,600 for our Haiti orphanages and apportionments. We would like to thank everyone who helped collect donations for the silent auction, especially our church committees and clubs who are so generous to put together awesome baskets every year! And special thanks to Bill Lorenz who donated amazing framed photographs, Ken Lawrence who provided many gift cards, and Alexander from Haiti who gave away his heart for the live auction. We wish we could name everyone to thank them personally. We would also like to thank all of our kitchen/dining room cooks and helpers who make the delicious meal possible. We can sincerely say this special evening could not happen without all of you. Once the meal is finished the square dancing begins and we all laugh a lot as we try to learn the dances. So much fun! The evening concludes with our silent auction winners picking up their new merchandise. What a blessing to be a part of such a caring and generous congregation! Kecia McKane and Chris Rockwell Co-Chairs of the Spaghetti Event 3 United Methodist Women April 2-9:30 am Morning Glories meets at Leo’s Coney Island in Milford. April 2-1:30 pm Executive Board Meeting, Parlor April 11-Social Action Day/E. Lansing UMC “Keep Making Peace Event” April 16-10:00 am UMW Gathering Fellowship Hall-. Our speaker will be from Arbor Hospice and will be presenting information about Hospice care. Come and get your questions answered. April 17-10:00 am Clara’s Helping Hands meets in the Church Parlor. Hostess/Devotions-Linda Sturgeon April 17-18 Ann Arbor District Prayer Retreat at Judson Collins Campground in the Irish Hills. See flyer below April 28-7:00 pm Mary Martha Circle home of Marilyn Moore Devotions-Sally Schiemann April 30-1:30 pm MAY Executive Board Meeting, Parlor Rummage Sale-May 14,15, & 16 is coming up. Just a reminder to start sorting and packing up your treasures for this big mission project. Please don’t bring items to the church until just before these dates…..more later! Soulful living retreat Refresh † Renew † Refocus Presented by The Ann Arbor District United Methodist Women Featuring Deb Mantel Speaker/Singer/Songwriter & Professional Organizer April 17-18, 2014 Judson Collins Center Onsted, MI 4 Soulful Living Details Sessions: Found By Love In this session, Deb weaves together her story and her music to share God’s amazing, faithful and unconditional love for His daughters. God pursues us when we are lost, finds us and brings us into life-changing relationship with Himself. Soulful Living Soulful Living is a life that flows from our relationship with Jesus. A life that has room for God’s purposes and plans for our lives and His Kingdom. Soulful Living involves clearing out the clutter in our souls, our schedules and our spaces. Deb shares how to make room for what’s most important. Our Lives—A Gift to Give Away How do we lives our lives in a way that reflects the heart of the Father? When we begin to grasp the incredible love the Father has for the broken and needy people in the world it can change the way we view the people in our everyday lives—at home, at work, in the neighborhood and beyond. Deb Mantel is a speaker, singer and songwriter, as well as a professional organizer. Her passion is reaching out to women whether it is through music, speaking, or helping bring calm and order into their lives and homes. Since the debut of her first CD, One Thing I Know, Deb has been an in-demand speaker. She is active in her home church where she leads worship for a monthly women's event called get REAL. Her second CD, Uncaged Bird, was released in December of 2010. A graduate of the University of Michigan, Deb has been married for 28 years to her husband Corey. They live in Chelsea, Michigan, with their youngest son Tim and their daughter Melissa. Their two oldest sons live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. For more information, please visit DebMantel.com. This retreat is open to all women of the church. I encourage everyone to come and share the weekend with other Christian women and come away renewed and refreshed. For more information, contact Linda Sturgeon (248-685-8806). Stitching for Others – Prayer Quilts and Shawls. Please come and help us. We need knitters, crocheters, sewers, cutters, ironers, etc. It is a wonderful fellowship group and there is a job for everyone, no experience necessary. For more info call Thesia Wolf, 248-310-8798. Thesia Carl and Linda Sturgeon welcomed a new grandson on March 12, 2015, Malakai Henry Mills. Congratulations! 5 Happy Anniversary 04/15 Matt & Kecia McKane 04/25 George & LouAnne Blouin 4/2 Sarah Bonhard & Ken Lawrence; 4/4 Ron Osborn: 4/6 Myles Dexter; 4/8 Alexis Staab; 4/10 Audrey Shoburg; 4/11 Luke Olari; 4/12 Mary Bonhard, John Darrah, Larry Shaver, & Abby Smith; 4/15 Jeanette Morris & Bert Weening; 4/16 Andrea Bruletti, Christopher Smith, & Ashley Verhay; 4/17 Fred Marquardt; 4/19 Sebastian Anderson & Kris Martin; 4/20 Brendan Fraser; 4/21 Linda Gepper; 4/22 Teresa Gierhart; 4/23 Jordan Kidd & Julie Lorenz; 4/25 Rachel McAuliffe; 4/27 Mary Ann O’Brien; 4/30 Tom O’Brien. IN OUR PRAYERS New Prayer Requests: Oma Ross for heart surgery, Robert Davies for cancer, Cindy McIntosh for complications from chemotherapy, Charlene Schuman for cancer, David Lewis for healing. Sympathies for: Marshall family for loss of Gina Marshall. New Joy: Birth of Schyler D. Rogers III on March 16, Gisela Fey making miraculous recovery. Continuing Prayers: Arlene & Steve Booker, Ken Bourns, Pamela & Bruce Chester, Tom Divozzo, Betty Dryer, Patty & Tutt Harvey, Eddie McManus, Larry Moscal, Ann Morris, Gerry Nowland, Marilyn Nowland, Bonnie Parsons, Phil Thompson, Jean Utley, New Sawtrol UMC (sister church, Liberia). Homebound, Rehabilitation Center & Nursing Care: Dorothy Branch, Winnie Crawford, Barb Harrison, Marjorie Morris, Donna Oberg, Gary Scholes, Betty Whitworth and Kyoung Yim. Our Missionaries: Dan & Rachel Gabler, Ut & Karen Tu. Members in College: Sarah Bonhard, Audrey Fisher, Christian James, Katie Loder, Rachel McAuliffe, Marshall Rittenger, Mike Rockwell, Shawn Shove, Ieasha Shufflebarger, Kayla Shufflebarger, Alexander Smith, Andrew Smith, and Sarah Smith. Other church members in postsecondary education? Please notify the church office. Those in the Military: Capt. Jamie Bowman, Matt Cowell, Sgt. Jennifer Ducote, Sgt. First Class Michael Ducote, Staff Sgt. Sean Foster, Jeremy Francis, Col. Chris Garver, ABF AR Elena Glinter/Navy, Kelly Harvey, Sgt Deacon Holton, Sgt. Ryan Kidd, 2nd Lt. Alaina Maten, Gunnery Sgts. Connie & Gary Ollor, Airman Adam Rack, Jeremy Rudd, Jacob Smucker, Chris Thomas, Staff Sgt. Charles VanAcker III, & Capt. Bryan Vaught. Deployed: Major Matt Graham in USAF deploying to Qatar; Jonathan Maten deployed to Ecuador. Lt. Col. Eric Harris deployed to the UAE, Bahrain, & Saudi Arabia for a few weeks, Danny Scull deployed to Japan. Others deployed? Please notify the church office. Thank you all for your service!! Dear Clergy, Staff, Congregation & Friends of Milford United Methodist Church, I want to extend many “Thank Yous” for all the sincere support you have given to my husband Laurie, and me during the last few months. I often felt the warmth and loving Christian backing during my hospital stays and recovery. The brain surgery went well; I’m so happy to still be with all of you! Recovery is progressing slowly, but surely. Your prayers, phone calls, greeting cards, and visits have been wonderful! May God bless all of you! Sincerely, Isabelle Tulk 6 God Inspired Turning Points. – Sacrifice By Debbie Llewellyn I chose sacrifice as the topic this month (Easter) because of its significance to God’s greatest sacrifice and my journey to achieve my optimum weight goal. Sacrifice. I really hated that word. As a newlywed, my mother-in-law would often lecture us on the importance of sacrifice. I tuned her out. I wanted what I wanted, when I wanted it. My immaturity reveals itself. In her book, Made to Crave, author Lysa TerKeurst describes the journey of the rich, young man (Matt. 19:21) who wants to be closer to God but won’t give up his riches. Jesus says to him, “If you want to be perfect (whole), go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.” Lysa jokes about how this doesn’t apply to her because she isn’t rich. She writes, “Good thing Jesus doesn’t ask me to sacrifice in this way. Or, does he? I imagine Jesus looked straight into this young man’s soul and said, “I want you to give up the one thing you crave more than me. Then come follow me.” She continues with (Mark 8:34), “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take their cross and follow me.” Lysa concludes with, “If we want to gain, we must give up.” Think about it. In order to achieve something great, some form of sacrifice is involved. Olympic athletes give up personal time and other things in order to achieve greatness in a given sport. Students desiring to excel in school sacrifice time with friends and other activities. Employees who want to get ahead at work oftentimes take classes in their free time to improve themselves. Good health and for my weight and BMI to be in the normal range are a top priority for me. I have to embrace a paradigm shift in the way I view sacrifice (give up to gain something better vs. just giving up something). Let’s be honest, I have to accept the fact that I may have to abstain from processed sugar for a period of time, if not permanently, because it consumes me and contributes to my weight issues. You may not be struggling with anything, but you may have set goals to accomplish something great (buying a home; going to college; saving for retirement; getting out of debt; getting a new job; saving for your dream vacation or dream car). Maybe it’s time to re-think how you view sacrifice. When you reflect upon God sacrificing his only son, Jesus, for the good of all, sacrifice becomes more endurable—perhaps not always easy—but where is it written that life is suppose to be easy? Evangelism & Care Report Great news – the next Family Movie Night is Friday, April 17 at 7 pm, featuring Despicable Me2. Please plan to come – and bring some friends. And, while we are on the topic of bringing friends – think about inviting friends/ neighbors to activities you enjoy at the church – be it Stitching for Quilts/Shawls, MOPs, the Milford Historical Society Meetings, Bridge, Men’s Club, UMW, etc. There are people longing for companionship. Raise your antennas to be in tune. 7 College Student Care Packages We will, once again, be sending "care packages" of snack foods to our congregation's college students. This is something that they anxiously anticipate, and it is our way of staying in touch with them and encouraging them. However, we need your help in the following ways: Donations: We need your donations of snack foods, which would usually be vending size packages of candy, cookies, nuts, etc. We will be making about a dozen packages, so we need about that volume of each item. Donations can be placed in the box in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, March 22 and 29, and April 5. (If you miss these dates, please get donations to Cory Lupinacci before April 11). Postage: We also invite you to make money contributions to provide for the postage to mail these packages. Addresses: If you know a college student that would appreciate receiving such a package, please provide their name / address at the Wall of Opportunity on any of the Sundays listed above, or contact Cory before April 11 (248-931-9951 or [email protected]). The Mission Committee wants to thank everyone who supported our recent potato bar lunch. It was a huge success and we earned $365.00 for missionary support. As chairpersons of this committee we want to thank our committee members for all their awesome help and for their dedication to God’s work. We are a small committee but mighty. We have lots of fun. May God bless you all for your support. Emil and Sue Tonello. Moving the Sofa-Lent is the time when we cleanse the temple of ourselves. It’s not unlike spring cleaning. It’s something we have to do regularly. Despite our best intentions, and despite the best things that we do, there can creep into us things that are not of God, and things that have to be cleaned out. It’s like the difference between everyday vacuuming, and those other times when you move the sofa and vacuum. No matter how clean and polished the living room looked, when you move the sofa, what do you find? Popcorn…dust...all kinds of things. During Lent, we “move the sofa” in our lives. It’s not just a question of dirt and sin. It’s a question of realigning our thoughts and, by fasting and by more intense prayer and more intense works of mercy, we begin to see things differently. We begin to take another look at our lives. What we do during Lent is not entirely or simply getting rid of the sinfulness in us—and there is plenty of that to do. It’s also opening our hearts and minds to a fresh, deeper, fuller awareness of God within us and around us, and to God’s will. Let’s move the sofa. Thanks to Marilyn Moore for sharing this devotional article. Lent is almost past, but Holy Week is still a great opportunity for “spring cleaning.” - Pastor Doug Congratulations to Cory Lupinacci Cory is our volunteer Youth Director, and is scheduled to complete training on March 28 as a Certified Lay Servant Minister in the Ann Arbor District of The United Methodist Church. Thank you, Cory, for your ministry of preaching at ASPIRE worship and leading the BRIDGE Youth Ministry! 8 Did You Know? Willow UMC Chicken Dinner is on the 2nd Wednesday of The Month? Chicken Supper-Served Family Style – all you can eat, Where-Willow United Methodist Church, 36925 Willow Rd., New Boston, MI 734-654-9020, Runs March, April & May, September, October, & November, Time: 5:00pm ‘til sell out (Carry outs start at 4:30pm), Cost-Adults: $10.00 Children – 12 & under: $5.00, Pay at the door. Menu: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Biscuits and Gravy, Dinner Rolls, Dessert, Coffee, Hot Tea, Milk. Willow is the church served by Pastor Marianne McMunn. It’s Time to Re-Enroll in Kroger Community Rewards? April is just around the corner which means it is time for re-enrollment for Kroger Community Rewards Program. Your members do need to re-enroll between April 1st 2015 and May 1st 2015 for the May 1st start of the program. MUMC member number is 91478. · To re-enroll on-line they just simply go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com · click “sign in” · enter their email and password · click “enroll now” · put in the NPO number or part of the organizations name · check the correct group · click “enroll” Once completed they are then enrolled for the charity earnings during May 1st 2015 to April 30th 2016. If someone re-enrolls after May 1st they will only earn from the day they enrolled until April 30th 2016. If it is the first time a member is enrolling they will be prompted to register their Kroger card into the program. Anyone having an issue with their email address or password can call 1-800-KROGERS for customer service. New Adult Sunday School Class! Starting April 12 for 5 weeks! Led by Rev. Sherry Books will be available for $6 donation This concise and compelling summary helps every United Methodist learn and remember the five identifiers that John Wesley set forth in The Character of a Methodist. It answers in plain language, "How should United Methodists live?" and provides the people called Methodists with a clear and memorable unifying focus. This wonderful little book is perfect for explaining what it means to live in the United Methodist way. As followers of Jesus who reach out to serve their neighbors, United Methodists: • Love God • Rejoice in God • Give thanks • Pray always • Love others For Smart Phone Users QR CODE Scan this QR code with your smart phone or electronic device and it will take you directly to the MUMC website. 9 Meals on Wheels MUMC members delivered Meals on Wheels the week of March 23. Thanks to the drivers – Jan and Bob Olari, Ron Opfer, Maureen Bonhard, Linda Lutz, and Dave Ebert. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve a local mission. All who have participated feel enriched by the experience. We can always use new volunteers. Our next time for delivery will be the week of April 27. Dave Ebert MUMC Meals on Wheels Coordinator ASP Mission Opportunities Our next Appalachia Service Project mission trip will be June 27 - July 4, 2015. We will be traveling to southern West Virginia. We have a group of 11 adults and 25 youth preparing for our trip. We are in need of a couple vehicles for the trip that will hold a work crew of 7 adults and youth. If you have a vehicle that we can borrow for the week, contact Cheryl Smith. We will be collecting clothing for sale at the UMW Rummage Sale. We will start accepting donations in May so starting cleaning our your closets and gathering clothes for us. More details to come. Vital Church Initiative (VCI) The March Church Council approved a plan to participate in VCI, a program of The Detroit Annual Conference. If we are accepted in the program, a group of six persons will enter a 9-month program in September, reporting regularly to our Church Council. They will read 9 books on church revitalization and discuss them each month, on a Saturday, with leaders from other United Methodist Churches. VCI will call for input from our Church Council and our entire congregation as the initiative progresses. Ideas from this program may enhance our ministries in many ways. The following persons have agreed to serve on our VCI Team: Bill Antrim, Cheryl Daman, Sherry Foster, Bette Knedgen, Cory Lupinacci, and Doug McMunn. Please join us in prayer for inspired outcomes in the ministries we all offer to God together. April 3 Milford Community Good Friday Services, 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. All are invited to either of these services, jointly sponsored by three Milford area congregations: St George's Episcopal Church, Milford Presbyterian Church, and Milford United Methodist Church. For many years, this service has been offered at 1:00 p.m. only, but this year the Good Friday worship service will be offered at both 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The additional service time was planned in order to welcome those who are not available at the traditional 1:00 p.m. service. Both services will be at Milford United Methodist Church, and they will be identical, except the joint choir will sing only at the 7:00 p.m. service. The Passion Story- the love and suffering of Jesus- will be told in a fresh approach, using a readers theater format. A variety of "eye witness" voices will describe their experience during the events that led to Jesus' execution in Jerusalem. . Finance Committee Update The Finance Committee continues to track spending to the 2015 budget. Thanks to Teresa Gierhart for her work as Treasurer and to Marilyn Motschenbacher for her work as Financial Secretary. Their behind the scenes, volunteer efforts are critical for keeping church finances in order. Please contact me, or any member of the Finance Committee if you ever have any questions on MUMC finances. Dave Ebert, MUMC Finance Chair 10 Friends Summer Camps for 2015: Safety Camp – Introduction to: safe side adults, home, bike safety and emergencies. Bug Bonanza – explore the world of bugs & insects Wilderness Week - explore the outdoors: camping, boating, hiking and more. Crazy Carnival Week- games, crafts and food. Science Camp – a new experiment each day. Wacky Water Week- experiment with water, water play and learn about our lakes and oceans. Before and After Camp Adventures will be available for each camp. Activities will keep with the camp theme. Care may be provided until 6:00pm. For more information contact Robin Fletcher at Friends Preschool. Looking for a Summer Job? Have you considered spending the summer at one of our church camps? They hire people as life guards, cooks, maintenance crew, and counselors. To apply, go to www.detroitconference.org. Plan to Go Camping? Why not stay at our United Methodist Campground, near Fenton. Myers Lake Campground is at 10575 Silver Lake Road, Byron, MI 48418, www.myerslake.org, and telephone 810-266-4511. It has a sparkling, spring-fed lake, shaded camp sites, beach, fishing, boat rentals, playgrounds, showers, cabins, RV sites, and more. Pets welcome, max 2 per site. Keep Smiling “Don’t let your worries get the best of you. Remember, Moses started out as a basket case!” 11 Worship Service Volunteers April 5 Greeter: Doug Holloway Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris 10:30 Julius Glinter, Evelyn Cohea, John Robinson, Emil/Sue Tonello Liturgist: 8:30–Youth Group 10:30-Katie Weeks Counters: Nancy Weeks April 12 Greeter: Elizabeth Gordinier Ushers: 8:30 Kelsey Shufflebarger/David Bonhard 10:30 Doug Radeka, Ray Michaels, Jeff Motschenbacher, Chris Smith Liturgists:8:30-Maureen Bonhard 10:30-Katie Weeks Counters: Carol & Larry Shaver April 19 Greeter: Carol Hawkinson Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris 10:30 Roger Clemens, Cole McKane, Ron Opfer, Carla Gorton Liturgists: 8:30-David Bonhard & 10:30-Regina Olari Counters: Deb Bonnewell & Bette Knedgen April 26 Greeter: Barb Harris Ushers: 8:30 John & Kris Heidt 10:30 Jan/Bob, Regina, & Katja Olari, Larry Shaver Liturgist: 8:30-Kelsey Shufflebarger 10:30-Cathy Dykstra Counters: Bonnie & Julius Glinter Noisy Offering-Imagine No Malaria Fellowship Hour Hosts-Missions Our Staff Pastor-Douglas McMunn Deacon-Rev. Sherry Foster Children’s Ministry Director-Karen J. Smith Music Director-Linda Lutz Nursery Care Director– Kayla Shufflebarger Friends Preschool Director-Robin Fletcher Office Manager-Kelley Cerny Custodian-Margie Majewski Maintenance-Tim Bonnewell April 2015 Worship Features and Sermon Themes April 3rd-Joint Good Friday Service (see p. 10) 1:00 pm Good Friday Service (no choir) 7:00 pm Good Friday Service-Joint choir: “Jesus, Only Jesus” April 5 Easter Sunday 8:30 a.m. Sonrise Service led by BRIDGE (youth) 9:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast prepared by Men’s Club (no reservation required) 10:30 a.m. Easter Worship with the Chancel Choir and Holy Communion Mark 16:1-8 “Kaleidoscope of Life” Anthem: “He’s Gonna Rise” April 12 Second Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-35 “The Sharing Society” April 19 Third Sunday of Easter John 21:1-19 “Fishing on the Other Side of the Boat” Choir Anthem: “I Thank the Father” April 26 Golden Cross Sunday Spring Series Begins: “Seeds of the Kingdom” Mark 4:26-29 “Time to Scatter Seeds of the Kingdom” Chancel Choir Anthem: “Are You Washed In the Blood?” Hand Bell Choir “Concertante” Golden Cross Sunday, April 26 Golden Cross Sunday is observed in The United Methodist Church each year on a date determined by the annual conference. The observance focuses on the work of health and welfare ministries and institutions in the annual conference. If the annual conference so directs, an offering may be received for the support of the health and welfare ministries. In the Detroit Conference Golden Cross Sunday provides an offering opportunity to support special needs camperships, children who have been abused or neglected, and seniors who have outlived their savings. The organizations represented are United Methodist Outdoor and Retreat Ministries, Methodist Children’s Home Society, and United Methodist Retirement Communities. 12
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