Chemical class Name Structure Oxides in volatile oils Cineole Peroxides in volatile oils Ascaridole 1 Cineole is also called: Eucalyptol or Cajuputol (Cajeputol) O O 4 Ketones in volatile o Ascaridole Source Properties Isolation Major constituent of oils : 1. Of Eucalyptus species الكافور 2. Oil of cajuput Camphor – like odor Pungent taste Syrupy oil Oil of Chenopodium Acyclic or aliphatic ketones Most common are: Acetone and diacetyl Based on its amount in the oils : Terpenoid of the group Fractional distillation, followed by cooling the fraction. are rare : Formation of additive products with : 1-Syrup phosphoric acid : regeneration by hot water Tagetone (used for quantitative estimation in case of oils rich in the constituent) 2-Halogen acids Hcl or HBr crystalline products 3-Phenols e.g. 50% resorcinol N.B: (from practical) -Cineole phosphoric acid is a solid mass "by compression" to exclude non-cineole portion put the remaining mass in cassia flask with decomposition by hot water. Disagreeable odor & flavor Soluble in acetic acid Alicyclic terpenoid It explodes with violence if : ο ketones 1. Heated to 130 -135 C (decomposition) 2. Treated with H2SO4 , HCl , HNO3 or H3PO4 Most distillation important group of ketones By repeated fractional of the oil under detect Monocyclic e.g. : vacuum (to prevent explosionmonoterpenoids due to the 2 oxygen) Menthone Carvone Diosphenol Bicyclic monoterpenoids e.g.: camphor 1 Determination Uses -We must use Syrupy phosphoric acid & with specific gravity=1.74. Determination: (see practical notes) *Phosphoric acid method: (Scammel’s method, modified by Baker & Smith) This method is used for large amounts of cineole (not less than 50%). *Colorimetric methods: are useful in cases of low cineole-containing oils "It is used for quantitative determination" -Cineole + Vanillin/H2SO4 Azure Blue color, this color detected by spectrophotometry & must obey beer-lambert’s law, its conc. directly proportional with the intensity of color & stable color Locally: 1. Mild anesthetic , antiseptic , analgesic and anti-inflammatory "so used in rheumatic pain" 2. Used in skin lotions & other types of cosmetics Internally: 1. Stimulant 2. Expectorant in cases of chronic bronchitis. In room sprays Has a cockroach repellent activity It liberates I2 from KI in acetic acid solution, then iodine is back titrated with Na thiosulfate using starch as indicator. (used for determination ) As anthelmintic in ascariasis Organo-nitrogen compounds [Nitrogenous compounds] Skatole (Methyl indole) Name Source -Volatile oil of the wood of Celtis reticulate, Ulmaceae. Properties Uses It has a strong fecal odor, in low concentration it has a flowery smell. Used in small amounts as a fragrance & fixative of floral perfumes. -Human excrements ( as a degradation product of albuminous matter) -From strychnine alkaloid by heating with soda lime (semi-synthesis) Structure 2 Name Source Organo-sulphur compounds Allylisothiocyanate It occurs in glycosidal combination as sinigrin in the seeds of black mustard (Brassica nigra , Cruciferae) Sinigrin (or K myronate) on hydrolysis with myrosin enzyme allyl isothiocyanate + D-glucose + Potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO4). H2 C H2C بسAllyl isothiocyanate الstructure علينا حفظ والباقي اسماء بس Properties Preparation Determination Uses C H Sinigrin C N O.SO2.OK S C6H12 O6 H2O Myrosin S H2 C H2C C H C + C6H12O6 + KHSO4 N Allyl isothiocyanate Glucose Potassium acid sulfate Pungent irritating odor Remember: Acid taste Oils present as Heavier than water glycosides: mehtyl N.B: Any oil present as glycoside nearly 100% oil on hydrolysis. salicylate- Eugenol1. Powdered black mustard seeds are defatted ο vanillin- allyl 2. Macerated in water for about 5 hours at a temp. of 37 – 40 C to induce enzymatic action isothiocyanate3. Then steam distilled benzaldehyde 4. The oily layer , heavier than water, is collected "dried" over anhydrous CaCl2, redistilled 5. The fraction boiling between 145 – 152 οC (= pure allyl isothiocyanate ) (Collected by steam distillation) N.B: Defatted means extraction of fixed oils by organic solvents "as petroleum ether" to remove them. By Volhard's method 1. Treatment the oil sample with an excess of standard AgNO3 in presence of ammonia 2. The precipitated Ag2S is filtered 3. The unreacted AgNO3 titrated against NH4SCN using ferric alum as indicator White ppt. & first buff is the end point. Locally 1. Used as rubefacient & counter irritant or vesicant in certain plasters 2. Flavoring of food products especially mustards Internally 1. It causes severe GIT irritation 3 2. Aromatic constituents from animal origin Animal derived fragrant constituents are usually macrocyclic compounds of high M.wt. Used in minute amounts as fixatives in high grade perfumes. Musks Natural musk مش حفظstructures ال Uses N.B: -Muscone is 15 carbons, 14 carbons of them form macrocyclic ring & No. 15 is Ketone or lactone. -Civetone is 17 carbons, 16 carbons of them form macrocyclic ring & No. 17 is Ketone. Versalide is an example of synthetic musks (C 18 ketone) used in: 1-Perfuming 2-Cosmetics 3-Soaps Name Source Natural source A group of perfume fixatives having a characteristic persistent aroma Obtained from plant , animal sources and through chemical synthesis The odor becomes pleasant in extreme dilution Musk and musk-like products : Secretions produced in the Musk glands of: -The male musk deer male musk deer & Lousiana & الدكتور قالت ممكن نعرف ال -Civet cat بسcertain plant organs -Louisiana musk rat Also obtained from certain plant organs such as : Ambrette seeds & angelica root Macrocyclic ketons or lactons : At least 15 carbons in their ring structure e.g Muscone (muskone) -Civetone : the 17-membered macrocyclic musk constituent of civet The musk odor : is confined to a very specific ring size (15 – 17 C atoms) The basic ring structure must contain : 1. At least 14 C 2. In addition to either C=O (carbonyl) or NH (imino) group Properties Constituents Name Introduction Uses Ambergris It is a secretion from the intestinal tract of the sperm whale. حوت العنبر With fragrant musk – like odor Grey to black waxy masses The chief constituent of ambergris is ambrein (a tricyclic triterpenoid alcohol ) In perfumery , as a tincture for fixation of delicate odors 4 Resins Definition: 1- “Resin” is a group of solid or semi-solid substances of complex chemical nature and variable composition. They are brittle secretions or exudations of plant tissues, produced either normally or due to pathogenic conditions. 2- “Artificial resins” 3-“Balsams” pathogenic condition are resinous mixtures that contain cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, or both, or esters of these acids. Physical Properties: Resin preparation depend on solubility Resin is prepared by alcohol, then adding water ppt. Solubility: Insoluble in water. Soluble in alcohol. Chemical Properties: (Depend on chemical structure, each chemical structure has chemical properties) ›They are complex mixtures of resin acids, resin alcohols, resin esters and resenes (neutral compounds, mostly hydrocarbons). ›Their chemical properties depend on the type of functional groups present: e.g. acidic resins react with alkalis to form soaps which are not salted out by addition of NaCl (c.f. common soaps). 5 Localization in the plant: › May impregnate all the element of a tissue. › They may occur in specialized secretory structures: Resin cells e.g. ginger. Schizogeneous or schizolysegenous ducts or cavities e. g. Pinus. Glandular hairs e.g. cannabis. › They may be normal physiological products the yield of which is often increased by injury e.g. Pinus. › They are sometimes formed only after induced injury i.e. having a pathological origin e.g. benzoin and balsam Tolu. Resin Combinations: › Resins occur frequently in homogeneous mixtures with either volatile oils or gums or both to form: Oleoresins "Resin with V.O as in ginger" (V.O are separated by steam distillation) Gum-resins (gums could be easily separated by extraction with water & precipitated by alcohol) Oleo-gum-resins. (RESINS are soluble in alcohol and precipitated by water) Note: extracting a plant containing oleo-resin with ether or acetone followed by distillation to remove the oil Preparation: › Prepared resins (or resin combinations), these are obtained by extraction with alcohol, ether or acetone. ›Natural resins are those collected from the plants in which they are produced through natural or artificial punctures. 6 Principal constituents of resins: 1) Resin acids: › These are diterpenoid oxyacids, usually combining the properties of carboxylic acids & phenols. › They occur both in the free state and as esters. › They are soluble in aqueous alkalis forming soap-like solutions or colloidal suspensions. › Their metallic salts are known as resinates. 2) Resin alcohols: ›They are subclassified into resinotannols and resinols. * Resinotannols give a tannin reaction with ferric chloride *Resinols give NO color reaction with ferric chloride N.B: FeCl3 is a special test to differentiate between resinotannols & resinols. 3) Resenes › These are complex neutral INERT oxygenated substances devoid of characteristic chemical properties. › They do not form salts or esters. › They are insoluble in & resist hydrolysis with alkalis. › They resist the action of oxidizing agents and climatic conditions. 4) Glycosidal mixtures: › These are complex mixtures yielding on hydrolysis sugars and complex resin alcohol as aglycones. 7 Classification of resins 1. According to the botanical origin 2. According to the chemical constituent: acid resin, resene resins, glycosidal resins etc…. 3. According to the predominating component in the resin combination e.g resins, oleoresins, oleo-gum resins, balsams… Official resins and resin-combinations: Resins: Colophony, cannabis & podophyllin Oleo-gum-resins: myrrh. Balsams "Pathological": benzoin, balsam of Peru, balsam of Tolu. Chemical class Name A- Resins Colophony or Rosin Cannabis" Indian Hemp or Marihuana" Podophyllum resin "Podophyllin" B- Oleo-gumresins Myrrh Source Colophony is the solid resin obtained from Pinus species especially pinus paltustris [Fam. Pinaceae]. It consists of the dried flowering tops of the pistillate plants (female plants) of Cannabis sativa (Fam. Moraceae). The resin is known in Arabic as hashish. It is a mixture of resins obtained from the dried roots & rhizomes of Podophyllum peltatum (American podophyllum) and Podophyllum hexandrum (Indian podophyllum). Fam. Berberidaceae. -Obtained from the stem & branches of Commiphora molmol (Fam. Burseraceae) -“Myrrh” is derived from the Arabic name “Murr”مر Composition -Resin acids:, mainly abietic acid -Resene: represented by a small proportion of hydrocarbons. -These are meroterpenoid C21 compounds collectively known as Cannabinoids. -The main active constituent of the resin is (-)-∆9-transtetrahydrocannabinol (∆9- THC). -Other constituents isolated from the resin include -Chief constituent belong to lignans (C18 compounds related to flavonoids being dimmers of 2 C6-C3 units). -Resin composed of: diterpenoid resin acids (α-,β- & γ- commiphoric acids). Present free & in glycosidal combination. 8 cannabinol, cannabidiolic acid, cannabichromene, cannabigerol and ∆8-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol (∆8THC). double bond ً∆ العالمة دي معناها ان ف9 . position 9 عند The structure is for identification :D Test for -Copper acetate test (for identificat abietic acid): ion Extract the powder with petroleum ether & filter. Shake the filtrate with twice its volume of Cu acetate "blue". The petroleum ether layer turns green due to the formation of the copper salt of abietic acid. -Modified Beam’s test: Extract the drug with methanol, evaporate the extract to dryness & extract the residue with petroleum ether. Filter & wash the filtrate with dilute Na2CO3 (take acidic) followed by dilute H2SO4 (take basic) & water. Decolorize with charcoal & evaporate to dryness. To the residue, add few drops of N/10 alcoholic KOH a purple color is produced. › In pharmaceutical industries, colophony is used as ingredient in cerates plasters & ointments. › Commercially, used in the manufacture of varnishes, paint dryers, printing inks, Pharmacological action : ›Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC) possess euphoric activity. Uses ›Cannabinol is weakly active. ›Cannabichromene & cannabidiolic acid are sedative. Uses : -The main components of the resins are: podophyllotoxin, α-peltatin and β- peltatin. -Their concentrations in the resins of the two species are different: Indian resin: podophyllotoxin (40%) )lignans C18) with little or no peltatins. American resin: 20% of podophyllotoxin, 10% β peltatin and 5% α-peltatin. -For Indian resin : The alcoholic solution of the Indian resin gives a stiff gel when treated with alkali due to its high content of podophyllotoxin. -Podophyllotoxin contains a lactone ring, when treated with alkali alkali salt of podophyllic acid (gelatinous) -Lignans: have anti-tumor activities & anti-oxidant effect. -Peltatins: responsible for most of the purgative effect of the drugs. -V.O -Gum -A Bitter principle -The residue obtained on evaporation of the ethereal extract of the resin when treated with either conc.HNO3 Or exposed to Br2 vapors gives a violet color. -Externally, myrrh used as a protective -Internally acts as stimulant & stomachic. -Used in 9 soapsm sealing wax, floor coverings. ›Medicinally, Indian hemp: as a sedative & hypnotic. ›∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol or Dronabinol has an antiemetic effect & used orally in the treatment of the nausea & vomiting associated with cytotoxic drugs used in cancer chemotherapy. It acts probably by blocking the opiate receptors in the brain & indirectly inhibiting the -The resin has also anti-mitotic mouthwashes as astringent & activity. antiseptic. Externally: tincture applied as paint for treatment of soft venereal warts Internally: resin used as drastic but slow purgative emetic center. ›It also stimulates the appetite & ∴ used in treatment of anorexia associated with weight loss in patients suffering from AIDS. Others The resin is secreted into trichomes (shaggy hair) found on the bracts (small leaves) & bracteoles that encloses the ovary of the flowering tops of the female plant. For medicinal purposes either the resin (hashish) is used or the flowering tops of the female plants (marihuana). Pure resin from hashish. Pharmaceutical preparations: For skin conditions as: -Ano-genital warts (paint of podophyllum resin 20% in alcohol or podophyllum resin 50% in tincture benzoin us used. -Malignant neoplasm of skin, an alc. Soln of podophyllum resin containing salicylic acid. -Carcinoma of skin: ointment of podophyllum resin 20% & linseed oil in lanolin. **How to differentiate between Indian & American resins?! Treatment of the alcoholic solution of the resins with few drops of copper acetate gives: *Bright-green color: American resin -Myrrh was found as an ingredient of the embalming material of the ancient Egyptians. 11 The male plant produces an equivalent amount of active constituents distributed throughout the plant not concentrated into a resin. Not used as source of resin. The amount of resin decreases when the plants are cultivated in temperate regions. Thus, Indian cannabis contains 20% or more resin, hemp cultivated in temperate regions produces 6% or less. -Toxicity: On ingestion or inhalation by smoking, Indian hemp may cause: • euphoria • Delirium ) (زغلله فى العين • Hallucination • Weakness • Hyperplesia • Drowsiness. *Brown color/ ppt.: Indian resin 11 Balsams -From pathological condition & Rich of benzioc acid or cinnamic acid or both of them. Name Peruvian balsam, Peru balsam, or balsam of Peru Tolu balsam, or balsam of Tolu Pathologic product formed by injury of the tree Physical properties Constituents Uses Dark brown, viscid liquid -Cinnamein -Volatile oil mainly benzyl cinnamate & a lesser amount of benzyl benzoate. - Resin esters, peruresinotannol cinnamate & benzoate -Free cinnamic acid. -Vanillin. Internally: Expectorant. Externally: antiseptic, protectant, rubefacient, parasiticide in certain skin diseases e.g scabies & astringent in hemorrhoids. Plastic solid masses - Volatile oil mainly benzyl benzoate. -Resin esters, toluresinotannol cinnamate & a small amount of benzoate. -Free benzoic acid -Free cinnamic acid. -Vanillin. An ingredient of Tincture Benzoin Co. ))صبغة جاوى, expectorant, flavoring agent. Benzoins Name Constituents Sumatra Benzoin (obtained from styrax benzoin fam. Styraceae) -Free balsamic acids: chiefly cinnamic & benzoic acids. -Traces of vanillin. -Esters of balsamic acids. -Terpenoid acids Test For gives a faint odour of benzaldehyde on warming with KMnO4 (oxidizing agent) Identification due to high content of cinnamic acid (c.f. Siam benzoin). -Antiseptic, stimulant, expectorant & diuretic properties, preservative, anti-fungal. Uses -An ingredient of Tincture benzoin compound. (topical protectant) Siam Benzoin -Small amounts of free benzoic acid only . -Traces of vanillin. -Coniferyl benzoate -Triterpenoid compound (siaresinol). An ethereal solution of the resin gives a deep purplish colour on treatment with few drops of conc.H2SO4 (c.f. Sumatra benzoin) is confined to perfumery. 12
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