Newsletter - Millfield

Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Inside this issue:
The Ancient Greeks
Book Fair
Donation Request for Romania
KS2 General Knowledge Quiz
Wessex Water have announced that
the A361 will be closed at Coursing
Batch and Chilkwell Street from
Monday 20 - Thursday 30 April.
The official diversion is via Wells and
Shepton Mallet, see route here
Messages from our Head Boy & Girl
Notice to Day Parents
Solar Eclipse
EAL Pupils of the Term
Mid-Somerset Festival Music Classes
Word of the Week
Boarding Life
Sport News
Sporting Stats
Parent & Child Tennis Tournament
Pre-Prep and Minis News
Effort, Attainment & Tutor Group
Awards will be published in next
term’s first newsletter as they will
be announced during final assembly
This week’s Picture of the Week
is this excellent painting by
Maria E 7JME
Threat Level Pensioner - the photo story
The Ancient Greeks
Rugby World Cup Choir Competition
Congratulations to our singers in the Millfield
Prep Senior Choir who recorded their video
debut singing Skyfall by Adele.
This will be submitted as part of the audition
process for the Rugby World Cup choir
The prize for the winning choir will be to sing at
the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup
2015. Selection will take place over the Easter
holidays. Fingers crossed!
Click on the icon to see the audition video
Read all about it on Page 2!
Easter Service
Friday 27 March, 3.00pm ● Sports Hall
Pupils will be taking part in the service with
readings and music. Tea, coffee and hot-cross buns
will be served from 2.30pm. The service begins at
3.00pm and will last for approximately 40 minutes.
Family and friends are most welcome.
Day children can be collected following the service
and boarders can be collected from houses from
3.45pm. NO clubs or games will be running on
Friday 27 March.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the Editor: [email protected] or call 01458 837763
Millfield Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Page 2
The Ancient Greeks
The Juniors pulled off another stellar
performance this week with their
production of The Ancient Greeks.
There were many memorable
moments; from the despair of King
Menelaus (Lucas B) to the joys of the
Olympic races. We will never forget
the Rock God (Artem S) or the wisdom
of the thinkers (Polly M, Bobby M,
Alex P and Jasmine C). Zeus (Andrew
H) never found the perfect cake
despite the best efforts of the gods
and the war between the Greeks and
the Trojans was finally won when
Odysseus (Hamish Hart) came up with
the splendid idea of hiding inside a
wooden horse (courtesy of Mr Kemp
in DT).
All the children worked spectacularly
hard to learn their lines, dance
routines, music and songs to wow
their audience. Comments following
the show were highly complimentary
with the audience loving the energy of
the performance and its inclusivity, as
all children played a part, whether in
the band, as a dancer, a singer or an
actor. The Pre-Prep audience
on Friday were delighted with the
show and Lottie (Year 1 ) said “Thank
you for the Greek play, I liked it when
they played the Greek music. I loved
seeing the bake-off cakes”. Sam (Year
1) commented “Thank you for the
Greek play. I liked the wrestlers and
the chariots. It was fun when the
Juniors did the play.”
The collection following the
performances raised £173.00 for
Tearfund a charity that Miss Tang our
Music Intern will be working with
when she leaves us in the summer.
We certainly had a lot of fun putting
on the performance and we are
looking forward to the summer term
when Hobgoblin Theatre will be
visiting the Juniors with a follow-up
performance of Perseus and Medusa
and a drama workshop.
See more photos via the icon above
Mrs Seal
KS2 General Knowledge Quiz
Donation Request
Our steward, Mr Kelly,
is planning his annual trip
to the orphanage in
Romania. He is always
very grateful for your
kind donations and hopes
that during your spring
cleaning in the Easter
break you can collect
clothes and toys for the
May Fair stall. Please bring
the items to the Prep Reception.
Also, you can buy tickets for a raffle for your chance to win some
excellent prizes:
Millfield Prep School Draw
1st Prize Luxury Food Hamper
2nd Prize Milfield Holiday Course Voucher
3rd Prize Beauty Products with Voucher
4th Prize Family Ticket for Wookey Hole
The draw will take place at the May Fair on Monday 4 May, tickets £1
in aid of The Libra Foundation/Romania Orphanage. Charity no: 1123200
Thank you for your support!
The Junior quiz teams were in action
on Monday 16 March competing in
the National Key Stage 2 General
Knowledge Quiz area heat. They
were competing against teams from
Blundell's, Wells Cathedral and
Queen's College Taunton. As King’s
Hall were unable to put together a
team our reserves ended up making
a third Millfield Prep team pitting
their wits against the other eight
teams in the competition.
Wells once more but with only two
questions to go were unable to fight
back and secure enough points to
gain the upper hand once more.
Wells only scored 20 points more
than our team but unfortunately as
only one team progresses through
to the next round it meant that we
narrowly missed out on a semi-final
place. Our only hope is if we have
scored highly enough to be given a
wild card entry.
The competition is organised by the
company Quiz Club with over 360
schools taking part nationally.
Questions are asked from a wide
range of topics including,
geography, science, maths, world
affairs, history, art and music and go
well beyond the national curriculum
at this age. Frequently, the adults
watching in the audience can
struggle to come up with the correct
answers. However, clearly our junior
pupils at MPS were not fazed by
these and all three teams put in a
top performance.
Our valiant team of reserves put in a
sterling performance especially
considering that they weren't
expecting to compete. The team of
Rosa L (captain), Alex P, Ben B and
Alexandra B managed to fend off
stiff competition from the other
teams to gain 3rd place. Our second
team of James M (captain), Molly H,
Willow W and Maisie Z also did
brilliantly to push the competition
out and landed us a fourth place
entry as well. To gain 2nd, 3rd and
4th placings in a competition of this
standard is an extremely good result
and shows what talented pupils we
have at Millfield Prep. Well done to
all those who took part and a huge
thank you to all the staff and Juniors
who came along to support and
encourage our teams.
Our first team consisting of Wyatt
W (captain), Bobby M, Charlie M
and Alex H were chasing Wells
Cathedral Team 2 from the start.
Throughout the afternoon, the lead
swapped between the two teams
and the audience grew increasingly Mrs Sanford
nervous to find out who the victor
would be. During the final round our
team relinquished their lead to
Millfield Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Messages from our Head Girl and Head Boy
I will never forget what it felt like to
be asked to be Head Boy and I think
this memory will stick with me
I’m very proud to have been Head
Boy at such a wonderful school. My
favourite part of being Head Boy was
going to the Pre-Prep assemblies to
hand out stickers to all the excited
young children. But my best memory
was getting to speak with the brilliant
author Lauren St. John, because I
found it interesting how she grew up
on a farm in Zimbabwe.
It has been a great honour to be Head
Boy and good luck to the next one,
whoever it may be!
I have really enjoyed this term of
being Head Girl, it has been a
wonderful experience and a huge
privilege to represent the school.
Being Head Girl with Jacob has been
great fun, we have had a lot of laughs.
I have especially enjoyed doing tours
around the school for people; I think I
now know the school inside out!
I have also really liked the Pre-Prep
assemblies; I cant believe that we
were ever that small!
I am sad that it is coming to an end
but I am looking forward to see who
will take on our role next term. I have
had a amazing time.
Page 3
Notice to Day Parents…
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to have boarders attend day pupil birthday parties at
weekends. Recently however, ‘Pupil Post’ has let us down! Several backpacks seem to have eaten invitations and houseparents have only found
out about the party when day pupil parents arrive to collect the boarder.
We would much rather have the opportunity to have the boarders
properly prepared with a present and a card. Please could you let the
houseparents know if you intend to invite a boarder to a party.
Many Thanks in advance for your help. Mr Stubbs
Solar Eclipse
The universe kindly coordinated with our 7D Physics lesson on Friday
morning on the solar system with the last UK solar eclipse for 85 years.
Here is the very excited group pictured during the eclipse. Can you explain
what is happening to create a solar eclipse?
Eloise L, Head Girl
Jacob P, Head Boy
Click on the icon to see the solar eclipse in action
EAL Pupils of the Term
This term has seen a series of ‘firsts’ for
the EAL department. Our first partial
solar eclipse, the first time our entire
pupil-base has taken part in our annual
Junior Apprentice competition, and the
first time that the honour of Pupil of the
Term has been shared. The results of the
Junior Apprentice are listed below, but
all of the children put a great amount of
effort into their projects.
The winners of the best advert (viewed
via the icon below) are Yuka M and
Ignacio R, who are also Pupils of the
Term. They have put so much effort into
their work while they’ve been with us,
that we couldn’t give it to just one of the
7NPW duo. Alas they, along with the
famous Eduardo M and Antonio I, will be
leaving EAL for the English department
after the Easter holiday, but all good
things must come to an end. Well done
to all pupils, as well as Mrs Trevis for
coordinating their efforts, for the
Junior Apprentice! Mr Seal
Mid-Somerset Festival Music Classes
Junior Apprentice
Best Group
Antonio I
and Eduardo M
Best Individual
Last Wednesday a number of Millfield Prep musicians travelled to Bath to
participate in various music classes at the Mid-Somerset Festival.
Well done to all our talented pupils who took part in such a nerve-wracking
experience which consisted of: performing in front of peers, competitors
from other schools, parents and teachers, general public; and receiving
feedback and results from the adjudicators.
Rebecca K
We are pleased to announce that our pupils received a total of 14
distinctions, nine commendations and three merits.
Best Effort
Congratulations to the following for their fantastic marks:
Sasha K
Best Advertisement (shared)
Yuka M
and Ignacio R
Best Question & Answer
Anton D
Best Junior
Arseniy O
Jacob P who won in the class ‘Show Song from Musical or Film (Age 12
years)’ and achieved second place in another class.
Jake P who was his class winner ‘Show Song from Musical or Film (Age 13)’
and came third in another class.
Annabel J for winning her class ‘My Favourite Song (10 and under)’ and
achieving an equal second place in another class.
Caitlin C who came second place in ‘Show Song form Musical or Film (Age
12 years)’.
Harvey M who achieved third place in two different classes.
A very well done to all who took part:
Harriet J, Jacob P, Jake P, Harvey M, Annabel J, Thor D, Eloise L, Caitlin C,
Alice N, Lucy R, Maddie C, Georgia O, Loveday H and Joanna M who also
performed in the harp class on the same day!
Video password: eal3
Year 7 Production
Word of the Week
DVD of ‘Threat Level Pensioner’
This week, translate the following Spanish word for your chance to win a
small prize… ‘Limpiaparabrisas’
Copies of the DVD recording, produced by a new company,
Flying Tiger, will be available early next term. Please email
[email protected] if you would like to order a copy.
a) Umbrella b) Washing machine c) Windscreen-wiper
Please send answers to Mrs Crispin at [email protected]
Millfield Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Page 4
Boarding Life...
Boarder of the
Timur O has given up his
own free time recently
to show prospective
parents and visitors
from his native Russia
around the school and
his house Chestnut. He
is a fine ambassador for
Millfield Prep.
Berewall girls received this heart-warming thank you note after they donated their old-style skirts and
some spare uniform and sports kit to the Etatu charity.
Champion boys Jimmy B
and Louis C raised over
£400 cleaning boots and
shoes yesterday. Thank
you to all their
customers and to Mr
James for helping to
organise the event.
Well done boys!
Above: Boarders trying out the new mountain bikes as part of the Sunday
activity program last weekend.
Above: The boarders were lucky enough to have Mr Edalatpour on duty this
weekend. They took part in a watercolours workshop and enjoyed the beautiful
Somerset sunshine.
Boarders’ Art Competition
The final pieces - which can be in any
medium - will be displayed in the
boarding houses, and the winners will
receive prizes in the form of vouchers.
There is no can be in any form
and of anything! Mrs Shayler and Mr
Maxwell will be the judges.
Berewall girls celebrated the completion of packing with an Easter
bonnet competition. There were some stunning designs!
The girls in Hollies enjoyed a couple of Easter activities including a huge
Easter egg hunt around the boarding house. Here are the girls with the
treats they discovered. They also took part in a competition to design a
fabulous Easter outfit using newspaper and card. Well done to Victoria
T’s group for gaining 1st place!
Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
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Millfield Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Page 5
The finale to the sevens season
is the Rosslyn Park National
School Sevens which is the
biggest schools rugby
tournament in the world and
the most prestigious event on the schools sevens circuit.
After a super opening day where we won our group quite comfortably
and then defeated Cheltenham in the play-off stages, we qualified for
the second day of the tournament.
Unfortunately, we were unable to repeat our superb form from the
previous day and we were subsequently eliminated from the
competition. However, it was a wonderful experience for the boys and
it gave them an invaluable lesson in tournament sevens.
Mr Hill
Dorset Biathle Relays at Leweston School, Sunday 22 March
A lovely sunny morning down in Exeter saw some amazing netball to finish
off the term.
The girls came through their group match as runners-up after losing to
Blundell’s. They played West Buckland in the semi-final and were deserved
winners 4-2. This set up another encounter with Blundell’s in which
everything clicked and the Millfield spirit kicked in. The girls played their
best netball of the season; a true team effort which saw them 5-1 winners!
A wonderful way to end the season and the girls should be very proud of
their achievements just as I am of them. Very, very well done girls.
Team: Phoebe C, Tilly S, Harriet J, Cisca N, Polly M, Charlotte G, Stella G,
Jasmine C.
Mrs Hazell
Last Sunday three pupils competed at the Dorset Biathle Relays, Leweston
School. A Biathle normally consists of continuous ‘Run-Swim-Run’, however
with this event being relay based, each pupil had to complete a continuous
‘Run-Swim’ and then as a team they had to run a further distance to finish
the race.
Niall Caley, Annabelle Davis and Martine Scott (all Year 8s) competed as a
mixed relay team and were very successful. As a team they placed 1st in their
age group (U15) and they also placed 2nd overall against all the older age
groups, narrowly missing 1st place by two seconds which is a fantastic
achievement. Well done to you three.
I would also like to personally thank those parents that helped out with this
event, without them our pupils would not have raced.
Next up for Multi-Sports is the National Schools Biathlon Championships
taking place this coming weekend at the Olympic Park, London. 24 pupils had
qualified for this event (including Niall, Annabelle and Martine), with 20 of
those pupils taking their places on the starting line.
You can follow this event on the @MPS_Sport twitter account, or by following
#SchoolsBi2015. Best of luck to our pupils.
Mr Clarke
The first Millfield Prep Golf Academy match of the year was an away match at
Port Regis with a team of nine pupils making the trip. The match was at Port
Regis' home course which is a short but tricky 9 hole layout. Team captain
Charlie G played excellently in his game to win his match against the Port Regis
number 1 comfortably. Further wins followed from Sky P, Morgan C, Javier R,
Jack Hayes and Barney F. Sam P holed a 3 foot putt on his last hole to secure
half a point with William O and Gator H losing out on the last hole of their
games. An excellent performance by all the boys resulted in a 6.5 - 2.5 victory
and the return match is on 28 April at Kingweston GC.
The golfers now move on to the Somerset School Championships at
Worlebury Golf Club where nine pupils will be representing the school.
Sporting Stats
The latter end of the spring term feels like the tournament season!
We have had pupils representing the school all over the country in
various national sporting competitions. We are very proud of their
wonderful achievements. However, I wanted to share with you a few
important statistics that tell you so much more about the sporting
provision at Millfield Prep.
In Years 3 to 7 every child has regularly represented the school in
competitive inter-school fixtures and in Year 8 we are operating with a
participation rate of 97%.
Since September we have run 194 different school teams across 27
separate sports. We have hosted or attended an amazing
1,940 matches! I am sure you would like to join me in thanking our
amazing group of sports coaches.
Mr Morgan-Hughes
Mr Vibert
Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
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Millfield Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Page 6
What a final weekend Millfield Prep swimmers had at the Somerset
county Championships. They finished in great style winning 25 gold, 11
silver and 10 bronze medals and a staggering 132 personal best times
were set. Three school records were broken and to put the icing on the
cake we won two trophies for the top points in the relays and overall Top
Junior Club in Somerset 14/U.
11 years
Huw W - 1st 200m Butterfly, 1st
100m Backstroke, 1st 50m
Backstroke, 1st 100m Freestyle, 1st
200m IM.
Charlotte T - 3rd 100m Freestyle
14 years
Maddie C - 1st 100m Freestyle, 1st
200 IM, 1st 50m Butterfly, 1st 50m
Backstroke, 1st 100m Backstroke.
Susan R - 3rd 100m Freestyle.
10 years
Grace O - 3rd 50m Backstroke.
Alex P - 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st 50m
Butterfly, 1st 200m Butterfly, 1st
200m IM,
1st 100m Backstroke new school
record, 1st 100m Freestyle new
school record.
12 years
Wyatt W - 3rd 100m Backstroke.
Yuka M - 3rd 100m Freestyle, 3rd
50m Butterfly.
Sophie M - 1st 50m Butterfly, 2nd
100m Freestyle, 2nd 200m Butterfly,
3rd 50m Backstroke.
Rocco C - 1st 50m Backstroke, 1st
100m Backstroke, 1st 100m
Freestyle, 1st 200m IM, 1st 50m
Butterfly, 2nd 200m Butterfly.
13 years
Jami S - 3rd 100m Freestyle, 3rd
200m IM
Alice G - 1st 50m Butterfly new
school record, 1st 50m Backstroke,
3rd 100m Backstroke.
A quote from Millfield coach, Jak
“As the final for the 14 year-old
Girls’ 50m Back race made their way
to the blocks, we witnessed a sight
that brought a smile to all five
coach’s faces. A group of eight girls,
all in Millfield green, all relaxed and
smiling, ready to do battle with each
other as they took their places in the
final, one by one stepping up to fill
all eight lanes. Imara-Bella T,
Charlotte W, Hazza L, Tash R, Alice
G, Molly T, Susan R and Josie S had
seen off the competition, and were
leaving the Counties with a defiant
and clear message… ‘We are here.
Catch us if you can.’ Well done to
Alice who won that final and to
Susan who came 4th.”
Polly P - 2nd 100m Backstroke, 2nd
50m Backstroke, 2nd 200m IM, 3rd
100m Freestyle.
Alexander S - 1st 50m Butterfly, 2nd
200m Butterfly, 2nd 100m
Backstroke, 2nd 50m Backstroke,
2nd 200m IM, 2nd 100m Freestyle.
Congratulations to the following swimmers for producing personal bests;
Freya L, Benjamin L, Christian W, Woody T, Aurelio C, Tom O, Willow W,
Emily O, Caitlin M, Philippa L, Ffion R, Georgia O and Izzy C.
Thank you also to Lin Skirton and James Clarke for all your hard work over
the last four weekends of competition.
A special mention...
From all the swimmers we would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Clarke
who leaves us now for his travels to Singapore where he has taken up the
post of assistant coach. James has been a fantastic help and support to all
the swimmers and we wish him all the very best and he will be missed.
Edgarley relays
Wednesday 25 March
The annual Edgarley Relays always
attracts a high quality field with
schools from Cumbria, Cornwall,
Dorset, Wiltshire, Bedfordshire and
Berkshire. The competition was as
exciting as ever but very strong
teams from Queen Elizabeth school
in Cumbria dominated the show with
wins in both the girls and boys races.
The boys team was 2nd in the English
Schools National Finals in December
where our boys were just behind
them in 3rd. Queen Elizabeth also
took the B team competition in the
boys race. However, Millfied Prep
pupils showed their class with 2nd
places in both the girls’ and boys’
races and Rory N and Martine S were
the fastest runners. Well done to all
Luke T
Jamie T
Natasha B
Ollie H
Tajera D
Elodie J
Annabelle D
Molly S
Susan R
Alice G
Isabel B
Martine S
Olivia B
Max K
Edward W
Oliver B
Korbyn C
Jamie T
Jacob P
Joe M
William S
Harvey M
Max H
Hugo K
the runners who took part.
Girls A team-2nd
Marine S - fastest lap
Olivia K - 3rd fastest
Lily D - 17th fastest
Annabelle D - 44th fastest
Girls B team-12th
Polly P 21st
Yuka M 35th
Darcy Z 40th
Elodie J 78th
Girls C Team-19th
Ollie H 48th
Natasha B 64th
Alice N 82nd
Izzy C 89th
Max K
Rory N
Angus S
Nathaniel A
Niall C
Max F
Jordan E
James G
Tom O
Oliver H
Woody T
Niall C
Tom O
Boys A Team-2nd
Rory N 1st
Oliver H 8th
Niall C 13th
Mac R 20th
Boys B Team-9th
Aurelio C 22nd
Jami S 25th
Cameron M 33rd
Ben H 50th
Boys C Team-14th
Archie W 38th
Luke M 40th
Korbyn C 49th
James G 77th
Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Page 7
Millfield Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Page 7
On Thursday 19 March our 1st VII Hockey team competed in the National
Prep School Hockey Finals. From an initial entry of more than 160 schools,
qualifying teams came from as far as Norfolk, Scotland and Kent.
In the group stages we started superbly defeating two strong teams from the
East. However, two below par performances meant that we finished as
group runners-up which presented us with a significant challenge.
In the quarter finals we met the East Champions, Bishop Stortford. Despite
trailing at half time our boys fought back magnificently to win on golden
goal. Without question this was one of our best performances of the season.
This set up a semi-final encounter with our old adversaries from Dean Close.
We started brilliantly to lead 2-0 at half time. Dean Close upped their game
after the break and scored two superb short corners and added an open play
third to defeat us by the odd goal. Congratulations to Dean Close who went
on to win the final 4-0 over Foremarke.
We were hugely proud of the Millfield Prep team who pushed a quality side
very close. So near! Well done chaps!
Mr Morgan-Hughes
Mendip Junior Cross Country
Fifth and final race, Tor Leisure,
Tuesday 24 March
It was another record breaking year
with over 500 children taking part in
this local league. As usual Millfield
Prep runners did very well and came
away with medals and trophies. Well
done to Billy N who is Mendip
Champion for 2015 and well done to
all the girls and boys who took part
and didn’t quite get a medal.
Year 3 and 4 Girls
Melissa M 3rd
Lola M 4th (3rd overall)
Issy M 35th
Team-3rd (5th overall)
Year 3 and 4 Boys
Arseniy O 1st
William T 4th (3rd overall)
Conor D 7th
Ellis J 10th
Team-1st (14th overall)
Year 5 and 6 Girls
Emily O 13th (16th overall)
India-Rose O-15th (15th overall)
Jasmine C-16th (10th overall)
(highest MPS runner)
Charlotte G-17th (13th overall)
Stella G 19th
Harriet J 22nd
Maddie C 24th
Caitlin M 32nd
Rebecca S 35th
Amy S 47th
Ella M 51st
Team-4th (3rd overall)
Year 5 and 6 Boys
Billy N 1st (1st Overall)
Alex P 2nd
Wyatt W 16th
Patrick S 25th (9th overall)
Aedhan G 32nd (20th overall)
Logan M 39th
James M 47th
Alexander M 55th
Christian W 57th
Team-1st (1st overall)
Mr Etherington
Dear Parents,
Parent and Child Tennis Tournament
On Saturday 2 May we are holding a ‘Parent and Child’
tennis tournament at the Senior School grass courts or
indoors if it is wet. Any combination of child and adult may
enter this event, which is being co-organised by the Tennis
Department and Parents’ and Friends’ and is aiming to be
an enjoyable family afternoon.
In addition, and at the same time, we will also be entering
the Quorn Family Tennis Cup. This is for any 10 and Under
child born 1 September 2004 or later to play with an adult
family member (can be parent, uncle, aunt, sibling etc).
Doubles played on Mini Red tennis court with Mini Red
balls (aim is definitely FUN and child centred rather than
serious adult competition). Winners of the Quorn Family
Tennis Cup may get the opportunity to represent the
school in another competition later in the year.
If you would like to enter the fee is £10.00 per team and
entry forms should be returned to the Prep School office
for the attention of Parents’ and Friends’ as soon as
possible and no later than Monday 27 April 2015.
Many thanks,
Saturday 2 May 2015
4.30pm at Millfield Senior School Courts
Cost £10.00 per team
Name of Parent
Name of Child
Child’s Age ..............................................................................
Group Tutor
Contact Number
Entry forms and entry fee of £10.00 per team either cash or
cheque (made out to Millfiled Parents’ and Friends’
Association) should be handed into the school office for the
attention of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association.
Nikki Della Valle
Chair - Parents’ and Friends’ Association
Entry forms should be returned no later than
Monday 27 April 2015.
Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
This Week…
The end of another term at Millfield Pre-Prep. The days certainly do fly by!
This week I had the pleasure of joining Pre-School on their Easter Bunny trail.
It was such a lovely, fun-filled morning for them and they all behaved so
beautifully. So many opportunities for language development, teamwork and a
whole range of other skills, including using a peeler to peel the Easter Bunny’s
The little ones really do make me smile on a daily basis, and if ever I am feeling
overloaded with paperwork or emails, a quick trip next door to chat to the three
year olds soon banishes the blues! (No excuses either now for them not helping
you to peel the veg for Sunday lunch…)
The children have all worked very hard
this term and are ready for their wellearned holiday. I hope the sun shines
on us all and that you are able to enjoy
some quality family time together.
Happy Easter from all of the
Pre-Prep staff.
Mrs Blasdale
Click on the icon to see photos
from our Mother’s Day assembly
Year 2 Potatoes
This week Year 2 have planted new potatoes in their raised beds and are looking
forward to harvesting them before the end of the summer term.
They have also had fun writing instructions to make chocolate nests which will
go into their Easter baskets.
Travelling Book Fair!
We have the Book Fair visiting us from 6-13 May. All
classes will be visiting the Fair during the week to
purchase a book, but you are also welcome to pop in
and purchase books for your child/ren yourself if you
wish to. It will be held in the Pre-Prep dining room every
day from 8.30am-4.00pm and I would suggest that
8.30am after drop off or 3.15pm would be good times
for Pre-Prep parents to visit.
You can also order books online with click and collect
from Just order and pay online
and collect the books from the Fair.
Riding News
Lilly M (pictured right)
has qualified for the
South West Pony Show in
Wales. She was reserve
champion overall with her
pony at a show at King
Sedgemoor last month.
Well done Lilly!
May Fair
Plant Stall
Please, please get
planting, splitting and
digging for our PrePrep plant stall. Funds
raised will be in aid of
the RNLI (Lifeboats
and Lifeguards).
Thank you
so much!
Millfield Pre-Prep Newsletter ● Issue 566 ● 26 March 2015
Farm to Fork Trail at
We had an amazing visit
to Tesco in Glastonbury.
The children made
wonderful bread rolls
and were able to follow
the complete bread
making journey. We saw
fish being filleted and a
salmon eating a sardine!
The children have
written wonderful letters
to say thank you for this
very exciting trip.
Page 9
Donation Request
Our steward, Mr Kelly,
is planning his annual trip
to the orphanage in
Romania. He is always
very grateful for your
kind donations and hopes
that during your spring
cleaning in the Easter
break you can collect
clothes and toys for the
May Fair stall. Please bring the items to the Prep Reception.
Also, you can buy tickets for a raffle for your chance to win
some excellent prizes:
Millfield Prep School Draw
1st Prize Luxury Food Hamper
2nd Prize Milfield Holiday Course Voucher
3rd Prize Beauty Products with Voucher
4th Prize Family Ticket for Wookey Hole
The draw will take place at the May Fair on Monday 4 May,
tickets £1 in aid of The Libra Foundation/Romania Orphanage.
Charity no: 1123200
Thank you for your support!
A Fond Farewell
Reception are bidding a fond farewell to Shay and his
family. They are moving to Scotland in the Easter
holiday and will be greatly missed by all the class. 'Show
and Tell' will never be the same without Shay! We will
be keeping in touch via e-mail and look forward to
hearing all their exciting news. Good luck from us all!
Our Minis have been making a splash!
See more photos over the page...
Well done to everyone who joined us for Swimming last week.
Everyone had a great time splashing and building their confidence in the water. The children
enjoyed the swimming lesson, water toys and giant floats!
After a busy and energetic morning the children and parents had a leisurely snack and coffee
break back at school. We finished our session with a story book and awarded everyone with a
certificate for super-duper swimming!
A big thank you to Mrs Collins and Mr Clark for giving us with such a fantastic swimming lesson!