“Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Live Webinar Transcript Welcome everyone to “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days.” How to do what you love to do, making a difference in the lives of others, and challenging yourself to move far beyond what you’ve done in the past. Wow! We’ve had an overwhelming response for this webinar. If you’re on our webinar LIVE, you’ll receive the transcript of our webinar absolutely FREE. In fact you won’t have to take any notes because everything I am sharing with you today is transcribed word for word. I’ll lead you to the transcript toward the end of our training. A special welcome to all of our Protégé Gold members joining our webinar! In fact, say hello in the chat roll and how your business is changing through your participation in the Protégé Gold Program. I am amazed at what you’ve achieved and am wow’d by your consistent high sales and recruiting! Outstanding job! I was in the industry for 19 years and had many $100K personal sales years, held over 5,000 parties and built a $19 million dollar a year business and although things have changed, I’m grateful to my clients and Gold members for taking my principles and practices and keeping them alive. Thank you! Think about it. There’s no other industry where we can literally give others an opportunity to create their own job security. It is truly a gift! Our industry is really about turning people from employees to entrepreneurs by giving them the tools to accomplish their rendition of an ideal business. When you really own that, success will happen! It’s a mindset. It’s the inner game! What you think, you become! Thoughts held in mind reproduce in like kind. During our webinar, I’ll share how hundreds of members in my Protégé Program and my personal clients are consistently recruiting 40, 50 and even 100 new reps a years. And guess what? You can too! I’ll reveal exactly what my members are doing that is getting results beyond their wildest dreams. So much has changed over the last year through social media and how we recruit in network marketing and direct sales. THE GOOD NEWS IS it’s actually easier than ever before when you follow a model that works and you do it over and over again. Let’s have a little fun. We are giving away gifts from Lifeline Mall for leaving your greatest takeaway on my Facebook wall. It's simple, visit www.Facebook.com/SteveWiltshireLifeline and share your greatest takeaway from our training. I will also answer any questions you have following our webinar. Any question goes—whether it pertains to the training or just your business. Plus we have a special drawing and one of you will receive a $200 package of all my books, audio programs and interview kit—and I’ll explain more about that at the end! “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 1 of 9 I’ll be giving you challenges throughout our webinar and of course, write down the areas that really resonate with you so that when you’re reviewing the transcript, they’ll be easy to review. Imagine arriving at a place where you were so confident about how you approached others about your business opportunity and you were well versed in the art of sharing your opportunity. Meaning you felt confident, authentic, spacious and inspiring! And what if you were crystal clear about your follow up? Meaning you knew what step to take and when to make it? You could handle objections and you were more committed to guiding others to a vision, sharing the opportunity and supporting them in making an empowered decision instead of your agenda? Wow! What results might come out of that? Here's the reality check and possibly not what some of you want to hear that are looking for the quick fix. What I just shared with you defines what I've noticed about many of my clients and case studies who are recruiting large numbers of individuals. They are very comfortable with the process, they understand the value of building relationships, making others feel important and staying in process with others. In addition, they're detached from an outcome and focused on gaining trust, creditability and respect. They're constantly adding contacts to their TIP list (i.e., their “Who's Talented, Who’s Interested and Who Has Potential” list-- I'll explain that in a moment), and they have a very organized system about how they connect, serve, listen and share that's magnetic. In some cases their approach is like a time capsule that releases a little bit of magic over a period of time, especially with the high quality individuals because let's face it, the quality individuals are most likely already busy being successful at something else and this is when the magic ignites. In my case studies, I am amazed at how many of my clients have these high numbers of recruits in a particular month, and then when I interview them about their success and we get specific about the people they recruited, some of them were slowly cooking in the pot of possibility for a few months. Well, what does this process mean in relation to guiding others to make a decision? Does the decision belong to you? Absolutely not. Do you have a motive? Of course. God gave you motive. You wake up with motive. Do you want them to join? Of course, but that's not your business, that's their business. Meaning, there's God's business, their business and your business. Your business is what's in your realm of your control. What's in your realm of control? How you make other's feel. The inspirational voicemail you leave. The text message that engages them to text you back. The message that you post on their Facebook wall that takes their breath away. The conversation that has them feel more connected to you because you focused more on how you made them feel and what was important to them, rather than that extra push to sign them up. What else can you control? How you romance them (i.e., how you made them feel). We'll touch on that during our webinar. Am I going to give you a system to SPEED RECRUIT? Yes! Can it attract new partners into your business quick? Yes! But if you want to recruit quality individuals without turning them off, what you really want to master is how to build relationship and how to stay in the process. CHALLENGES: CHALLENGE #1 Decide what you want, and design your 30-day plan. The subtitle of our webinar is “10 Recruits in 30 Days.” What that really means is, “If you stretched yourself and really went for it, how many new reps would you bring into the business in 30 days, and when would your 30-day campaign begin?” Meaning your 30-day campaign could begin today or in two “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 2 of 9 weeks or evening a month from today. It's not about urgency it's about a timeframe when you can be your best and laser FOCUS! Our training is all about stretching yourself beyond your capacity and playing full out. For example, you might decide to wait a few weeks to begin your campaign and really study the transcript or if you're a Gold member, we have an entire 4-part ecourse called, "The 30-Day Recruiting Mastery Boot Camp" with audio, video, assignments and supporting doc that will groom you to become a seasoned recruiter and ROCK your 30-day campaign. Make a decision. What do you want? Do you want to recruit 3, 5 or 10 new reps? What do you really want to accomplish? When you are hesitant, you become confused and indecisive which wastes time and energy. Just decide right now that you’re going for it. What do you really want to attract? Next, you need a plan and you’ll have a plan from our training. When you have a plan and embody the plan, SUCCESS HAPPENS! Here we go… here are my Success Decision to successfully sharing your business opportunity and utilizing the SPEED RECRUITING Method. First Success Decision: List your Events, Resources and Mentors to Explode Your Recruiting: Let's talk leverage! The key to successfully recruiting is having ideal events, resources and key supporters that bring creditability to your opportunity and simplify the process. What events do you have to invite guests to? Do you have live opportunity events in your local community, opportunity calls, Facebook opportunity events or even an ideal recorded resource or video about your business opportunity? This is a very important question. It's important that you're aware of the venues that are available for you to invite guest or have a resource that share your business opportunity. I want to challenge you to create a specific list of events available for you to invite guests to hear your business opportunity or research the best recording that shares the most important aspects about your business opportunity. Also who are your best supporters? Meaning, what upline leader, mentor or peer might you reach out to that will support you with three way calls to connect with anyone who's taken the time to attend an opportunity event or listen to an audio but has questions and needs a perspective from a more experienced individual. This is also a very important aspect that supports the decision process of those that you're sharing your business opportunity with. Let's talk about your resources. What ideal brochure or video is a great introduction about your business opportunity? For example, Eric Worre's trailer video, "The Rise of the Entrepreneur" is an ideal video to share with anyone about our industry because it reveals where the world is headed and that the only security we have is within ourselves and that the industrial age is over. Jobs and government assistant will become more and more difficult to obtain. The opportunities that our parents and grandparents experienced, going to work in Corporate America are not the same opportunities our upcoming generations will have. Why? Overseas competition and technology. Everyone needs an additional income stream and a ‘Plan B.’ This video positions you as an expert and someone who cares about helping others plan ahead. The video will shock them, think about their future and the importance of empowering our youth to be resourceful, resilient and create skills to generate income. “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 3 of 9 Stay with me for a moment. Let's say you had someone that expressed interest about your business opportunity and you said, "Great, I'll send you an email with a link leading you to an audio recording about our company and how you can create an additional income stream. When will you have an opportunity to listen to it?" Janie says, "Tomorrow night." You say, "Perfect, how about if we touch base on Friday, will that work for you?" Janie says, "Absolutely! How about 4 pm?" I have so many email/Facebook templates for my clients and Gold members on how to ideally approach others. This is a template for quickly moving into the opportunity with someone and you'll see how this unfolds throughout our training. We're in the preparation stage and soon you'll see the big picture and the process of getting there. Invitation Email Template for Speed Recruiting Janie, I acknowledge you for taking the time to learn more about the (Your company) opportunity and our business model to support you in creating a lucrative income stream. During this recording you'll learn more about our income stream opportunity, extraordinary product line and our extraordinary mentoring team who will coach and support your journey if you choose to endeavor the path with us. I have attached a link leading you to a short summary of our products and compensation. [Add a link leading them a web page or video about your products and compensation plan] Lastly, our country is changing. The industrial age is over. Our teenagers will not have the same opportunities previous generations experienced in Corporate America. Why, technology and overseas competition. I have a personal mission to empower our youth to become resourceful, resilient entrepreneurs and to create their own strong economy. That is one of the reasons I moved forward with (Your Company). I want to invite you to watch a trailer video (about 2 minutes) on the "Rise of the Entrepreneur." It will give you a snapshot of what the future holds for us and our world at large. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ftm0zjQcPU0 Whether you're interested in receiving the products at wholesale, tax savings, creating an additional income stream or building your rendition of an ideal career, I am here to answer your questions and support you in making a decision that's ideal for you. I have attached a link leading you to a short video that will give you a snapshot of the mission of our company and the huge impact we are making in guiding others on how to create their own strong economy and a life they love. [Add link leading them to an inspirational video about your company’s mission] I cannot tell you how this template has been an ideal tool for my clients interested hostesses, guests, friends or partners leads to take action within a short period of time. I am awestruck by their results. We have a lot to cover in a short time. Let's keep moving! Second Success Decision: Complete your TIP List within the next 7 days What is a TIP List? It's this ongoing list of everyone that you want to share your business opportunity with. In my case studies, the top recruiters always add and never delete anyone unless they say, "I'm 100% not interested!" They're committed to cultivated relationship and this keeps the focused on connecting, serving and sharing. “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 4 of 9 Always begin by asking yourself, “Who has expressed interest in the past? Who has talent? Who would I love to work with? Who has potential but doesn’t know it?” Meaning, I’ve never thought about sharing my business opportunity with them. You’re tip list is your roadmap! If you were in my Gold Program and I was coaching you personally and you told me you wanted to take a promotion or earn a trip and needed XYZ number of new partners, this is the first request I would have of you. Take an hour and create your TIP list. Your Second Challenge is to schedule an hour in your office and complete your TIP list. Contemplate everyone you know or have met in the market place (i.e., previous hostesses, previous guests, personal contacts, everyone you do business with, everyone you meet in the market place) Third Success Decision: Decide how you'll approach them Remember, what you want is a conversation with them. A conversation can't happen through text, a Facebook message or voicemail. Sometimes it's as simple as inviting them to some special party or event and telling them that you'd love to connect with them. The essence of our industry is philosophy, systems and approach. Right now we’re discussing how to approach others. This is where you need to use your head and your heart. What do you know about them? What might get them to call you back? How about spending a little time on their Facebook wall and notice what's happening in their life and if they're active on Facebook write an acknowledgement on their wall about them, not your business opportunity or send them a text to see how they are and rev up dialog and set up a time to chat and see how they are. How about a card in the mail? I still think cards are a very effective way to connect because most people don't send cards anymore. I have clients who are top recruiters who sit down with their family to watch a movie and in 90 minutes have written 25 cards to send to individuals they want to connect with about their business opportunity. Ironically they don't even write anything about the business they simple acknowledge, inspire and connect. (Quotable cards/Lifeline cards/Send the card with an invitation to your VIP Celebration) You really have to determine how you’ll approach your candidates and make that personal connection and enroll them in possibility. And every situation might be a little different. I define enrollment as “Having conviction and passion about something you want to offer someone and asking enough questions to discover the value it holds for them.” Enrollment is an energy you exude, a passion that you radiate and a vision that you hold for them and you. Where are we? Well, you’ve created your roadmap; your “Who’s Talented, Who is Interested and Who Has Potential” list and you’re ready to creatively reach out to the individuals on your TIP list. If they're local you might consider inviting them to a party at your home. Schedule a fun them party for your local candidates. With this model you have a real comfortable process as to how to invite and connect with your local candidates. Meaning, if you’re mailing them an awesome card, add an extraordinary invitation flier in the card, a splash of confetti and an authentic connecting message on the card, (you can find my greeting cards at www.lifelinecoaches.com/lifeline-mall). Let’s detour for a moment. How about some of your candidates that are on your “Who’s Talented, Interested and Who Has Potential” list who live outside of your local community? How might you approach them? Well, obviously you don’t have a party to invite them to so your approach is totally different. “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 5 of 9 Listen to me. The value we offer is always determined by the other person. Your spouse decides the value you give them. Your kid decides the value you give them and your hostess and recruiting candidates decide the value you give them. It’s not the other way around. When you take the time to allow your intuitive genius to direct you, you’ll find the words and discover your approach. Remember, what you want is a phone conversation with everybody, but it might take a card in the mail, writing an inspirational message on their Facebook wall or an engaging text that creates dialog and then it will lead to a conversation. Your approach is similar to dating at this point. The message is an acknowledgement or something about their family or something important to them, NOT your business, not you or some cheesy comment like, “You would be so great at my business.” Non-negotiable: Make it about them and learn how to get into their world and build trust, appreciation and connection! Your Third Challenge is to touch 10 people a week during your 30-Day Campaign. Whether you send out 40 greeting cards and invitations to a party, leave an engaging voice mail, send out an engaging text message or send them a Facebook message, your intent is to connect and acknowledge them. Remember your objective is to have a conversation with them. Imagine you have text dialog with someone and you say, "Do you have a few minutes to connect" and they respond by saying, "Sure, after 6 pm, will that work?" You've just confirmed time for a conversation. You'll soon realize the importance of what I call a ‘Vision Conversation’ as I share the last Success Decision you can make to explode your recruiting success. We have one more Success Decision and then I’ll lead you to the transcript and answer any questions you have in the chat roll. Fourth Success Decision: Make it about them ALWAYS! If you want to share your business, get great results and live a purposeful life, make it all about them... ALWAYS! So, let’s get honest--most of you are fearful of even bringing up the business to others. You want to, but you avoid the topic and when you do bring it up, you get tongue tied and dislike your approach. It’s important to understand why you might feel that way. First, you might not really like how you’re approaching them and it feels intrusive and for good reason because how most people are taught isn’t anything I would ever do either. Second, your timing is off. You’re throwing up on someone and it’s not attractive. It’s like someone talking to you in your personal space and you can’t breathe. And third, some of you are selling the kit instead of leading them to their pain and vision. Well, all of that is about to change right now! The secret is that you feel good about you, your approach and how you make others feel. And most importantly, you are detached from an outcome. People don't care what you know or what you offer until they know how much you care. Your new perspective is to see yourself as a life mentor; a person that inspires, encourages, sees the best in others and evokes vision. Where are we? You’re on the phone with someone that you want to share your business opportunity with. They’ve responded to you through your ability to connect with them through a card, text, an invitation to an event or you wrote an inspirational message on their Facebook wall. Basically they’ve reached out to you and you’re at the beginning of a “Vision Conversation.” “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 6 of 9 • How's your week going? (Weather Talk) • How's life? • Eventually the person you're talking with will say, "How are you?" Or if they're a talker, listen and listen and listen and then say, "Isn't life great! I'm so grateful for my life." Believe me they'll eventually say, “How are you?” You say, “Awesome! I love my life. I’m so focused on my vision this year Lisa.” How about you Lisa, What would make this year the greatest year of your life? (Be empowering! It’s attractive) If they say, I haven’t thought about it. Then you say, “Do you want greater health, more time for your most important relationships, an ideal vacation, a more fulfilling career or to increase your income? What’s important to you? When they begin to respond, listen and then mirror it back by saying, “I hear you saying you want (mirror back their response). • Lisa, how fulfilled are you with your income? • Lisa, I have an additional income stream opportunity that you might be interested in. Or, Lisa you're one of the most talented hostesses I have ever had a party with and you could truly create any level of success with (XYZ Company) that you wanted. Or, you've been on my mind and I know could create any level of success you desired with (XYZ) company and I wanted to reach out to you. Or, Lisa you love our product and it's time to get your products for free or highly discounted through our auto ship program and enjoy tax savings and an additional income stream. Are you open to discussing it? • Lisa, if you could create an additional income stream that would generate you $1,000 - $3,000 a month without taking up a huge amount of time, what would you do with the income? • What's important to you about that? • Identify the need and step into empowerment (i.e., what might be the benefit of test driving a new car or how about researching an ideal Private School for your children or how about researching your ideal vacation). There’s something that happens when others feel that you believe they could have what they want. It’s amazing when that happens. • How fulfilled are you with your career on a scale of 1 - 10? • What would make it a 10? "Lisa, This could turn into an amazing income steam for you and eventually an ideal career. I want to extend an invitation to join me for an inspirational call on Sunday evening at 6pm to learn more about the magic of (XYZ company). Or, I have a recording I can email you about the magic of (XYZ company) Or, I want to extend an invitation for you to meet me for a Starbucks beverage to learn more about the magic of (XYZ company). Lisa, you will feel one of three ways after you listen to the conference call or Lisa, you’ll feel one of three ways after you listen to the recording about the (XYZ company) opportunity. First, you might realize this isn't for you. Second, you might realize that this is exactly what you've been looking for and if so, I'll guide you every step of the way. Third, you might realize that it's an amazing opportunity however the time isn't quite right. I'll be here when you're ready to re-visit it. Lisa, will you have time to listen to the recording today or tomorrow? Great, what time is ideal to reconnect on Friday?" “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 7 of 9 When you become familiar with the Speed Recruiting Method through practice, you'll adapt your process to the situation. Your irresistible offer should be an engaging authentic offer that has conviction, passion and is customized to the person you’re talking to. It’s irresistible, simple and direct, however it is spacious. I taught one of my clients the Speed Recruiting Model and my client recruited 5 new reps in a month and ironically hadn’t recruited anyone for months. Granted, she has a million dollar business and an amazing group of leaders, but during our process of creating a two month recruiting campaign, I challenged her to practice these concepts. By the way leaders stay tuned. Twenty-five of you will receive this same campaign absolutely free. It's a surprise. We'll end our webinar with this surprise. Ok, back to my client. I first challenged her to take an hour, pour her favorite beverage, and identify her “Who’s Talented, Who’s Interested and Who Has Potential” list and then email me her list within 72 hours. We’ll, she did, and we coached around a few of her candidates on her list. One of them was a hostess named Annette who had an amazing party last November and she talked with her about the business and left her with this awesome gift bag of goodies with information about her business opportunity but didn’t follow up. Well, my client recently sent Annette (her November hostess) an incredible card with a personal message and an invitation to her special VIP Celebration Party. Then she wrote an incredible acknowledgement on Annette’s Facebook wall. Consequently, Annette called her back and my client invited Annette to her VIP Celebration Party and said these very words. (Listen carefully) “Annette, you had an amazing party. Your friends were blown away. I feel we had an incredible connection. You love our products and said you really want more fun in your life. Annette, I want to extend an invitation to join our company. If there was an ideal time to join (your company), now is the time. You can receive (value of product) for (price of the kit). We can schedule a gathering for your friends who were unable to attend your last party. I’ll gift you with the profits and the bookings. I’ll coach you every step of the way. This can be whatever you want to make it. You have an amazing blessing at giving to others. Annette, when are you ready to get your first check?” Her response was “Today!” There are so many scenarios and it’s important that you customize your irresistible offer for the person you’re conversing with and that you’re clear about your offer. Notice that it wasn’t salesy. Notice that my client focused on value, gathering friends together for a fun friend’s night out party and that Annette would receive the profit. There wasn’t a lot of obligation or conversation about training over complicating the process. The "Vision Conversation" is ideal for warm or cool leads, and is a lot like courting—and the first date, that first impression is what gravitates others to you. In fact, they might not even know logically why they're attracted to you. Why? It's more of an emotional response because, "Attraction just is!" There's something that happens when we're able to evoke vision and pain in others. This is where the conversation goes from surface to depth. And there's something that happens within us when we're in an amplified state of love, service and detached from our own agenda. It's something that is unexplainable and that you must experience in order to understand, however now you know that there's a system to guide you on the process and it truly makes a lot of sense. Doesn’t it? The “Vision Conversation” won't always lead others to your business opportunity and frankly, sometimes you might not even offer an invitation to hear more about your business opportunity if the timing doesn’t feel right. However I will tell you that they'll be moved, touched and inspired by the conversation and “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 8 of 9 you'll need to know when to say, "I understand you’re not interested. I respect that. I want you to know how impressed I am with you and wanted to share this with you." Meaning, that friend, co-worker, previous hostess or person you do business with isn’t yet interested and you don’t want them to feel pressured, or weird and you want to hold your value and share your respect for them. So you must realize what the history has been. If the person on your TIP list isn't familiar with your company, compensation plan or product line obviously that's where you start. Begin with the ideal approach, engage them in a conversation and then step into the Vision Conversation. Immediately after someone expresses interest about attending an opportunity event or listening to a recording about your business opportunity, send them an extraordinary Invitation email and always schedule a time to check back with them. In Eric Worre's "Go Pro" book, Eric shares a concept that goes: "The only reason to have an exposure is to set up the next exposure." When Eric started his business in our industry he would conclude every exposure by saying, "What do you think?" No one told him that the question "What do you think?" was one of the worst questions to ask. Basically it sounds natural to me, but his results were flat. Personally I don't think anything is wrong with that phrase, however his body language and energy might have communicated that he was attached or too focused on his agenda. When Eric asked his mentor for support, his mentor said, "Eric, the only reason to have an exposure is to set up the next exposure." That blew his mind. Eric thought the only reason to have an exposure was to get the person signed up! His mentor went on to explain that if you finish each exposure by setting up the next one, the prospect will eventually understand the opportunity and make an informed decision. The goal in Eric's mind shifted from "getting the person to join on the first exposure" to keeping the process alive by setting up the next follow up exposure, then the next and the next, until they made a decision. We're right back to where we started. The secret is that you feel good about you, your approach and how you make others feel. "People don't care what you know or have to offer until they know how much you care." Love and Success, Steve Q Wiltshire “Speed Recruiting: 10 Recruits in 30 Days” Transcript; Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. Page 9 of 9
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