Miniapple International Montessori May 2015 Directors Notes As we creep to the end of the school year, it’s a great time to be thinking about summer and all the exciting things going on here at Miniapple… Thank you to all our families for taking time out of your day to attend your child’s conference. All the teachers really enjoyed connecting with you about your child’s progress. If your child’s class has not had conferences yet, please make sure you are signed up. As stated in our Parent Policy book, children should wear closed toe shoes to prevent injuries on the playground that can come from flip flops coming off or their feet getting stepped on. We require children do not wear flip flops or open-toed shoes. Now that the weather remains consistently warm, we will be starting our day outside at 8:00am, for toddlers and preschoolers. The breakfast room will close at 7:45am, so that we can be outside by 8:00am. If you arrive after 7:45am, your child will not get to eat breakfast inside. If you arrive before 8:00, please bring your child to the activity room with their outside shoes and a jacket if needed, and not wearing slippers or inside shoes so we can leave from the activity room and not have to find their outside shoes first. Friday, May 8th Mother‘s Day! Please join us for coffee and doughnuts to celebrate our wonderful Moms! More info at the end of the newsletter. All family members are welcome! Our Spring Program and Kindergarten Graduation is scheduled for Thursday, May 14th. The program will begin at 6pm at the First Congregational Church. Please plan on picking up your child early enough to feed him/her a small dinner or snack in time for the 6:00 Program. Following the program, we will have light snacks and beverages. A sign-up sheet will be posted outside of your child’s classroom. We will have more info coming soon. The Miniapple Preschool Recognition Ceremony will be on Thursday, May 21st at 10:00 a.m. We will celebrate the preschoolers that are graduating before their journey to Kindergarten. Please join us in our parking lot. Following the ceremony, we will enjoy a picnic lunch at Marcy Park! Please sign up to allow Miniapple staff to apply sunscreen to your child this summer. Permission forms will be located outside of your child’s classroom. Miniapple asks that the parent(s) apply sunscreen in the morning, and provide a bottle for staff to reapply at lunchtime. Lee & Danielle DATES TO REMEMBER: Tues. May 5th: Soccer registrations due Fri. May 8th: Mother’s Day breakfast 7am-9am Thur. May 14th: Spring Program & Kind. Graduation 6:00pm Mon. May 18th: Field Trip to Pinehaven Farm Thur. May 21st: Preschool Recognition & Picnic at Marcy Park 10am Mon. May 25th: MIM closed, Memorial Day CLASS NOTES Infant House We want to first welcome Janet and Lauren to the baby room! Hailey (our infant room closing staff) will be going full time when she graduates. Janet is taking Val’s place and Hailey will take Katelyn’s. We hired Lauren to take Hailey’s place, to close the baby room and give teachers their breaks during the day. April showers bring May flowers, so get ready for some spring flower art work and a special Mother’s Day surprise! We’ve been enjoying the nice weather by taking a walk around 9:00-10:00am. Please don’t forget a sun hat to wear on our walks. Parents are required to apply sunscreen before they arrive and we’ll reapply if we go outside in the afternoon. Please welcome our newest babies Rose R. and Rose G! Glen will be “Baby of the Month” for May. We will be starting “Fun Fridays” which will run through August. There will be a new theme Miniapple International Montessori May 2015 th every week, starting on Friday May 8 , which is dress up as your favorite zoo animal. May 15th is Pajama Day, May 22nd is wear your favorite sports team apparel, and May 29th will be a “Bright Day!”, wearing your brightest clothes. For the Spring Program on May 14th, please have your baby wear work-out wear. Please don’t forget to update/check your child’s extra clothes to ensure there is season-appropriate clothing, and clothing that still fits your growing baby! Don’t forget to label! If you plan on arriving after 8:45am, please call or email us to let us know. Since we will be going on morning walks we want to make sure all our babies are here so we can coordinate our walks and other morning activities. Thank you!! Nicole, Hailey, Janet, and Lauren Toddler House 1 Hi Toddler Parents! It’s hard to believe that the school year is ending and spring is here. Because of the nice weather we will be spending more time outside so please bring weather appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Please apply sunscreen before you arrive, and we’ll reapply before we go out again. Our May calendar is full of fun activities. We will celebrate Mother’s Day and learn about different birds, butterflies, flowers and bees. We will celebrate Mother’s day with a breakfast on Friday May 8th. All moms are invited to join us. The first week of May is our conference week, so please sign up if you haven’t already. We are very excited about the spring program and have been practicing our songs. We said goodbye to our friend Ella who moved up to CH3, and Vera who moved up to CH2. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. With love, Reshma and Rachel Toddler House 2 May is a busy month for the toddlers! It also brings big changes, both outside - as we begin to notice signs of spring on our neighborhood walks and during our playground time – and within our classroom as we say goodbye to old friends and welcome new classmates. Wesley, Logan, Indigo, Fay and Jack will all be moving up to preschool this summer and we wish them all the best. We will also be celebrating Bodhi and Quinn’s birthdays this month! With warmer weather finally here, and all the snow melted from our playground, we are excited to spend more time outside, nurturing an appreciation for nature that is a key component of our toddler Montessori program. In addition to outdoor playtime, we will enjoy planting and tending a garden, going on nature walks, visiting nearby parks, and exploring our community. Please be sure to send your child in weather-appropriate clothing. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen outside, we ask that you apply it in the morning and provide a bottle for us to re-apply in the afternoon. Please also sign the sunscreen permission form outside of our classroom. We look forward to celebrating our May transitions, May birthdays, Mother’s Day, and our Spring Program with you this month! All our best, Julianna, Katie, & Amanda Children’s House 1 We welcomed Annah to our community last month. Her calm presence, humor and compassion have made it easy for her to connect with your child. Thank you Annah for making this such an easy transition! We are gearing up for a summer of outdoor fun. Along with a shorter Montessori work periods, we will go on nature walks, play at Marcy Park, garden, walk the St. Lawrence Labyrinth, visit the library, go swimming at Van Cleve Park, play board games on Fridays, create an observation journal…the possibilities are endless! We would love for families to come in and share your hobbies, stories, experiments, art projects or make a fun snack with our class. Please let us know if you want to join us. Children’s House 1 will become the nap room this summer which will continue through the 2014-2015 school year. Look for a more detailed letter of what this change will mean for our classroom environment. Stop by and join in the fun any time! Erica and Annah Miniapple International Montessori Children’s House 2 May 2015 We had 2 new students join our classroom in April; Vera (age 2) and Mila (age 3). Welcome Vera and Mila and their families! I know many of you have been asking about our Show and Tell policy. Right now, we just ask that they refrain from bringing any toys to school. Encourage your child to only bring in things that other children might not see every day or that are particularly meaningful to them. We prefer that they have some educational value. Starting in the fall, we will start the “Me Bucket” where children will take turns bringing in something to share. We have our Flower Arranging work back on the shelf. If you would like to donate a bouquet of flowers, they will be lovingly arranged by the children of CH2. Just put your name down on our sign-up. Thank you! We are continuing our Friendship Fish project. We will post them on our new bulletin board outside our classroom. The month of May is filled with events so please check the white board outside our classroom on a daily basis. Thank you, Mia and Blake Children’s House 3 It was so nice to sit down and talk with many of you last month for conferences. While Cecily did not sit in on them, she contributed many great insights and observations that were helpful in making our time more productive. In April, we enjoyed exploring the peace activities put together by each classroom. It’s always fun when we can collaborate and share ideas. For the spring program our class will be singing “Under the Sea” from Little Mermaid. In preparation for our big performance, we have been singing a lot and learning more about sea life. The children will make their props in class, and we will bring them to the program. Please have your child wear as much BLUE as possible for the program, to represent water. Many thanks! Maria and Cecily Children’s House 4 We will end this school year with a lot of activities! On May 8th, we will celebrate Mother's Day with special gifts and treats. From May 11- 15, we will have our class conferences. May 14th will be our spring program and kindergarten graduation day and on May 18th, we will go on a field trip to Pinehaven Farm. On May 21st, we will have our preschool graduation ceremony, followed by a picnic lunch at Marcy Park. We will be performing at the same church as our last program. Our song is called " I’ m Planting Seeds of Love in My Heart." This time we will be wearing a plain black tee shirt (no print) on top and the bottoms can be any of your choice. Najat and I are going to decorate the front of the shirt, so please bring the shirt, the sooner the better. We had a few lice cases this past three weeks. We want to thank you for being so cooperative and patient during the whole situation. We hope it is the end of it and appreciate your diligence to make sure your child is lice-free. It is a good idea to continue bringing a backpack every day to school for their belongings. If you have questions, please ask me or Najat. Wangmo and Najat Children’s House 5 We still have a month of our school year left before starting the Summer Program! There is still a lot of concentration in all areas, however we have been trying to get more presentations in the Math and Language areas. We even learned a new 'sound of the letters' game that we learned from Children's House 3 that has a song that goes along with it. In May we will be having our Spring Program and Children's House 5 has been learning 'Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head' as well as a song in French. We have these songs on a c.d. and play them at least a couple times a day, as well as practice with Ms. Robin in Music Class on Monday mornings. We ask for all children to wear raincoats for the Spring Program to be our prop to go along with the song. Thank you for your efforts with this. Also, our Preschool Graduation Ceremony will be Thursday, May 21st. We will have a ceremony during the day and be very proud of our Montessorians who are going out onto other ventures. We would love to hear from you or get a visit in the future. Yet another quality I love about the Montessori method is that it looks upon the whole child. Beyond what we are teaching academically, the method provides the children Emotional Intelligence as well. This is a relatively new term in the field of psychology. I invite you to find out more at this site: medium=email&utm_campaign=pockethits "Only through freedom and environmental experience is it practically possible for human development to occur." ― Maria Montessori Thank you, Jil and Gabrielle Miniapple International Montessori May 2015 Toddler French Bonjour! It is hard to learn a new language in a class because we learn the most language in our daily activities and interactions. For this reason, I have focused on teaching words that are relevant to a toddler’s daily life. Please feel free to use any French words you know (or listed below) with your toddlers, this will help immensely. This month will focus on spring words ! Bonjour (Hello), Au Revoir (Goodbye), Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (please), la pluie (rain), le soleil (sun), l’arbre (tree), la fleur (flower), froid (cold), chaud (hot). Merci beaucoup ! Cecily Preschool French Bonjour à toutes et joyeux mois de Mai. It is almost the end of the school year and also for French classes. We take a break from teaching French during the summer and will resume in the fall. During this month, we will keep working on our phonograms ex : ou, oi, ei, ai, etc. We are learning the name of the farm animals to get ready for our field trip to Pinehaven Farm. (cow: la vache, sheep: le mouton, horse: le cheval, rabbit: le lapin). This is a special month because of Mother’s Day, so we will learn a poem in French, « Une Mêre ». We will read two more French stories, « Babar en Picnic » and « Justine Parten Valanle » Our program song will be « la Laine Des Montons ». Merci et Bonne fête a toutes les mères Najat SPRING PROGRAM & KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION Our program is on May 14th at First Congregational Church. We will also celebrate our Kindergartners by having a Kindergarten graduation ceremony. They will have a special presentation and wear caps and gowns to celebrate this wonderful day. Each family will be given the words to their child’s songs. If you didn’t receive them, please let your child’s teacher know. STEP UP TO SOCCER If you haven’t already registered, soccer registration ends of May 5th. Register online @ School code is MINI-MPLS. After May 5th, there is a $20 late charge. Summer Class Schedule Najat takes a break from French during the summer, but Niza will continue to teach yoga this summer. We will continue to have music with Robin on Wednesday afternoons, as well as soccer on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. We will go back to French classes in September. MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST May 8th, We hope all mothers (and grandmothers) can join us to celebrate Mother’s Day. (Fathers and grandfathers welcome too!) WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Miniapple International Montessori May 2015 FIELD TRIP! On May 18th, we will be going to Pinehaven Farm in Wyoming, MN. The children will get to pet and feed many different animals, go on a wagon ride, and learn about honey bees. We will leave the school at 9am and return at 12pm for a quick bag lunch. Please do not send warm ups that day. PATHWAYS TO PEACE WEEK We really enjoyed our Peace Week. From a neighborhood cleanup, to our friendship fish, and the seeds we planted, we really worked hard to teach and recognize peace in ourselves, our school, our community, others and our earth. It has been 5 years since we dedicated our Peace Pole that is in the front of our school, next to the apple tree. We are very proud of our peace pole and celebrate every day the peace that we have in our school. Here are the languages “Peace” is written on our Peace Pole: Shalom: Hebrew Paz: Spanish Peace: English Fred: Scandinavian Shanti: Hindi Samaya: Sri Lankan Heping: Chinese Paix: French Shewa: Tibetan We will continue to encourage the children to have peace in their hearts throughout the year!
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