Miniapple Int’l Montessori Newsletter Director’s Corner I wanted to give everyone an update with our beloved Danielle. Danielle’s water broke on Thursday, March 26th. They are keeping a close eye on her and her baby, since she is only at 28 weeks. They are hoping to keep the little guy from coming before 34 weeks. So, she has been trying to stay sane by being on bed rest, indefinitely. We have been getting regular updates and have a visit coming up. Any love you want to send her way, she would greatly appreciate it! We have finalized our class lists for summer and are working on our fall class lists, thank you to the families who have turned in their fall registration forms. We have had several referrals from our parents, we are so grateful for your recommendations. Thank you! We’ve been lucky enough to have extra clothes on hand to send home with your child if they are missing something. However, we have not always gotten them returned to us. If your child was sent home with MIM clothes, please return them so other children can potentially use them in the future. STAFF UPDATES: We have a couple of new staff I want to introduce to you. Please welcome Erica’s new assistant, Annah Garrett! She completed her Montessori training through the North American Montessori Center, is wickedly funny, and seems to be loved already by everyone in CH1. Her daughter Mila also joins us-welcome! We’ve changed the title of Daycare Coordinator to Activities Director and have hired a wonderful addition to our team, Lindsay Redman. She brings energy, leadership and wonderful ideas to our day, and especially after our Montessori school day ends. Don’t forget to introduce yourself! Another staff change is Kayla, our assistant in Toddler House 2. She moved to Colorado and we’ve hired Amanda Brunner to fill her shoes. Amanda has a lot of experience as a Lead Teacher at New Horizon. She is very interested in learning more about Montessori and has shown interest in taking the Montessori teacher training. Please also welcome Jordan Thomas! Jordan mostly works in the afternoons, helping with after school activities, but occasionally fills in the classrooms too. She is a student at the University April 2015 of Minnesota, majoring in Child Psychology, is a literary mentor for America Reads, and is a wonderful addition to our team. She is wonderful with the children, a hard worker, and brings a lot of energy and excitement to Miniapple. PLEASE WELCOME ALL OUR WONDERFUL NEW STAFF! Our Spring Program is coming up on May 14th. We will be starting the program at 6pm. We will be at First Congregational Church. The church is located at 500 8th Ave SE, just on the other side of 35W. More info to come. Dates to Remember: April 8th: Montessori Education Night (pre) April 20th - April 24th: Paths to Peace Week May 14th: Spring Program & Kindergarten Graduation May 21st: Preschool Recognition May 25th: MIM closed (Memorial Day) May 29th: Last day of school year June 8th: School Age Program Begins June 10th: Step up to Soccer begins For the first time in several years, we have openings in our Summer School Age program. For our current Kindergartners, you are welcome to join us. If you know of any school age children ages 5-10 years, we have a few openings. Please let me know if you would like registration information. We are really thankful for your calls when you are going to be late or out for the day. This helps us plan classroom activities accordingly. We also have seen more families trying hard to arrive by 8:30 which is also appreciated. We would like to remind parents that it is a licensing requirement that we have parents sign in and out every day. We appreciate your dedication to this. Thank you very much! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Lee & Danielle Miniapple Int’l Montessori Newsletter April Classroom News INFANTS Hello Spring! Please remember to label all items with first and last names and please date all the bottles. To ensure your child’s belongings get back to you, all items must be labeled and we recommend the sticky labels that won’t come off. If you want, you can order great sticker labels at If your child has a sleep sack, please bring it in to be used at nap time. Since spring is here (almost), please check your child’s extra clothes supply to make sure the clothing is appropriate for the weather. We will be taking more walks with our new stroller, so please make sure to send along a sun hat for your child. We can bring 10 babies now at once! We want to wish a “Happy Birthday” to Evan, Ingrid and Iliana who will turn 1. Ingrid is also our Baby of The Month! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Nicole, Val & Katelyn Toddler House 1 Hello toddler parents. Finally spring is here (I think)! We will play outside more frequently, so please bring outdoor gear every day and label everything. This month we have many fun activities planned. We are going to talk about frogs, spring colors, spring weather, spring showers and Easter. Next month is conference month; the sign-up sheet will be posted outside of the classroom, to choose a date that works best for you. We welcomed Avery to our room from the Infant House, welcome Avery! We were lucky enough to have Avery’s brother Brady in our toddler room too! We said goodbye to Niraj and Lakshya who moved to their new preschool classrooms. Our Spring Program will be on May 14th. If you have any questions, please see me or Rachel. We always appreciate your suggestions and advice. With love, Reshma & Rachel April 2015 TODDLER HOUSE 2 Welcome spring! We will be going outside as much as possible now that the ice and snow are melting. Please continue to bring boots and snow pants, as the playground can get wet and muddy. As always, we appreciate you labeling everything that comes to school. Please also take a moment to check that your child’s extra clothes bin is stocked with clothes that fit – the toddlers have grown a lot since last fall! At the end of March we welcomed new friends Leila and Boden to our room. We also welcomed our new assistant teacher, Amanda. Though we were all sad to say goodbye to Kayla, we are very excited to have Amanda join our toddler community. Make sure you stop in and say hello! At the end of April (the week of the 20th to 24th) we will be having parent teacher conferences. Look for a sign-up sheet outside the classroom soon. Conference slots will be before and after school, but please talk to Julianna if none of those times work. This is a great opportunity for us to connect about your toddler and to think ahead as they move towards the Children House environment. In advance of your conference, we will be sending home a brief questionnaire to get your input and ideas to guide our conversation. We look forward to hearing from you! With love, Julianna, Katie, and Amanda Children’s House One March was full of transitions for Children’s House 1! We bid Jamila a fond farewell as she embarks on a new adventure and welcomed Annah to our community. We are so lucky to have Annah’s experience, compassion and enthusiasm! Annah was able to observe and train, prior to Jamila’s departure, making for an incredibly smooth transition. The children have handled the change with graceful ease. Woohoo! Please note that conferences are scheduled for the week of April 13th. The sign up will be posted soon. Thank you for your support and being such a welcoming community! Cheers, Erica and Annah Miniapple Int’l Montessori Newsletter Children’s House Two Happy Spring! We're welcoming spring by reading books about spring, talking about signs of spring and changing our poking works to raindrops and blades of grass. Many children choose to put these on our tree above the wash bins, so if you get a chance, take a look! Soon, we will also study different kinds of birds and parts of the bird. We will also be putting Flower Arranging back on the shelf, so look up for our flower sign-up on our board. For our Spring Program, we will be singing “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad,” which I think the students will love learning. Look out for a note about the dress code. Sincerely, Mia and Blake Children’s House Three As we enter into the warmer yet wet time of spring, it is helpful if the children have extra sets of clothing, socks are especially important. In March, we were happy to welcome Kai, Kelenn, Nina and Niraj from their toddler rooms. The older children have done a nice job of stepping up and helping our new friends learn our routine. These are wonderful opportunities for the older friends to reinforce their knowledge as they teach our young friends, and the toddlers are inspired to do what the preschoolers are working on. Spring conferences will be offered mid-April. Please keep your eye on the white board for a sign-up sheet. Maria will be happy to reschedule if none of the posted times work for you. Hopefully April brings warmer weather and more sunshine. We plan to use our deck for some small group activities, story time and snack. We may do some planting as well! Take care, Maria and Cecily Children’s House Four Our spring conferences will be held on May 11-15. Conferences start in the morning from 7:30am to 8:30am and in the afternoon from 2:15pm to 3:15pm. 20 minutes for each family. Time slot sign-up sheets will be up by the bulletin board soon. Now the weather is so nice hopefully, that will help your child arrive to school by 8:30am. If the classroom is already started, then please remember to give your child April 2015 hugs and kisses by the door and let your child put their lunch-boxes in their cubby by themselves. If you make it into a routine, they will follow it. Dr. Maria Montessori says that " independence allows the child to function. The prepared environment should be like a living environment for the child, directed by higher intelligence. It's a place where the child can be independent from the adults, and can direct by his own life. By doing this, he will become more aware of his own powers. Here the child becomes more active and the teacher becomes less active." Wangmo and Najat CHILDREN’S HOUSE 5 We have made new friends and kept the old this month. Some have moved or are going to move away and we have had new friends join us. This has given great teachable moments on real life situations of how to say good-bye and how then introduce and welcome someone to our classroom. The children have been excellent role models and enjoy being the one that shows the basic rules of our classroom. I have been especially impressed the last two weeks were we experienced many days where the children were so eager to continue with their work that the pleaded to not have to stop for lunch. Also, more have been concentrating with great focus and finishing their work succinctly and then moving on to something else without suggestion. When it has come time to be dismissed from our circle times, many have chosen to change into a meditative stance with crossed legs, eyes closed and fingers curved into circles balanced on their knees. Your children are a joy to work with and they provide me with many touching as well as hilarious moments. Thank you for that! A reflection on a favorite Sensorial material that is indirect preparation for Algebra in Montessori is the trinomial cube. "Whereas most of us as adults had to memorize mathematical formulas, eventually solving the problems we faced, children who grow up with Montessori, will understand the problem, before they are faced with the formula." "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." ~ Confucius Jil and Gabrielle Miniapple Int’l Montessori Newsletter April 2015 Toddler French Bon Jour à tous. March has been a busy month at Miniapple, but Spring is finally here! I am excited to start new vocabulary words about nature: fleur (flower), soleil (sun), arbre (tree), oiseaux (bird). I can’t believe it is already April-time has passed so quickly, but I am very pleased with the toddlers’ progress in French. Merci, Cecily Preschool French Bon Jour à toutes les familles et joyeux mois d’Avril. After learning about our house (maison) and the basic Step Up to Soccer We have set our days for our summer soccer program. The schedule will be Wednesday or Thursday mornings, starting June 10th, for 8 weeks. Your child will attend one of these days. Registration materials are here! Look for them on the front table! rooms in it: La salle de bain (bathroom), la cuisine (kitchen), le chambre â coucher (bedroom), et le salon (living room), we will talk and learn about some items that we use in our home. For ex: le lit (bed), le four (oven), l’espirateur (vacuum cleaner), le savôn (soap), le lavabo (sink). Also we will work on naming some clothes: pantalon (pants), robe (dress), jupe (skirt) pull (shirt). Please keep asking your child about what they have learned during French class. We are finishing our “vert-violet et jaune” story. We are singing “Savez-vous planter les choux (do you know how to plant the cabbage?” Merci, Najat Parent/Teacher Conferences Each year we offer parent/teacher conferences in October and again in April/May. This is a great way to connect with your child’s teacher about their progress and ask questions. Each teacher will post a conference schedule soon, so you know when they will offer them. Paths to Peace Week We are very excited about our upcoming Peace Week. It will be from April 20th through April 24th. Each day has a theme with coordinating activities. The events will be announced soon. Monday: I Care About Others Tuesday: I Care About the Earth Wednesday: I Care About Myself Thursday: I Care for My Community Friday: I Care About My School If there is anything you would like to be a part of or would like to contribute in anyway, you are welcome. Please let us know.
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