to see the full policy

HPAI Outbreak 2014-2015
Indemnity Procedures
April 10, 2015
Please note: These procedures may be revised as the situation develops.
For the first detection of HPAI in a State, census numbers of poultry and visual verification for the
VS 1-23 Form can be done only after NVSL has confirmed H5/H7 by PCR.
1. NAHLN laboratory gets presumptive positive results; samples sent to NVSL.
- In cases with unusual mortality, duplicate samples can be sent to NVSL and
NAHLN lab concurrently.
2. Preliminary flock information is transmitted to the USDA HPAI Incident Coordination
Group (ICG). See next page for details and recipients.
3. While waiting for NVSL confirmation, barn records are collected and a preliminary
inventory is completed by an appraiser (State or Federal official).
4. The VS 1-23 Form is created based on age, sex, and type of bird; values for indemnity is
available from Patricia Fox or VS Incident Coordination Group.
5. As soon as NVSL confirms H5/H7 by PCR, an appraiser (State or Federal official) is sent
to visually verify the bird numbers and update the inventory if mortality has continued. The
VS 1-23 is completed with those numbers.
6. VS 1-23 is signed by producer. Indemnity numbers are not finalized until the producer
signs the document. If there is a delay in signing, a new census will need to be conducted.
Mobilization for depopulation can take time; producers are not penalized for speed in getting to the
depopulation itself. Once the 1-23 is signed, APHIS pays according to the inventory on that form.
However, we cannot pay for birds that die prior to the form being completed and signed.
To maximize indemnity with HPAI, send samples to the NAHLN lab and NVSL at the first
indication of increased mortality or clinical signs. Don’t wait to rule out other causes. Duplicate
samples are the standard for FAD investigations.
If a State already has at least one HPAI detection confirmed by NVSL, subsequent census numbers
and visual verification for the VS 1-23 can be done upon receiving presumptive positive H5 PCR
results from a NAHLN lab and providing preliminary information to the USDA HPAI ICG.
Samples should also immediately be forwarded to NVSL for confirmation and sequencing. The
procedures for signing and payment are the same as steps 4 through 6 above.
Send the following minimum preliminary information required for presumptive positive HPAI
cases to USDA HPAI ICG:
- Type of flock (turkey, chicken, layer, breeder, backyard, etc.)
- Flock information including the age, sex, and number of each type of bird; number of barns
and number of birds in each barn
- Date of onset of clinical signs (if present)
- Date of facility quarantine
- Reason for test (area surveillance, pre-movement, NPIP, sick-bird call)
- County of premises
- The GPS coordinates (lat/long) and 911 address of premises
- Name of facility/complex
- Name of owner/manager
- Name of NAHLN lab submitting samples
The following personnel should be notified of all presumptive positive HPAI cases:
To: Patti Fox, Jon Zack, Fidel Hegngi
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Cc: T.J. Myers, Burke Healy, Liz Brown, Sharon Fisher, District Director, Assistant Director
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]