Screen shots on how to apply for a Timber and... Permits

Screen shots on how to apply for a Timber and Timber Product application or PPQ form 585 Using ePermits
1. Log in to the website and then go to the “Related Topics”
box on the right side of the screen. Log into the e-Permits system by clicking the last bullet
point “Login to the e-Permits system” and follow the prompts.
2. Click “Create Application”
3. Click “Plant Protection & Quarantine” and then click “Continue”.
4. Click “PPQ 585 Application for Permit to Import Timber and Timber Products” and click
5. Fill in the information and click “Continue”.
6. Click the grey box on the bottom right “Enter New Article”.
7. Fill in the information and click “Continue.” (You can only enter one article at a time. For
multiple articles you will have to click “Enter New Article” again for as many items you are
8. A blue bar will show across your screen showing your selections. Click “Done Entering Articles”.
9. Skip the “Attachments” page by clicking “Continue”.
10. Click “Certify and Submit”. You should then receive an application number that starts of with
P585-131101-00# or to this effect. If you have this you are now in the system.