oOVERNAAENT OF TRIPURA DIRECTORATE FOR THE WELFARE OF MINORITIES, TRIPURA, AGARTALA. Press Notice inviting EoI F.3- lO5/MW /GL/MsDP/2O13/3887 DT. 74/O3/2O5. The Director, Directorotefor the Welfare of Minorities, Govt. of Tripuro, invites seqled'Expression of fnterest'[EOf] from the renowned fnstitutes / Orgonizotions hoving the eligrbile criterio prescribed in the Terms of Ref erence ond have the copocity FOR IMPARTING 5KILL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING UNDER MSDP ON VARIOUS TRADES TO MINORIry YOUTHS OF TRIPURA. fnstitutes / Orgonizotions will be selected in qccord oncce with the procedures set out in MSDP guidelines ond Terms of P.ef erence. Tnterested fnstitutions moy obtqin further informotion ot the oddress mentioned below during office hours on oll working The doys. Bidder[s] qre ollowed to downlood the bidding documents for submitting the Expression of Tnterest [EOI] from our website 1. www.minoritieswelfore.tr,ipuro.gov.in 2. www.tripuro.nic.in e- moil- [email protected] Lasf Dafe of dropping / receving Espression of fnturest |EOII 09/06/2015 af 15:OO hrs. Dafe of Oppening of EoI is O9/O6/2015 at 15:30 hrs.( If possible). Dafe of pre-bid neeting 05/06/2015 at 3.3O Ptl. ts Any clorrificotion needed may be sought from THE DIRECTOR, DIRECTORATE FOR THE WELFARE OF ITINORITIE5, OLD 5ECRETARIATE COAAPLEX, AGARTALA TRIPURA, t elephone No:038 1-230-0038. (s.M.DA Director Directorote f or the Welf are of Minorities. Terms of Reference in respect of the Expression of Interest [EOI] for importing skill development troining to youths belong to Minorities under MSDP on vorious trodes. 1. Bgckground: The Multi Sectorol Development Programme [MSDP] scheme, aims ot (i) oddressing minority poverty olleviotion through goinful employment to the urbon/rurol un-employed or underempluyed minority youths, (ii) supporting skill development ond troining to enable the urban/rurol minority youths hove occess to employment opportunities provided by the market, Govt/PSUs or undertoke self-employment ond (iii) empowering the minority community to tockle the issues of urbon / rural poverty through suitoble self-monoged community strucfure ond copocify building progromme. The skills troining needs for employment promotion omongst Minority youth under component of MSDp to be aligned to the gools of the Notionol Skill Development Policy which are os follows: o) Creating opportunities for oll to ocguire skills throughout life and espociolly for youth, women ond disotaventage groups. b) Promoting commitment by oll stokeholders to own skill development initiotives. c) Developing a high-guolity skilled workforce/enlreprepreneu? relevanl currrent and emerging employment morket needs. d) Focilitoting the estoblishment f easi|le delivery mochonisms thot respond to the chorocteristics of o wide range of needs of stokeholders. at the following: Poverty olleviotion in urbon oreos by focilitoting skill development through well-structured STEPUP oims ' market-oriented progrommes that con moke the poor unskilled unemployoble os woge workers or successful micro entrepreneurs. . Promotion economic Arowth ond contribution ensuring o supply of appropriofe skilled of the monpower urbon economy ot the lower to Nationol 6DP by end, thus enobling inclusive growth. 2. Objectives of the Troin_ing Progromqre: The moin objectives youth / beneficiaries of the progromme in o voriety are to provide troining to the urbon/rural minority of service, business ond monufocturing octivities as well os in local skills ond locol crofts so thot they con setup self-employment ventures or secure soloried employment with enhanc eed r emunerotion. Page - 01 of 8 3. Detoils of Eof. Under this context This EOf is invited from the renowned Troining fnstitute / Organization to submit technicol proposols for importing skill development troining to the minority youths undar the scheme of Multi-sectoral Development Progromme tMSDPI in the Trodes mentioned below. Block-wise Number of Troinees ond Trodes 51. Nome No. Block for Importing skill Development Troining progromme for Minority Youths of Tripuro under MSDP of Nome of trodes Informotion IT Technology & Hordwore IT & enqbled Services($T & ITEs) Diesel Automobile Mobile Mechonic (DM) Driving Toblet (Commerciol Vehicle) ADM Nefworking (sDWN) Automobile Toiloring Repairing, Compulerized repair/ AC, Aufomobile Embroidering Refrigerotor Mechonic & Geyser (M (Diesel)/ & rR) (ADM) & Totol & 1. Kodomtolo 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 zto 2. Dosdo 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 zto 3 J. Hill 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 210 4 6ournogor 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 2to F Pechorthol 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 210 6. Dumburnogor 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 7 Chowmanu 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 8. Kotholio 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 zto zto zto 9. Melogorho 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ?to 10. Boxonogor 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 11. Korbook 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 zto ?to L?. Rupoichori 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ?LO Total zto 2to 2to 2to ?LO 2to ?to ?520 for oll courses-I8 to 35 yeors. Course durotion-6 hours per day, 6 doys per week for lO weeks. Totol closs durotion-456 hrs. (360 hrs. theoretical, 96 hrs. procticol). Totol fees per condidotes Rs.17,040/- (Bosic course f ees @Rs.27.50 pe? hours, pe? condidote for 456 hrs.including study moteriols, tool kits etc. Rs.12,54O/" stipend per month per students for 3 Age months, Rs.4,500/-@ Rs.1500/- PM). 4. Scope of the Troining Progromme ond on outline of the tosk to be performed by the Institute. the Moinority . porticulor f ield Page S\/ / - OZ of 8 end of the Progromme the course moterial and other reports should be submitted in the form of cD for the of informotion exchange ond subse quent PurPose reference for new members. ' course moteriols to contoin both moteriol ond hondouts in the form of learners note, guidelines' quick reference guide including toors for further proctice etc. oll the moteriols developed os port of course kit shourd be in Bengari ond Engrish. ' Each participont will be evoluoted using a ' ' ' ' At the ' short test beforeond ofter the troining [pre ond post evaluotionl' The diff ernece between the two con be considered os training goin. submission of documentation report of the end of the programme cohprising tha solienf f eatures of the troining octivity under the progrom me, suggestions ond reccommendotions emarging form the porticiponts, compiliotion ond on onolytical note of the evoluot ion sheet [pre evoluotion ond post evoluation] submitted by the porticioponts ond over all su,nhory report on completion of the entire progromme. The course moteriols / tools should be provided to porticiponts olong with scribbling pod, pen,folders etc. of the first session of theclosses. rstructors / coaches with relevant specific experience and expertise ore reguired to ba selected f or each specif ic session given inthe troining progromme. The training octivities should includa more scope for teomwork, individuol proctice on the skill ond interoction of theporticiponts. ' Affangement ' the morning ond evening. The successful bidder hos of better further troining ond venue to with troining occessories ond provision of teaond snocks in identify 3 to 5 prospecfive porticipont in eoch botch for to utilizeos TOT 6. To import troining to provide ossistonce for skill formotion Minority youths to enhonce their copocity to unde rtake self -employment employment through the trodes proposed. / up gradation of skills of the as well os occess bettersoloried 7. First-hond informotion. rn order fo obtoin first-hond information of the desiroble thot o reprresentotive of interesfed Bidders ossignent ond the locol conditions, it is visit the office of the Director, Diractorote for the welfare of Minorities, Govt' of Tripuro, before the proposor submitted. The representot ive of may interested bidders shoil meet any of the forowing officiors: 1. Director, Directorote for the werfare of /\rlinorities. z- Jt. Director, Directorote for the werfare of Minorities. Poge - O3 of 8 8' A pre-biC meeting is open to oll prospective fnstitutes will be held on O5/06/ZOLE at 3.30 pM in the office chomber of the Director, Directorote for Welfore of Minorities, Old Secretoriote complex, Agortolo. The prospective fnstitutes will hove on opportunity to obtoin clarif ication regarding the scope of the work terms of reference, contract conditions ond ony other pertinent information. 9. Submission of Proposol. The technical proposol sholl be submittted in sealed cover oddressed Directorote to The Director, for the Welfore of Minorities, Oovernment of Tripuro, Old Secretoriote Complex, Agortolo. 10. The proposol should includa the description of the Training fnstitute of ossignment in other states vis-d-vis success rotio, proposed for the assignment ond the ,its general experiencein the field the guolificotion ond competency of the personnel proposed troining plon methodology ond opproach in response to suggest terms ref erence. 11. Opening of Proposol. The proposol will be opened by the fhe Tripuro, in his off ice ot 3:30 PM on 09/06/2015, if Director for the Welfare of Minorities, Govt. of possible. 12. Evoluotion. The technicol peoposols will be evoluoted using the following criterio: a) The institute's recognition ond relevont experience in other stotes for skill developmenl troining vis-dvis its success rotio for the assignment. [30 morks] b) The guolity of the methodology proposed for the troining [20 morks] c) The NSDC Parlner/empanelment by atleost two stote government deportments os skill troining provider in post lhree years/recognition by DGET as VTP in ony slate experience of the key stoff / T5O Certification/ other guolif icotion & / trainer proposed for the ossignment [20 marks] d) The fnstitution focilities, infrastructure ovobility in fhe stote [10 morks] e) Currriculum viote of senior personnel in eoch discipline for ossessing the guolificotions ond experience of the personnel proposad to ba deployedfor the studies should be included wilh the proposol. [20 morks] 13. Deciding Aword of Controct. Quality ond competenceof the consultting service sholl be consider os the paromount requirement. The decision o) of the oword of the controct would be os under: Technicol proposalscoring not less than75%of thetotol morks will only be consideredfor owording the job. b) There may be one o? more fnstit uIe selected f or importing troinin g on diff erent trades bosed on Page - O4 of 8 thetechnicol bid.fnthot case,after negotiotion,thetrodeswill bedistributedomongthebidders. c) Tf the negotiations with this fnstitutes ore successful, the oword will be mode to them. The Director, Directorate for theWelfare of Minorities, Govt. of Tripuro, hos the full right to split the work omong the technically selected bidders. d) The Director, Directorote for the Welfare of Minorities, Govt. of Tripura, hos the full right to modify the ferms ond conditions of the EoI that will be informed on the doy of Pre-bid meeling on 05/06/2015 ond olso hos the full right to reject the EoI without showing ony reason. 14. Biddar[s] is ollowed to downlood the bidding document for submitting the Expnession of fnterest from our website 1. www.minoritieswelfore.tripuro.gov.in 2.wvywlfl.pus.n&.!11 15. Troining progrom and time schedule olong with CV of key personnel hove to be submitted by the bidder along with the Proposol. 1 6. Project Supervision. Attendonce moy be ensured in the troining classes through o Biometric ottendonce mochine ond ottendonce register should be maintained ot oll troining locotion ond should be produced to the outhorities/ representotive of the Director, Directorote for Welfare of Minorifies, Govt. of Tripura BDOs office etc. ond Student ottendonce ond troining detoils (Soft copy & Hord copy) sholl haveto / be submitted fortnightly bosis to the respective office of the BDOs. The project will olso be supervised ot the Block leval through the BDO's ond District Level Officers and representative of Director, Directorotefor the Welfore of Minorities, supenvision system (Skype) that must be ovoiloble in the Govt. of Tripuro, ond online each ond every respective center,wherethe troining progrom will be executed. The supervision system will be monitored centrally by the officiols of the Directorate for the Welfore of Minorities, Govt. of Tripuro. fn oddition, efforts will be made for monitoring through independent monitors, if possible. 17. Students Attendonce & Troining Record: Attendonce register should be mointoined of oll troining locotion ond should be produced Minorities, Govt. of Tripuro / BDO to outhorities or representative office for inspection purpose ond of Directorote for Welfare of Student ottendonce ond troining detoils (Soft copy & Hord copy) will hove to be submitted by daily/weekly bosis to the respective office oddress. 18. Certificotion: The VTP's should estoblish linkoges with concerned ogencies for NCVT Certif icotion / alternatively joint certificotion con be done by training agency & Directorate Govt. of Minority Affairs, of Tripuro to the condidotes for the trodes in which they hove been troined. Page v - 05 of 8 19. Poyment Terms The Mood of poyment to be made in considerotion of the work to be performed by the successful Bider(s) sholl be os follows: 30% of the contoct Volue After accptence of LOT/ work order & signing of agreement. L0% of the confact Volue After selection of trainees ond storting of closses 30% of the contoct AfIer successf ul complition of training ond certif icotion L5% of the contoct Volue Afler the plocement assitonce ot list 75% of thetrainee 15% of of the contoct After Value Volue 5 months of trocking report. Note: All payments sholl be made on submission of pre-receipted bills by the fnstitute in guodrup licot e f or r espectiv e stoges. 20. Eornest Money Rupees 5,00,000 [Five Lokh only] in the form of DD in fovour of 'The Director, Directorote for rhe Welfare of Minorities, Govt. of Tripuro from ony Nationolized Bank, poyoble ot Tripuro. 21. REQUTRRETV1ENT oF THE TRATNTNG The following arerequirements rNsrrrurE / oR6ANrzATroN. of the troining institute: / organiza'tions sholl hove minimum of 5 yearc experience. B) The fnstitutes / Organizations should be on NSDC Partner/recognised by DGET os VTP in A) The rnstitutes ony stote excluding Govt, Organisotion C) The fnstitute sholl hove experience in troining of students inogegroup of 18 to 35 yeors in the following areos:- . . ' . . . fnformation Technology & fT enabled Services((fT & ITEs fT Hordwore & Networking (SDWN Diesel Mechonic (DM) Automobile Driving (commerciol vehicle) (ADM) Mobile & Toblet repair/AC, Refrigerotor & Geyser (M & TR) Automobile Repoiring, Automobile Mechonic (Diesel)/ (ADM) Toiloring & Computerized Embroidering D) The fnstitutes / Organizations should be a reputed one with experts in the related field with hoving ot leost 3 yeors experience in troinig ond offering placement to ot least 75% of the trainees [ot laost Rs.6000/- PM]. v Poge - 06 0f 8 E) The fnstitutes / Organizations sholl hove odeguote infrostructure viz. closs rooms, LAB, eguipements, experienced foculties ond other bosic omenities. F) The fnstitutes / Organizations sholl arrange f or placements ossistonce ond also indicate speciol eff orts taken in developing students in oreos other thon the field in which troining is imported. G)The fnstitutes / ofter of troining. fn this regard placament record for lost three yeors completion Organizations should beable to ensure 75% placement to thebeneticiaries should be submitted with the technicol bid. H) At Ihe end of the troining they should provide cerlificates which is occeptoble ocross the stote ond country. I) The fnstitutes / fSO 9001 on fT workforce Organizations sholl have volid cerlificate on developmant& Troining, Vocotionol Educotion & Troining J) The fnstitutes / Organizations must hove totol turnover of Rs. 5.OO Cr. during the preceding 3 (Three) yeors. K) The fnstitutes / Organizations sholl hove volid trode licence, PAN, VAT, service Tox, PF, ESI, professionol tox certif icote. L) The institute must hove work experience in North-eostern stote otleost ond a cleor under toking should be furnished olong with for lost three years the technicol bid thot they are ready to work in ony block os mentioned in poro - 3 obove. Note: The detoils os mentioned obove must be submitted with the bid olong with supporting documents. 2?. ASSIoNMENT OF STMILAR TRADE ASSIoNAAENTS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED DURING LAST THREE YEARS The interested bidders hova to furnish further information os follows: 1 Brief Description of the fnstitution / Orgonizotion: 2. Outline of recenl experience on ossignments of similor noture: s.N. Finonciol Yeor Stote Govt. / Organizotion Associated Course/ Durotion (Months) Trode No. of Troinees I 2 3 4 Note: Plaase ottoch Copy of Work Order as a documentory proof . Poge - 07 of I 23. for submitting EoI. Formot Name 1 of the Bidder 2. Controct person of the bidder designoted for tis bid. Telephone no. 3 Detoils of Eornest money f or the omount of 4 Specify thelegol stotus of the bidder:Company / P artnarsh i p f i rml f nd ivi duol 5 of company please enclose Memorondum & articles of ossociotion olong with certif icotas of incorporotion, ond dote of commencement of Business fn Poqe No. Details Technicol Criterio SI NO ' 1,00,000 case cose of Firm, regislered under portnership act,1932. Please enclose the detoils of porfners olong with certificote of Ragistrotion, detoils of their business & fn 6 partnership deed etc. duly ottestad by notory. of the bidder. Please ottach ottested photocopy of the PAN cord PAN no 7 issuad by fncome Tox Service Tox/V AT No. of the bidder. please oftoch B attested copy of relevont documents Turnover of the bidder for the precedingthree yeors soft skill development & skills. viz 2OtL-12,2012-13 & 2}t3-t4 Please Attoch stotements duly certif ied by 9 in Chartered Accountant. furnish detoils of compony's contribution in soft skill development, Methodology Compony prof ile Please 10 CV 11 of thekey of the troiner ond key off icials hereby declare thot the entries moda in the obove are frue to the best of my/our knowledge & thot wa sholl be bound to oct os per ToR. I ...............................do urther understond thot in case of ony inf ormotion submitted by me/us being found to be incorrect either beforeor evenaward of the controct, the Diractor for the Walfare of Minorities, Govt. of Tripuro, shall hove the right to summorily reject the bid, concel the contract or revoke the some of ony time without ossigning any reoson whotsoaver. Signoture of the Bidder I f Nome - Address sEAL Dote: Poge - 08 of 8.
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