Mission Concepción Nuestra Señora de la Purisima Concepción de Acuna Founded March 5, 1731 Mailing Address: 125 W. Whittier, San Antonio, Texas 78210 Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 26, 2015 Mass Intentions 284th year Anniversary of our Founding 10:00 AM Repose of the Soul: Msgr. Balty Janacek (8th anniv) & Felix Colunga Health: Jose Reyes, Omar Rios, Ethel Rios, Margaret Benavides, Mary Moncivais Alfred Ybarra, Walter Ibarra, & Maggie Perez Birthdays: Margaret Benavides & Inez Nira 12:00 Noon Health: Oz Castellanos, Lucia DeLa Garza, & Alex Rodriguez Baptizi: Gregory Vela Letter from the Pastor Dear Sisters and Brothers, Next Sunday we begin our Mothers' Day Fair Trade Sale. This parish has been involved in supporting artisans from all over the world for several years. This is an important part of living the Catholic teaching of solidarity. Please invite family and friends to join us the next two weeks to support a dignified life for our sisters and brothers in other parts of the world. Blessings! Fr. David Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter (World Day of Prayer for Vocations) Sunday Schedule Rosary at the Grotto 9:30 AM Masses at 10:00 AM & 12Noon (With Mariachi) www.missionconcepcion.org Rev. David Garcia Administrator & Director of the Old Spanish Missions 210-357-5601 [email protected] or www.oldspanishmissions.org Deacon Ray Jimenez 210-681-7839 DcnRJim@gmail Candie Beltran 210-533-8955 [email protected] Office: 210-533-8955 for Mass Intentions, Weddings, Quinceañeras Confessions with Fr David by Appt or Saturdays 3:30-4:30pm@ St Cecilia or Saturdays 4:00-4:45pm@ St Leo’s “A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” “Good Shepherd Sunday” could easily be called “Good and Bad Shepherds Sunday” because there’s almost as much in the readings about the latter as the former. In the bad category are the leaders and elders of the people Saint Peter accuses to their faces of not recognizing what was plain as day: Jesus is the Messiah and through him comes salvation. The Letter of John ups the ante by implicating “the world” in not knowing Christ. And Jesus himself says the hired shepherd really doesn’t care about the sheep and abandons his protective role at the first sign of danger—and thereby condemns the same authorities Peter would later have in his sights. Which brings us to the good—the ones who like Peter and the first disciples obeyed God and not men; like the early believers who knew Christ and thereby became children of God and members of the flock the Good Shepherd tends and lays down his life for. What kind of shepherds people need and what kind of flocks they will be are good questions to ask. Hospitality Ministers: John Rodriguez, Victor Rabago, & Joey Barrera 10:00 a.m. Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers April 26--- (Fourth Sunday of Easter) First Reading: Lauren M. Hernandez Segunda Lectura: Enrique Riddle Eucharistic Ministers: Carlos Marquez & Janie Rios May 3--- (Fifth Sunday of Easter) First Reading: John Rodriguez Segunda Lectura: Nellie Rodriguez Eucharistic Ministers: Carlos Marquez & Albert Rios May 10--- (Sixth Sunday of Easter-Mother's Day) First Reading: Daniel Garzes Segunda Lectura: Maria Garzes Eucharistic Ministers: Carlos Marquez & Roel Lopez May 17--- (Ascension of the Lord) First Reading: Albert Rios Segunda Lectura: Ethel or Janie Rios Eucharistic Ministers: Carlos Marquez & Belinda Barrera 10:00a.m. Collection Counters April 26---Nancy Valadez, Alonso & Maribel Huerta, Yrma Marquez, & Nellie Rodriguez May 3------Yolanda Vargas, Lori Valdez, Mary Rabago, Sylvia Davila, & Rebecca Minica May 10-- Jennifer & Carlos Gutierrez, Cyndi Martinez & Debra Medellin May 17--JJ Amaro, Miguel & Mary Lou Hidalgo & Susie Solis Reposteria April 26---Gisela Riddle May 3----Jennifer Gutierrez May 10---Mary Moncivais May 17--Mary Helen Cantu 12:00 Noon Mariachi Mass Ministers April 26------Felix Diaz, Jason & Valerie Gonzalez, Thomas & Lisa Rux, & Carlos Marquez May 3------Rosalinda Valadez, Art Valdez, Amanda Leveck Sanchez, Cyndi Martinez,, & Carlos Marquez May 10-----Mary Lou & Miguel Hidalgo, Carlos Marquez, Leo, Margaret, & Seamus Moreno May 17---Benjamin & Christina Resendez, Carlos Marquez, Amanda Leveck Sanchez, & Adriana Frias ********************************************************************** Welcome New Parish Members Please Fill Out & Tear off----Place in Collection Basket or give to Hospitality Minister Name__________________________________Address_________________________________________ Email__________________________________ Contact Number_________________________________ Stewardship for 183 April 19, 2015 Attendance: 390 Collection: $2,380.00 Tourist Box: $ 215.23 Thank You for Your Support Remember to use your Church Envelopes! Upcoming Events May 3 & 10 (Sundays); Mother's Day Fair Trade Sale; One -of-A-Kind handmade items from artisans throughout the world. Please support our effort to provide a "fair living wage" to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Sale before and after 10:00am and Noon Masses. May 9, Saturday; Annual ACTS Core Rummage Sale; St Cecilia, 125 W. Whittier, 8:00am-3:00pm.; $20 per table. Contact Albert Rios or Benjamin Resendez @ 391-6172 for more information. May 5, Tuesday, 7:00pm: Parish Council Meeting, Madonna Location June 26-27; (Fri-Sat) Ministry & Education Workshop; Two-day Conference: Answering Pope Francis' Call; Becoming a Church of Mercy will be presented at University of Incarnate Word. Dr. Marti Jewell, associate professor of Theology in the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas, will Pope Francis' call to evangelization & compassion as a Church of Mercy in today's world. Brochure available at www.uiw.edu/pastoral or call 210-829-3871. Sept 25-26:(Fri-Sat) UIW Pastoral Music Workshop: Liturgical music composers and authors Jaime Cortez and Curtis Stephan will introduce and teach bilingual/bi-cultural music suited for catholic worship in today's parishes. For more information go to www.uiw.edu/pastoral, or contact Pastoral Institute office @ 210-829-3871 Please contact Fr. David or Deacon Ray if you know of someone who is ill and would welcome a visit or if you would want to include their name in our Prayer Box below. For a special Mass Intention, please contact Candie Beltran @ 210-533-8955. PLEASE PRAY FOR YOUR FELLOW PARISHIONERS: Jesse & Zoyla Sanchez, Delores Betancourt, Rosa Flores, Romeo Lozano, Olga Gonzales, Eva Flores, Oz Castellanos, Omar Rios, Becky Rodriguez Cecilia Williamson, Deacon Charles King, Mary Lou Salinas & Ethel Rios
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