MISSION HILLS TOWN COUNCIL 325 W. WASHINGTON ST, #2159 SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 www.MissionHillsTownCouncil.org Board of Trustees Mike Zdon, President Belinda Smith, Vice President Carin CanaleTheakson, Treasurer Gavin Grant, Secretary Lara Gates Jasper Benke Bob Rast Sharon Gehl Anthony Nykos Gina Barnes Christina Woods David Espinosa Penny Giacalone Jim Scott MINUTES Mission Hills Town Hall Meeting, held at 4201 Randolph Street, Thursday October 23, 2014 6:00PM _________________________________________________________________________________________ Present: Mike Zdon, Belinda Smith, Carin CanaleTheakson, Gavin Grant, Bob Rast, Sharon Gehl, Christina Woods, Penny Giacalone,, Anthony Nykos, David Espinosa, Jim Scott Absent: Gina Barnes, David Espinosa, Jasper Benke, Lara Gates 6:15p.m. Called to order by Mike Zdon, President ISSUE NOT ON THE AGENDA ● Four street lights on east Sunset Boulevard are out. Pam Amundson gave an update on the lights and said she would check on them. She mentioned the following: ○ Streets in Mission Hills are set on a delay ○ Some residents haven’t updated their electrical panels need to run the lights. ○ Pam’s email address is [email protected] INTRODUCTION OF ELECTED OFFICIALS ● Congresswoman Susan Davis gave and update. For the latest information see: http://susandavis.house.gov/ ● ● ● State Senator Marty Block gave and update. For the latest information see: http://sd39.senate.ca.gov/ State Assemblywoman Toni Atkins gave and update. For the latest information see: http://asmdc.org/speaker/ Council President Todd Gloria gave and update. For the latest information see: http://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd3/ COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS UPDATE ● Mission Hills Business Improvement District (MHBID) ○ Susan McNeil Schreyer is the point person for businesses in Mission Hills. ○ You can contact her at [email protected] ○ The Taste of Mission Hills has sold out, 500 tickets. ○ DecoBike will install 3 bike rental stations in Mission Hills in November: ■ Washington & San Diego Avenue, 4028 Falcon Street, 4026 Dove Street ■ For more information: http://www.decobike.com/sandiego/ ● Mission Hills Heritage (MHH) ○ The Guymon Mansion on Sunset Boulevard was sold to new owners who are in the process of renovating the historic residence. ● Friends of Mission Hills Canyons ○ Steve Huemmer announced three dates for work parties to improve the health of our canyons: ■ Nov. 16th 9am11am ■ Dec. 14th 9am12pm ■ Jan. 17th 9am12pm ● Mission Hills Town Council (MHTC) ○ Mike Zdon announced that there is an open position on the Mission Hills Town Council. ○ An annual election of officers and additional Trustees will be taken at this time per the MHTC bylaws. Any individuals interested in joining as a volunteer is asked to submit their name and interest at this time. UPDATE ON CRIME AND HOMELESSNESS ISSUES IN MISSION HILLS ● Officer David Surwilo from the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) presented: ○ Lt. James Keck has been newly promoted as the service area lieutenant. ○ Important SDPD Western Division numbers: ■ General information: 6196924800 ■ To report suspicious activity: 6195321000 ■ All emergencies: 911 ○ Recent break in’s and homeless activity were discussed. ○ Mission Hills residents are encouraged to contact the SDPD at the first sign of suspicious activity or to report a homeless encampment. ○ Taking basic precautions like locking doors and windows prevent “crimes of opportunity”. ○ SDPD has staffing issues and are working on increasing the limited patrols. ○ Refer to www.crimemapping.com for crime information in your area. SDAG UPTOWN BIKE CORRIDOR PROJECT ● University Avenue will the the street to include a bike path to connect 5 Points to Hillcrest. ● For more information see: www.keepsandiegomoving.com/RegionalBikeProjects/uptown_intro.aspx UPCOMING UNVEILING OF THE “COMBAT ARTS” MURAL ● A MHTC subcommittee met with the veterans working on the mural and have selected a design concept that will be on the Goldfinch Street mural. NEW CITY WATER REGULATIONS ● David Akins, Consumer Advocate, City of San Diego, presented the City’s new water regulations. ● Residential Water Survey Program ○ This program is offered freeofcharge to singlefamily and multifamily (up to eight units) water customers who pay their water bills to the City of San Diego. As part of this program, a Water Conservation Representative will tour your property to identify leaks and watersaving opportunities. ○ For more information: www.sandiego.gov/water/conservation/residentialoutdoor/survey.shtml ● SDG&E is offering a free water conservation kit. Click the link below to request your free kit: ○ www.sdge.com/webform/2833/nocostenergyefficiencykitoffer ● For more information on water regulations: ○ 6195333500 ○ www.sandiego.gov/water ● You can contact David Akins at: ○ 6195334275 ○ [email protected] The next MHTC Trustees Meeting will be on Thursday, November 13th at 6:00pm. 7:30 p.m. The meeting concluded.
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