2015 NOMINATION DISTRICT AWARD OF MERIT This completed form must be sent by April 30, 2015, to: Bruce Drake, Scout Executive Award of Merit Selection Committee 1207 Upas Street San Diego CA 92103 [email protected] Mission District’s Recognition Dinner will be held at 6:30 PM May 14, 2015 San Diego East Stake Center 4195 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego CA District Award of Merit The Award of Merit is the highest award a District can offer an adult Scouter. To qualify for the award, the Scouter must have given outstanding service to youth through Scouting at the District Level. Normally, the award is presented for service to youth in excess of five years. The nominee must be a currently registered adult leader in the San Diego- Imperial Council and should have rendered some service outside the requirements of the registered position in a unit. Keep in mind that the Selection Committee must make their selections based only on the information contained on the nomination form. It is important that the nominator take the time to put together a detailed history of the individual’s service to Scouting, their community involvement, and service to youth outside Scouting. It is nice to surprise the candidate with an award but, if necessary, obtain the information from the candidates themselves or someone close to them. Please Note: It is expected that the nominator and the recipient would attend Mission District’s Recognition Dinner. Submit your reservations at the same time as the nomination. Please type or neatly handwrite the nomination form. Use additional pages as needed. MISSION DISTRICT NOMINATION FOR THE DISTRICT AWARD OF MERIT Please type or print legibly: Please consider the following registered adult Scouter for the Mission District Award of Merit: Name: _______________________________ (Nominee’s name as preferred on the certificate) Address: _______________________________ City: ________________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: (____)__________________ Email: ___________________________________ Currently registered in Scouting as (position): ________________________________________ In: ____Pack ____Troop ____Team ____Crew ____Post Number _________ The nominee has earned the following (provide dates): _________ Den Leader Training Award or Den Leader Award _________ Den Leader Coach Training Award or Den Leader Coach Award _________ Cubmaster Award _________ Cub Scouter Award _________ Webelos Den Leader Award _________ Scouter’s Training Award Other (Specify) _________ Other (Specify) _________ Scouter’s Key _________ Scouter’s Religious Award _________ Silver Beaver _________ Order of the Arrow _________ Wood Badge _________ Venturing Awards _________ Distinguished Commissioner Service Award _________ Other (Specify) __ Other (Specify) Please list the nominee’s total scouting record beginning with the present/most recent and working back. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) ___________________________________________________________________________ From To District or Position (Mo/Yr) (Mo/Yr) Unit No. City State NOTE: Selection is based solely on the information contained in this form. Be as complete and as specific as possible. Use more paper if necessary. 1. Outside of Scouting Activities: A statement covering the nominee’s standing in the community, citing civic activities in which the individual is most active in business, professional, civic, religious, education, fraternal, veteran, rural and other fields exclusively outside of scouting: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Service to Youth in Scouting: Record of noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth in this and other councils. _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Name of Spouse (if applicable): _______________________________________________ Nominated by: _____________________________ Date submitted: ________________ Scouting Position (if any): _____________________ Telephone: ___________________ Street Address: _____________________________ City: ________________________ Email: ___________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _________ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Committee Chair: _________________________________ Committee Member: _______________________________ Committee Member: _______________________________ District Executive: _________________________________
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