Presents MYSTICAL PRACTICE JUMPING Date Time Place Dress Entries Payment to : : : : : : ABSA Bank -‐ 632 005 Account Number -‐ 4084992675 Please use your surname followed by Jumping : : : : : : : : Classes 1-‐9 R80 R100 on the day Classes 10-‐13 R90 R110 on the day R100 per pony/horse R30 R150 On the Day Melissa 072 787 6196 RoseYes and Spot Prizes Will be available Entry Fees Ground Levy Officials Levy Stabling Programme Enquiries Prizes Catering Class No 16 June 2015 09.30 -‐ Course will be open for walking between 09.00 and 09.30 MisAco Equestrian Centre Let your mind decide or as you ride. (hard hats and riding shoes compulsory) [email protected](Entry & POP) MisAco Equestrian Centre COMPETITION 1 Pole on the ground (Clear Round) 2 40cm Clear Round (Lead Rein or Leaders Allowed) 3 60cm Speed & Precision 4 70cm Speed & Precision 5 80cm Speed & Precision 6 90cm Speed & Precision 7 1m Speed & Precision 8 60cm Speed & Precision 9 70cm CompeAAon 10 80cm CompeAAon 11 90cm CompeAAon 12 1m CompeAAon 13 80cm -‐ 1m GAMBLERS STAKES (horse/rider combinaAon must enter 2 classes before this class) INDEMNITY • Neither SAEF, Jumping SA, WCEF, Mistico Equestrian Centre nor their representatives and/or officials, will be held responsible for accidents, illness, loss, damage, theft or injury sustained by horses, riders, appointed officials, the public or their property at this show, from any cause whatsoever. PASSPORTS • Please bring up to date passports to the show grounds and present it to the Show Secretary / Passport Controller. These will be checked before entry to the event / venue / competition is permitted. No passport – No entrance! HORSE FLU AND AHS • The Show Director reserves the right to refuse entries of ponies/horses not up to date with FLU and AHS vaccinations STALLIONS • All Stallions to display a yellow disc on bridle and a yellow ribbon in tail. SUBSTITUTIONS • A Substitution of rider or pony / horse will be permitted provided the correct forms are completed and signed by all relevant parties and submitted to the Show Secretary no less than one hour before the commencement of the class(es). DOGS • NO DOGS allowed CRUELTY AND BAD BEHAVIOUR • The Organisers reserve the right to fine, warn, suspend and/or eliminate offenders. VENUE MisAco Equestrian Centre DATE OF SHOW CLASS HORSE RIDER ENTRY FEE GROUND LEVY R Officials Levy R Stabling R TOTAL DUE R PASSPORT NUMBER MOST RECENT VACCINATIONS -‐ TWO FLU & TWO AHS VACCINATIONS AHS I AHS II FLU VACCINATION FLU VACCINATION DATE DATE DATE DATE BATCH BATCH BATCH BATCH NAME TEL (HOME) EMAIL ADDRESS CELL I hereby cerAfy that the above details are correct and agree to abide by all terms and condiAons sApulated in this schedule SIGNATURE OF RIDER (If under 18, must be signed by parent or guardian) DATE
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