American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas, 7-11 June 2015 Improving Nuclear System Economics using Firebrick Resistance-Heated Energy Storage (FIRES) Daniel C. Stack Charles Forsberg Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139; [email protected] Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139; [email protected] INTRODUCTION The introduction of renewables into the electricity grid causes large swings in electricity supply. The motivation for implementing these variable generation energy sources is for the replacement of fossil fuels, presently the most easily dispatchable and controllable energy source. The nondispatchability of renewables as well as the removal of easily dispatchable fossil fuels from the grid creates a large demand for storage devices to store electricity at times of excess capacity (low prices) to provide electricity at times of low power production (high prices). From the free market perspective, a low carbon electricity grid implies more hours of low and high price electricity, which correspond to times of large sun and wind output (surplus), and times of little or no sun and wind (deficit), respectively. These periods will happen predictably (midday versus night time) and unpredictably (passing clouds and intermittent winds) [1]. The addition of significant non-dispatchable wind or solar changes the shape of the price curve. Fig. 1 shows the number of hours electricity can be bought in California at different prices. It includes times of high electricity prices and negative electricity prices. Fig. 1. Distribution of Electrical Prices (bar chart), by Duration, Averaged Over CAISO (California) Hubs (July 2011-June 2012) and Notational Price Curve (Red Line) for Future Low-Carbon Grid. The addition of a small amount of solar is beneficial because the electricity is added at times of peak demand. However, as additional solar is added, it drives down the price of electricity in the middle of sunny days. Each solar owner will sell electricity at whatever price exists above zero. This implies that when 10 to 15% of the total annual electricity demand is met by solar in California, the output from solar systems during midday for parts of the year will exceed electricity demand, the price of electricity will collapse to near or below zero, and the revenue to all power plants at these times will collapse to near zero. Each incremental addition of solar at this point lowers the revenue for existing solar electricity producers. The percentage solar is the percentage of all electricity produced by solar—zero in the middle of the night and exceeding electricity demand initially in June in the middle of sunny days. Relatively small fractions of solar have large impacts on prices in the midday but no impact at night when there is no solar. The same effect occurs as one adds wind capacity but wind input is more random. As wind penetrates the market it drives the price of electricity down on days with high wind conditions and low electricity demand. Recent studies have quantified this effect in the European market [2-3]. If wind grows from providing 0% to 30% of all electricity, the average yearly price for wind electricity in the market would drop from 73€/MWe (79$/MWe) (first wind farm) to 18€/MWe (20$/MWe) (30% of all electricity generated). There would be 1000 hours per year when wind could provide the total electricity demand, the price of electricity would be near zero, and 28% of all wind energy would be sold in the market for prices near zero. Under such market conditions, fast-responding and high capacity energy storage has the potential to be economic in systems requiring large amounts of energy, enabling the purchase of low price electricity during surplus periods to be put to use during high price periods. Among the many storage technologies being investigated for affordable large scale energy storage, heat storage is an attractive option to be used for cheap industrial heating in place of natural gas, or for operating a nuclear power cycle for the generation of electricity during periods of higher electricity demand. We are developing a Firebrick Resistance-Heated Energy Storage (FIRES) system, a system that converts and stores electricity as heat in high-temperature firebrick to be discharged at economically advantageous times, i.e. times of energy deficit. FIRES is being developed alongside a Fluoride-salt-cooled High-temperature Reactor (FHR) with a Nuclear air-Brayton Combined Cycle (NACC), as well as for industrial heating applications. The system is described followed by the economic advantages it brings to investors in storage as well as the broader low carbon energy grid. American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas, 7-11 June 2015 In the context of nuclear energy, there are two implications. First, FIRES would eliminate times of very low or negative electricity prices caused by introduction of renewables. This would improve the economics of base-load nuclear plants. Second, it enables the FHR to operate at baseload and produce variable electricity to the grid to maximize plant revenue. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION FIRES consists of a firebrick storage medium of relatively high heat capacity, density and maximum operating temperature ~1800°C, heated by electricity at times of low or negative electricity prices. Low electric prices are defined as when electricity prices are less than the competing fossil fuel—usually natural gas. For the given application, air is blown through FIRES and is heated by hot firebrick (firebrick that was heated by cheap electricity) rather than natural gas. Electrically conductive firebrick operates as both the resistance heater and the storage medium, directly heated by electricity that is flowing through the firebrick. The storage medium is surrounded by insulating firebrick and insulating padding that will allow for the thermal expansion of the firebrick over a ~1000°C temperature range. If one allows a 1000°C from cold to hot in temperature, the heat storage capacity is ~0.5 MWh/m3. The firebrick, insulation systems, and most other storage components are similar to high-temperature firebrick industrial recuperators. The ceramic firebrick is used because of the low cost and durability, while also having large sensible heat storage capabilities. Firebrick with electric heating has been used at low temperatures for home heating in Europe—non-industrial scale. At times of low electricity prices, the firebrick is heated. The hot firebrick then provides hot air when needed for room heating. The work underway considers designs for two different applications: FIRES for industrial heating, and FIRES coupled with FHR and NACC. FIRES may also be coupled with NACC of other high temperature reactor designs such as the High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR). Coupling of FIRES with LWRs is not economically viable because of the low operating temperatures, which has a diminished advantage of the topping heat and low roundtrip efficiency of the energy storage. FIRES temperature is below the temperature needed for the furnace, natural gas heating is used to raise temperatures to the required furnace temperature. From the perspective of the furnace, FIRES is a substitute for a natural gas flame. Electric heating of the firebrick may be done at the same time FIRES is providing heat to industrial processes— that is, it is being charged and discharged at the same time. One wants to buy only one set of electrical heaters to take advantage of low electricity prices. The industrial furnace-coupled system will operate based on the prices of electric heating versus natural gas. During periods where electricity is cheaper than natural gas, FIRES will be charged. It will be discharged whenever heat is needed. If the natural gas contract has variable hourly prices, FIRES will provide heat when there are high natural gas prices. FHR AND NACC APPLICATION [4] FIRES is coupled with the NACC and provides heat to the power cycle during peak power production to the grid. The FHR is an advanced high temperature reactor that uses graphite-matrix coated particle fuel (the same fuel as a HTGR) and liquid salt coolant. Its high temperature capabilities allow it to be coupled to a NACC. The FHR power cycle is shown in Fig. 2. In the power cycle external air is filtered, compressed, heated by hot salt from the FHR while going through a coiled-tube air heat exchanger (CTAH), sent through a turbine producing electricity, reheated in a second CTAH to the same gas temperature, and sent through a second turbine producing added electricity. Warm low-pressure air flow from the gas turbine system exhaust drives a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), which provides steam to either an industrial steam distribution system for process heat sales or a Rankine cycle for additional electricity production. The air from the HRSG is exhausted up the stack to the atmosphere. Added electricity can be produced by injecting fuel (natural gas, hydrogen, etc.) or adding stored heat after nuclear heating by the second CTAH. This boosts temperatures in the compressed gas stream going to the second turbine and to the HRSG. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS FIRES is coupled to natural-gas-fired industrial furnaces and provides hot air that replaces the burning of natural gas. The furnaces may be producing glass, cement, steel, or providing heat to chemical facilities including refineries. Cold air is blown through FIRES—the firebrick is laid in a pattern that includes air channels. If the exit air is above the temperature limits for the furnace, the hot air is mixed with cold air to match furnace requirements. If the Fig. 2. FHR with NACC and FIRES American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas, 7-11 June 2015 The baseload efficiency is 42%. The incremental natural gas, hydrogen, or stored heat-to-electricity efficiency is 66.4%--far above the best stand-alone natural gas plants because the added heat is a topping cycle [4]. For comparison, the same GE F7B combined cycle plant running on natural gas has a rated efficiency of 56.9% [4]. The reason for these high incremental natural gas or stored heat-to-electricity efficiencies is that this high temperature heat is added on top of ―low-temperature‖ 670°C nuclearheated compressed air. Two differences exist between the industrial application and the NACC application. The air entering FIRES is (1) at high pressure and (2) at a ―low‖ temperature of ~670°C – the exit temperature and pressure of the salt-toair heat exchangers (nuclear heat). FIRES is therefore contained within a pre-stress concrete pressure vessel and is operated at NACC compressor exit pressure. The system heats the air to 1065°C before it enters the second gas turbine. This heat can be supplied entirely by FIRES or in combination with natural gas, and provides peak power of 142 MWe on top of the 100 MWe base load of the FHR, for a total power of 242 MWe. For a desired heat storage capacity of 1500 MWh (charging at 250 MWe for 6 hours), the required firebrick volume is approximately 3000 m3, or a 14.5m cube of firebrick for heat storage. Much of the firebrick heat storage technology in prestress concrete pressure vessels is being developed for adiabatic compressed air storage systems; in particular, the GE®/RWE® Adele project that will complete a demonstration project in several years. At times of low electricity prices air is adiabatically compressed to 70 bars and sent through firebrick to lower its temperature from 600°C to ~40°C before being stored in an underground salt cavern. At times of high electricity demand the compressed air from the underground cavern goes through the firebrick, is reheated and sent to a turbine to produce peak electricity. The key differences between FIRES and Adele are that FIRES operates at lower pressure and higher temperature, and uses electric heating rather than compressed air storage. However, the designs are similar in that both store heat in a firebrick medium within a pressure vessel, and transfer this heat to air for electricity generation (see Fig. 3). As with the industrial application, the operating mode of FIRES coupled with FHR and NACC is determined by the price of electricity compared to the price of natural gas. However since the product of the NACC is electricity, it is nonsensical to simultaneously charge and discharge FIRES. During periods when the price of electric heating is lower than heating by natural gas, the FHR nuclear power plant becomes a consumer of electricity rather than a supplier, since it would not be beneficial to sell at these times. FIRES will be charged via electric heating at a rate of 242 MWe from the grid, equal to the total power of the FHR and NACC. During this time, the 100 MWe base load of the FHR is also sent to FIRES. During periods when the price of electricity is high, the FHR-coupled system will discharge 214 MWt to the NACC, producing the peaking power of 142 MWe at a thermal efficiency of 66.4%, for a total power of 242 MWe. Fig. 3. GE®/RWE® Adele Heat Storage Firebrick contained in Pressure Vessel (Similar Design to FIRES) FIRES STORAGE ADVANTAGES In the case of FIRES, the round-trip efficiency, a key metric in evaluating storage methods, is directly related to the thermal efficiency of the power cycle to which FIRES supplies heat, which is primarily a function of the cycle operating temperature and the turbine efficiency. As such, advances in high-temperature gas turbines will continue to improve the round-trip efficiency of FIRES. The peak power thermal efficiency of the proposed FHR and NACC is 66.4%. Likewise, the round-trip efficiency (electricity to heat to electricity) of FIRES is ~66%, approximately equal to the thermal efficiency, since the conversion of electricity to heat is ~100%. However, advances in combined-cycle gas turbines by the time the FHR is developed will likely increase this efficiency to American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas, 7-11 June 2015 70%. This efficiency is comparable to many other electricity storage devices [1]. While matching other storage methods in round-trip efficiency, FIRES has major advantages over other storage systems. First, unlike pumped or compressed storage or batteries, which all can become fully depleted, FIRES’ integration with NACC means that natural gas can assure peak capacity even when storage runs out, with no interruption to supply. Natural gas burned with NACC in the proposed system is used with a 66% thermal efficiency, higher than the best stand-alone natural gas plants [4]. As further strides are made in reducing carbon emissions, natural gas can ultimately be replaced by hydrogen as a dispatchable fuel when storage runs out. Additionally, while most storage methods have an electrical input coupled to electrical output, FIRES’ charge and discharge rates are uncoupled, which allows for the design of very high charge rates via electric heating, and, as such, the great economic benefits of rapidly charging FIRES when the market price of electricity is low. Finally, the ability of FIRES to consume large quantities of electricity provides relief to the market by creating demand when there is otherwise very little, in the case of both the FHR-coupled and furnace-coupled systems. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK As the electricity grid continues to implement unstable and intermittent energy resources in place of conventional dispatchable fuels, highly responsive energy storage systems will become an essential part of grid operation, to assure grid reliability, and reconcile electricity supply and demand. FIRES coupled with high-temperature heat systems such as NACC or industrial furnace enables different operating modes capable of yielding economic advantages to those who make the investment in storage, while also bringing relief to the grid by responding to the highly variable supply caused by wind and solar installations: In the case of the industrial furnace, by varying its own demand, while in the case of the FHR, by switching from a large supplier of electricity to a large consumer at times of low electricity prices. It should also benefit base-load nuclear plants by eliminating very low electricity prices as seen in some areas of the U.S. with significant installed wind or solar capacity—while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The capital costs of firebrick heat storage materials per unit of storage capacity are far below the costs of other storage technologies; thus, FIRES is potentially a replacement for other storage technologies such as batteries. Using our earlier estimate of ~0.5 MWh/m3, for typical materials this is ~0.12 MWh/ton. While this number depends on the exact choice of material, it is representative of a class of refractory materials available in large commercial quantities with costs ~$100/ton which gives a crude price of less than $1 per kWh for storage. For comparison, U.S. Department of Energy goals are for storage devices at costs between $100 and $150 per kWh [5, 6]. While FIRES does require insulation and resistance heating components in addition to firebrick, the economic potential is self-evident relative to other storage technologies. While FIRES largely employs the simple and wellunderstood ideas of resistance heating, sensible heat storage, and power cycles to achieve storage and conversion, more work is required to explore the many possible materials and configurations for the system, especially determining the storage firebrick that has the optimal energy density and charge rate capabilities. Since FIRES is a new concept for industrial energy storage with unique characteristics, future work will continue to break new ground in understanding the potential benefits and shortcomings of resistance-heated firebrick as an energy storage method. The near-term option is FIRES for industrial heat; the longer-term option is FIRES as the storage component of an FHR with NACC. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to express their appreciation to the US Department of Energy and the Idaho National Laboratory Department of Energy support of this project. Work supported through the INL Laboratory Directed Research & Development (LDRD) Program under DOE Idaho Operations Office Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C. FORSBERG et al., Variable Electricity from Baseload Nuclear Power Plants Using Stored Heat, ICAPP 2015 Paper 15125, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, May 2015. L. 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