בס"ד MIZRACHI MATTERS SHABBAT PARASHAT VAYIKRA (Vol 9, No 26) EARLY SHABBAT Friday, 20 March (Rosh Chodesh Nissan) Minchah at 6:00pm2 LATER SHABBAT Minchah at 7:15pm1 Candle Lighting between 6:20pm – 6:25pm Candle Lighting BY 7:15pm 1. Beit Yehuda 2. Beit HaRoeh 3. Beit Midrash 4. Bnei Akiva 5. Elsternwick 6. Midrashah 7. Rabbi’s Home 8. Goldberger Hall 9. Nachalat David SHABBAT SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 21 MARCH 22 MARCH 23 MARCH 24 MARCH 25 MARCH 26 MARCH 27 MARCH Z’manim ROSH CHODESH 2 NISSAN 3 NISSAN 4 NISSAN 5 NISSAN 6 NISSAN 7 NISSAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 7:20am 8:00am 6:25am 6:30am 6:30am 6:25am 6:30am11 1,2,9 3 1 1 1 1 Shacharit 9:30am 9:00am 7:25am 7:30am 7:30am 7:25am 7:30am 6:11am 6:12am 6:13am 6:14am 6:15am 6:16am 6:17am Dawn 6:32am 6:33am 6:34am 6:35am 6:36am 6:37am 6:37am Tallit & Tefillin 7:23am 7:24am 7:25am 7:26am 7:27am 7:28am 7:29am Sunrise 10:25am 10:25am 10:26am 10:26am 10:27am 10:27am 10:27am Sh’ma ()גר"א 1:58pm 1:58pm 1:57pm 1:56pm 1:56pm 1:56pm 1:55pm Earliest Mincha Minchah followed by 1, 3 1 1 1 1 1 7:05pm 7:15pm 7:15pm 7:15pm 7:15pm 7:15pm Ma’ariv Plag Mincha: 5:50pm2 EARLY SHABBAT Candles between: 6:10 - 6:15pm Mincha: 7:10pm1 LATER SHABBAT Candles BY: 7:04pm 7:31pm 7:30pm 7:28pm 7:27pm 7:25pm 7:24pm 7:22pm Sunset 8:13pm 8:12pm 8:10pm 8:09pm 8:07pm 8:06pm 8:04pm Night SECOND MA’ARIV 9:30pm3 9:30pm3 9:30pm3 9:30pm3 9:30pm3 Shiurim Mishnah Yomit Events Yahrtzeits R’ Bert Mond 9:00am3 R’ Leor Broh 9:00am2 Rabbi Kennard 9:30am6 Drashot R’ Yaakov Sprung1 Prime Minister Netanyahu & the Meatball Effect R’ Leor Broh2 R’ Chezy Deren9 Rina Pushett ע"ה Emunah Shiurim Mr. Yudi New 5:15pm Rabbi Sprung’s Parashat Hashavuah Shiur “Desperate Recreation” 6:00pm2 Daf Yomi 8:45am3 Nadav Prawer Sefer HaKuzari 8:45am6 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 R’ Yaakov Sprung Chumash Shiur for women 10:00am6 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Keilim 30:4 – Ohalot 1:1 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Parshanut Hamikrah with Michal Kaufman 9:30am6 R’ Dovid Segal Gemara B’iyun 8:30pm2 Bein Haftara leParasha Shuir Adina Bankier-Karp Shiur for post high school girls 8:30pm6 R’ Chezy Deren ContemporaryHalacha 7/93 Hotham St 8:30pm Michal Kaufman (Lewis’ house) 9:00pm Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Ohalot 1:2-3 Ohalot 1:4-5 Ohalot 1:6-7 Ohalot 1:8-2:1 Ohalot 2:2-3 Ohalot 2:4-5 Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 7:05pm1 Gan Shabbat The Holy Bagel 10:30 – 11:30am 9:00am3 Children’s Tefillah Groups 10:15 – 11:30am Seudah Shlishit: Tamara Bruce Leil Limmud in memory of Miriam White 9:45pm3 6:55pm1 Zev Brykman (Father) Sylvia Cher (Father) Daf Yomi Daf Yomi 8:15am3 8:15am3 Weekly Parashah R’ Yaakov Sprung Shiur for ladies & Shiur for men girls 11:00am 8:30pm7 7 Morrice St Chaburah for Rabbi Shmuel women for high Karnowsky school and R’ Yaakov Sprung university Gemara B’iyun for students uni men returning 8:30pm6 from Yeshivot Daf Yomi 6:30pm6 9:45pm3 Talmudic Personalities with Rebbetzin Sprung for women of all ages 7:30-8:30pm6 R’ Yaakov Sprung Masechet Brachot 8:30pm6 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Chillen Cholent 9:45pm Noam & Yossi White (Mother) Solly Joss (Mother) Daf Yomi 8:15am3 MIZRACHI’S VIRTUAL NOTICEBOARD We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Jeremy & Michal Herz on the birth of their daughter Mazel tov to the grandparents Naomi & Geoff Bloch and Debbie & Jeff Herz Mazel tov to the great-grandparents Elaine Bloch-Jaffe, Ludevit Ehrenreich & Vera & Reuben Medding We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to Romi Burman on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah Mazel tov to the parents Alissa & Leon Burman Mazel tov to the grandparents: Eva & Philip Burman and Leon & Pauline Solowiejczyk Mazeltov to the great grandmother: Vera Sinaj We wish Mazal Tov to the following members who celebrate their wedding anniversary during the coming week: Monday — Marion & David Slonim Friday — Dassie & Shmuli Herszberg We wish Happy Birthday to the following members who celebrate their birthday during the coming week: Monday —DL Gold, Marc Seifman Tuesday - Michal Solomon Wednesday — Rachel Saddik Thursday — Romi Burman, Robert Lissauer, Avi Morrison If you have an occasion or a milestone event that you would like to be mentioned in Mizrachi Matters, please email it to [email protected] by 12:00pm on Thursdays ב ס "ד NEWSLETTER FOR THE 21 March 2015 1 Nissan 5775 Parshat Vayikra / Shabbat HaChodesh ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Yahrzeits during the coming week Miriam Hain (Father) [21 March] Sue Weinstock (Husband) [21 March] Contact numbers Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Cowen 0433-308-584 [email protected] Chairman Mark Kras Ed Goldman (Father) [25 March] Rachel Hyman (Father) [27 March] Shabbat times Candle Lighting this week Candle Lighting time if attending Kabbalat Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat this week Pre-Shacharit Shiur Shacharit Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiur: Making Sense of Shacharit Part 347 Mincha at Shabbat ends at Candle Lighting next week Candle Lighting next week if attending Kabbalat Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat next week 7.15 pm 6.18 pm 6.30 pm 9.00 am 9.30 am 6.15 pm 7.00 pm 8.13 pm 7.04 pm 6.09 pm 6.30 pm 0410-460-970 [email protected] Gabbai Elan Jacobs 0419-527-227 The Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiurim The early shiur (9.00am, before Shacharit) - come join the Rabbi for cake, coffee and an exploration of the mystical parsha [email protected] Secretary Sally-Ann Jaye 0437-625-350 [email protected] Birthdays this week Joel Freedman on his 30th Birthday Levana Meira Cowen turns 3 on 23 March / 1 Nissan Abigail (Abby) Epstein turns 4 on 27 March Haftorah requests Dennis Max 9528-6865 Mazal Tov Debbie & Mark Searle on their first foray into grandparenthood via Jeremy and Sarah [email protected] In shule this week … Rabbi Cowen will lead Kabbalat Shabbat, Basil Krawitz will lead Shacharit, Daniel Lowinger will lein, Michael Hain will say the Haftorah, and Elan Jacobs will lead Mussaf. Contributions to Newsletter (please) Sally-Ann [email protected] Kiddush this Shabbat You are all invited to the kiddush, which will be sponsored by EJC. At the Rabbi’s Young Adults: The Wick, Thursday evenings 8-9pm at 3/301 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield North Weekday times Sunday: Tefillin beginners class, including breakfast Monday to Friday – pre-Shacharit Shiur Monday and Thursday Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.00 am 15 minutes before Shacharit 6.30 am 6.45 am Pesach @ EJC EJC’s second 2nd Communal Seder will be held on Saturday evening, 4 April. Final bookings by Tuesday 24 March. Contact Sally-Ann for a flyer – [email protected] 19 March 2015 28 Adar 5775 Dear Members of the Mizrachi and Yavneh Family, Yom Hashoa, Holocaust Memorial Day, will be on Thursday, April 16th, 2015. We will be having an assembly at school at 10:10am in which we will commemorate and pay tribute to those who died Al Kiddush Hashem during the Holocaust. If any members of your family are Holocaust survivors and would like to honour us with their presence and/or participate in our candle lighting ceremony during this assembly, please contact me at the email address below. As part of this year’s Yom Ha’Shoah ceremony we would like to honour family members from the Mizrachi and Yavneh community who perished in the Holocaust. These names will be screened during the commemoration. If you wish to include the names of your family members, we ask that you email the details to [email protected] no later than Monday 29th March 2015. Please note that if you sent this information to us last year, there is no need to re-submit it again as we have retained the information from last year’s ceremony. The information and lists submitted do not need to be comprehensive; simply provide the information you have. Thank you, Shula Lazar Deputy Principal Jewish Studies SHABBAT 20 AND 21 MARCH TH ST YEAR THREE WELCOME TO BNEI AKIVA SHEVET ZERAIM Come join us in Bnei Shule for some singing, dancing, great ruach and most imporantly welcoming of our youngest shevet to their very first year of Bnei! 6:00 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 9:30 AM Shacharit Mizrachi Organisation בס"ד THE EUGEN YAACOV WEISS MIZRACHI CENTRE 81 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Victoria 3161, Australia Telephone: (03) 8317 2555 Fax: (03) 9527 5665 Email: [email protected] MAOT MARA D’ATRA Rabbi Yaakov Sprung CHITTIN APPEAL Adar 5775 March 2015 PRESIDENT Ian Waller QC CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Daniel Solomon ********** MIZRACHI SYNAGOGUES Beit Yehuda Beit HaRoeh Beit Midrash ‘Bogrim’ Minyan Nachalat David ********** BEIT MIDRASH NAFTALI HERC Kollel Torah MiTzion Midreshet Ohr HaMizrachi ********** ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Faye Rockman Synagogue ********** LEIBLER YAVNEH COLLEGE The Joseph & Stera Gutnick School of Jewish Studies A.S. Leibler Secondary School Leopold & Isabella Abrahamovits Yavneh Primary School Abeles Liberman Early Learning Centre ********** KOSHER AUSTRALIA P/L ********** Dear Friends Thank you for your continued support of the Mizrachi Charity Fund where every genuine cry for help is met promptly and sensitively. Last year your generosity enabled us to gift over $130,000 to the most vulnerable in our community - most of it in the form of food vouchers, rent payments, utility payments, car registrations, medication and interest free loans. We are often called upon in the midst of a crisis situation but our assistance is not only monetary and increasingly we are referring clients to additional service providers such as social workers, financial planners and emergency housing providers in the hope of assisting people to find long term solutions to their problems which are presented to us as financial - but are actually so much more than that. We continue to see a growth in the number of people seeking financial assistance and often these referrals are coming from other community aid providers such as Jewish Care who turn to us in order to assist where they cannot. Additionally, a significant number of referrals continue to come from our own community members concerned about families finding themselves in increasingly difficult circumstances due to illness, divorce or unemployment. Occasionally, these are the people living “next door”! Our Maot Chittin Appeal ensures that we can sustain our endeavours to assist throughout the year. But in particular, it ensures that we can distribute food and funds prior to Pesach which is now only a few weeks away. MIZRACHI CHARITY FUND MIZRACHI SICK VISITING SOCIETY BNEI AKIVA YOUTH MOVEMENT EMUNAH WOMEN’S MOVEMENT Many people within our community rely on us. Please help as generously as you can. Wishing you a Pesach Kasher V’Sameach ********** MIZRACHI NOMINEES PTY. LTD. ABN 83 005 019 670 Sincerely Yvonne Korbl The Land of Israel for the People of Israel according to the Torah of Israel ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל על פי תורת ישראל Mizrachi Organisation THE EUGEN YAACOV WEISS MIZRACHI CENTRE 81 Balaclava Road, Caulfield, Victoria 3161, Australia Telephone: (03) 8317 2555, Fax: (03) 9527 5665, Email: [email protected] MIZRACHI CHARITY FUNDS MAOT CHITTEN APPEAL 5775 A. Fund Type: Please tick only one of the following two boxes I do NOT require a tax-deductible receipt (these funds are used for interest-free loans and for cash that is made available to needy people anonymously.) I do require a tax-deductible receipt B. Payment Type: Please tick only one of the following three boxes Cash for $__________ is enclosed. Please hand this directly* to a staff member in the office 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North. Cheque for $__________ is enclosed. Cheques should be made payable to “Mizrachi Charity Fund”. Please hand this directly* to a staff member in the office 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North Please charge my credit card $________________ Credit Card Type: Mastercard Visa AMEX Credit card No: ___ ___ ___ ___|___ ___ ___ ___|___ ___ ___ ___|___ ___ ___ ___ Expiry Date: ___ / ___ Name on Card: ______________________________________________________ Signed: __________________________ Date: _____________________ Please hand this directly* to a staff member in the office 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North or post to The Mizrachi Charity Fund, 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North or fax to 03-9527 5665 or ring details through on 03-8317 2555. C. Your Details: Please Print Clearly Name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ Suburb: ______________________________________________________ Postcode: ___________ Email address: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ *The Mizrachi Charity Fund takes no responsibility for any payment left while the office is unattended The Land of Israel for the People of Israel, according to the Torah of Israel ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל על פי תורת ישראל Mizrachi Organisation בס"ד THE EUGEN YAACOV WEISS MIZRACHI CENTRE 81 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Victoria 3161, Australia Telephone: (03) 8317 2555 Fax: (03) 9527 5665 Email: [email protected] MARA D’ATRA Rabbi Yaakov Sprung Members are advised that the 71st Annual General Meeting of the Mizrachi Organisation PRESIDENT Ian Waller SC CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Daniel Solomon ********** will take place at 8:00 PM on Monday 20th April 2015, in the Goldberger Hall, Weiss Mizrachi Centre 81 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North MIZRACHI SYNAGOGUES Beit Yehuda Beit HaRoeh Beit Midrash ‘Bogrim’ Minyan Nachalat David ********** BEIT MIDRASH NAFTALI HERC Kollel Torah MiTzion Midreshet Ohr HaMizrachi ********** ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Faye Rockman Synagogue The Agenda appears below. A complete set of Annual Reports will be circulated via email prior to the AGM. It will also be available for collection in hard copy from the Mizrachi Office. A nomination form is attached at the end of the newsletter. Persons entitled to vote or stand for election at that meeting are required to have been financial members at 31st December, 2014. ********** LEIBLER YAVNEH COLLEGE The Joseph & Stera Gutnick School of Jewish Studies A.S. Leibler Secondary School Leopold & Isabella Abrahamovits Yavneh Primary School Abeles Liberman Early Learning Centre ********** KOSHER AUSTRALIA P/L ********** MIZRACHI CHARITY FUND MIZRACHI SICK VISITING SOCIETY BNEI AKIVA YOUTH MOVEMENT EMUNAH WOMEN’S MOVEMENT ********** MIZRACHI NOMINEES PTY. LTD. ABN 83 005 019 670 AGENDA Opening of Annual General Meeting Dvar Torah Apologies Minutes of the 70th Annual General Meeting Matters arising out of the Minutes Adoption of Annual Reports Leibler Yavneh College Constitutional Amendments Elections: a. Mizrachi Chairman b. Mizrachi President c. Mizrachi Vice President d. Mizrachi Treasurer e. Mizrachi Secretary f. Leibler Yavneh College Chairman g. Leibler Yavneh College Deputy Chairman h. Leibler Yavneh College Treasurer i. Kosher Australia Board Chairman j. Building Chairman k. Bet Midrash Committee Chairman l. Bet HaRoeh Executive Representative m. Twelve (12) Committee Members 9. Address by incoming President 10. General business Rae Bower, Acting Returning Officer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Land of Israel for the People of Israel according to the Torah of Israel ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל על פי תורת ישראל Mizrachi Organisation בס"ד THE EUGEN YAACOV WEISS MIZRACHI CENTRE 81 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Victoria 3161, Australia Telephone: (03) 8317 2555 Fax: (03) 9527 5665 Email: [email protected] ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, 2015 NOMINATION FORM MARA D’ATRA Rabbi Yaakov Sprung PRESIDENT Ian Waller SC CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Daniel Solomon ********** MIZRACHI SYNAGOGUES Beit Yehuda Beit HaRoeh Beit Midrash ‘Bogrim’ Minyan Nachalat David ********** We ............................................................................................................. (NAME OF PROPOSER - BLOCK LETTERS) and ............................................................................................................ (NAME OF SECONDER - BLOCK LETTERS) being financial members as at 31st December 2014 of the Mizrachi Organisation, hereby nominate ................................................................................................................... (NAME OF CANDIDATE - BLOCK LETTERS) BEIT MIDRASH NAFTALI HERC Kollel Torah MiTzion Midreshet Ohr HaMizrachi ********** ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Faye Rockman Synagogue ********** LEIBLER YAVNEH COLLEGE The Joseph & Stera Gutnick School of Jewish Studies A.S. Leibler Secondary School Leopold & Isabella Abrahamovits Yavneh Primary School Abeles Liberman Early Learning Centre as a candidate for the position of (PLEASE TICK ONE) Mizrachi Chairman Mizrachi President Mizrachi Vice President Mizrachi Treasurer Mizrachi Secretary Leibler Yavneh College Chairman Leibler Yavneh College Deputy Chairman Leibler Yavneh College Treasurer Kosher Australia Board Chairman Building Chairman Bet Midrash Committee Chairman One of Twelve (12) Committee Members ********** ACCEPTANCE I accept this nomination KOSHER AUSTRALIA P/L ........................................... Signature of candidate ....../...../..... Date ............................................ Signature of proposer ....…................................. Signature of seconder ********** MIZRACHI CHARITY FUND MIZRACHI SICK VISITING SOCIETY BNEI AKIVA YOUTH MOVEMENT EMUNAH WOMEN’S MOVEMENT To be received at the office by 3:00 PM on Friday 17 April 2015. ********** MIZRACHI NOMINEES PTY. LTD. ABN 83 005 019 670 Rae Bower ACTING RETURNING OFFICER The Land of Israel for the People of Israel according to the Torah of Israel ארץ ישראל לעם ישראל על פי תורת ישראל Men’s Health at the “G” PSA Testing, Rehabilitation after Prostate Cancer, Testosterone, Enlarged Prostate Treatment, Erectile and Continence Restoration Featuring iconic Melbourne newsreader Mal Walden as the moderator and a keynote address from AFL legend, TV Personality and Prostate Cancer Survivor, Sam Newman. Come along to hear from the person behind the personality, Sam Newman on his journey with Prostate Cancer. You will also hear from local medical experts Dr Christopher Love, Prof. Robert McLachlan, Dr Darren Katz on Men’s Health topics ranging from the latest treatments of BPH/Enlarged Prostate, Getting your Life back after Prostate Cancer Treatment, Testosterone in the Aging Male and PSA testing. Date: Tuesday, 24th March, 2015 Speakers: Time: Sam Newman, Keynote Speaker 6:00pm - Arrivals 6:15pm - Food and Drinks 7:00pm - Presentations 9:00pm - Finish Venue: Premiership Club Room, MCG Brunton Ave, Richmond VIC RSVP (by 23 rd March): 1800 170 009 This is a FREE public health forum. Bookings essential for catering purposes. Please advise any special dietary requirements when registering. Christopher Love, Urologist Robert McLachlan, Andrologist Darren Katz, Urologist David Sandoe OAM, Patient Pam Sandoe OAM, Carer Mal Walden, Moderator For more information or to register online visit www.menshealthg.com Getting there: Train - Jolimont Station Tram - No. 75, 70, 48 will drop you at the ground Car - Street parking UROLOGICAL SURGEON Implant Surgery Specialist www.coloplast.com.au The Coloplast logo is a registered trademark of Coloplast A/S. © 2015. All rights reserved. Coloplast Pty Ltd., Notting Hill, Victoria, Australia. MCG-2015.indd 1 12/03/2015 12:56:02 PM Issue 583 Vayikra 1 Nisan 5775, March 21th, 2015 בס“ד Shabbat MiTzion שבת מציון Mazal Tov to Yoni Tokayer (Montreal 2012-2013) on his Engagement with Nina! On sacrificing Rabbi Baruch Weintraub–Former Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash at YU-TMT Zichron Dov Toronto (2011-14) Current Rav Kehila in Tel Mond and Ram at Yeshivat Har Etzion This Shabbat Parashat Hachodesh, with its two facets, connects us twice with the world of the korbanot (sacrifices). First, as in the weekly parsha we begin the reading of Vayikra, which is dedicated primarily to the temple service in general, and the detailed laws of the sacrifices in particular. Second, as the yearly calendar adds to our Shabbat a special reading – Hachodesh Haze ('this month'). There too, the main part of the reading is dedicated to the introduction of Korban Peasch. It seems, then, that our Shabbat presents a good opportunity to deepen our understanding of the main role given to sacrifices in the Torah – both in quantity, as the laws of korbanot are much more detailed than those of Shabbat, to state one example; and in quality, as the Pesach sacrifice is connected directly to the redemption from Egypt (Shemot 12:13) and as all the sacrifices are "a pleasing fragrance to Hashem" (Vayikra 1:9). What makes the korbanot so important? This question is, of course, not a new one. The Rishonim discussed the reasoning underlying the Korbanot thoroughly, and we will bring here the main three reasons being given by them: The Rambam (Moreh 3:32) explains that G-d commanded to sacrifice in order to prevent the people from returning to Avodah Zara. The common practice at the time was to sacrifice to the gods, and Visit in South Africa there was no way to Am Yisrael will be able to cease this practice. Thus, G-d commanded that sacrificing will continue but to Him alone. Ramban (Vayikra 1:9) offers two suggestions. The first one finds the reasoning for sacrificing in human psychology – the burning of the animal and shedding of its blood will assist its owner to internalize the punishment that he deserves for his sin, thus advancing him towards Teshuva. The second suggestion of Ramban is according to "the way of truth", i.e. Kabbala. While the details are beyond my apprehension, the general theory seems to be clear enough – the Korbanot serve to bring the owner closer to Hashem. While according to the third explanation we can readily understand the immense importance of the Korbanot and the dependency of the exodus upon them, in the first two it is more difficult to understand. Why, according to the Rambam, do we give such importance for what is merely an outlet? And why, according to the psychological explanation offered by the Ramban, is there a need for sacrifice in Egypt, with seemingly no sin committed? I would like to suggest an understanding which combines these two explanations, and which is based upon ideas expressed by Rabbi Soloveichik in his "Festival of Freedom". We are used to judging Yoav Cohen-Hadad (Shlichut Department) with Doron Klein, CEO of TELFED Torah Mitzion Cape Town with Natan Sharansky! Dinner with the Shlichim Enjoying treats from Israel Shabbat Times Jerusalem Begin 17:14 End 18:27 Vayikra Page 2 strength and success, for individuals as well as for societies, by their achievements: money acquired, positions of power conquered or art and wisdom created. In sefer Mishlei, however, we are being told: "better is slow to anger than a mighty man and the ruler of his spirit than a city conqueror." (16:32); or in the words of Chaza"l "Who is mighty? Who he overcomes his desires". The sacrifices in the pagan world were intended to 'butter up' the gods or even to outright bribe them. They really were, then, manipulations of the gods by man. In other words, by possessing something the gods want – animals, fruits etc. – man could force the gods to help him in his own goals. It can be claimed, therefore, that in accordance to the Rambam's explanation of the sacrifices for G-d, the latter do not act only as an outlet for the human desire to sacrifice, but also represent a deep surrender. Shifting the Korbanot from the idols to Hashem is not only a change of address; it requires man to surrender his illusion of control over the divine realm, and replaces it with a willing acceptance of the heavenly yoke. Korban Pesach is not coming to 'appease' G-d, but to fulfil his commands, and to differentiate between those who keep them and those who do not. Letting go of one's hope to manipulate the metaphysical world can be seen as an act of weakness; but Korban Pesach teaches us to see it in a completely different light – giving up our desire to control the gods, enables us to connect with The G-d. And what is true between man and G-d, is also correct in the human realm – only letting go of our desire to enslave the other will enable us to finally meet him; the ability to put limits to our freedom is essential in order to render it meaningful. Page 3 Vayikra ISRAtag Arik Speaker The Worldwide North Africa Jewish Heritage Center named after David Amar is located in the Machane Israel quarter in Jerusalem with one side facing King David Street. The Center is dedicated to various aspects of the history, culture and heritage of the Jews of North Africa, which includes the communities of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, and to a lesser extent the Jews from Egypt. In the past the building hosted a Kollel, a shelter, a Beit Midrash and a synagogue. The original building rose to a height of three floors and was built around an inner courtyard with a cistern at its center. The center organizes various activities such as conferences, courses and seminars and Chazzanut institute, and displays permanent and temporary exhibitions. Moreover the center houses a library with original works, studies and reference books, an audio-visual database and an archive, all of which give a picture of the rich heritage of North African Jewry. The World Center also has a courtyard garden which was built in Andalusian style with unique mosaics. One has to note that although today the Sepharadic Jews are a minority of our nation, until the 12th century, 90% of Jews were living in Muslim countries. In the 17th century they represented 50% of the Jewish population, and only following the tremendous growth of the Jewish population in Europe did Ashkenazi Jews account for 93% of world Jewry before the Holocaust . Shlichim Wanted (including French & Spanish speakers) singles & couples: Ph 052-8109583 [email protected] Torah MiTzion was established in 1995 with the goal of strengthening Jewish communities around the globe and infusing them with the love for Torah, the Jewish People and the State of Israel. Over the past eighteen years Torah MiTzion's shlichim have inspired and enriched their host communities through a wide range of high impact formal and informal educational programs. Yasher Koach to Eliya Or for providing the correct answer Where was this photo taken? Please send answers to [email protected] The answer, further information about this location as well as the name of the first person to recognize this site will be published in next week‘s edition. In cooperation with:
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