Mukand Lal Public School Sarojini Colony,YamunaNagar Holidays

Mukand Lal Public School Sarojini Colony,YamunaNagar
Holidays Home Work
Class: III
General Instructions:
 Original drawings/illustrations and creative use of material will be appreciated.
 Put all your work together in an attractive folder with your name and class clearly written at
the top.
English Home Work
Read the book :-‘The Wind in the Willows’ and write the following:
Pen –Portrait of the main characters of the story
Summary of the story
Your favourite character and reason for your liking
Which part of the story did you like the most? Why?
The moral value you learnt from the story
Make the Models ,charts and pamphlet of:
Section (A) /Section (B)/ Section (C)
Roll No(1-10)--Solar system
Roll No(11-15)—Artifical Satellite
Roll No(16-19)—Space Craft
Roll No (20-23)--Globe
Roll No(24-26)—Phases of Moon
Roll No(27-28)—Constellation Ursa Major
Roll No(29-30)---Constellation Ursa Minor Roll No(31-32) Constellation Sagettarius
Roll No(33-34)—Constellation Leo
Roll No(35-36)—Constellation Scorpion
Roll No(37-38)---Constellation Indus
Roll No(39-40)---Constellation Orion
3. Vocabulary Building
 Observe the table given below. Write the names of any 4 members of your family in
capital letters. Write naming words for each letter. Do the same for rest of the
members. Make sure that the naming words in the table are not repeated.
 Frame two sentences daily for twenty days with any two naming words that have been
in the following table.
Nainital Nightingale Nest
Hindi Holidays Homework
1. पंचतं
म से कहनी पढ ए और कहानी से आपक
कौन सा पा
2. समाचार प
सबसे अ छा लगा और
मे से
या श ा मल ं वह लखए| कहानी का
सं ा श द खोज कर और उनके वा य बनाकर अपनी परयोजना
पु तक मे लखए|
Maths Holidays Home Work
Revise Ch 1 to 5
Do Worksheet Pages 12 to 23
Learn work done in all the subjects till now.
‘Mom ‘Needs Your Help
1. Your mother wants to buy a new car.. She needs your help as she is unable to choose the
best. So here’s something interesting for you to do. With the help of your father observe
the cars in your colony. Fill in this information for at least 10 cars and then answer the
questions asked.
No. Of Car
Eg. Car No. 1
Car No. 2
Car No. 3
Car No. 4
Car No. 5
Car No. 6
Car No. 7
Car No.8
Car No. 9
Car No.10
Name/ Brand
Maruti Car
a)Most of the cars are
__________ in color.
b) The most seen car is
c) So I think my mother
should buy _________ car
in __________ color.
Little Chef at Work
Summer is all about vacation, ice-cream and yummy food!
This summer let the Little chef inside you blossom into a champion!
With the help of your Father, make a sandwich using the filling of your choice
for your Mother. Paste /Draw a picture of the sandwich and also
list the ingredients.