Fulton County Board of Commissioners Agenda Item Summary: Item #15-0256 MEETING DATE: 4-1-15 Requesting Agency COMMISSIONERS ) Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.) PROCLAMATIONS FOR SPREADING ON THE MINUTES. Requirement for Board Action (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement) Is this Item Goal Related? Yes (If yes, describe how this action meets the specific Board Focus Area or Goal) No Summary & Background (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.) PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "ATLANTA HEALTHCARE, MUSIC AND GOSPEL FESTIVAL APPRECIATION DAY." (GARNER) MARCH 19, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "LEADERSHIP NORTH FULTON - GOVERNMENT DAY." (HAUSMANN) MARCH 19, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "HOWARD UNIVERSITY 48TH CHARTER DAY." (GARNER) MARCH 21, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "FOREVERFAMILY, INC. APPRECIATION DAY." (GARNER) MARCH 22, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "REVEREND DR. J. ALLEN MILNER APPRECIATION DAY." (EAVES) MARCH 28, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "EAGLE SCOUT CONNER ELLSWORTH CLARK APPRECIATION DAY." (EAVES) MARCH 28, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING " EAGLE SCOUT WARREN MILLS CHERRY APPRECIATION DAY." (HAUSMANN) MARCH 29, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "EAGLE SCOUT AMAAN MITHA APPRECIATION DAY." (HAUSMANN) MARCH 29, 20155 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING " REVEREND JAMES H. SIMS JR. APPRECIATION DAY." (EAVES) MARCH 29, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "EAGLE SCOUT CHASE THOMAS CLARK APPRECIATION DAY." (EAVES) MARCH 29, 2015 PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING "EAGLE SCOUT TYLER JAMES WILSON APPRECIATION DAY." (EAVES) MARCH 30, 2015 WHEREAS, Dr. Riki Brooks and the organizers of the 2015 Atlanta Healthcare, Music and Gospel Fest recently announced the dates of their J Olh annual event; and WHEREAS, the Atlanta Healthcare, Music and Gospel Festival, will held at _ the Americas Mart in downtown Atlanta, on July 24th and 251h, 201.5; and . ..~'./':S ~ .... Ji lIm*'_ .......... ....,....., flUOIlClPJliTY _"_,, WHEREAS, promises to elevate your spirit while educating your mind, body and soul with an array of music concert, health care workshops and training, youth activities and financial and literacy empowerment workshops; and WHEREAS, this two-day musical extravaganza is designed for the entire community, businesses and families and includes an afternoon of fun, food, refreshments and live entertainment, as well as health care partners and guest speakers; and WHEREAS, highlights for this year's festival include awards and performances by Gramrny Award winning artist, .Tody Watley, R & B soul artist, Tank ancl soul artist Bobby Valentino, as well as Latin American performer Salvador; _ ~~/t; . ..L: .. " ~.-.""""""" -_", ...... ;II I1IlIDHCI)IJIIIY NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County recognizes the work of the Atlanta Health Care, Music and Gospel Festival organizers and their contributions Lo their community does hereby proclaim Thursday, March 19, 2015, as "ATLANTA HEALTHCARE, MUS1C AND GOSPEL FESTIVAL APPRECIATION DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. Commissioner Clerk 10 the Commission F u L T o N c o u N T y === ,:S== =-.'.' ~ - -- ~ -" -=:::t:'...o......... WlleREAS, Leadership North Fulton identifies and develops leaders by promoting community awareness, instilling civic responsibility, and building relationships; and "VllERl!,"AS, Since 1989, more than 600 leaders from business, nonprofit, and government sectors have graduated from Leadership North Fulton including corporate chief executive officers and executives, mayors, city council members, fire and police chiefs, school principals. and nonprofit executi ve directors; and WHEREAS, Leadership North Fulton is a six-month program sponsored by the Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, Leadership North Fulton class members learn to enhance their leadership skills in the areas of organizational and group dynamics, conflict mediation, communication, diversity, change management, and are introduced to these issues by visiting government agencies, economic development centers, judicial and detention facilities, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and health care centers; and WHEREAS, Participants in Leadership North Fulton Class of2015 are: Samir Abdullah! , Mikey Stephens, Cory Arnwine, Coty Thigpen, Rose Burton, Wes Turner, Jim Cheatham, Adriana West, Cam Crow, Rich DiPietro, Lara Dolan, Joe Englert, Tracey Grace, Rusty Grant. Adrienne Hershey, Kimberly Jackson, Karin Mahmoocli, Matt McCoun, Dave iVlceulloch, Don McKinney, Christy Robinson, William Rutherford, Debbie Ryals, Jason Sleeman, and Kindra Smith; )I ruuaV&IlUHIY _... .... ---~ - - ::. 'wl; "';:; ........... ; ~'..,b,JJi_ rullllH COUHll ~ ~' ./~ Il; .... _,_.........=- ........... lunUH COOHll ,_"._ = Ci" .. /._.; ~.:.:l == ruuU11 COt'NTY NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Rh"'SOLVED, That the Board Of Commissioners of FultonCounty commends Leadership North Fulton for its commitment to building strong leaders in rhecornmunity, congratulates the organization's Class of 2015 on their completion ofthe program, and does hereby proclaim Thursday, March 19,2015, as "LEADERSHIP NORTH FULTON.- GOVERNMENT DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. $nltoll ([Olllltp %lo<1rlJ (II QI:Olllllll"sioIH'.l'S •••.:'T Ii,ice'ChairmHn ~'.' F u L T o c o u N T y ___ .......-..... WHEREA.S, Howard University was founded in "1867 and is a private research . .~a/:;S -__ -L: ... " IOlIDlICOOIIIY ~ ~ ', IL: university comprised on 3 schools and colleges; and ~ WHEREA.S, Howard University's motto Veri/as et Utilitas, Truth and Service, represent a key part of the school's identity asa learning ground where more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students dedicate hundreds of hours each year to service locally, around the nation and in far-flung places around the world; and .-.~ ....... 1I IUl!OlltDD11IY WHEREAS, Howard University is located two miles from the United States Capitol where many students are given the opportunity to intern, and where scores. of alumni shape national and foreign policy; and ~- .:.,~ ', l! <, • ~ -=..,. ..... -- WHEREAS, fUllllliCOIl1llY ~_/?! - ~.i=t runolWIUiIlY . WHEREAS, Howard University offers programs of exemplary quality positioning it to be identified as the first Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) to become a top-50 research university as it continues its rich traditions of leadership and service to underserved communities nationally and abroad; and ,'.--= :. ' .. s: r:: -- ~.~ IUIlllllCOUIIIY =- .. ,,$ r.c: ;,' ....: _ .. ::. --_ --....... -- Howard University's rich history has an enduring commitment to the education and advancement ofunderrepresented populations in America and the global community with an unique mission of representing an unwavering commitment to its core values of leadership, excellence, truth and service; and WHEREAS, three Atlanta .Mayors are.graduates of the historical Howard University, MayorsKnsim Reed, Shirley Franklin and Andrew Young; and WHEREAS, the Howard University Alumni Club of Atlanta (HUACA) will celebrate Howard University's 148 years-of outstanding service by hosting a Charter Day Concert and Scholarship Fundraiser featuring its own internationally acclaimed Howard University Gospel Choir; IWDHCOIIIIIY NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County recognizes Howard University for its exemplary academics and joins the HUACA as theycelebrate their '1 48,h Charter Day and does hereby proclaim Saturday, March 21, 2015, as "HOWARD UNIVERSITY 148'h CHARTER DAY" in ~ Fulton County, Georgia. Commissioner Clerk.lo the Commission F u L T o N c o u N T y (: .-""'he t G99i'I!' WHEREAS, Foreverfamily Inc. works 10 ensure thai, 110 matter what the circumstances, all children have the opportunity to be surrounded by the love of family. Our organization focuses on providing services to children with incarcerated parents and their families; and WHEREAS, Foreverfamily, Inc. serves the most marginalized children ill our societythose with an incarcerated parent or parents - by supporting the children, their parents, caregivers and extended family members as they work to remain it family; and WHEREAS,. Poreverfamily, Inc. offers support services to parents to help them strengthen family bonds through parent education, regular visitation with their children during the period of incarceration, re-entry assistance and provides help for those who care for the children during the parent's absence through the Guardian Angels SUPPOIt Group; and -- ~./~ .._..... ...... _,. : WHEREAS, Foreverfamily, Jnc. has several programs designed to nurture children socially, emotionally, and educationally in an enriching environment that includes of anafter-school program, a teen leadership program, intergenerational mentoring, as well as a summer camp that increases personal and cultural enrichment; and :::. IlJU~~i:j)1MY _-_- =. :s= _-::.". .;......r: -..' L.: ,-" WHEREAS, the sum impact of Foreverfamily's work, though less scientifically ]I measurable, is the inspiration Foreverfamily gives children to become successful adults, the added strength Foreverfamily gi ves to their caregivers to raise them with love, and the hope Foreverfamily gives to their parents for a better life for themselves and their children; IlJI(OHCOIJ1l1Y NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,That the Board of Cornmissioners of Fulton County recognizes the contributions and impact of Foreverfamily, Inc, for children and families' needing assistance and does hereby proclaim Sunday, March 22, 2015, as "FOREVERFAMILY, INC. APPRECIATiON DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. Jlfuftun QL{luntl;! ~1mui:luf @mnmissiollCl'S Ccmmissioncr _~.::...l: .... ....,: -- flRlOffCOURTY F Clerk to the Commission u L T o N c o u N T y WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. .r. Allen Milner, Sr. is the holder of Masters and Doctorate degrees from the Morehouse School of Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center- and is the founder and senior pastor of the Chapel of Christian Love BaptisrChureh, a church known for loving members and outreach to the poor and the homeless; and WHEREAS, Dr. Milner is the founder and President of Community Concerns, Inc. and Executive Director of Odyssey Ill, where he leads this non-profit organization in the provision of a multitude of services for impoverished and homeless individuals and families; and WHEREAS, ,-, = ~-.~.c".;: _- ........-__ :;;: ...: ... :a Dr. Milner recognized the growing number of women and children experiencing homelessncss, whichled his organization, Community Concerns to lease! 5 . apartments to provide.transitional housi.ng for single mothers and their children, and as many more women began coming to the organization for assistance, Dr. Milner retrofitted Odyssey III to house unaccompanied women; end WHEREAS, after Dr. Milner opened a ten-unit apartment building 10 provide a singleoccupant room facility as permanent housing for women. it became apparent that there were many families being separated by hornelessness as husbands and sons over the age of 12 were being housed in shelters for men while wives and their other children were being housed in shelters for women, which prompted Community concerns to collaborate with Atlanta and Fulton County 10 open Odyssey Villas, a 42-unit complex to provide permanent, supportive housing for married couples with children who were experiencing homelessncss; and WHEREAS, under Dr. Milner's leadership more than 2000 people have moved frorn hornelessness to permanent homes; and JllUIlNClYJHlT WHEREAS, Dr. Milner acted as convener of Mayor Shirley Franklin's Faith Based Roundtable over her two terms, served as president of the Concerned Black Clergy of Metropolitan Atlanta .. worked as treasurer for Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery's human activist organization, the People's Agenda and served as a commissioner on the Regional Commission on Homelessness; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County congratulates Reverend Dr. J. Allen Milner on the occasion 70'11 birthday. commends him for his love and committed service to men, women and children experiencing homelessness and does hereby proclaim Saturday, March 28, 2015, as "REVEREND DR. J. ALLEN MILNER APPRECIATION DAY" in FUlton County, Georgia. onus Chair of the Commission Clerk F u 10 the Commission L T o N c o u N T y WHEREdS, the Boy Scouts.of America began in J 91 0 fer the purpose of training _-...... ~-'./~ ....,_...........1II &...: young men to achieve the objecri ves of strong character, personal fitness and good Citizenship, with an elite group of Boy Scouts earning the rank of Eagle Scout, signifying dedication and detennination 1\J excel in both scholastic and Scouting endeavors; and WHEREAS. Conner Ellsworth Clark is member of Boy Scout Troop 629 and a sophomore at Mr. Pisgah Christian School where he is the co-captain lor the Varsity Cross Country le".111, a Varsity Soccer player and a member of Future Business Leaders of America; and ft1l1&~COlllfll WflEJ?EAS, Conner Ellsworth Clark has excelled in many areas, with achievements including being a member ofthe National Honor Society and serving u Chaplain Aide for his Scout Troop; and =- ,.._ :·· .. .:2 1I I.: .... ~ ......... = ...... WHEREAS, Conner Ellsworth Clark has satisfied the strenuous requirements necessary to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, including organizing and leading a ream to re-paint an outdoor map of tilt: United Slates (27 x 1 S feet) at Mount Pisgah Christian School on the asphalt play area to be used as a tool by the elementary students io help them be I no;':': involved when learning about the United States and geography; and - IUll1IXCOIItfll WHEREAS, Conner Ellsworth Clark will be recognized by friends, family and fellow Boy Scouts l-or his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scour during a Court of Honor Ceremony on' Saturday, March 28, 2015; =.. .'~ ::. ', .: r; - ~ ............. ~ ___. =-RI1IIIIiCOUlfll NOW, THEREFORE.• BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Comrnissioners of Fulton ('OHIllY commends the efforts of Conner Ellsworth Clark for his outstanding work on behalf of Scouting and the community at large, congratulates him on the occasion of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, and does hereby proclaim Saturday, March 28, 2015, as "EAGLE SCOUT CONNER ELLSWORTH CLARK APPREC1ATIONDA¥" in Fulton County, Georgia. ~lI(hllt @Olltlt!:j 2ffimu'll of QiommissicHlcrs Chair of (he Commission I Clerk LO (he Commission F u L T o N c o u N T y ._ -__ =-"-:~ - ,r;s - L: ..... WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America began in 191 O'for the purpose of training young men to achieve the objectives of strong character, personal fitness and good citizenship, with an elite group of Boy Scouts earning the rank of Eagle Scout, signifying dedication and determination to excel in both scholastic and Scouting endeavors; and ;II IUlTDN&auHlY ~ =-_ =- .: ~ /r= :! """'""........ ::II -- WHEREAS, Warren Mills Cherry is a member of Boy Scout Troop 10 and attends Alpharetta High School where he is a Varsity Letterman for the football IlilI\)IICIIllIIIY ~-"~/~ - team, soccer team, and swim team; and WHEREAS, Warren Mills Cherry has excelled in many areas, with achievements including being a member of the Spanish National Honor Society and being a four lime recipient of the Student of the Year Award; and L..: .. " :II 1CID'..:..• .........eI -- IIIITIl!lIllIJllTl WHEREAS, Warren Mills Cherry has satisfied the strenuous requirements necessary to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, which included leading a team of S:'''/~ - ............. -L..: ... volunteers to construct a walking trail; and 1II rulTll!lCOUlITl ---.-"""" ~ - WHEREAS, Warren Mills Cherry will be recognized by friends, family and fellow Boy Scouts for his attainment of'the rank of Eagle Scout during a Court of Honor Ceremony on Saturday, March 29,2015 Church, Johns Creek; Georgia; _",r,:::::::: :.L: '... : .:= at St. Benedict's "':11 1Ull&IICOam NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,That the Board of Commissioners of Fulton COUJ11y commends the efforts of Warren Mills Cherry for his outstanding work on behalf of Scouting and the community at large, congratulates him on the occasion of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, and does hereby proclaim Saturday, March 29, 2015, as "EAGLE SCOUT WARREN MlLLS CHERRY APPRECIATION DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. jfultOll Qi:Olllltp jliloCl.ri) of Qi:oHH!tis'sionen:i Vice Chairurau -_-~:..~ :..-, .: r: rutro:lco~m F Clerk u 10 the Commission L T o N c o u N T y _--...- ......-~ =- ". .; .:;:::r: WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America began in 19 -L.; .... to for the purpose oftraining young men to achieve the objectives of strong character, personal fitness and good citizenship, with an elite group of Boy Scouts earning the rank of Eagle Scout, signifying dedication and determination to excel in both scholastic and Scouting endeavors; and '::II MlONaI~'fTY WHEREAS, "1 Amaan Mitha is member of Boy Scout Troop 3'143 and a senior at Chattahoochee High School where he is a member of the Varsity football team, the Aga Khan foundation Club and the FCA Club; and WHEREAS, Amaan Mitha has excelled in many areas, with achievements including ------ being listed on the Honor Roll in 2014 ane! 2015 ane! being recognized us a Scholar Athlete Recipient in 2013, 2014, and 2015; and ~~/'%E - .. : .. " 1II:I::a"_'~ :II RIlJIIIlC1lI111TY WHEREAS, Amaan Mitha has satisfied the strenuous requirements necessary to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, including the construction of a weather proof roof to protect an expensive police golf cart and other important items belonging to Chattahoochee High School to in order to reduce unnecessary maintenance and which will result in significant savings for the school; and -----...... ~./~ &,: .... :It fUlJIJ!lCODIIIY WHEREAS, Amaan Mitha will be recognized by friends, family and fellow Boy Scouts for his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout during a Court of Honor Ceremony on Sunday, March 29,2015 at Johns Creek United Methodist Church; NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County commends the efforts of Arnaan Mitha for his outstanding work on behalf of Scouting and the community at large, congratulates him on the occasion of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, and does hereby proclaim Sunday, March 29, 20 15, as "EAGLE SCOUT AMAAN MITHA APPRECIATION DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. .:!fulton Q[.Olllltp jlDoarll of Q[.011l1lTiS5ioncl's Vice Chairman Clerk F u 10 the Commission L T o N c o u N T y _...............-:.. after giving his life (0 the Lord, Reverend James 1-1. Sims, Jr. ordained ill the ministry at the age of eighteen, and began his pastorate at the age of nineteen; and WHEREAS, Reverend Sims has pastored at churches throughout Georgia including Rucker Memorial Baptist Church in Gainesville, Georgia, Central Baptist Church in August", Georgia, Summerville Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia, and Greater Young Zion Baptist Church, Augusta, Georgia where he ministered with zeal, taught with authority, and preached under an undeniable anoiruiug, and WHEREAS, Reverend Sims has served as pastor of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, in Atlanta, Georgia for 40 years, leading his congregation into many challenging and rewarding areas of Christian service; and WHEREAS, a leader, visionary, and humanitarian, one of Reverend Sims 1110s1 salient leadership endeavors has been the completion the first phase the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church's building program; \'I,iS '~.:.'~-~ - ...... - L.: WHEREAS, ~.. II f1Ill~~COUHlY or or and WHEREAS, Reverend Sims is a native or Athens. Georgia and is married to the former Linda Mays and is the father Janel, Sarah, and Mieki Jarnela and James Michael; and WHEREAS, guided by the strong Hand of God, a keen Vision, a "tough" faith, ~ tenacious stamina, and supported by {he unity and love of'n "tried" and dedicated congregation. Reverend James H. Sims. Jr. shall continue to scale lofty pinnacles of faithful service in the vineyard of God; NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, Tlwt the Board of Commissioners of fulton County join the congregation of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in celebrating the retirement ofRcverend James H. Sims, Jr. alter 40 years of service and does hereby proclaim Sunday, March 29,20 l5 as "REVEREND JAMES H. SiMS, JR. APPRECIATION DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. J)fulr(llT QLl1lmtlJ JIRnm-1'l of QLlllllmissi.llmrs Chair of the Comruissiou --_- =-.~ - It· " .... 2 fUUO~COlImY F Clerk to the Commission u L T o N c o u N T y _ WHEREAS, =-;!-,'..... ~ ~r: - :._ the Boy Scouts of America began in 1910 for the purpose of training young men to achieve the objectives of strong character, persona: fitness and good citizenship, with an elite group of Boy Scouts earning the :'"r;K of Eagle Scout, signifying dedication and determination to excel in Doth scholastic and Scouting endeavors; and WHEREAS, Chase Thomas Clark is member of Boy Scout Troop 629 and a sophomore at Mt. Pisgah Christian School where he plays Varsity .,...__ .......... ,_..,_ .........". Football and is a member of the National Honor Society and a member of Future Business Leaders of America; and IUITDlICOOIOY WHEREAS, Chase Thomas Clark has excelled in many areas, with achievements including being a member ofthe National Honor Society and W(lS named North Fulton/Forsyth Touchdown Club Offensive Player of the Game; ,.. and WHEREAS, Chase Thomas Clark has satisfied the strenuous requirements necessarv to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, including organizing and leading ? team in building four, 4' long portable benches tor Mount Pisgah Christian Sdl001 to be placed in the Learning Garden to be used by lower school students providing them a place to sit while working in the Garden; and WHEREAS, Chase Thomas Clark will be recognized by friends, family o',l;i fellow Boy Scouts for his attainment of the rank of Eagle SJ.:Cl!1 during a COUli of Ilonor Ceremony on Sunday, March 29. 2015; NOW, IT1EREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, 111anhe Board cfCornmissioners of Fulton County commendsthe efforts-of Chase. Thomas Clark for his outstanding \','O;'K on behalf of Scouting and the community at large, congratulates him on the occasion of achieving the rank of Eagle SC01.I!, and does hereby proclaim Sunday, March 29: 20! 5, as "EAGLE SCOUT CHASE THOMAS CLARI":: A.)~PRECrAnON DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. -, _ ;;;-: .. '-_ F ~ ~'.!:i ........ ......... ,. Chair of the Commission J\.Ucst: IlIIlDHCOO1OY Clerk to the Commission F u L T o N c o u N T y lrncl~ma iort. -.~ WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts of America began in 1910 for the purpose of training young men to achieve the objectives of strong character. personal fitness and good citizenship, with an elite group of Boy Scouts earning the rank of Eagle Scout, signifying dedication and deterrnmation to excel in both scholastic and Scouring endeavors; and WHEREAS, Tyler James Wilson is member ofBoy Seoul Troop 629 and is a junior ill Mount Pisgah Christian School where he serves a Church volunteer, is member of the Chapel ream and is an independent Conrructor in Technical Ministries at Mount Pisgah UlVfC; and !l WHEREAS, Tyler James Wilson has excelled in many areas of scouting, with achievements including serving as Troop Historian; and WHEREAS, Tyler James Wilson has satisfied the strenuous requirements necessary to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, including leading a group ofvolunteers il~ donating their voices and to record Bible stories for the youth of the Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church's Children's and Special Needs Ministry; and , ~. WHEREAS, Tyler James Wilson will be recognized by mends, family and fellow Boy SCOll!~ for his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout during a Court of Honor Ceremony Oil Monday March 30,2015; NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County commends the efforts of Tyler James Wilson for his outstanding work on behalf of Scouting and the community at large, congratulates him on the occasion of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, and docs hereby proclaim Monday, March 30,2015, as ""EAGLE SCOUT TYLER JAMES WILSON APPRECIATION DAY" in Fulton County, Georgia. ;Nulton @LllU1tl.! ~!ol1ri) of illllllllllissioncl"s OHair Dr the Commission =__. . .._ :~ - c -" ......,- 3 fDllOUCUWIIY F Clerk 1"0 the Commission u L T o N c o u N y
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