Get Involved – EXTENSION

Dear MMSA Members,
The MMSA Board of the Directors 2015-2016 is eager to start working for the
upcoming term. We are issuing an extension for the call for Secretaries,
Assistants and other roles within the MMSA. Below please find a
description for the available posts.
Any interested applicants are to send a motivational letter coupled with
previous MMSA involvement, to the current VPi on [email protected]. All
applications will be subsequently passed on to the respective standing
committee or office heads. Deadline for applications is Wednesdat 29th April
2015 23:59pm.
Candidates for the post will be chosen by the respective heads and approved
by the Board of Directors based on their previous MMSA work, their
motivation and their skills related to the respective post. For more
information, please do not hesitate to contact me or the respective
SC/Office heads directly.
Kindly note that another call for coordinators and teams will be issued
towards the start of summer.
We look forward to working with all of you in what should be another
successful and productive MMSA term!
Gerd Xuereb
Vice President for Internal Affairs ’15-’16
MMSA Board of Directors ’15-‘16
Table of Contents
MMSA Executive Board
Finance Office .................................................................................................................... 3 MMSA Board of Directors
Public Relations Office ....................................................................................................... 5 Leisure Office ..................................................................................................................... 6 Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace .............................................................. 7 PREO -­‐ Incomings ............................................................................................................... 8 Electives Office ................................................................................................................. 10 Finance Office
Merchandise Assistant
The merchandise assistant will give his/her input in the new merchandise as well
as give and outline any potential ideas on merchandise which MMSA could issue.
The merchandise assistant is expected to discuss such ideas as to how MMSA can
increase revenue by.
Internal Finance Secretary Assistant
The internal finance assistant will be responsible of collecting any cash given to
Subcommittees as well as distributing cash to them. This is to ensure that there is
a person from the finance team responsible for collecting hard cash from
External Finance secretary
The external Finance assistant is responsible to help the treasurer with all MMSA
work related to the external representation and marketing of the MMSA like
sponsorships, contracts and grants. The assistant will also make sure that all
MMSA events that have been agreed on with sponsors are taking place with the
agreed times and the sponsors are well represented. The assistant will also help
out drafting the marketing plan.
Sponsorship Assistant
The sponsorship assistant will be required to work with the finance officer to get
sponsorships for MMSA as well as to look up potential sponsorship deal from
which MMSA can benefit from, as well as coming up with potential sponsorship
packages which are sustainable in the long run.
Fundraising Assistant
A fundraising assistant will help out the external finance secretary in identifying
platforms that can be developed to increase base earnings.
Matthew Pizzuto
Finance Officer
Public Relations Office
PR Secretary
The PR Secretary will work with the PRO on each project of the PR Team to varying
degrees. The secretary is expected to take minutes of meetings when required and
give advice and opinions regarding the PRO’s plans. Along with the PRO, the PR
Secretary will also co-ordinate with members of the PR Team to ensure the quality
of the work produced by the PR Team and refer them to the PRO for any help.
The PR Secretary should also take over the role of the PRO when the PRO is not
available (particularly during the month of August 2015).
IT Officer
The IT Officer is required to manage the MMSA Facebook pages and Website. The
IT Officer will also correct any issues that might crop up with the Website or
Facebook pages and help update the Website and add new features with help
from the Public Relations Officer. The IT Officer will also help in the addition of a
new feature to the MMSA App.
Stefano Corso
Public Relations Officer
Leisure Office
Leisure Team
After an extremely successful year the leisure team has decided to expand by
opening a call for anyone interested in joining #theleisureteam.
MMSA-Leisure now faces a new term ahead, a term in which we aim to take the
events to the next level and raise the bar even higher than it already is! As a team
we have the responsibility of coming up with the very best events on campusnothing less than our dearest MMSA members deserve to have on the event
calendar for the coming months.
As part of the leisure team, one is not only required to help out on the day of the
event and promote the event itself, but also to come up with innovative and
creative ideas and work together with the team to make them happen!
As a team we do look forward to welcoming new members! If you happen to have
experience within this sector please do mention it while applying!
Samuel Attard
Leisure Officer
Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace
Amigo Coordinators
There will be a total of 2 Amigo coordinators during the year, but only one call is
being released for now, in view of starting up the campaign during summer.
Therefore summer availabilities will be given great importance. The role of the
Amigo coordinator will involve:
• Communication with voluntary organisations to develop opportunities for
medical students to carry out voluntary work
• Set up a regular volunteering program to be carried out throughout the
• Provide international voluntary opportunities
Sarah Xuereb
MMSA Human Rights & Peace Officer
PREO - Incomings
In order to enhance the smooth running of the exchange program, assistants are
required. These assistants will be in constant communication and will work
together with me as incomings officer. Since most work will take place during
summer please include whether you intend to travel abroad during the summer
months and the duration of your holiday in the motivation letter.
1. Contact Team (6 assistants required)
Following the success the Buddy system has had over the past years this idea will
also be introduced in the exchange system. The contact team would be
responsible for:
• Sending out calls for exchange buddies, i.e. medical students who will be in
Malta for at least one month during summer in order to act as buddies and meet
up with foreign students to orient them with the University Campus and Mater
• Making sure that the exchange buddies address and report any queries or issues
which might arise during the foreign students’ stay and making sure buddies are
keeping in contact with the foreign students.
• Making sure that the Welcome pack has been distributed to the students by the
• Ultimately they will also make sure buddies collect feedback from students.
2. Lodging Team (3 assistants required)
The role of these assistants will be:
• Ensuring students are well established in their apartments and address any
lodging queries or complaints which might arise during their stay.
• Communicate with apartment owners should the need arise e.g. in the case of
appliances not working etc.
• Looking for more student accommodations, if required, which are both close to
each other, making it easier for students to meet up and close to University and
3. Transport Assistant (3 assistant required)
The role of this assistant will be:
• Enacting the pick-up system, thus ensuring students are accompanied from the
Malta International Airport to their apartment.
• Organising transport for leisure activities.
• Looking for transport companies offering optimal service at affordable prices.
4. Leisure Exchange Team (5 assistants required)
These assistants will work together in order to create a varied calendar of events
thereby ensuring incoming students get a good taste of Maltese culture in an
effort to make their short stay in Malta as memorable as possible.
5. Research Assistant (1 assistant required)
Seeing the need for extending the SCORE program in Malta, a motivated research
enthusiast would be ideal for this post. This would basically entail contacting
local researchers at the University of Malta and MDH in order to try to increase
research opportunities for foreign medical students on the island.
Electives Office
Electives Accommodation Coordinator
Role includes overseeing and arranging the accommodation placements for the
electives students and resolving any issues which might come up regarding
accommodation. He/ She will be working closely with the electives officer and is
expected to be committed and motivated.
Bader Ali
MMSA Electives Officer