Vacation Bible School July 13 - 17, 2015 9:00 - Noon Rising K to Rising 5th Invite your grandchildren, neighbors - we welcome them all!! Contact Julia Price for additional information and to help! THIS WILL BE AWESOME!!!! Visit our web-site at: Contact the Church office: [email protected] EXPECT EXPECT FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS Dear Church Family- Kathy and I feel blessed that God has called us to First United Methodist Church of Monticello! On July 1, I will officially be appointed for another year as your Spiritual Shepherd. Using the Fourth of July theme as we begin our second year together in God’s ministry as pastor and church, I want to tell you that I still anticipate fireworks out of my faith. I still anticipate miracles. I still anticipate excitement and enthusiasm, healing, and conversion. I expect fireworks to happen every time God calls us and sends us out. I expect my faith and my church to make a difference in my world. And I want you to expect it, too! First United Methodist Church is doing many things to build God’s kingdom. But there is more that we can do… there is more that I can do... there is more that you can do. There is more that you and I can do together. In order to do it, however, we must remember the source of our authority. So as we celebrate this month of our declaration of independence as a country, I invite you to join me in renewing our declaration of dependence upon God. I invite you to bring an offering of a hope, a dream, a prayer, or perhaps an offering of a vision you have for this church or a promise of service you can give to God. I invite you to offer it at the altar to the God who calls us and sends us, who claims us and names us, and who fills our minds with visions of liberty and justice and possibilities that burst like fireworks in the night times of our journey through this life of ours. There is too much to be done here in our corner of God's world for us to quit taking risks and stepping out on faith. I don’t want us to be slaves to the past, afraid of the risk of what it may mean to be in ministry in this community, in this nation, and even in this world at this time. I don’t want us to be afraid to go forth into the world with the authority that we receive from God. EXPEC FIREWORK On Wednesday, June 17, during a Bible study, a sacred place was violated. A white gunman filled with hate entered Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and killed nine people “because they were black,” according to a Charleston police spokesperson. Those of us hundreds or thousands of miles away feel the impact of lives senselessly taken while seeking to draw closer to God. We can put ourselves in the room. We, too, have attended a Wednesday night Bible study, been in the church late for a meeting or walked out into a dark parking lot after choir rehearsal. We like to think of our sanctuaries as safe spaces, separate from the violence of the world. These murders are a stark reminder this is not always the case. Our world is broken, but God is with us. The racism and violence on the other side of our church doors is all too real and sometimes, tragically, comes inside, but God is with us. Godloving people are harmed sometimes and even killed. Even in this, God is with us. And God with us calls us not to stay inside and lock the doors, but out into the world to work toward a better day to come. We are to live into and labor toward that for which we pray when we recite the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” CT KS stand God told the prophet Ezekiel that judgment was about to fall on the nation of Israel because they had turned from Him; because they had chased after other gods and disobeyed God's commands. But God also tells Ezekiel that He doesn't want to see the nation destroyed. God wants the people to turn back to Him; to return to Him with all their hearts. If they do, God will hold back His wrath and judgment from the nation. up for the nation and defend them God asks Ezekiel -- "Who will stand in the gap? Who will and lead them back to Me?" I believe that God is asking that same question of us. Are we willing to stand in the gap to defend our homes, our church, our community, and our nation and lead the people back to God? Are we willing to turn to God on behalf of those around us and ask for His hand to move across this community and nation once again? Are we willing to be the catalyst for true and lasting change in this land? A wise person once observed that if you are not being a spiritual influence, then chances are that you are being influenced spiritually. When we stand for those who are unable to stand for themselves, we are fulfilling that spark of grace that each of us have been recipients of. God wants us to intercede for our nation and those around us -- to stand before Him on behalf of this country and to pray for those in authority above us and for those who are persecuted around us. I believe the colonists trusted and depended on God when they made and adopted the Declaration of Independence. Because of their trust, God blessed us as a nation. I believe that if we remember to trust and depend on God today, God will use us to make fireworks happen; and again, God will bless us as a nation. Prayer is always a good starting point. The Scriptures remind us: "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and will heal their land." Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) Prayer is a good starting point, but then comes the challenge to take a leap of faith and put actions to our prayers as we stand in the gap for those around us. Accepting the call to stand in the gap is one of the most important things we will do as a Christian. We need to understand that things happen when we stand in the gap. When a Christian prays, things happen. When God touches our hearts and leads us to pray or intercede on behalf of someone else, things happen. We are not here just to live our lives, we are here to influence. Influence our families, friends, community, city, state, nation, and world. Where Christ abounds, evil will never have the last word. Be blessed and be a blessing in Him Who Calls us, Too many of us have good intentions and thoughts of something we would like to do, but for some reason we have never gotten around to it. So, I’m giving everyone a “round TUIT” so we can all join in doing great things for our great God! FIRECRACKER OR RIFLE SHOT CHRISTIAN? An Unusual Bible Quiz Did you know that there is approximately the same amount of gunpowder in a firecracker as in a rifle shell? (I can’t verify the accuracy of the counting, but I can verify the truth of the answer!) The firecracker makes a flash and a bang, sending an explosive amount of energy out in all directions. The rifle shell, on the other hand, focuses that power in a specific direction and delivers an enormous punch. Both have their place and time. We can be a firecracker Christian or a rifle shot Christian. One focuses on the big bang. One focuses on direction and a target. It's a matter of what is needed. A third option to consider is to combine the two and be a fireworks Christian. Fireworks begin by focusing power to get them to a desired location and then explode with all kinds of ways to catch people’s attention and amaze them in all kinds of wonderful ways! With God, Expect Fireworks! Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117 Q: What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 119 Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? A: Psalms 118 Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118 Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118 Add these numbers up and you get 1188. Q: What is the center verse in the Bible? A: Psalms 118:8 The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the exact center of His Word! Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Let us all reclaim our Wesleyan tradition! Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can. --- John Wesley A MAN WITH A MISSION (and a witness!) John Wesley was the founder of United Methodism and profoundly affected the shape of our church and the world. Wesley was not hesitant to go the extra mile to help the Kingdom grow. From his journal: When I [Wesley] was in America, I taught one school in Savannah, and Mr. Delamott taught another. He told me one day, that a part of the boys belonging to his school wore stockings and shoes, and the others did not; and that the former laughed at and ridiculed the latter, thereby discouraging them; and that, though he prevented their doing so when they were under his eye, they did it when out of school; so that, notwithstanding all the pains he had taken, it appeared to be a growing evil, and he did not know how to cure it. I told him I thought I could cure it; and added, "If you will take care of my school next week, I will take care of yours, and try;" which he readily consented to do. Accordingly, on Monday morning I went into his school without either stockings or shoes. The children looked with surprise, first at me, and then at each other. I took no notice, but kept them to their work. I soon observed, however, that those who were without stockings and shoes, began to gather courage, and look with an air of consequence, now they had the master on their side. I did the same every day during the week; before the end of which, several of those who used to wear stockings and shoes, came to school without them. Thus the evil was securely cured! If lawyers are disbarred and clergy defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models would be deposed, and dry cleaners depressed? Laundry workers could decrease, eventually becoming depressed and depleted! Even more, bed makers will be debunked, baseball players will be debased, bulldozer operators will be degraded, organ donors will be delivered, software engineers will be detested, the BVD company will be debriefed, and even musical composers will eventually decompose. On a more positive note, though, perhaps we can hope politicians will be devoted. Healthy Lifestyle Fellowship Join us Thursday, July 30, at 6:30 PM to watch Food Matters (“Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine” Hippicrates) is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billions of dollars of funding and research into new so-called cures we continue to suffer from chronic ills and every day maladies. Find out what works, what doesn’t and what’s killing you. Becoming informed about the choices you have for you and your family’s health could save your life. We will meet in the Family Ministry Center and have a healthy treat before the movie. For further information, contact Lynn Salter or Diane Freeman. The Chancel Choir will not meet during the month of July. Rehearsals should re sume on Wednesday, August 5 at 6:45 PM. See you then! The Church Office will be closed on Friday, July 3, for the Fourth of July. The Office will open again on Monday, July 6. Have a safe and blessed holiday. SAN JUAN de los YERAS Please pray for our sister church, Iglesia Methodista de San Juan de los Yeras this month, and specifically for these church members in July: Frances Fellowship will not meet in July. We will resume in August. Margot Reyes Hernandez, Luis Peraza Wanche, Maria de las M. Perez Garcia, Antonio Pedraza Morera, Anasleydi Rivero Oses, Fabio Arturo Allegue Vega, Evelyn Rey Diaz, Elvia The Missions Committee will not meet in July. For further information, please contact Ann Hatcher or Dean Jerger. Oramas Valladares, Isolina Valdes Fernandez, and Joel Munguia Leyva HIDE AND SEEK CONTEST: Our winner from last month Do you know someone who is taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or other related dementia? The Alzhei- was Sally Jordan. Great job Sally! Inside this newsletter you will find the word “stockings”. Look carefully and be the sec- ond caller to call the Church Office and mer’s Support Group meets in the Family Ministry speak to Debra. Center the fourth Monday morning of each month ticket to our Wednesday night dinners when from 11:30 to 1:00. A light lunch is provided and they resume in September. Each month there your loved one is provided respite care during the will be different word/s, picture or a symbol group meeting. NO meeting in July. The meet- to locate. The contest is open to every one! ings will resume in August. If you desire addition- Good Luck!! Please, do not leave a message on al information, please contact the Alzheimer’s Support Project at 386-2778, or call the Church office. The prize is a free meal the phone. You must speak to Debra directly. The word above is NOT the hidden word. CHILDREN’S HOME IN ENTERPRISE, FLORIDA The Education Department at the Children’s Home in Enterprise has requested school supplies or $5 Wal-Mart gift cards to be collected during the month of July and delivered to Enterprise by early August in preparing for the coming school session. Our intentions during the month of JULY is to collect the $5 Gift Cards from Wal-Mart and send them a check for any monies collected earmarked for SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Only gift cards in the amount of $5 are acceptable. If you wish to contr ibute mor e, they must only be a $5 value as the children are given these cards to make their purchases. We will NOT collect any school supplies - we will just send the cards. CHECK CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THIS PURPOSE CAN BE MADE PAYABLE TO OUR CHURCH & MARKED “CHILDREN’S HOME SCHOOL SUPPLIES” $5.00 Wal-Mart gift cards can be turned into the church office, or Co-Chairs Mary Creameans or Dianne Westbrook. Thank you for your interest and support for the young children. Our Youth are in Lake Junaluska and will return Thursday, July 2nd. Please keep them in your prayers for traveling mercies! Ready, Set, Go! VBS July 13-17 Twenty-two volunteers had a great luncheon and training session June 14th to learn about the Group Publishing program “EVEREST.” As we munched on sandwiches and chips, we watched inspiring videos of how the professionals do it. Now the teachers have all their materials to go home, plan, create awesome lessons, learn songs and get those craft packets ready. The real fun starts MONDAY, JULY 13 at 9:00 A.M. VBS runs Monday through Friday from 9 until noon. If you haven’t yet signed up your children or grandchildren, please do so soon. The first day is so much easier when we have our kids pre-registered with nametags on. Forms are in the office. Many thanks to eleven wonderful ladies who provided food for our leaders and youth. Marjorie Finlayson, Janegale Boyd, Pat Miller, Glenda Manucy, Diane Freeman, Juanice Hughes, Lynn Salter, Pat Inmon, Betty Messer, Margaret Calhoun and Linda Benedict, we love you! Notes of Thanks Thank you very much for the thoughtful card, the well wishes and the Books-a-Million gift card! I would not have been able to get through college without my friends and family at FUMC! Sincerely, Kalyn Brown Dear Church family, Tata and I want to thank everyone who helped us as we filled out the paperwork for Rommel to attend Aucilla. Thank you so much for your love for me and my family. Bobby Ingram Dear Pastor John and Congregation: Thank you so much for being a partner in mission with our Guatemala Mission Team as they work with Porch de Salomon. Your donation of $1,000.00 will help support a team of 18 people and help pay for the construction costs of two family homes. The team members will work in construction, conduct Vacation Bible School and provide Christian outreach and humanitarian care. We appreciate so much your faith in supporting this endeavor and your much needed contribution. Pastor Kevin Hall and Gail Christy-Jones Waukeenah United Methodist Church We have an opening in the Church Nursery for a part-time worker. Every other week on Sunday, from 9:30 a.m. to Noon, and needed as special events occur. If interested, please contact the Church Office for an application and for additional information. HOME ALONE Ministry Takes Off! Eleven singles came to our first event, a luncheon at Sandy’s Buffet on th June 7 . We discussed common interests and activities we would enjoy doing together. One event we all agreed on—first Sunday dinner out! Also in the works: bus tours with the Madison Travel group; Opera House dinners, plays and movies when the Opera House gears up for the fall season in September. Watch the Sunday bulletin for announcements. If you have a friend who would enjoy this fellowship, please invite him or her to join us. Our next event: lunch at the Brick House, Sunday, July 5th. Meet in the back room around 12:15 (after the 11:00 service). Cost $5-10. AND Join Us At Wakulla Springs! Home Alone has scheduled a summer outing to Wakulla Springs for the jungle cruise and lunch. Saturday, July 18th, we will meet at the church at 8:45 A.M. to carpool. The cost is $6.00 per vehicle, $8.00 for the boat ride and luncheon at the lodge runs from $6-29. Please call Julia Price to reserve your seat. July Fellowship group Birthdays 2 Kathy Hicks Sally Jordan Margaret Calhoun 4 Robbie Slack Bill Bippus Buster & Jessica Corley 10 Jack Wirick Buck Bird Ted & Gloria Nixon 11 Charlie Reichert Jennifer Reese Irma Huls 14 Bob Ingram Linda Benedict Gary & Marilyn Canada Hilda Smith 18 Sandra Hood 20 Dianne Knecht Greeters Jeanne Odom Our wonderful Ushers will greet this month! Pat Johnson 21 5 Katrina Richardson 12 Linda Benedict Sharon Heber Ann Schaubel 24 Donna Champion 25 Amy Morgan 26 Sally Jordan 28 Bill Brown 29 Marghuerite Bulloch Roger Stadin Randall Handley 30 Flowers Anna FinlaysonStrickland 19 Bill Bippus Liturgist 5 George Cole 12 Nan Baughman 19 Nan Baughman 26 Nan Baughman Acolytes 5 Ava Corley 26 Ted & Gloria Nixon Anniversaries 2 Mac & Mary Beth Finlayson 4 John & Eleanor Hawkins 5 Clyde & Diane Simpson 7 Richard & Meagan Finlayson 9 Tom & Linda Harmon 12 Parker Sheehan 22 Leonard & Mary Cremeans 19 Hannah Richardson 25 David & Cathy Jackson 26 Rommel Ingram Children’s Church July Communion Elements 5 Nancy Whitty - Lesson 13 12 Kathy Hicks - Lesson 1 5 - Margie Cole 19 Marilyn Youtzy - Lesson 2 26 Andie Jerger - Lesson 3 Children’s Sermons 5 Kathy Hicks 12 Joyce Hrynciw 19 Richard Finlayson 26 Sally Pumphrey July 2015 S M T W T F S June 28 June 29 June 30 1 2 3 4 Youth to Lake Junaluska, 6/28 to 7/2 5 8:30 - Praise & Worship 9:45 - Sunday School 11:00 - Traditional Worship 12:15 - Home Alone meets at Brick House for lunch 5:00 - UMYF 12 Youth returning from Lake Junaluska 6 7 9 10 11 16 17 18 6:00 - Wednesday Night Meal Fellowship 7:00 - Trustees 13 8 Office Closed for 4th of July Have a safe and blessed holiday! 14 15 CHUCK WAGON SUNDAY VBS DEDICATION DAY 8:30–Praise & Worship 9:45–Sunday School 11:00-Traditional Worship 5:00 - UMYF 19 6:30 - Youth Committee 7:00 - Staff Parish Committee 8:45 - Home Alone to Wakulla 7:30 - Education Committee Springs VBS ENDS VBS BEGINS 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 Breakfast With Jesus 8:30–Praise & Worship 9:45–Sunday School 11:00-Traditional Worship 6:00 - Wednesday Night Meal Fellowship 10:00 - Nurture Team 7:00 - Finance Committee 5:00- UMYF 26 27 28 29 Change for God’s Children received today 8:30–Praise & Worship 9:45–Sunday School 11:00-Traditional Worship 5:00—UMYF 7:00 - Church Council ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND 6:30 - Healthy Lifestyle Fellowship Last day to turn in $5.00 gift cards to Walmart for the Children’s Home. meet at the Church 25 CHURCH STAFF Pastor John Hicks CEC Director Connie Swiggard Administrative Assistant Debra Roderick Preschool Teachers Sue Ellen Beat Praise & Worship Leader Becky Stoutamire Theodosia Blue Adult Choir Director Amon Eady Miranda Gillyard Youth Leaders Melissa Costello Angie Roberts Marisa Duber Juanita Jones Jamen Brock Organists Eleanor Hawkins Linda Benedict Pianists Jane Freeland Laura Powell Nursery Attendants Tata Ingram Pat Miller Sally Pumphrey Pat Johnson CHURCH PHONE: 850-997-5545 WITH GOD, EXPECT FIREWORKS! First United Methodist Church Non-Profit Organization 325 West Walnut Street U.S. Postage Paid Monticello, FL Permit 32344 Founded ca. 1828 Rev. John Hicks, Pastor RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED No. 3
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