(audio) : Binge-drinking in Rennes 1) Indicate whether these state

I – Activités de compréhension de l’oral
Document no 1 (audio) : Binge-drinking in Rennes
1) Indicate whether these statements are true or false.
The students are noisy.
They cause damage to shops and bars.
A few years ago there was fighting with the police.
2) A number of students have died as a result of drinking. Complete this table.
Three people were killed.
Another two died.
3) What actions are being taken by the Council to limit binge-drinking in Rennes? Tick (√)
the elements mentioned in the report.
Pubs must close earlier.
Laws have been introduced to stop people drinking in the streets at certain times.
An increased police presence.
Transforming bars and restaurants into other types of businesses.
Other activities have been organised on Thursday evenings.
Alcohol prices have been increased.
Document no 2 (vidéo) : BBC News 24
Useful vocabulary:
A pub crawl: going from pub to pub.
The BMA: The British Medical Association.
Club reps: club representatives.
Booze: alcohol.
1) Tick (√) the elements mentioned in the report
Students have a reputation for drinking and partying.
It’s the beginning of the university year
The police would like to ban the pub crawls.
2) What are student leaders particularly worried about in relation to young people’s alcohol
consumption ? Tick (√) the correct answer(s).
The low-cost of drinks
The reaction of the local police
The aggressive promotion of alcoholic drinks
The health problems associated with high alcohol consumption
3) What is the drinks promotion mentioned by Wes Streeting? Tick (√) the correct answer.
2 drinks for the price of one
3 drinks for the price of one
4 drinks for the price of one
4) Say whether the following sentences are true or false, according to the report.
Most of the students on the pub crawl are under the age of 20.
True / False
The company organising the pub crawl is acting irresponsibly.
True / False
The drinks promotions are only in some areas of England and Wales.
True / False
Scotland has already introduced a minimum price for alcohol.
True / False
Total compréhension orale ……/20 points – 12 points (60 %) pour obtenir la compétence