A foNcx .3 p r-cl - ....--, ----.. F. No. 8/65/2010-NSC Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation National Statistical Commission Secretariat ""_,, 1 1 ;-, . \ '''' 9 --4' -- --;::, II Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-1.100 01. Dated the -1 V242012 ORDER Subject: Constitution of Working Group for formulating methodology etc., for the 70th Round of NSS. The National Statistical Commission (NSC) in its 47th meeting held during 11th to 12'h January 2012 decided that 70 th Round of NSS would be devoted to the subjects 'Land holdings, livestock holdings, Debt & investment and Situation Assessment Survey of Farmers'. 2. The NSC decided that a Working Group shall be constituted to assist it in laying down sampling design, methodology and strategies to reduce nonsampling errors for the 70th Round of NSS. The field work for the 70 th Round shall be carried out during January 2013 to December 2013 and the results of the survey including unit- level data need to be placed in the public domain within one year. Composition 3. The NSC constitutes a Working Group to formulate the methodology etc., for the survey as under. (1) (2) ._ Dr. A. Vaidyanathan B-1, Sonali Appartment 35, beach road, kalakshetra Colony Channai-90 Mob: 0-9444909607 Tele: 044-24919607 e- mail:[email protected] Dr. Sucha Singh Gill Director General Centre for Research in Rural & Industrial DevelopmentICRRIpl Chairman (non-official) Non-official Member :i -,);„ Plot No. 2-A, Sector-19A Madhya Marg, Chandigarh-19 Mob: 0-9855082857 Tele: 0172-27846111 E-mail: d_gcrridOyahoo.in (3) Prof. D. Narasimha Reddy Former Dean, University of Hyderabad House No.: 3/33/33, L. Venkatareddy Colony Lingamapalli, Hyderabad — 500 019 Mob: 0-9440608373 Tele: 040-23033283 E-mail: [email protected] (4) Dr. U.C. Sud Principal Scientist Head Division of Sample Survey Indian Agriculture Statistics Research Institute Library Avenue, Pusa New Delhi-110 012 Mob: 09899449203 Tele: 011-25841475 E-mail: [email protected] (5) Dr. Sushanta Kumar Nayak Department of Economics Rajiv Gandhi University Itanagar — 791112, Arunachal Pradesh Mob: 09436068918 -Fele: 0360-2277371 (0) E-mail: [email protected] (6) Prof. Shibdas Bandhyopadhyay, Member, NSC & Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata E-Mail: [email protected] (7) Director General, Central Statistical Office (CSO), New Delhi E-Mail: dgcsoOnic.in (8) Director General, National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), New Delhi E-mail: XlashOnic.in Representative of Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation. Representative of Deptt. of Animal Husbandry & _Representative of RBI Representative of NABARD (13) Representative of CACP 2 Non-official Member Non-official Member Non-official Member Permanent Invitee Member Member Member Member Member Member Member (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) Representative of Planning_Commission Director, DES, Govt. of Punjab Director, DES, Govt. of West Bengal Director,_DES, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh Director, DES, Govt. of Maharashtra Representative of NSSO (0PD) Representative of NSSO_CF0D) Representative of NSSO (CPD) DDG, NSC Secretariat Addl. DG, NSSO (SURD) or a Representative of I NSSO (SDRD) Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary Terms of Reference: 4. The NSC has laid down the terms of reference (TOR) for the Working Group as under. (1) Reviewing the past data on the subject and previous field experiences in data collection, particularly with reference to non-response/ luke-worm response at various levels of data collection including in respect of items in the data collection schedules, and identifying sampling and nonsampling errors (2) Based on the findings of the aforesaid review, preparing all the survey instruments relating to the 70th Round Survey, namely, the tabulation plan, data collection schedules, manner of data collection including statutory data collection, sampling design, estimation procedure, the sampling frames and method of drawing of samples for survey, scrutiny & validation procedure, instruction manuals, training of trainers, specifications for processing and validation of data, and arrangements for dissemination (3) Conducting pilot survey, if necessary, before finalizing schedules for data collection (4) Preparing estimates for rates/ ratios as also aggregates for different socio-economic parameters using population projections and population estimates emerging from the survey (5) Obtaining consent of States/ UTs for participation in the survey as per the programme formulated by the Working Group on the above lines (6) Furnishing all the survey instruments to NSC, as and when ready, and reviewing draft reports before their submission to the Chairman, NSC 5. The tenure of the Working Group will be till the completion of all the activities given- in para-4. The Member-Secretary of the Working Group shall, in consultation with the Chairman of the Working Group and with the approval of DG, NSSO, submit periodical progress reports to the NSC covering various 3 aspects of TOR. Secretarial assistance to the Working Group will be provided by the Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD) of the NSSO, Kolkata, 6. The Working Group will also be involved in the seminar that would be conducted on the results and experiences gained through the survey. 7. With the approval of the Chief Statistician of India, the Working Group may also enlist the assistance of subject matter experts within and/ or outside the Government and may co-opt them as members according to necessity. 8. The expenditure on TA/ DA of the official members will be borne by their respective Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations. The Chairman of the Working Group is entitled for a lump sum payment of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh only) and each of the other non-official Members would be entitled for a lump sum payment of Rs.90,000/- (Rupees ninety thousand only) towards honorarium and clerical assistance for the entire tenure of the Working Group, for attending meetings of the Working Group and for other work that they have to undertake in connection with this assignment on non-meeting days. The nonofficial Members shall not be entitled for any sitting fee for attending meetings of the Working Group. Fifty percent of the lump sum amount shall become due for payment to the non-official members on submission of the report of the Working Group on sampling design and other methodological instruments to NSC and completion of the training of trainers on survey methodology. The remaining fifty percent shall be paid to the non-official members on completion of tenure of the Working Group. 9. The non-official members will be entitled to transport or transport charges for local travel in discharge of the functions of the Working Group. The room rent and DA for outstation non-official members will he regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) OM No. 19020/2/94/E.1V dated 10th August 1994 (copy enclosed). 10. The'expencliture on conducting the meetings of the Working Group and on payments/ reimbursements made to the non-official Members will, under the relevant heads, be debitable to non-plan budget allocated to the NSC under the non-plan grant of the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MOSPI). 11. This issues with the concurrence of AS&FA vide Dy. No. :1`1/4- 12. This order comes into immediate effect. PA dat. 3/)._ / 1 2— Arun mar Yadav Dy Director (1\ISC) 4 Copy to:(1) (2) (3) Chairman & Members of the Working Group Chairman & Members of the NSC Secretary, Planning Commission, with a request nominates a representative in the Working Group. (4) Secretary, Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation with a request to nominate a representative in the Working Group. (5) Secretary, Deptt. of Animal Husbandry & Dairying with a request to nominate a representative in the Working Group. (6) Dy. Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai with a request to nominate a representative in the Working Group (7) Chairman, NABARD, with request to nominate a representative in the Working Group. (8) Chairman, CACP with a request to nominate a representative in the Working Group. (9) Addl. DG, NSSO (FOD/ DPD/ SDRD) (10) Addl. DG, CSO (SSD) (11 Addl. DG, CSO (NAD) 2) DDG, NSSO (CPD) (13) Director, State/ UT Directorates of Economics & Statistics (14) PS to Hon'ble MOS(IC) (15) "PS to Secretary (MOSPI) (16) PPS to AS& FA (17) PPS TO Addl. Secretary (MOSPI) (18) PS to JS (Admn),MOSPI (19) Director & HOD, MOSPI (20) Director (Cord), MOSPI (21) Director (IFD), MOSPI (22) Principal Pay & Accounts Officer (23) Deputy Controller of Accounts, MOSPI (24) Pay & Accounts Officer, MOSPI, New Delhi/ Kolkata/ Nagpur (25) Section officer, MOSPI Cash Section/ General Section/ Admn. I Section(26) Hindi Section for translation Arun kumar yadav Dy. Director(NSC) Tele Fax: 011-23367127 E-mail: [email protected] 5 page I MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FOREST—FINANCE 1300K , 01 t No. 19020/2/94/E.IV Government of India Ministry of Finance(Department of Expenditure ) New Delhi, the 10th August, 1994 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject:- Payment of TA/DA to outstation non-official Members of Commissions/Committees. TThe undersigned is directed to say that Daily Allowance (DA) in respect of outstation, non-official members, nominated on High Powered Committees/Commissions, constituted by the Govt. of India, for stay in Hotels in 'A' Class cities was fixed at Rs. 300/ - per day vide this Department's O.M. No. 19020/1/84/E. IV dated the 23rd June, 1986. Consequent upon increase in room rents in Hotels over the years, representations have been received from different Ministries/Departments that outstation non-official members find it difficult to get a single room in a standard Hotel with Rs.300/-per day in metropolitan cities • 2. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that outstation, non-official members nominated on High Powered Committees/Commissions constituted by the Govt. of India will be allowed reimbursement of single room rent and Daily Allowance in partial modification of the instructions contained in the O.R.Q. of 23rd June, 1986 as follows . (i) Reimbursement of rent in any State Guest House or for single room in medium range ITDC Hotels like Lodhi Hotel, Janpath Hotel. Ashok yatri Nivas or State Government run Tourist Hotels/hostels or Hotel, Qutab provided by registered societies like India International Centre and India Habitant residential-accommodation Centre OR (ii) Room rent for stay in private lodges/hotels will continue to be allowed upto the limits specified. (iii) Daily Allowance at the rate of 90% of ordinary rates of D.A. as admissible to the highest grade of civil servant for boarding purposes. (iv) In addition to the above, the outstation, non-official members will be entitled to Sitting Fee as decided by the administrative Ministry/Department concerned. 3. However, the rate of Conveyance Charges will continue to remain the same as indicated in O.M. No. 19020/4/91/E. IV dated the 28th July, 1992. 4. These facilities will be applicable only to outstation, non-official members nominated on High Powered Committees/Commissions and will come into force with immediate effect. 5. The other terms and conditions as mentioned in O.M. of 23rd June, 1986 will remain unchanged. (P.K. SHARMA) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India To 1. All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India. 2. All Financial Advisers hup://envfor.nicintifd/Web/bookpartala-ino-14.htm - 1/20/2012
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